Due to a FOIA request, we now finally know that safety signals for 770 serious adverse events triggered, but the CDC ignored them. Will there be an investigation? I doubt it. The CDC can do no wrong.
Whoops! I prematurely published this before I was finished editing. There are a few sentences that were incomplete. I'll be updating this later today with the fixes and some interesting additions. Sorry about that. Mistakes happen. :(
The mistakes and acknowledging that they happen are a good thing Steve because it shows that you don't have that control freak personality disorder (OCPD) that fact checkers, public health bureaucrats and serial killers tend to have in common. They think they don't make mistakes. You have a scientific background as an engineer and think like a scientist. Have you seen the clip below? You're in it among the scientists. Gorski et al feature among the pseudoscientists.
***FLASH, Pls. Bump And Share***** "EXCLUSIVE"****
'One Of The Best Youtube Video On the Whole Covid and Vax Agenda!'
"It is not a Vaccine it is a 'Prototype Counter Measure' under the Dept Of Defense, never properly Vetted!"
Make sure you are sitting down when you View it, many will be held Accountable! Going back to 2013.
BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris
267,372 views Jan 7, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
A BOMBSHELL new report claims shows that the Department of Defense - meaning the Pentagon - controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning. If true, it means that everything we were told was political theater, right down to the FDA vaccine approval process. Our guest today is the former executive of a pharmaceutical contract research organization Sasha Latypova and she shows what she has found due to her searches based on instinct that the Covid vaccine was not exactly on the up and up.
ALL trust was lost in the CDC early April 2021-(it was waning before then) when news of Health departments nationwide were given instructions to STOP TESTING the vaccinated (unless showing obvious signs of illness etc..) I can't confirm all heath departments received this notice but if one like a small Alaska town where the vax uptake was low did, you can bet many more were booming with recent alerts to 'stop counting' in areas where the vax rate was high.
Why was this?
From the CDC: "A total of 10,262 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infections had been reported from 46 U.S. states and territories as of April 30, 2021." Humm...now if the vax wasn't 't available until mid December 2020...and later during a time when the CDC conveniently grouped the partial vaxxed to count as unvaxxed until 2 weeks after the 2nd dose; that would mean that anyone that got the jab at the earliest date wouldn't be considered vaccinated at all until the beginning of February. It was shortly around and after this time that an overwhelming amount of people were reporting of these 'so called rare' breakthrough infections when less than 15% of the whole population were considered fully vaccinated and around 25% had received their 1st dose. It's obvious that 10K and over number of 'breakthroughs' was an undercount and the CDC rose to further muddle the waters by completely stop counting breakthroughs unless hospitalized or dead 9as of May 1st 2021)
Yet they would continue to push the F'd up narrative by counting over 8 million un-vaxxed covid cases against only 2 million vaxxed. (So does the mean that the over 2 million Vaxxed cases were dead or hospitalized? - And how many were counted as un-vaxxed cases or deaths due to timing of their doses esp if it was an adverse reaction?
This may seem insane, but I agree with some other posters. The creatures that demand we need to be injected with mrna for a simple cold virus may be evil or not even human.
I recently read a book on the various aliens and their types who experiement on humans. And recently read a physicist who said in a response to a question about aliens that theoretically time travel is possible and aliens may be from the future.
Now, I am cursed and blessed with a highly active imagination. I thought, given this, is it possible that mRNA gene therapies have altered humanity in various ways and they are coming back to get samples, running tests to try to fix things? Most of the abductions we hear about are well before the jab came out. One would think they would warn us, but you know the politicians never try to correct anything that is beyond their expected term, as it is impossible to tell the public, I kept this from happening. Never let a crisis go to waste, etc.
Years ago, a great songwriter called John Lennon made the outrageous claim that a lot of the world leaders were psychopaths. Well, he was shot and turned out to be correct.
Wow, Kerrylyn, I used to like that song, but I guess I wasn't paying attention to it closely enough. Thank you for pointing it out to me! That's scary! :(
it's what they sell to the weak minded...just like global warming and electric cars that you cannot charge during cold weather! Not sure what you call this subset of society...they're the ones who are insatiable, inconsolable and NOTHING will make them happy...they're the 'miserable people...they were never taught self control. And have their self worth mixed up with money/status/outward appearances/vanity/greed/more more more etc.. Not God and peace.
