Apparently we have variant soup shown in testing waste water

with at least 120 types

Well I’m not surprised with high rate of vaccination here in New Zealand No stats on hospitals and not V includes those who aren’t classified as fully vaccinated with at least 4 jabs

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Though jabbed, Steve Kirsch will always be Honorary PureBlood #1, in my view.

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Nov 5, 2022
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PureBlood PureBlood PureBlood, ha ha.

How does "F*ck you, Karen" sound?

PureBlood PureBlood PureBlood, na na na-na naaaa.

I'm tired of being discriminated against. I will not walk on eggshells. I've lost job opportunities and relationships. And the Clot Shotters are not backing down.

Go have a booster. They're free. It'll protect you from the mlah mlah mlah mlah.


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Nov 6, 2022
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Nov 6, 2022Edited
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Spare me your psycho-babble BULLSHYTE.

I feel deep sympathy for those who were coerced into the Clot Shot.

By using the awesome term PUREBLOOD I stand against those Clot Shotters who continue to push this poison upon Humanity.

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I was waiting so long for someone to say this. Thank you.

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The v-safe protocol form lists a series of 15 “Adverse Events of Special Interest” but, unbelievably, the v-safe program itself does not even track these adverse events!


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Is hairy tongue a side effect ofthe shots?

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Yes it is.

A major one for that matter.

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Fordham University, Jesuit school, still enforcing Covid Vax policy including bivalent booster. I took a page from Steve's playbook & emailed them as an alum with tons of links to studies showing vax injury/harm/ineffectiveness. I wonder if I'll hear back... Thanks Steve, appreciate having strategies to fight this madness!

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Do you finally believe that vaccines cause AUTISM?

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Aluminum has been associated with Autism - I think it is causal - it's well know - Exley's work is seminal..

After 14 years research in this area may I ask you a question? How many vaccines does one need to live a healthy life - my view - NONE!

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You've got it wrong; autism causes vaccines

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No sh****.

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Dr 'Sucharit Bhakdi' COVID-19 Vaccine Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People

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It's also a pandemic of lies...

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Absolutely true, they will NOT talk about the end results of their gene therapy jabs. IT'S NOT A VACCINE

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Dr Walensky, 53, has COVID yet again…Oct 30th

Has received four doses of the COVID-19 vaccines, including a bivalent booster received on September 22.

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It's all a lie...

She didn't get any of the real thing. Why would she?, when she's not crazy.

It's designed to keep the unsuspecting sheeple happy and feeling like "we're all this together". Misery likes company.

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Couldn’t happen to a nicer lady

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It's all scam. There is not an accurate test to detect covid. Plus, she most likely had saline shots like most people in power

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poetic justice...she needs karma cleansing...

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A holiday message for all vaxxed : "Give yourself another 'vaccine'!"

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