Husband recently received his 5th jab. NOW he is convinced he is safe. He has decided that he will finally eat inside restaurants. 🤦🏻♀️ I’m so done with all of this nonsense. Never been jabbed. I did get the cold over a year ago. Clearly survived. He’s terrified he’s going to die if he gets it. I cannot convince him otherwise. I don…
Husband recently received his 5th jab. NOW he is convinced he is safe. He has decided that he will finally eat inside restaurants. 🤦🏻♀️ I’m so done with all of this nonsense. Never been jabbed. I did get the cold over a year ago. Clearly survived. He’s terrified he’s going to die if he gets it. I cannot convince him otherwise. I don’t even care anymore. It’s called customer service. “That’s great dear! You got your 5th shot? Wonderful.” It’s a front row seat to sheer lunacy. So sad. Live my life. I’m a warrior. Steve, your posts are pure nuggets of sanity, humor, and hope. Thank you. And reading comments from other like-minded individuals also helps immeasurably.
My heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine what you’ve been through. This is not something any of us want to go through ‘alone’. Sadly, many spouses are split. It’s devastating. Hang in there 🙏🏻
Disfatbridge, thank you. It’s ok, I’m stronger than I ever was. Yes, it can be lonely, but I’ve learned so much and I know it was very intentional to experience what I did and come out the other side. I’m not alone. 💪🏻🙏❤️
So many believe as your husband does! I have a friend with 5 jabs who will see me in person this spring! She doesn’t go around unjabbed people. But, how does she know in public places? Doesn’t miss a beat! She’s safe there with her jabs and cotton mask! And I might add, she is intelligent! I’ll never get it.
Nancy, I’m cracking up with the “she’s safe there with her jabs and cotton mask!” Yes, I hear you, I will never understand it either! It almost seems like it’s the super intelligent people who are lacking the critical thinking skills!!! I have a lifelong friend and she’s extremely intelligent but she’s still fearful. I think she’s had #3, maybe #4. I don’t get it. Perhaps we never will. So will this be your first time seeing your friend? I saw a friend and she wore her mask. I thought I was gonna lose my cheese. I just can’t. We were at Starbucks to have coffee! 🤦🏻♀️
I think these people are all nuts! Even my old college friend won’t see us in person. We talk. She has tried to convince me to get the jab out of honest concern. Not happening.
Nancy, same! It’s hard to comprehend, isn’t it? Why at this point would anyone try to convince someone else to get the jab? Is it to make them feel better? Who knows. 🤷🏻♀️ They’re definitely a little nutty. They’ll never be the same. I stand with you!!! 👏👏👏
She was and is truely concerned we are in great danger if we won’t get jabbed. I can’t say to much, because her kids, grand all are jabbed! I just tell her not to worry,that I’ve had the flu many times and it’s no picnic. Rather 5he my chances of getting it again.
Yeah, I get that too. 😔 it’s so hard! Husband’s best friend and wife did NOT want to get jabbed but their adult kids would not let them see their grands unless they did. Anyway, I’m happy to remain “in great danger” like you. 💪🏻🙏❤️
Sharon, I can only speak for myself. I have no ill-effects, but I also do not spend a ton of time with my husband in close proximity. He works from home and basically doesn’t leave the house. I am gone all day. We also don’t sleep together - snoring issue, I think this is common for many, not to mention I love my space. I cannot lie! 😀- So I can’t really say for sure. 🤷🏻♀️
I believe there is a demon component to the illness and fear drives it. The most sick are the ones the most scared. Reading these replies show this may be a factor. I don’t trust the jabs, but I do trust my God- given immunity. And if death happens, so does the afterlife.
I feel your pain Blisa. My older teen has been begging me off and on to let them get the covid shots. No matter what info I send it seems to fall on deaf ears. I really hope I can get through to them before they turn 18. This whole situation is just pure insanity.
Joy, oh my goodness, I completely feel your pain! My 21 year old wouldn’t listen and got herself the shot. My 25 year old refuses. You have time! Keep pounding them with the truth! Yes, it is insanity!!!!
Thanks for the the encouragement Blisa! Sorry to hear that one of your kids got the shots. It’s painful as hell to watch young people make bad decisions.
I think I am going to carefully curate a file of information about the injections and print it all out. It’s more difficult to ignore a physical pile of papers than a link.