People should hold this "financial" elite accountable. They are the owners of these pharmaceutical companies and military complexes, as well as propaganda outlets
it's why the capital built a chainlink fence around themselves....they knew they'd crossed the line and expected retaliation...it hasn't happened yet.. But the take away is THEY EXPECTED IT. Knowing they were guilty.
People CANNOT ACCEPT CBDC - that's why they need graphene in every arm, for financial transactions. This is called graphene blockchain. It's toxic, it's murder. They have already murdered some of the people close to me, and maimed others. Just NO
Since the creation of the internet and social media everyone thinks they are experts on medicine, science and all other subjects. This an interesting psychological phenomenon. Most people have no idea what they are talking about. Conversely the so-called experts like Tony Fauci are sociopaths and pathological liars so who do we trust?
Also, as McCullough has noted, Fauci was largely not conversant on the real science and big medical words. My guess he had a lot of savvy professionals and fellow con artists around to prime him every time on how to handle new developments. At 80 he looks every day of his age, reptilian.
I beg to differ. If you actually do some research and follow the data, you can be better than most experts. There is massive group of people who visited several specialists for a medical problem, didn’t get satisfactory answers, and then figured out their problem themselves, often confirmed by later doctors visits. For a really interesting example see The Man Who Fixed His Own Heart. He also came up with the treatment and implemented it. Note the pushback from the establishment, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-24524027
I've seen it in a number of money-driven scenarios. You can say anything and people around are quick to nod their heads, agree, smile and offer a reinforcing message. "Hey, I like to beat my girfriend, she is into the same S/M games". "Hey, I like to do that too, but the way we do it is with handcuffs, whips and with pin pricks!"
Personally, I trust my research. It cost me a lot of time, but that's how I really know. But no one should blindly follow anything.
You know, I feel that we are all involved in this long research and entertained by some people in the opposition, debates, but it comes down to technology and money.
Those behind the NWO sect have decided to bring their "order" at this time - through nanotechnology, financial crisis, disinformation, war, control measures, including 5G, and sorts of other crazy means.
You raised a very good point: BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST
Well, the infighting continues as predicted. I will try one final time to simplify things. The virus does not exist, and the virus is real debate. Not going to touch it. All I care is that I have the right to choose what happens to me and my family. The state has no authority to inject toxic mrna into me. Try it and meet my 12 gauge Remington
Can we be honest? You and your "no virus" friends (pack of trolls) are here on this substack to stir up emotions and disrupt conversations dealing with the very real Toxic Death Shot with your usual off topic inanities that viruses don't exist and your "let's start a civil war".
Steve mentioned recently that his substack has come under attack from trolls and had to put up defenses to it. Well, it looks like you and your little band of psyops flacks have slipped through. On the bright side, it is evident that the many good people on this site, led by Steve Kirsch, scare you guys with the unholy truth about criminal medical complex. And that is good.
I suggest you go back and read the string of emails provided by Christine Massey in response to SK's substack article several months ago, when it was a question of organizing a debate with the so-called "no virus" camp. It is very clear which camp was bullying, insulting and trolling the other.
I thought it was hilarious when you PsyOp Trolls tried to hit up Steve for money to finance your "No Virus" Thesis lab experiments last summer. I mean, if you are all geniuses, it is interesting that no one wants to fund your brilliant insights. And if you are so smart, why can't you raise the money yourself through your great scientific background and colleagues in the field?
Or the better explanation is you get paid anonymously by someone to disrupt websites like this because your pay master doesn't like the truth. I tend to go with the latter.
The string of emails I pointed you to suggests nothing of the sort. On the wider question of why no-one is interested in funding an experiment to invalidate germ theory or host a serious debate between virus/no virus camps, it is obvious who stands to lose in the bigger picture and those people should be our common enemy. As for me, I was a paid subscriber here throughout most of last year, so not the typical profile of a paid troll. Moreover, I have no definitive view on the virus question but would have enjoyed a proper debate. Unfortunately, one side chickened out. Apart from that, you need, generally speaking, to stop viewing people whose ideas you do not share as trolls and refrain from making accusations against me personally which I consider insulting and defamatory.
