And I'll keep plugging this one until I am proven wrong....My wife and I are the elders of our whole extended family and the only ones unjabbed with this experimental rubbish...And the whole family bar none have now had this's not like we haven't made every effort to catch this thing....I am a recalcitrant type of person so I…
And I'll keep plugging this one until I am proven wrong....My wife and I are the elders of our whole extended family and the only ones unjabbed with this experimental rubbish...And the whole family bar none have now had this's not like we haven't made every effort to catch this thing....I am a recalcitrant type of person so I made every effort to ignore every stupid idea put forward by every stupid health bureaucrat in an effort to see just how stupid their advice really was...turns out, it was worse than I matter how much we disobeyed them, my wife and I couldn't get sick. Talk about a let down....perhaps it's my own lack of judgement dissapointing me...after all these people are a product of a post modern education..I should have known.!🙈
Fellow Aussie. Totes agree. Although I did manage to catch it. I was at the Brisbane Club (I’m not a member!) during all this rubbish on a cold winters day but in the glorious sunshine. I was already “awake” to the hoax but every lawyer, politician and doctor around me weren’t. We were all (about 100 of) us shoved into this room we allowed to take masks off ...but ...for those drinking alcohol had to be seated. I don’t drink so it gave me this surprisingly good feeling standing over my fellow peers and asking them “don’t u think this is all starting to feel like they’re trolling us?”.
Nup. They all agreed it was the science like good little sheep. Couldn’t wait to get the fk out of there.
100% correct!! I too am unjabbed and have not caught this thing either! And I also have not been masking or participated in any other stupid guidelines that have been pushed upon society!
Yep unjabbed here as well. No way was I putting that poison in my body. Watching all my jabbed associates getting covid once, twice and some three. I will NEVER forget the day Biden said pandemic of the unvaccinated and the backlash that followed. To me personally, that day it was war.
Many credentialed researchers and physicians have said it is a mistake to vaccinate into an epidemic. We have seen how this has encouraged more variants to which the response has been more shots. At the very beginning of the pandemic a couple of immunologists from California put out a YouTube, immediately censored of course, claiming that to function properly, one’s immune system must regularly encounter pathogens. This makes sense in light of today’s thinking about allergies and why today we have so many serious food allergies. I followed that advice.
& for the most part,this 5gradiation throwed down us now is what the cause of most viruses spreading more,emf's very dangerous to our health,when it lands on certain surfaces can create a virus on its own,,& will coincide with the graphene oxide to control the mass with the nwo. All the dangers of 5g is on their web-site,but most think they have to follow the leader since we have them,paganists at that.
Same experience here, and I work in retail! All the younger jabbed coworkers have been out sick multiple times, still wear their masks and I can’t seem to get one day off! Huge shout out to Dr Paul Alexander for his relentless reminders regarding COVID Prevention Protocols!
It's crazy out there for sure... the Cult of Covid members are just following the bullshit like sheep to the slaughter. "Oh I have to quarantine for 14 days... I can't believe I got infected... I wear a mask all the time..." And now we 59 Korean kids die from cardiac arrest because of a crowd? Nothing to see here... move along... get your booster and shut up.
My entire life of nonconformity and resistance to being “normal” resulted in me saying to myself, WTF in going here and then “I think I will pass” to the nurse from my doctor’s office who called me in March of 2021 to tell me that my age qualified me to get the “vaccine” early. Why are they calling me for this? I say to myself. Something is fishy here for sure. Since then I have educated myself on the jab and our immune system. And yes the more I know the less optimistic I am about the fate of the vaccinated. I now write a SubStack to help Pure Bloods deal with the situation we find ourselves in.