Mark Crispin Miller has a Substack that lists a lot of potential mRNA injuries and deaths that might be useful as well. I chose Kyle Warner's story to share with my son because he (my son) is into mountain biking and I figured he would be able to relate to this story. I suggest you find some stories of young people that have been injured (or died sadly) that your daughter could relate to based on her interests and that are in the same general age range.
Yes, we have several family members who fail to understand or listen to loving warnings. It is painful but necessary to know who is really aboard for the long journey the people of this planet are going to have to survive. We must know who our allies are and who is strong enough spiritually for this journey. It is a watershed time in history.
Absolutely! And I’m sorry you also have family members who are not on board. They’ve been warned....we can’t save them all. We can show them, but it’s their choice. So sad.
Happy to have you here Blisa. All us renegades and lone black sheep.
"It’s a front row seat to sheer lunacy." Indeed, except for our little nuclear family, I am in the same boat. I've spoken my truth, and they don't want to hear it again.
I’m crazy uncle xxxxx say my highly vaccinated and constantly c positive family. Can’t say I’ve tried to get it but have been in every “hot zone” throughout the ordeal and not even a cough.
What I fear, dread, is being proven correct. No solace in standing over a loved ones grave thinking “I told you so.”
I understand. And this alone & by itself I find almost more disturbing. The evil people in this world have created such a monopoly on information that we are all starting to give up; it feels like we are beginning to show the signs of "battered-wife-syndrome" from a marriage to a sadistic & abusive Capitalism. Or, what psychologist Martin Seligman called "Learned Helplessness" (where we disassociate from fear conditioning; no matter what we do, it is impossible to avoid the electric shock from our torturers; e.g., an experiment that used dogs ... and they eventually just lay down & gave up trying to even avoid the shock).
And, then there is the science experiment with rats, where they only survived a few minutes treading water in a bucket. But, they rats that were saved from drowning at the last minute; learned to not give up hope & treaded water much longer before drowning - (as long as 20 minutes longer) - cruel experiment; I know, yet very informative. It was named the "expectancy theory of motivation" ... i.e., theorizing that humans can become stronger and more resilient, provided they have hope of surviving.
... We can NOT afford to give up. If we give up we increase our own risk of death. I know this to be a fact of animal/human nature; once we give up, it's over. Yet, I feel like you do (i.e., no energy left). AND, it's really scaring me.
... We have to find reasons to hang on & keep fighting no matter what. In other words, hopelessness kills. Literally.
Bliza ... comment "I have not been able to convince either. It’s on them. And I don’t really have the energy or desire anymore, at this point" -- she mentioned regarding giving up on trying to communicate with blue-pilled ... I too have given up on trying with my family ... I see this as a bad sign.
Robyn and mzlizzi, I fully admit that living with an extremely anxious man is not ideal. Sprinkle in OCD and a few other things. 😩 Especially when said man refuses to accept there is anything wrong with him. We’re all a little broken. I’ve got cracks all over! Lol! But I own it. Anyway, made a conscious decision to stay. After trying to leave twice. I live with intention and joy. Not always easy but the path I chose. I plan to write a substack to tell my story and maybe inspire others. Even if no one reads it, it will help me. 🌻
I grew up in an Asperger's household yet I am NOT Aspie...but my firstborn is!! So I know what it's like living with 'crazy' !!!
PLEASE write your substack. You may never know how many people may actually read it, without liking it, but it may still have a profound effect on them.
I write my comments so that others may learn from them & their minds may open more - and I read others' comments such that my mind may open more :-) You should definitely write your story on substack because it will give a great view of someone who stays, rather than leaves, even though you does not believe in the same things as your partner; and perhaps it is precisely because you do NOT believe in those things that you are able -or choose - to stay! It sure sounds like love and commitment have played a very strong part, too. People ought to hear all sides of a story. It helps them to get a more rounded view of things.
Thanks Robyn ....Like you, I appreciate and learn from others. Thanks for your words and encouragement. I think I’ve found my people here! 😀 I enjoy reading comments too for same reasons. 💪🏻🌻
Sorry to hear your very awkward plight Blisa. Out of interest, have you checked out the 5 shots batches that your husband has taken at all? I would be interested to know how they rank in dangerousness based on ADR reports for each and in joint question, if you have personally found any ill effects towards yourself via "shedding", which appears to be very real, as the Pfizer documents suggested as "accidental trial agent exposures, via inhalation and skin contact"?