The Master Troll emerges feeling confident after cutting a pasting a dozen previously manufactured posts on this thread. Not that you deserve an answer (you don't) but I have been studying the human carnage the covid death shots have wreaked on this planet for almost 2 years.
This substack has been an important source of information and one that I have learned the most from. Like many others I also followed the work of other brave souls that lay out the overwhelming evidence that the covid shots have killed, maimed and sterilized many millions of people around the globe and will continue to do so in the years ahead. I've also seen it up close and firsthand in my own family.
Ed Dowd makes a stunning case for this using hard actuarial death and disability statistics. Others like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr Malone many others have written extensively on this and done studies on the toxicity of the vaxes.
You on the other hand playing an amateurish good cop bad cop routine are just another grifting troll. And my nose is pretty good on that.
I am asking without any hostility. You mentioned the toxicity of these injections. I have no objection to that. However, I can see that nanotechnology is toxic.
Since it was used everywhere during this "pandemic," that is what is causing the damage, not the virus. The virus is irrelevant to me,
So how do you explain the toxicity mechanisms of this injection?
The toxicity of the spike protein was demonstrated conclusively in experiments conduct at the Salk Institute. Their research was published in late April, 2001. In addition, because the nucleotide uridine was replaced in the mRNA inoculation with pseudouridine, the gene therapy mRNA last much longer in the body than the natural viral spike protein. Because the sequence is not natural, the mechanisms to destroy it don't exist in the body. That was intentional in the design of the gene therapy mRNA. In addition, free RNA and DNA in the blood stream occurs as a consequence and free RNA of any type and free DNA are toxic and are thromogenic. RNAases and DNAases are present in the bloodstream at all times and destroy any free RNA or DNA within minutes. The limpid nanoparticles are used to protect the spike protein in the jab from these enzymes.
Until there is an accurate specific and sensitive test for covid - which does not exist -please stop claiming you had covid. You have no idea what you had. Seasonal viruses and bacterial infections have been present in humans for years. Always has been always will be.
In my opinion, based on research, Covid is not a "virus" - it is a misdiagnosed disease, or a set of symptoms caused NOT by a virus, but by toxicity of used substance/s, especially graphene. For reference:
Oxidative stress being the real cause of the so-called Covid complications and deaths is killing or damaging these people - especially those most at risk (adding to the mistreatment as the disease is misdiagnosed and thus treated with toxic drugs such as Remdesivir, rather than addressing oxidative stress with antioxidants).
The occurrence of this oxidative stress is one of the main mechanisms of graphene/nanotechnology toxicity.
https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y “ We also point out that various factors determine the toxicity of GFNs including the lateral size, surface structure, functionalization, charge, impurities, aggregations, and corona effect ect. In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signalling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways. In this review, we summarize the available information on regulating factors and the mechanisms of GFNs toxicity, and propose some challenges and suggestions for further investigations of GFNs, with the aim of completing the toxicology mechanisms, and providing suggestions to improve the biological safety of GFNs and facilitate their wide application.”
“ROS production leading to oxidative stress
Oxidative stress had a significant role in GO-induced acute lung injury [30], and the inflammatory responses caused by oxidative stress often emerged upon exposure to GFNs
The treatment that should follow because of the toxicity of the substances used - (nanotechnology is used in masks, flu "vaccines", PCR "tests", chemtrails, foods, different drugs and of course and most importantly in C-19 injections), are antioxidants. There should be prevention and treatment of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the reason why people have low saturation, and as a result of severe oxidative stress, cells are destroyed, apoptosis occurs, that is, cell death and a further cascade of events:
clotting, organ failure, heart attacks, strokes, etc.
The virus (or just a regular flu that triggers these symptoms) seems to be pretty secondary to graphene toxicity. This is nanotechnology that crosses all blood barriers, is toxic, causes oxidative stress and injures/kills people.
So, according to these studies on graphene toxicity, Covid is not a virus, but yes, people, poisoned by nanotechnology, because of free and oxy radicals present, are susceptible to infections or flu, and these infections, as additional oxidative stress - and strain on their already struggling organisms - can be fatal to them.