Agree, but it is important to try and feel empathy for those who were conned....we need all of us working to defeat this evil.....those behind this have a much bigger agenda and they have tried this before. We all need to be awake and in this fight, if we want to beat these despots, vaxxed or unvaxxed....🙏
Oh yes, I forgot to mention I am in the “high risk” group with several preexisting conditions so I have had to endure extreme pressure from my doctors to take the jab. One MD even told me I was crazy for working a retail job while unvaccinated. I’m making light of the situation but I’m seriously disturbed by the fractured relationships I now have with my once most trusted medical (professionals). 😒
Yes, I feel for you and have those fractured relationships in my family as well. It's particularly hard, but we need to try and stay positive for our own health. but also to try and convince other family members, that we were right. As more and more of these variants or colds affect them whilst not effecting us, our argument against this clot shot gets louder and they can only ignore it for so long. Thats why 33% of those who signed up now regret their choice and added to the 20% of us, the antivaxxers are the majority.....and thats the way I want this story to evolve....!🙏
Who can trust a "Doctor" again? Many are literally mass murders now. Many need to tried for mass murder and hung from the nearest oak tree. Their pay checks and their homes and their cars and their kids fancy educations were worth more than the "lives" of their patients. They have lied and supported a narrative, a system and protocols that have led to the injury and death of thousands and soon to be millions of human beings. At this point we must assume that most of them are responsible for murder. I would want to see proof that they were not part of the system of death before I could trust them at all.
I know what you're saying and understand your thinking. I too am angry and frustrated, but I try and focus on those good doctors, scientists, and the likes of Steve Kirsch or Igor Chudov, who have risked everything to spread the word. Yes I smelt a rat, but these people were the key to unravelling this mess and still are. I too want justice in the end and will never stop pushing for that. And my trust is definitely shaken, but I know, there are still a few good men and women true to that hippocratic oath and humanity itself. 🙏
There are a few left that are good and even great. But generally speaking, the entire health care system is so corrupt and flawed (and genocidal) that it will take "decades" for even a new "fixed" system to be accepted again by ordinary people. And as this mass genocide plays out, many of these "health care professionals" will face legal or extra legal punishment that will remove them from the planet (hopefully). The big problem moving forward will be having enough health care professionals who are alive, well and able to deliver care. Sorry but it you participated in the killing the people who trusted you with their health... You are a criminal. You are a murderer. You deserve a rope and a strong tree.
Remember how even the doctors who are now against jabbing anyone used to say “just isolate and vaccinate the elderly and high risk people.”? I was screaming then NO WAY! Why on earth would I mess with my already compromised immune system with an experimental gene therapy?
And you were right....Peter McCulloch gave me the best advice and it marries up with putting savlon or iodine on a cut. It kills the germs instantly. A diluted saline solution, hydrogen peroxide, etc nasal and throat rinse is the same principal and works for any ailment that starts in the upper resperatory system. It kills the virus at source and isn't that the best way to put out a fire....!🙏
For sure... What I am some sort of VIP? Fuck you and the horse that brought your sorry ass into town. A lot of old folks were fooled by this bullshit and are now paying the price. I am healthy and fit and 71.... and they can all kiss my ass.
You would probably like my SubStack.... the vaccine rabbit hole it has been called.... be advised.... you will be never be the same or come back from it...
Cool...Enter with caution... send it to any Pure Bloods you know.... my subscribers tell me it helps them get through the shit... I am just trying to help if I can... this is the nightmare of all nightmares.
Cheers, you too...and the very fact you didn't take that shot is probably why you are chatting now. My wife was told by all her specialists before she had open heart surgery to have that clot shot....I knew then thanks to that infamous interview with Steve, Dr.Malone and Brett Weinstein, that these things were going to cause some grief and after many stressful disscussions, she went along with me and not the doctors advising her. We know now, that those doctors wete never going to tell her the truth, even if they knew it as the PM at the time ,Morrison had an insider in AHPRA ( his brother is deputy chair) and they were threatening any doctor who spoke out with deregulation. The upshot, my wife is going great post open heart surgery and hasn't even looked like catching this bloody cold.....covid discussions at Christmas are going to be a lot of fun for this old bloke......!👍🙏
I did everything I could not to get it but prepared by taking my vitamins and
Had ivermectin and n hand just in case! We got it last December. My husband just got tired and achy! 5 days into this virus I got so sick and my kids yelled at me to get to dr. Went to walk in with oxygen at 92 and covid pneumonia. Next morning still doing terrible but went in for the monocle infusion! Oxygen kept dropping. They let me go home with oxygen tank which I used for 2 weeks! Had I gotten the infusion early in my virus I wouldn’t have gotten as sick as I did but doctors say it’s up to you and didn’t make it like it’d work or anything. Thank God for that! Ivermectin worked for Jack and so many other people but it did not make one bit of difference in me! Still not vaxed and am so happy I didn’t! But have to tell you not one doctor or nurse tried to convince me to get vac and we’re all very nice and respectful to me!