Best method of checking this is with the new VAERSAWARE dashboard of Eagle88s here:
Click the "TOXIX LOT SEARCH" tab at the top. Then Click the "Lot#" drop down box arrow and UNTICK "ALL", then type each BATCH CODE into the box for search results.
Hi...I’ve checked on “how bad is my batch” and the negative effects were minimal. I will look at vaersaware as well to see if there’s any discrepancies. Thank you! And no, I’ve not had any issues. No shedding. I’m healthy, eat well, exercise, and take my supplements. Thank you so much!
Good to hear came up largely blank. Eagle88s Vaersaware is much more accurate and thorough, across his various dashboards and the V-Safe data. A true mine of info from the official scraped datasets and unarguably the greatest tracker system out there. For the record my parents were lucky to get 3 shots of Saline. 1 J&J and then 2 Modernas from the same batch luckily, yet 3 months apart. A sleepy rural area, so the batch had not been updated. A lucky escape. My sister not so lucky with 2 real batches of mild/moderate severity from Pfizer, and although nothing serious has occurred, she has not felt well since them. My brothers had many shots but Covid has seen us fall out, so I am unable to check his, as despite my medical background, he just thinks I am a crazy conspiraloon, so will never indulge such wild fantasies to check such.
My heart goes out to you. How do you do it? Have you felt any ill effects from shedding being around him? Has he had any ill effects or do you think he's had all placeboes if he hasn't had any ill effects and you haven't have any "shedding" reactions? Thanks! And thank you for sharing your heart here.
Hi! How do I do it? Good question. I have uncovered a person I didn’t know was within me. It’s been a long road. I have a great core group of friends who think like me. And those that don’t, I have had to distanced myself.
I have had no ill effects that I am aware of. I take care of myself...gym, supplements, eat well. Sleep separately too. 🤷🏻♀️
Husband has had several ill effects but he is unable to connect the dots. He has these red bumps on his arms. Sort of like cysts. They hurt. He had it before covid and now it’s back. Originally diagnosed as serratia marcescens. Resistant to treatment. If you read about it, there’s some “interesting” history to it. 😬
He has woken up unable to hear out of right ear. This happened twice this year, March and July. Was given prednisone to reduce inflammation and hearing came back. They did run a test but found nothing. They said if it happens again, they’ll run more extensive testing.
He has a lot of inflammation in his body but he doesn’t eat well or take care of himself to begin with. So the shots have just compounded his already weakened system.
Those are the biggies for now. But there’s always something, it seems.
Sorry to hear of your husbands ailments. How very interesting S. Marcescens is indeed, from Religious misbeliefs to secret USA & UK Biowarfare tests!! Thanks for that.
Another Side Of The Story, thank you and yes, we understand each other. Glad you were able to save your daughters. My son refused but my daughter did it. I was devastated but she was old enough and wouldn’t listen. That ship has sailed. 😔 So my son and I sit on one side and husband and daughter on the other. 🤔 I like that you offer peace and sanity and strength. I literally asked for those things when I was trying to navigate this unprecedented (seriously hate that word!) time at the beginning. In addition to courage and clarity. And patience and kindness. Because I did not want to be the subject of a documentary on Netflix. 🤷🏻♀️ (Pardon my humor!) Anyway, I’m sorry for your dilemma as well. I offer you patience and strength and whatever else you need. It’s not easy. I understand. May your life be full and happy.
Husband recently received his 5th jab. NOW he is convinced he is safe. He has decided that he will finally eat inside restaurants. 🤦🏻♀️ I’m so done with all of this nonsense. Never been jabbed. I did get the cold over a year ago. Clearly survived. He’s terrified he’s going to die if he gets it. I cannot convince him otherwise. I don’t even care anymore. It’s called customer service. “That’s great dear! You got your 5th shot? Wonderful.” It’s a front row seat to sheer lunacy. So sad. Live my life. I’m a warrior. Steve, your posts are pure nuggets of sanity, humor, and hope. Thank you. And reading comments from other like-minded individuals also helps immeasurably.
My heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine what you’ve been through. This is not something any of us want to go through ‘alone’. Sadly, many spouses are split. It’s devastating. Hang in there 🙏🏻
Disfatbridge, thank you. It’s ok, I’m stronger than I ever was. Yes, it can be lonely, but I’ve learned so much and I know it was very intentional to experience what I did and come out the other side. I’m not alone. 💪🏻🙏❤️
So many believe as your husband does! I have a friend with 5 jabs who will see me in person this spring! She doesn’t go around unjabbed people. But, how does she know in public places? Doesn’t miss a beat! She’s safe there with her jabs and cotton mask! And I might add, she is intelligent! I’ll never get it.