When Pfizer was asked how/where and for how long "Spike Protein" is produced, it admitted they had no idea. Spike Protein seems to be just a cover for injecting people and creating a fear of pandemics. This doesn't mean that a protein or even Spike Protein can't also be used in these vaccines, but if it is used, its functions seem to have nothing to do with creating antibodies to the "virus". But it may cause formation of misfolded proteins, AMYLOIDOSIS.
Thus, Covid is a misdiagnosed disease. It seems to be first and foremost graphene toxicity poisoning with all that come from this toxicity such as physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. Those are causing blood clots, organ failure, strokes, and many other injuries, including death. Graphene can result in acute inflammation response and chronic injury by interfering with the normal physiological functions of important organs. Studies regarding risks of graphene in the brain show that graphene application leads to harmful effects on brain tissue development and the atypical ultrastructure was observed in the brain. Graphene demonstrates its toxicity in the central nervous system and toxicity in reproduction and development system. In the animal studies the pregnant mice had abortions at all doses, and most pregnant mice died when the high dose was injected during late gestation and the development of offspring was delayed during the lactation period. The high dose reduces milk production and postpones the growth of offspring. The developmental toxicity of graphene induces structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioral and functional abnormalities, and even death. Graphene induces the lung injury with inflammatory cell infiltration, pulmonary edema and granuloma formation in the lungs. Graphene causes cytotoxic effects and mitochondrial injury, leads to inflammations, induces DNA damage, decreases cell adhesion and induces cell apoptosis - cell death. Graphene inserts between the base pairs of double-stranded DNA and disturb the flow of genetic information at the molecular level, which is the main cause of its mutagenic effect. It is hemotoxic, cytotoxic, cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, harmful to reproductive system. Graphene sharpened edges cause physical destruction...
There are other toxic ingredients and heavy metals in those vials:
There is also toxic PEG. All of them will result in oxidative stress or acute oxidative stress.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30641367/ How graphene affects the misfolding of human prion protein: A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study "Our simulations suggest that prion protein can be quickly and tightly adsorbed onto graphene together with the weak conformational rearrangement and may reorient when approaching the surface. The Van der Waals' force drive the adsorption process. In the induction of graphene, H1 and S2-H2 loop regions of prion become unstable and prion begins to misfold partially. Our work shows that graphene can induce the misfolding of prion protein and may cause the potential risk to biosystems."
So, for treatment - Glutathione precursors seem to be the most important because Glutathione is the master of all other antioxidants.
NAC helps dissolve amyloid plaque formations and blood clots and is one of the Glutathione precursors.
To address both oxidative stress and amyloid plaque formation, this is what would be helpful: Antioxidants!!! NAC, Zinc - and its ionophores, such, as Ivermectin, if available, Quercetin, Vitamin C-and others: Q10, K2MK7, Vitamin E, Resveratrol, Vitamin D, Beta Carotene, Nigella Sativa, Turmeric, etc.
The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation
“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.
Additionally, since we already have genetic testing available to identify these patients, we could conceivably give this treatment early in life and potentially prevent that first stroke from ever occurring.”
In the Pfizer Document - Postmarketing Experience, different Amyloidosis as an adverse result of vaccination is mentioned as well - including Cardiac Amyloidosis and Renal, Skin Amyloidosis - etc.
Here is the information what markers can be done to find out if oxidative stress is present: A limitation of our study, apart from the small sample size however, is that we were unable to do laboratory testing in our patients, including checking oxidative stress markers (lipid peroxides) as well as inflammatory markers (CRP, ferritin, D-dimer) and LDH which might demonstrate a change post GSH administration
In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for
instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response,
apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-,
transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent pathways are involved in the signaling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a
crucial role in these pathways.