Did you try Ivermectin before the 7th day? Omicron was very contagious which is prob what you had. I had it Xmas week. It sounds like you made a full recovery!
Not trying to be naysayer or anything, just offering some suggestion for if you become ill again with *covid* or any resp virus. Updated guidance is, rough rule of thumb...1 mg per 10 lb of body weight, for prevention. Early treatment, as in first sign of symptoms, 2mg per 10 lb of body weight. Past the first day, 4mg per, late treatment ( day 5 or beyond), 6mg per. Not precise, but thankfully ivm is safe enough to not be concerned about precision, and it is better, in this case, to take more, rather than less. Quercetin works as well ( actually a teeny bit better, per the stats), in prevention, but no need to take both at the same time. Oh...yeah...a bit of zinc with both the ivm and quercetin seems to be the magic bullet.
I am so glad you made the choices you did, and so glad you had the experience you did with those medical staff still taking care of patients. Ivermectin has been a particular bee in my bonnet as it has been one of the lynch pins holding up they're EUA's. But the evidence around it's effacacy is clear unlike the fraudulent data supporting those shots. And you're right to be grateful to not have been jabbed. I am genuinely more frightened of the rammifications for humanity over the coming decades of these poisons than I ever was of Covid...🙏
My sentiments exactly. See my comment below. I have not been able to catch it ever despite deliberately going out of my way. My wife “caught” it in March 2020 (well, positive PCR, whatever that means) and it was such a meaningless, damp squib, our daughter and I did not isolate from her or other such nonsense, and from that point we knew something was up. I have never worn a mask, sanitised my hands, and I have even gone to spend time in the company of people I knew who “had” it, but no. Not so much as a mild sniffle. I am ready to believe the pandemic has been a fear and stress-driven, vitamin D-deficient, exercise-restricted psychological attack on the immune system producing the same plausible symptoms as a pathogen.
I am all out of sympathy for everyone I know who blindly lined up and took these utterly unnecessary, useless jabs. We knew then as now there was no need, and they were potentially dangerous. Now all our futures are compromised not just by the impact of the ill health time bomb all around, but also what the mass compliance has signalled to the psychopathic power grid.
Always believed this was a crock! Research throughout proved true. But my adult children and all grands are ok to see me(us) now, because they are all protected from us with the jabs and boosters! Still won’t discuss or read any relevant info, so I’ve given up! Breaks my heart. Just keep hoping they got the saline, but we know the chances of that!😢😡
As an Aussie living in NZ, I totally agree with you. My kids, grandkids , nearly all jabbed and most have had this cold. But my wife and I just can't get it. Can I put it down to Hydrogen Peroxide nebulising, or Nigella Sativa, or Quercetin, all taken prophylactically? And we never obeyed the guidelines from the morons on TV.
Sure can...anything the " good doctors" advocated was spot on and ironically not dissimilar to stuff our grandparents knew. You know, vitamin d, c , cod liver oil, fresh air, and with the updates of those same good doctors of quecertin, zink, nigella sativa, NAC ...and yes, those mouth wash and nebulisers, even us old folk couldn't get sick which just goes to prove how much the powers tried to create a false narative to inject every arm. I remember standing in our kitchen and the moment it twigged....I said to my wife" they're herding us" and they've been doing it for longer than we's past time more of us defied these bastards, and I hope that those younger ones who thought they had it all worked out may just open they're eyes....a little....but I won't hold my breath....🤦♂️🤷♂️🙏
Yep....those getting sick are those that took that jab....anecdotal in my family....and the stats back it up....I'll never trust my govt again no matter which team holds the flag....!🤷♂️
And I'll keep plugging this one until I am proven wrong....My wife and I are the elders of our whole extended family and the only ones unjabbed with this experimental rubbish...And the whole family bar none have now had this's not like we haven't made every effort to catch this thing....I am a recalcitrant type of person so I made every effort to ignore every stupid idea put forward by every stupid health bureaucrat in an effort to see just how stupid their advice really was...turns out, it was worse than I matter how much we disobeyed them, my wife and I couldn't get sick. Talk about a let down....perhaps it's my own lack of judgement dissapointing me...after all these people are a product of a post modern education..I should have known.!🙈
Fellow Aussie. Totes agree. Although I did manage to catch it. I was at the Brisbane Club (I’m not a member!) during all this rubbish on a cold winters day but in the glorious sunshine. I was already “awake” to the hoax but every lawyer, politician and doctor around me weren’t. We were all (about 100 of) us shoved into this room we allowed to take masks off ...but ...for those drinking alcohol had to be seated. I don’t drink so it gave me this surprisingly good feeling standing over my fellow peers and asking them “don’t u think this is all starting to feel like they’re trolling us?”.