Nancy, I’m cracking up with the “she’s safe there with her jabs and cotton mask!” Yes, I hear you, I will never understand it either! It almost seems like it’s the super intelligent people who are lacking the critical thinking skills!!! I have a lifelong friend and she’s extremely intelligent but she’s still fearful. I think she’s had #3, maybe #4. I don’t get it. Perhaps we never will. So will this be your first time seeing your friend? I saw a friend and she wore her mask. I thought I was gonna lose my cheese. I just can’t. We were at Starbucks to have coffee! 🤦🏻♀️
I think these people are all nuts! Even my old college friend won’t see us in person. We talk. She has tried to convince me to get the jab out of honest concern. Not happening.
Nancy, same! It’s hard to comprehend, isn’t it? Why at this point would anyone try to convince someone else to get the jab? Is it to make them feel better? Who knows. 🤷🏻♀️ They’re definitely a little nutty. They’ll never be the same. I stand with you!!! 👏👏👏
She was and is truely concerned we are in great danger if we won’t get jabbed. I can’t say to much, because her kids, grand all are jabbed! I just tell her not to worry,that I’ve had the flu many times and it’s no picnic. Rather 5he my chances of getting it again.
Yeah, I get that too. 😔 it’s so hard! Husband’s best friend and wife did NOT want to get jabbed but their adult kids would not let them see their grands unless they did. Anyway, I’m happy to remain “in great danger” like you. 💪🏻🙏❤️
Same here. Thank God for face time! We’re now safe to see all of them, because they’re safe with the jabs! 😢
Would you say you are proof that shedding apparently isn’t a concern for spouses etc?
Sharon, I can only speak for myself. I have no ill-effects, but I also do not spend a ton of time with my husband in close proximity. He works from home and basically doesn’t leave the house. I am gone all day. We also don’t sleep together - snoring issue, I think this is common for many, not to mention I love my space. I cannot lie! 😀- So I can’t really say for sure. 🤷🏻♀️
I believe there is a demon component to the illness and fear drives it. The most sick are the ones the most scared. Reading these replies show this may be a factor. I don’t trust the jabs, but I do trust my God- given immunity. And if death happens, so does the afterlife.
Yes to everything you said ETaylor!!!
I feel your pain Blisa. My older teen has been begging me off and on to let them get the covid shots. No matter what info I send it seems to fall on deaf ears. I really hope I can get through to them before they turn 18. This whole situation is just pure insanity.
Joy, oh my goodness, I completely feel your pain! My 21 year old wouldn’t listen and got herself the shot. My 25 year old refuses. You have time! Keep pounding them with the truth! Yes, it is insanity!!!!
Thanks for the the encouragement Blisa! Sorry to hear that one of your kids got the shots. It’s painful as hell to watch young people make bad decisions.
I think I am going to carefully curate a file of information about the injections and print it all out. It’s more difficult to ignore a physical pile of papers than a link.
🙏🙏🙏praying you get the message through!!! 🙏🙏🙏
I started forwarding links to anecdotal stories that I thought our teen son could relate to such as professional mountain biker Kyle Warner's story.
Thank you for that suggestion. I will find that story to send to my daughter.🪷
Mark Crispin Miller has a Substack that lists a lot of potential mRNA injuries and deaths that might be useful as well. I chose Kyle Warner's story to share with my son because he (my son) is into mountain biking and I figured he would be able to relate to this story. I suggest you find some stories of young people that have been injured (or died sadly) that your daughter could relate to based on her interests and that are in the same general age range.
And this was another article I had forwarded to my son:
Thank you so much for the link. Yes, I need to find stories she can relate to.
Yes, we have several family members who fail to understand or listen to loving warnings. It is painful but necessary to know who is really aboard for the long journey the people of this planet are going to have to survive. We must know who our allies are and who is strong enough spiritually for this journey. It is a watershed time in history.
Absolutely! And I’m sorry you also have family members who are not on board. They’ve been warned....we can’t save them all. We can show them, but it’s their choice. So sad.
Happy to have you here Blisa. All us renegades and lone black sheep.