Another study suggested that the irregular protrusions and sharp edges of the nanosheets could damage the plasma membrane, thus letting G entering the cell by piercing the phospholipid-bilayer (Li Y. et al., 2013). These features raise additional safety concerns, as free GRMs in the cytoplasm may lead to disruption of the cytoskeleton, impaired cell motility and blockade of the cell-cycle, similar to carbon nanotube-induced cytotoxicity. Exposed larvae displayed GO in the CNS and, most importantly, an induction of Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms such as disturbance of locomotor activity, dopaminergic neurons loss and formation of Lewy bodies. These effects were likely a consequence of mitochondrial damage and apoptosis through the caspase 8 pathway, in the presence of a more general metabolic disturbance
Two recent studies give us a less than rosy angle. In the first, a team of biologists, engineers and material scientists at Brown University examined graphene’s potential toxicity in human cells. They found that the jagged edges of graphene nanoparticles, super sharp and super strong, easily pierced through cell membranes in human lung, skin and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do serious damage in humans and other animals.
Generally, GFNs may exert different degrees of toxicity in animals or cell models by following with different administration routes and penetrating through physiological barriers, subsequently being distributed in tissues or located in cells, eventually being excreted out of the bodies. This review collects studies on the toxic effects of GFNs in several organs and cell models. We also point out that various factors determine the toxicity of GFNs including the lateral size, surface structure, functionalization, charge, impurities, aggregations, and corona effect ect. In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis.
If you consider the implications of the DOD developing the Pfizer jab as a prototype countermeasure as described by Sasha Latypova, the DOD can instruct Pfizer to vary the contents of the inoculations as investigation of prototypes. The implication is that some vials will contain graphene and some not. Dr. Ryan Cole in conjunction with a mass spec lab recent analyzed a number of vials and found no graphene in any of them and found no mRNA is some of them as well (essential vials of saline). Others contained degraded mRNA with varying percentages of intact "jab spike protein" mRNA.. My interpretation is the jabs are a combination of different DOD prototypes and poor manufacturing quality control On another note, I appreciate all your links to research on graphene. Graphene is clearly toxic and it reportedly used in the limpid nanoparticles that come from a Chinese manufacturer (they state this on their website) as noted by Karen Kingston. With regard to ROS, toxins and viruses and pathogenic bacteria also elevate ROS. That graphene could be synergistic with pathogens in elevating ROS and misfolding of proteins and creating and inducing amyloid proteins is not beyond a possibility. Dr. Arne Bukhardt's autopsy biopsy slides clearly show amyloid infiltration of critical organs including the heart and brain and well as the spike protein "mRNA infections" triggering killer lymphocyte attacks on infected cells and consequent scarring.
So, the presence of toxic graphene can cause amyloidosis. However, if the technology used in these injections is also based on peptides (as has been widely reported in the scientific literature: Self-assembling peptide semiconductors | https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aam9756), the production of amyloid in the bone marrow can lead to severe amyloidosis and related complications and death, including the currently manifested so-called sudden death syndrome. The key question, therefore, is also what technology was used in these injections.
“Short peptides, specifically those containing aromatic amino acids, can self-assemble into a wide variety of supramolecular structures that are kinetically or thermodynamically stable; the representative models are diphenylalanine and phenylalanine-tryptophan. Different assembly strategies can be used to generate specific functional organizations and nanostructural arrays, resulting in finely tunable morphologies with controllable semiconducting characteristics. Such strategies include molecular modification, microfluidics, coassembly, physical or chemical vapor deposition, and introduction of an external electromagnetic field (EMF).
Self-assembling peptide nanomaterials may serve as an alternative source for the semiconductor industry because they are eco-friendly, morphologically and functionally flexible, and easy to prepare, modify, and dope. Moreover, the diverse bottom-up methodologies of peptide self-assembly facilitate easy and cost-effective device fabrication, with the ability to integrate external functional moieties. For example, the coassembly of peptides and electron donors or acceptors can be used to construct n-p junctions, and vapor deposition technology can be applied to manufacture custom-designed electronics and chips on various substrates.