Nup. They all agreed it was the science like good little sheep. Couldn’t wait to get the fk out of there.
I know what you mean....sometimes you just gotta laugh or the whole thing makes you cry....!🤦♂️
100% correct!! I too am unjabbed and have not caught this thing either! And I also have not been masking or participated in any other stupid guidelines that have been pushed upon society!
Yep unjabbed here as well. No way was I putting that poison in my body. Watching all my jabbed associates getting covid once, twice and some three. I will NEVER forget the day Biden said pandemic of the unvaccinated and the backlash that followed. To me personally, that day it was war.
Absolutely!!!! I agree!!! 💪🏻
Good for you... we will need you (and all of us Pure Bloods) to set this shit straight and build a new world.
Many credentialed researchers and physicians have said it is a mistake to vaccinate into an epidemic. We have seen how this has encouraged more variants to which the response has been more shots. At the very beginning of the pandemic a couple of immunologists from California put out a YouTube, immediately censored of course, claiming that to function properly, one’s immune system must regularly encounter pathogens. This makes sense in light of today’s thinking about allergies and why today we have so many serious food allergies. I followed that advice.
& for the most part,this 5gradiation throwed down us now is what the cause of most viruses spreading more,emf's very dangerous to our health,when it lands on certain surfaces can create a virus on its own,,& will coincide with the graphene oxide to control the mass with the nwo. All the dangers of 5g is on their web-site,but most think they have to follow the leader since we have them,paganists at that.
Same experience here, and I work in retail! All the younger jabbed coworkers have been out sick multiple times, still wear their masks and I can’t seem to get one day off! Huge shout out to Dr Paul Alexander for his relentless reminders regarding COVID Prevention Protocols!
It's crazy out there for sure... the Cult of Covid members are just following the bullshit like sheep to the slaughter. "Oh I have to quarantine for 14 days... I can't believe I got infected... I wear a mask all the time..." And now we 59 Korean kids die from cardiac arrest because of a crowd? Nothing to see here... move along... get your booster and shut up.
My entire life of nonconformity and resistance to being “normal” resulted in me saying to myself, WTF in going here and then “I think I will pass” to the nurse from my doctor’s office who called me in March of 2021 to tell me that my age qualified me to get the “vaccine” early. Why are they calling me for this? I say to myself. Something is fishy here for sure. Since then I have educated myself on the jab and our immune system. And yes the more I know the less optimistic I am about the fate of the vaccinated. I now write a SubStack to help Pure Bloods deal with the situation we find ourselves in.
Agree, but it is important to try and feel empathy for those who were conned....we need all of us working to defeat this evil.....those behind this have a much bigger agenda and they have tried this before. We all need to be awake and in this fight, if we want to beat these despots, vaxxed or unvaxxed....🙏
I have a post that I did on this subject awhile back. I think we will defeat them. Anyway...
And you will like this one too... I think?
