Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine
The vaccine was implicated in 93% of the deaths in the patients they examined. What's troubling is the coroner didn't implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths.
The vaccines are bad news. Fifteen bodies were examined (all died from 7 days to 6 months after vaccination; ages 28 to 95). The coroner or the public prosecutor didn’t associate the vaccine as the cause of death in any of the cases. However, further examination revealed that the vaccine was implicated in the deaths of 14 of the 15 cases. The most attacked organ was the heart (in all of the people who died), but other organs were attacked as well. The implications are potentially enormous resulting in millions of deaths. The vaccines should be immediately halted.
No need to worry. It is doubtful that anything will happen because the work wasn’t published in a peer-reviewed journal so will be ignored by the scientific community. That’s just the way it works.
The protocol
The protocol is documented in this article:
The paper
I got an email recently from Mike Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, who urged me to check out this video. He wrote me this email on 12/24/21:
This is about the worst 15min I’ve ever seen.
Mass covid19 vaccination is leading to mass murder.
The video references this summary, posted on December 10, 2021, On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination by Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and Arne Burkhardt, MD. It has been getting a lot of attention lately.
Check out the number of likes and retweets… just in the first 3 hours!!!!
The authors did an autopsy in 15 patients who died (from 7 days to 6 months) after receiving the COVID vaccine. These were all cases where the coroner ruled as NOT being caused by the vaccine.
They discovered that in 14 of the 15 patients there was widespread evidence of the body attacking itself, something that is never seen before. The heart was attacked in all 14 cases.
Here is the kicker:
Not a single death was brought into any possible association with the vaccination by the coroner or the public prosecutor; this association was only established by our autopsy findings.
The initially performed conventional post-mortems also uncovered no obvious hints to a possible role of vaccination, since the macroscopic appearance of the organs was overall unremarkable
In other words, unless you are looking for it and know what tests to make, you will not see the “calling card” of a vaccine death.
A number of salient aspects dominated in all affected tissues of all cases:
inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endotheliitis), characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen;
the extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes;
a massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissue with T-lymphocytes.
Lymphocytic infiltration occasionally occurred in combination with intense lymphocytic activation and follicle formation. Where these were present, they were usually accompanied by tissue destruction.
Here's the video presentation of the results.
VAERS as well as other independent studies (e.g., see this vaccine injury paper) shows the vaccines are killing people and that cardiac events were highly elevated. This study is consistent with those results.
This work independently validates the analysis of Peter Schimacher who showed a minimum of 30% to 40% of the deaths after vaccine were caused by the vaccine.
Reactions from a level-headed scientist (name withheld to protect him from attack)
If the autopsy findings are confirmed by other pathologists with additional samples, and if they are combined with the findings of Dr. Hoffe (>60% inoculant recipients have elevated D-dimer tests and evidence of clotting) and Dr. Cole (increase in cancers after inoculation, including twenty-fold increase in uterine cancer), we are seeing a disaster of unimaginable proportions. The conclusion (if supported by further data) is that essentially EVERY inoculant recipient suffers damage, with more damage after each shot. Given the seriousness of the types of damage (autoimmune diseases, cancer, re-emergent dormant infections, clotting/strokes, cardiac damage, etc.), these effects will translate into lifespan reduction, which should be counted as deaths from the inoculations. So, in the USA, where ~200M people have been fully inoculated, the number of deaths will not be the 10,000 or so reported in VAERS, or the 150,000+ scaled-up deaths from VAERS, but could be closer to tens of millions when the inoculation effects play out!
What the above three findings (Burkhart, Hoffe, Cole, and I suspect many others who have not yet come forward) show is that the post-inoculation effects are not rare events (as reported by the media-gov't), but are in actuality frequent events. They may be, in fact, universal, with the severity and damage different for each recipient.
The question in my mind is whether it is possible to reverse these inoculation-based adverse events. Can the innate immune system be fully restored? Can the micro clotting be reversed? Can the autoimmunity be reversed? I have seen a wide spectrum of opinions on whether this is possible, none of which is overly convincing.
Are we headed for the situation where the ~30% unvaxxed will be devoting their lives to operating whatever is left of the economic infrastructure and serving as caretakers for the vaxxed?
I realize the above sounds extreme, and maybe when more data are gathered from myriad credible sources the results and conclusions may change, but right now the above data seem to synchronize with the demonstrated underlying mechanisms of damage. Additionally, we seem to be doubling down on inoculations, with fourth booster being proposed for Israel, and UK suggesting quarterly boosters.
Dr. Ryan Cole’s reaction
Background of two of the scientists behind the study
Dr. Bhakdi has spent his life practicing, teaching and researching medical microbiology and infectious diseases. He chaired the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany, from 1990 until his retirement in 2012. He has published over 300 research articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology and parasitology, and served from 1990 to 2012 as Editor-in-Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, one of the first scientific journals of this field that was founded by Robert Koch in 1887.
Dr. Arne Burkhardt is a pathologist who has taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. He was invited for visiting professorships/study visits in Japan (Nihon University), the United States (Brookhaven National Institute), Korea, Sweden, Malaysia and Turkey. He headed the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen for 18 years. Subsequently, he worked as an independent practicing pathologist with consulting contracts with laboratories in the US. Burkhardt has published more than 150 scientific articles in German and international scientific journals as well as contributions to handbooks in German, English and Japanese. Over many years he has audited and certified institutes of pathology in Germany.
As a full-time critical care physician, who is 10 years out of training and has been treating COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, I believe my first-hand experience has given me a good deal more insight than most. These are only my thoughts and opinions, take them with a grain of salt.