The inherent bioinspired nature of self-assembling peptide nanostructures allows them to bridge the gap between the semiconductor world and biological systems, thus making them useful for applications in fundamental biology and health care research. Short peptide self-assemblies may shed light on the roles of protein semiconductivity in physiology and pathology. For example, research into the relationship between the semiconductive properties of misfolded polypeptides characteristic of various neurodegenerative diseases and the resulting symptoms may offer opportunities to investigate the mechanisms controlling such ailments and to develop therapeutic solutions. Finally, self-assembling short peptide semiconductors could be used to develop autonomous biomachines operating within biological systems. This would allow, for example, direct, label-free, real-time monitoring of a variety of metabolic activities, and even interference with biological systems.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5457452/ “Peptide based nano-assemblies with their self-organizing ability has shown lot of promise due to their high degree of thermal and chemical stability, for biomaterial fabrication. Developing an effective way to control the organization of these structures is important for fabricating application-oriented materials at the molecular level. The present study reports the impact of electric and magnetic field-mediated perturbation of the self-assembly phenomenon, upon the chemical and structural properties of diphenylalanine assembly. Our studies show that, electric field effectively arrests aggregation and self-assembly formation, while the molecule is allowed to anneal in the presence of applied electric fields of varying magnitudes, both AC and DC. The electric field exposure also modulated the morphology of the self-assembled structures without affecting the overall chemical constitution of the material. Our results on the modulatory effect of the electric field are in good agreement with theoretical studies based on molecular dynamics reported earlier on amyloid forming molecular systems.”
“In last decade, there has been an increased focus on organic and bio-organic nano-assemblies. Peptide nanotubes, their physical properties, and assembly morphologies are extensively studied due to their excellent biocompatibility as well as functional and structural diversity. Many ordered supramolecular structures have been constructed using peptides as the building blocks. The most extensively utilized peptide-based building block is diphenylalanine (Phe-Phe or FF), which is the shortest bio-molecule known to self-assemble into ordered nanostructures. FF incidentally is also the core recognition motif of the β-amyloid polypeptide, a peptide associated with Alzheimer’s disease1. It can self-assemble into a variety of structures like microtubes, nanotubes2, microcrystals, nanofibers3, nanorods4, 5 and nanowires6.”
“The potential of these supramolecular structures have been utilized in diverse fields including nanofabrication, drug delivery vehicles7, bio-sensing8, energy storage devices, and hydrogels for tissue engineering”.
“One of the key challenges in the field of supramolecular chemistry has been controlling the self-assembly of molecules into ordered functional units. Previously, a number of strategies including pH mediated control21, 22, solvent mediated control23, covalent modifications24, vapour deposition25, 26, temperature27, surface28, 29, relative humidity30, symmetry31 and magnetite coating on the surface of nanotubes32 have been employed to regulate the architecture of diphenylalanine self-assemblies.”
Andrij Baumketner in a recent study, explored the feasibility of using external electric field to disaggregate amyloid fibrils, by inducing folding into an α-helical state reducing their β sheet conformation38. This is especially important because FF is the core recognition motif of β-amyloid segment. Here in this study, we attempt to confirm the effect of AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current) electric field on diphenylalanine self-assembly using experimental approach.
Different assembly strategies can be used to generate specific functional organizations and nano structural arrays, resulting in finely tunable morphologies with controllable semiconducting characteristics. Such strategies include molecular modification, microfluidics, subassembly, physical or chemical vapor deposition, and introduction of an external electromagnetic field.
📍The CDC can do wrong & will be destroyed nationally and internationally by these 2 blatant conflicts of interest. 24 inventors with the differences being testing:
Just look at how child deaths and injuries are progressing in real time because of this poison: in LESS than a month (11/25/2022 - 12/23/2022) 1,181 children were injured and died
From the 11/25/2022 release of VAERS data:
Found 60,001 cases where age is under-18 and Vaccine is COVID19
You are spot on. But of course, if I point to what you say, I will get blow back. But I might try anyway. When I had my shot, I developed a terrible headache. I did not want to go to the ER but two people (a nurse at my insurance company and a doctor on call for my practice) told me I needed to be checked out because some people were developing blood clots in their brains.
Since you received a response from "A", who does not have the time to look in depth --
....perhaps you should ask him WHOM he believes should bear the burden of proof to rule out vaxx as causality. After all, a potential signal of harm for an experiment carries the "guilty until proven innocent" approach. It's called the precautionary principle.
Judging by the amount of jab commercials on tv and the radio, I'm thinking people are starting to wise up - for me I can list 5 people who have had very serious side effects from blood clots to myocarditis - They can't scare us anymore - because nothing could be worse than what they've done to us all these past three years.. from our family members dying alone, to their refusal to treat people early in the disease to lockdowns and masks - Our lives will never be the same - I hope and pray these people responsible are held accountable.