Oh yes, I forgot to mention I am in the “high risk” group with several preexisting conditions so I have had to endure extreme pressure from my doctors to take the jab. One MD even told me I was crazy for working a retail job while unvaccinated. I’m making light of the situation but I’m seriously disturbed by the fractured relationships I now have with my once most trusted medical (professionals). 😒
Yes, I feel for you and have those fractured relationships in my family as well. It's particularly hard, but we need to try and stay positive for our own health. but also to try and convince other family members, that we were right. As more and more of these variants or colds affect them whilst not effecting us, our argument against this clot shot gets louder and they can only ignore it for so long. Thats why 33% of those who signed up now regret their choice and added to the 20% of us, the antivaxxers are the majority.....and thats the way I want this story to evolve....!🙏
Who can trust a "Doctor" again? Many are literally mass murders now. Many need to tried for mass murder and hung from the nearest oak tree. Their pay checks and their homes and their cars and their kids fancy educations were worth more than the "lives" of their patients. They have lied and supported a narrative, a system and protocols that have led to the injury and death of thousands and soon to be millions of human beings. At this point we must assume that most of them are responsible for murder. I would want to see proof that they were not part of the system of death before I could trust them at all.
I know what you're saying and understand your thinking. I too am angry and frustrated, but I try and focus on those good doctors, scientists, and the likes of Steve Kirsch or Igor Chudov, who have risked everything to spread the word. Yes I smelt a rat, but these people were the key to unravelling this mess and still are. I too want justice in the end and will never stop pushing for that. And my trust is definitely shaken, but I know, there are still a few good men and women true to that hippocratic oath and humanity itself. 🙏
There are a few left that are good and even great. But generally speaking, the entire health care system is so corrupt and flawed (and genocidal) that it will take "decades" for even a new "fixed" system to be accepted again by ordinary people. And as this mass genocide plays out, many of these "health care professionals" will face legal or extra legal punishment that will remove them from the planet (hopefully). The big problem moving forward will be having enough health care professionals who are alive, well and able to deliver care. Sorry but it you participated in the killing the people who trusted you with their health... You are a criminal. You are a murderer. You deserve a rope and a strong tree.
I agree with more jabs ever ....vaccination is off the rails and our own evolved immune system , for me is a safer bet....!🙏
Remember how even the doctors who are now against jabbing anyone used to say “just isolate and vaccinate the elderly and high risk people.”? I was screaming then NO WAY! Why on earth would I mess with my already compromised immune system with an experimental gene therapy?
And you were right....Peter McCulloch gave me the best advice and it marries up with putting savlon or iodine on a cut. It kills the germs instantly. A diluted saline solution, hydrogen peroxide, etc nasal and throat rinse is the same principal and works for any ailment that starts in the upper resperatory system. It kills the virus at source and isn't that the best way to put out a fire....!🙏
For sure... What I am some sort of VIP? Fuck you and the horse that brought your sorry ass into town. A lot of old folks were fooled by this bullshit and are now paying the price. I am healthy and fit and 71.... and they can all kiss my ass.
You would probably like my SubStack.... the vaccine rabbit hole it has been called.... be advised.... you will be never be the same or come back from it...
Cool...Enter with caution... send it to any Pure Bloods you know.... my subscribers tell me it helps them get through the shit... I am just trying to help if I can... this is the nightmare of all nightmares.
Luv yer guts recalcitrant Grant. I too am recalcitrant and a transplanted Australian
Cheers, you too...and the very fact you didn't take that shot is probably why you are chatting now. My wife was told by all her specialists before she had open heart surgery to have that clot shot....I knew then thanks to that infamous interview with Steve, Dr.Malone and Brett Weinstein, that these things were going to cause some grief and after many stressful disscussions, she went along with me and not the doctors advising her. We know now, that those doctors wete never going to tell her the truth, even if they knew it as the PM at the time ,Morrison had an insider in AHPRA ( his brother is deputy chair) and they were threatening any doctor who spoke out with deregulation. The upshot, my wife is going great post open heart surgery and hasn't even looked like catching this bloody cold.....covid discussions at Christmas are going to be a lot of fun for this old bloke......!👍🙏
I did everything I could not to get it but prepared by taking my vitamins and
Had ivermectin and n hand just in case! We got it last December. My husband just got tired and achy! 5 days into this virus I got so sick and my kids yelled at me to get to dr. Went to walk in with oxygen at 92 and covid pneumonia. Next morning still doing terrible but went in for the monocle infusion! Oxygen kept dropping. They let me go home with oxygen tank which I used for 2 weeks! Had I gotten the infusion early in my virus I wouldn’t have gotten as sick as I did but doctors say it’s up to you and didn’t make it like it’d work or anything. Thank God for that! Ivermectin worked for Jack and so many other people but it did not make one bit of difference in me! Still not vaxed and am so happy I didn’t! But have to tell you not one doctor or nurse tried to convince me to get vac and we’re all very nice and respectful to me!
