Dr Bahkdi, bless him, still believes in the virus as independent external pathogen myth.

Truth is, so-called viruses, which are nothing but a sequence of genetic code wrapped in an exosome) are produced with all living organisms as a result of cellular death and decay. The particular gene expression within the exosome depends on the general state of homeostasis in the body. Certainly, when over production of toxic exosomes takes place we experience what we refer to as “dis-ease” and depending on what the body recruits to expel these toxic compounds and molecules they can be transmitted to others.

As Dr Enders demonstrated in his seminal 1950’s studies on viruses. Exosomes and so-called virus particles are identical under a microscope.

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It’s not just in the vaccines. I think that is a false premise. Appears, that also they might have started testing this new tech in 2017 already. So… flu shots anyone?

Also, I do believe that we can detox, do dna repair etc… I would start w a 10 day water & celtic salt FAST ( celtic salt for electrolytes) . They recommend this for most diseases, even cancer.

In the bible in Mathew 17:21 says certain type of “parasites” (including spiritual), detach ONLY w PRAYER & FASTING.

So… wisdom of ages, science … all agree!

Besides that, serious detox snd dna repair - I know organics r great for removing heavy metals: cilantro, oregano, parsley, dandelion… as raw greens, also organic red onion and garlic, fantastic for detox, turmeric, nigela sativa (black cumin), these r also super herbs for detox.

Also, to pull toxins out: drink activated charcoal / bentonite clay, I personally also take Boron, and a pinch of salt sized Borax 20Mule (1/8th of tea spoon), cause CIA whistleblowers talk about it a lot.

Bioresonance machines r suppossed to deactivate the nano.

Also, how about the Lhakovsky Multiwave Oscillator??

Why I say it IS the nano and it IS in everything:

in this Nasa document from 2001, Future of Warfare, on page 32 it talks mentions ‘of particular concern’ ‘uncontrollable replication of nano-“replicators”’



It also talks about nano swarms and mechanized nano dust that can be aerosolized, inhaled, and it bores into lung tissue to deliver pathogens, calls the era of mankind “bio/nano” starting from 2020, and get this, the next one after is… VIRTUAL….

Literally building the Matrix

Also interesting how they admit all the emfs and I mean the whole thing had me crying in my coffee half a dozen times, reading thru it - how many of these ‘viruses’ r aerosolized nanobots delivering poison?

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Nobody made any comment on the first link you put above. Is this something fake you created or this is a real presentation by NASA????? I'm on page 33 and quite frankly it's unbelievable. Of course somebody is getting paid to produce this type of future study but too much of it is already possible.

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The document is from 2001 and it is real. It caused me so much trouble, it got my Instagram taken down, then the entire internet archive went down, the next day, and I had to find a second link. The google link.

I was focusing on their chew chew robot in it and the fact they consider erad pf mankind bio until 2020, introduces Borgs in 2020, and have clearly weaponized smart dust, where they can they can aerosolize it and ir bores into ur lungs to deliver pathogens etc.

But the chew chew robots that feed on felsh the inventor said would eat humans. Imagine if they have armies of flesh eating robots that sustain themselves w meat as fuel.

Whatever this document is, got my soc media down within minutes, as I was saying, then I posted pictures of the links cause they had removed my text under my post, so next then they took the entire site down.

The document was released by the guy when he retired, his name is up in the corner

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Thank you. Will get back to it and some follow-up I've got in mind.

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Here is my 1st instagram post about it, just highlights on some pages i found interesting, but i found it thru this woman’s video, i’ll try and find it for u, her points were interesting:


The one rights after it also has some pages, that’s because they harassed me for days just about posting it, i still cannot figure out why, after all i am a nobody, but maybe just is more algorythm triggering or smthg. It never happened that they would remove my text under a post, like it happened after this one.

Here is Debbie’s video:


Talks about “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars” also, I can find u that one too, if u don’t have it.

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Childhood vaccines are also destroying children's health. Children who never got any vaccination are have much better health outcomes. It's about time to scrap these vaccines.

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What if I told you that we've been in WW3 for 4 years and counting?

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Finally got my "like" button to work on this post.

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+1 Good job! Wish I could get MINE to work!

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Insane, who kills millions willingly.

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+1 only mentally-ill (inbred?) ASSHOLES who were neglected and/or abused by mentally-ill ASSHOLE parents who were neglected and/or abused by THEIR mentally-ill ASSHOLE parents all the way back to the day their mentally-ill ASSHOLE primate ancestors left the trees.

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MY like button doesn't work on this post. Something going on with Substack?

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Just happened to me they sent me an email and its okay to like ?

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They've been deleting tons of my followers and subs! I watch the notices come in to my email, but they don't show up on my list on substack. They have PLENTLY of excuses for their shadow banning processes, but they're really not very careful about it. I suppose they'll get better at covering their tracks down the road;-) When they mess with things there are ALWAYS tracks left behind.

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This is nuts. Adverse jab events experienced by placebo recipients: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8767431/

(AE stands for adverse event)

"Twelve articles with AE reports for 45 380 participants (22 578 placebo recipients and 22 802 vaccine recipients) were analyzed. After the first dose, 35.2% (95% CI, 26.7%-43.7%) of placebo recipients experienced systemic AEs, with headache (19.3%; 95% CI, 13.6%-25.1%) and fatigue (16.7%; 95% CI, 9.8%-23.6%) being most common."

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It is very brutal to hear or read about adverse reactions and other Things in case of these vaccinations. I am German and Here - in the Media- are Stoneage about it. My Hope ist that the vaccinated peaple come more Forward and in Focus. It is soooo sad. My Family Breaks apart

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Well then maybe you should try as little French and guillotine

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I would like to see exact instructions to give to the lab on staining techniques to identify lymphocytic infiltrates. With cancers on the rise this could be done during biopsies of the living.

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I think you will get the most positive support in academic circles if the data is presented neutrally and comment on it is kept to separate channels?

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Fighting tears watching that video of Dr. Bhakdi. I just want to hug him and cry. I'm so grateful to the normally frustrating Internet and instant communication that allows me to hear from people like Dr. Bhakdi from all over the world. Bless Dr. Bhakdi and Bless Steve Kirsch for giving me the opportunity to listen and learn.

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is my personal hero in all this.

Dr. Bhakdi was the first lucid doctor I found who supported my intuition that the Covid "pandemic" was a bogus totalitarian move from its beginnings.

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Jennifer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Recently anounced the shots are a Bioweapon.

After 2 jabs you lose 85% of your natural immunity and you don't get it back. They are "Gene theraphy" reprogramming your cells to attack each other ultimately destroying your immunity to a point that a common cold can kill you. More people have died postvax than from the virus. I challenge anybody to prove me wrong.

Follow Peter McCullough for a detox regimen.

God bless 🙏

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Now, some of us people know that when certain things were taken away or deprived from us we would do whatever it takes to keep our freedom of traveling and luxury of life going even if it cost our health.So sad for humanity at this point.

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Your odds of survival are as good as playing roulette.

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