"It’s a front row seat to sheer lunacy." Indeed, except for our little nuclear family, I am in the same boat. I've spoken my truth, and they don't want to hear it again.
I’m crazy uncle xxxxx say my highly vaccinated and constantly c positive family. Can’t say I’ve tried to get it but have been in every “hot zone” throughout the ordeal and not even a cough.
What I fear, dread, is being proven correct. No solace in standing over a loved ones grave thinking “I told you so.”
I understand. 😔
Maybe you should say: "you're an idiot, dear" speak your truth.
Nothing works for the blue-pilled ... NOTHING. My bag of tricks is empty.
Yes MJSchild60, I agree. I have not been able to convince either. It’s on them. And I don’t really have the energy or desire anymore, at this point.
I understand. And this alone & by itself I find almost more disturbing. The evil people in this world have created such a monopoly on information that we are all starting to give up; it feels like we are beginning to show the signs of "battered-wife-syndrome" from a marriage to a sadistic & abusive Capitalism. Or, what psychologist Martin Seligman called "Learned Helplessness" (where we disassociate from fear conditioning; no matter what we do, it is impossible to avoid the electric shock from our torturers; e.g., an experiment that used dogs ... and they eventually just lay down & gave up trying to even avoid the shock).
And, then there is the science experiment with rats, where they only survived a few minutes treading water in a bucket. But, they rats that were saved from drowning at the last minute; learned to not give up hope & treaded water much longer before drowning - (as long as 20 minutes longer) - cruel experiment; I know, yet very informative. It was named the "expectancy theory of motivation" ... i.e., theorizing that humans can become stronger and more resilient, provided they have hope of surviving.
... We can NOT afford to give up. If we give up we increase our own risk of death. I know this to be a fact of animal/human nature; once we give up, it's over. Yet, I feel like you do (i.e., no energy left). AND, it's really scaring me.
... We have to find reasons to hang on & keep fighting no matter what. In other words, hopelessness kills. Literally.
And that is exactly what the abusive system wants ... for us to all give up & just lie down like broken animals.
Bliza ... comment "I have not been able to convince either. It’s on them. And I don’t really have the energy or desire anymore, at this point" -- she mentioned regarding giving up on trying to communicate with blue-pilled ... I too have given up on trying with my family ... I see this as a bad sign.
Marrying someone you can call an idiot repeatedly and be agreed with is critically important. And vice versa.
Hood to know.
So I guess I'm ok, then. 🤣
Been there, done that. Trust me.
Robyn and mzlizzi, I fully admit that living with an extremely anxious man is not ideal. Sprinkle in OCD and a few other things. 😩 Especially when said man refuses to accept there is anything wrong with him. We’re all a little broken. I’ve got cracks all over! Lol! But I own it. Anyway, made a conscious decision to stay. After trying to leave twice. I live with intention and joy. Not always easy but the path I chose. I plan to write a substack to tell my story and maybe inspire others. Even if no one reads it, it will help me. 🌻
Everyone walks their own path, Blisa :-)
I grew up in an Asperger's household yet I am NOT Aspie...but my firstborn is!! So I know what it's like living with 'crazy' !!!
PLEASE write your substack. You may never know how many people may actually read it, without liking it, but it may still have a profound effect on them.
I write my comments so that others may learn from them & their minds may open more - and I read others' comments such that my mind may open more :-) You should definitely write your story on substack because it will give a great view of someone who stays, rather than leaves, even though you does not believe in the same things as your partner; and perhaps it is precisely because you do NOT believe in those things that you are able -or choose - to stay! It sure sounds like love and commitment have played a very strong part, too. People ought to hear all sides of a story. It helps them to get a more rounded view of things.
Thanks Robyn ....Like you, I appreciate and learn from others. Thanks for your words and encouragement. I think I’ve found my people here! 😀 I enjoy reading comments too for same reasons. 💪🏻🌻
You're a more patient woman than me. If my hubby went out and took any of these clot shots, I'd divorce him in an instant!
.....or, THAT ^^^
Hugs if you want them, Blisa. I'll keep you and hubs in prayer.
Sorry to hear your very awkward plight Blisa. Out of interest, have you checked out the 5 shots batches that your husband has taken at all? I would be interested to know how they rank in dangerousness based on ADR reports for each and in joint question, if you have personally found any ill effects towards yourself via "shedding", which appears to be very real, as the Pfizer documents suggested as "accidental trial agent exposures, via inhalation and skin contact"?