Did you try Ivermectin before the 7th day? Omicron was very contagious which is prob what you had. I had it Xmas week. It sounds like you made a full recovery!
I started immediat when I tested positive! 18 mg
Not trying to be naysayer or anything, just offering some suggestion for if you become ill again with *covid* or any resp virus. Updated guidance is, rough rule of thumb...1 mg per 10 lb of body weight, for prevention. Early treatment, as in first sign of symptoms, 2mg per 10 lb of body weight. Past the first day, 4mg per, late treatment ( day 5 or beyond), 6mg per. Not precise, but thankfully ivm is safe enough to not be concerned about precision, and it is better, in this case, to take more, rather than less. Quercetin works as well ( actually a teeny bit better, per the stats), in prevention, but no need to take both at the same time. Oh...yeah...a bit of zinc with both the ivm and quercetin seems to be the magic bullet.
A big shoutout for your doctors and nurses. Oh, that all of them were such people.
I am so glad you made the choices you did, and so glad you had the experience you did with those medical staff still taking care of patients. Ivermectin has been a particular bee in my bonnet as it has been one of the lynch pins holding up they're EUA's. But the evidence around it's effacacy is clear unlike the fraudulent data supporting those shots. And you're right to be grateful to not have been jabbed. I am genuinely more frightened of the rammifications for humanity over the coming decades of these poisons than I ever was of Covid...🙏
My sentiments exactly. See my comment below. I have not been able to catch it ever despite deliberately going out of my way. My wife “caught” it in March 2020 (well, positive PCR, whatever that means) and it was such a meaningless, damp squib, our daughter and I did not isolate from her or other such nonsense, and from that point we knew something was up. I have never worn a mask, sanitised my hands, and I have even gone to spend time in the company of people I knew who “had” it, but no. Not so much as a mild sniffle. I am ready to believe the pandemic has been a fear and stress-driven, vitamin D-deficient, exercise-restricted psychological attack on the immune system producing the same plausible symptoms as a pathogen.
I am all out of sympathy for everyone I know who blindly lined up and took these utterly unnecessary, useless jabs. We knew then as now there was no need, and they were potentially dangerous. Now all our futures are compromised not just by the impact of the ill health time bomb all around, but also what the mass compliance has signalled to the psychopathic power grid.
Always believed this was a crock! Research throughout proved true. But my adult children and all grands are ok to see me(us) now, because they are all protected from us with the jabs and boosters! Still won’t discuss or read any relevant info, so I’ve given up! Breaks my heart. Just keep hoping they got the saline, but we know the chances of that!😢😡
As an Aussie living in NZ, I totally agree with you. My kids, grandkids , nearly all jabbed and most have had this cold. But my wife and I just can't get it. Can I put it down to Hydrogen Peroxide nebulising, or Nigella Sativa, or Quercetin, all taken prophylactically? And we never obeyed the guidelines from the morons on TV.
Sure can...anything the " good doctors" advocated was spot on and ironically not dissimilar to stuff our grandparents knew. You know, vitamin d, c , cod liver oil, fresh air, and with the updates of those same good doctors of quecertin, zink, nigella sativa, NAC ...and yes, those mouth wash and nebulisers, even us old folk couldn't get sick which just goes to prove how much the powers tried to create a false narative to inject every arm. I remember standing in our kitchen and the moment it twigged....I said to my wife" they're herding us" and they've been doing it for longer than we's past time more of us defied these bastards, and I hope that those younger ones who thought they had it all worked out may just open they're eyes....a little....but I won't hold my breath....🤦♂️🤷♂️🙏
Yep....those getting sick are those that took that jab....anecdotal in my family....and the stats back it up....I'll never trust my govt again no matter which team holds the flag....!🤷♂️
Lol, you crack me up mzlizzi! Way to go!!