Fist, I do think the "vaccines" (novel biologics) likely had some short-lived efficacy in preventing severe disease and death from COVID, at least for the native strain and in vulnerable patients. Keep in mind, the number of truly vulnerable patients is quite low. And, I do believe there is pressure for escape variants with mass use of these biologics. Deploying them to non-vulnerable patients has likely been a very, very big mistake.
Second, the protection afforded by these novel biologics comes at a cost. Hence, physicians have traditionally utilized a risk-benefit ratio when making a recommendations to patients about their therapies. No drug has a zero risk. However, to provide an adequate picture of the risk-benefit comparison in a particular patient we MUST HAVE ACCURATE AND TIMELY DATA on the effects of the therapy. Neither of these have been provided during this pandemic, likely intentionally. And my gut instinct is that the published data which paints such a glowing picture of these biologics is highly suspect and skewed. Pushing these biologics on patients with near zero risk from COVID, having absolutely ZERO information of long-term effects (which increasingly appear to be very real and quite serious) is reprehensible and morally bankrupt.
That being said, the risk of potential adverse events from the biologics was probably NOT outweighed by the benefit in patients with advanced disease states and limited lifespan who are at very high risk of death from COVID. The same can certainly not be said for the remaining 99% of the world population. I am astounded by my profession's complete abandonment of this principle of risk vs. benefit. It is absolutely surreal to me to hear those who seem to be relatively informed, level-headed clinicians claim that "everyone should get vaccinated to stop the pandemic." It is an absurdity and flies in the face of both common sense and basic human physiology.
In the same vein, HCQ and Ivermectin are not without risk. However, there are small trials which have shown some benefit in both early and late treatment of severe COVID. Granted, one must dig through the backwaters of the internet to find these data, they are certainly not published in the mainstream medical journals. I wholeheartedly believe patients and their families should be offered the opportunity to utilize these agents if the risk and benefit are properly presented and disclosed. It is morally sound and is governed by the same principle as the "Right to Try" legislation which many of my colleagues seem so supportive of. Why that principle has been completely disregarded in the case of COVID leaves me dumbfounded and frustrated. If I order ivermectin for a patient, my hospital pharmacy has been instructed by the administration to cancel the order and inform me that I am not allowed to prescribe it. This seems very much like practicing medicine without a license, and I hope will one day be adjudicated with the hospitals held to account.
The vaccinated vs. unvaccinated question is also a troubling one. The data from the US should probably be completely disregarded. At my own facility, and those of my colleagues with whom I have had discussions, the documentation of a patient's vaccine status is abysmal. If hospital documentation is being utilized to determine these numbers, it is probably highly inaccurate. What I can tell you is that I work in a low vaccine-uptake state. I have a single patient with COVID on the ventilator at the moment, despite being at a 400-bed level 2 trauma center. And, that patient is confirmed vaccinated. Anecdotal, but true nevertheless.
Finally, I would also share my experience of treating COVID for 2 years. This is a disease that primarily causes severe illness in the obese and unhealthy. This is rarely discussed, and I'm not sure why. I would estimate that 80+% of my ventilated COVID patients over the pandemic have been obese or morbidly obese. All of the Vitamin D and Zinc in the world will not prepare an unhealthy, morbidly obese body for the onslaught of this virus. Because no studies have been done targeting this population, I have no way of knowing for sure - however I suspect that HCQ and ivermectin would have limited utility in these patients as well, certainly in the late stages of the disease. We are a nation of unhealthy, fat, inflamed bodies. And no quantity of statins and ace inhibitors, beta blockers or insulin will fix that. Pills do not provide health. They suppress disease, to a point, and may mask symptoms. But only diligence and work, an active and intentional seeking of health - mediated primarily by both diet and lifestyle, brings about true protection from any number of sinister pathologies waiting to strike.
What has happened here is sick. My profession is sick. The American population has lost faith in their healthcare system and providers, and I count myself among those who no longer put any degree of trust in the major institutions and watchdogs that stood guard against our current debacle. You are right to be angry and disgusted. Medicine has abandoned its core tenants and joined in the mass hysteria that has taken such an abrupt hold on our nation and the world. Reason and thoughtfulness have disappeared, replaced instead by snap judgement and knee-jerk reactivity without any real data or science to support them.
I have been granted a vaccine exemption by my own facility, out of sheer desperation on their part. The pandemic has left us dramatically understaffed and loss of another physician would likely have dire consequences to maintaining daily operations. I will remain unvaccinated and I quietly tell patients my own views on use of these biologics and their potential risks. At some point, I expect "they" will come for my head as well.
To the American public, please accept a sincere apology for what my profession has done here. A small number of us are mortified and embarrassed. I can only hope that the public can begin to trust their doctors again, though I fear that day is a long, very long way off.
I agree with so many comments here, but while it feels good to hear voices in agreement with mine, sitting on our computers will really change nothing. We have to find a way to take action that will help others to change their opinion. I was reading the article about Ivermectin and what they are doing in Japan. It gave me an idea to make copies of some of this info and start walking around my neighborhood giving it to people. Maybe have an Ivermectin march. I live in CT and most people I know have swallowed the kool-aid. But sometimes I stand on a busy corner with a couple of signs to unmask our kids and I get a fair number of honks. It hasn't built to anything, but at least I feel I'm doing something. I was also thinking of buying a few copies of The Real Anthony Fausti and selling them on that corner. It would be great if we could create some kind of network. BTW, I'm 79 and still going strong! My whole family is in the dark, so it's hard....