Best method of checking this is with the new VAERSAWARE dashboard of Eagle88s here:
Click the "TOXIX LOT SEARCH" tab at the top. Then Click the "Lot#" drop down box arrow and UNTICK "ALL", then type each BATCH CODE into the box for search results.
Fingers crossed he got 5 shots of Saline!
Hi...I’ve checked on “how bad is my batch” and the negative effects were minimal. I will look at vaersaware as well to see if there’s any discrepancies. Thank you! And no, I’ve not had any issues. No shedding. I’m healthy, eat well, exercise, and take my supplements. Thank you so much!
Good to hear came up largely blank. Eagle88s Vaersaware is much more accurate and thorough, across his various dashboards and the V-Safe data. A true mine of info from the official scraped datasets and unarguably the greatest tracker system out there. For the record my parents were lucky to get 3 shots of Saline. 1 J&J and then 2 Modernas from the same batch luckily, yet 3 months apart. A sleepy rural area, so the batch had not been updated. A lucky escape. My sister not so lucky with 2 real batches of mild/moderate severity from Pfizer, and although nothing serious has occurred, she has not felt well since them. My brothers had many shots but Covid has seen us fall out, so I am unable to check his, as despite my medical background, he just thinks I am a crazy conspiraloon, so will never indulge such wild fantasies to check such.
God was looking out for your parents!!!
Best of health - and luck - to both you and hubbie.
At some point in time you realize- Grin and Bear It.
Exactly. Every man for himself at this point. 💪🏻
You have a very healthy mindset. God bless you ❤️
Isn’t that the biggest lesson we learned in these catastrophic times. Hugs.
You poor soul. My wife and I are on the same page. Both in late 60's.
To have a partner on the same page as you is a true gift. Good for you both!
My heart goes out to you. How do you do it? Have you felt any ill effects from shedding being around him? Has he had any ill effects or do you think he's had all placeboes if he hasn't had any ill effects and you haven't have any "shedding" reactions? Thanks! And thank you for sharing your heart here.
Hi! How do I do it? Good question. I have uncovered a person I didn’t know was within me. It’s been a long road. I have a great core group of friends who think like me. And those that don’t, I have had to distanced myself.
I have had no ill effects that I am aware of. I take care of myself...gym, supplements, eat well. Sleep separately too. 🤷🏻♀️
Husband has had several ill effects but he is unable to connect the dots. He has these red bumps on his arms. Sort of like cysts. They hurt. He had it before covid and now it’s back. Originally diagnosed as serratia marcescens. Resistant to treatment. If you read about it, there’s some “interesting” history to it. 😬
He has woken up unable to hear out of right ear. This happened twice this year, March and July. Was given prednisone to reduce inflammation and hearing came back. They did run a test but found nothing. They said if it happens again, they’ll run more extensive testing.
He has a lot of inflammation in his body but he doesn’t eat well or take care of himself to begin with. So the shots have just compounded his already weakened system.
Those are the biggies for now. But there’s always something, it seems.
Sorry to hear of your husbands ailments. How very interesting S. Marcescens is indeed, from Religious misbeliefs to secret USA & UK Biowarfare tests!! Thanks for that.
Yep!!! You are welcome. Thought you’d find that interesting. And thanks for posting the link as well.
Oh mzlizzi, you nailed it. 30 years of marriage and cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried.
I’m done. DONE. Don’t care.
I can’t care more about his health than him. I’ve adopted the YOU DO YOU mindset.
When I did try, he’d get on board. And then it would fizzle out. Same pattern over and over.
I suspect many of the "shedding" effects are allergies which must be acquired.
Another Side Of The Story, thank you and yes, we understand each other. Glad you were able to save your daughters. My son refused but my daughter did it. I was devastated but she was old enough and wouldn’t listen. That ship has sailed. 😔 So my son and I sit on one side and husband and daughter on the other. 🤔 I like that you offer peace and sanity and strength. I literally asked for those things when I was trying to navigate this unprecedented (seriously hate that word!) time at the beginning. In addition to courage and clarity. And patience and kindness. Because I did not want to be the subject of a documentary on Netflix. 🤷🏻♀️ (Pardon my humor!) Anyway, I’m sorry for your dilemma as well. I offer you patience and strength and whatever else you need. It’s not easy. I understand. May your life be full and happy.