Finally got my "like" button to work on this post.

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Insane, who kills millions willingly.

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MY like button doesn't work on this post. Something going on with Substack?

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Just happened to me they sent me an email and its okay to like ?

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They've been deleting tons of my followers and subs! I watch the notices come in to my email, but they don't show up on my list on substack. They have PLENTLY of excuses for their shadow banning processes, but they're really not very careful about it. I suppose they'll get better at covering their tracks down the road;-) When they mess with things there are ALWAYS tracks left behind.

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This is nuts. Adverse jab events experienced by placebo recipients: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8767431/

(AE stands for adverse event)

"Twelve articles with AE reports for 45 380 participants (22 578 placebo recipients and 22 802 vaccine recipients) were analyzed. After the first dose, 35.2% (95% CI, 26.7%-43.7%) of placebo recipients experienced systemic AEs, with headache (19.3%; 95% CI, 13.6%-25.1%) and fatigue (16.7%; 95% CI, 9.8%-23.6%) being most common."

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It is very brutal to hear or read about adverse reactions and other Things in case of these vaccinations. I am German and Here - in the Media- are Stoneage about it. My Hope ist that the vaccinated peaple come more Forward and in Focus. It is soooo sad. My Family Breaks apart

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Well then maybe you should try as little French and guillotine

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I would like to see exact instructions to give to the lab on staining techniques to identify lymphocytic infiltrates. With cancers on the rise this could be done during biopsies of the living.

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I think you will get the most positive support in academic circles if the data is presented neutrally and comment on it is kept to separate channels?

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Fighting tears watching that video of Dr. Bhakdi. I just want to hug him and cry. I'm so grateful to the normally frustrating Internet and instant communication that allows me to hear from people like Dr. Bhakdi from all over the world. Bless Dr. Bhakdi and Bless Steve Kirsch for giving me the opportunity to listen and learn.

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Jennifer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Recently anounced the shots are a Bioweapon.

After 2 jabs you lose 85% of your natural immunity and you don't get it back. They are "Gene theraphy" reprogramming your cells to attack each other ultimately destroying your immunity to a point that a common cold can kill you. More people have died postvax than from the virus. I challenge anybody to prove me wrong.

Follow Peter McCullough for a detox regimen.

God bless 🙏

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Now, some of us people know that when certain things were taken away or deprived from us we would do whatever it takes to keep our freedom of traveling and luxury of life going even if it cost our health.So sad for humanity at this point.

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Your odds of survival are as good as playing roulette.

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Arrest Birx, Fauci and all CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

They can't see the injuries or deaths as it incriminates them in pushing them and calling them safe and effective while we watched them lie in real time across the world . We watch these insane vaccine mandates and passports create chaos across the world followed with hate speech. . .,they mandated a product that has death and injury or they fired you or wouldn't let you go to school or play sports....... they were evil and they know it.... they violated medical ethics and Human Rights declarations and charters

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Why are you so lazy to research? You have no meaning to me and therefore no value here.

Now run along and get your shot. It could be your last.

Move on.

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Could be your last , literally

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Steve, I have to say, this post is on my top 10 of all time for Pandemic

"Real Science and Truth".

Tanks for all you do.

Your saving lives.

Now whose going to go to Congress and present this to stop all vaccine shots?

This is Nobel prize worthy.

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