***FLASH, Pls. Bump And Share***** "EXCLUSIVE"****
'One Of The Best Youtube Video On the Whole Covid and Vax Agenda!'
"It is not a Vaccine it is a 'Prototype Counter Measure' under the Dept Of Defense, never properly Vetted!"
Make sure you are sitting down when you View it, many will be held Accountable! Going back to 2013.
BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris
267,372 views Jan 7, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
A BOMBSHELL new report claims shows that the Department of Defense - meaning the Pentagon - controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning. If true, it means that everything we were told was political theater, right down to the FDA vaccine approval process. Our guest today is the former executive of a pharmaceutical contract research organization Sasha Latypova and she shows what she has found due to her searches based on instinct that the Covid vaccine was not exactly on the up and up.
Comparing the signal of an accepted AE (myocarditis) with other ignored signals is brilliant. Inconsistencies in CDC response/analysis could be a real pressure point with this. Lots of thorny questions for the CDC to answer wrt how signals are interpreted.
I am doing everything l can to move. I have been told “l know too much” and have received threats of the very worst kind imaginable Steve. Been working as an activist in one area for too long - and living in this smart house gives many opportunities for those who do not have my best interests at heart. Thank you for your concern 🙏🏻
I want to give credit where credit is due here, not just to the CDC but to the NIH as well - National Imbeciles of Health - a sorry, sick bunch of Fers!
Thank you Steve for all the AMAZING work you're doing in service to us all!!! I am very grateful for your courage wisdom and knowledge. I would love to share this article with my family and friends that have drank the damn coolaid. They look for ways to discredit what I share so Im hesitant to send this because there are some serious edit errors here. Hope you'll consider correcting. Thank you, Maureen
Whoops! I prematurely published this before I was finished editing. There are a few sentences that were incomplete. I'll be updating this later today with the fixes and some interesting additions. Sorry about that. Mistakes happen. :(
The mistakes and acknowledging that they happen are a good thing Steve because it shows that you don't have that control freak personality disorder (OCPD) that fact checkers, public health bureaucrats and serial killers tend to have in common. They think they don't make mistakes. You have a scientific background as an engineer and think like a scientist. Have you seen the clip below? You're in it among the scientists. Gorski et al feature among the pseudoscientists.
The Sound of Silenced Science
That is an EXCELLENT tune!
***FLASH, Pls. Bump And Share***** "EXCLUSIVE"****
'One Of The Best Youtube Video On the Whole Covid and Vax Agenda!'
"It is not a Vaccine it is a 'Prototype Counter Measure' under the Dept Of Defense, never properly Vetted!"
Make sure you are sitting down when you View it, many will be held Accountable! Going back to 2013.
BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris
267,372 views Jan 7, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
A BOMBSHELL new report claims shows that the Department of Defense - meaning the Pentagon - controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning. If true, it means that everything we were told was political theater, right down to the FDA vaccine approval process. Our guest today is the former executive of a pharmaceutical contract research organization Sasha Latypova and she shows what she has found due to her searches based on instinct that the Covid vaccine was not exactly on the up and up.
"Mistakes don't just happen; we shape them" :P...
- Steve Schwab
No one cares about your grammar at this point. You are passionate about the truth and that's what matters.
ALL trust was lost in the CDC early April 2021-(it was waning before then) when news of Health departments nationwide were given instructions to STOP TESTING the vaccinated (unless showing obvious signs of illness etc..) I can't confirm all heath departments received this notice but if one like a small Alaska town where the vax uptake was low did, you can bet many more were booming with recent alerts to 'stop counting' in areas where the vax rate was high.
Why was this?
From the CDC: "A total of 10,262 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infections had been reported from 46 U.S. states and territories as of April 30, 2021." Humm...now if the vax wasn't 't available until mid December 2020...and later during a time when the CDC conveniently grouped the partial vaxxed to count as unvaxxed until 2 weeks after the 2nd dose; that would mean that anyone that got the jab at the earliest date wouldn't be considered vaccinated at all until the beginning of February. It was shortly around and after this time that an overwhelming amount of people were reporting of these 'so called rare' breakthrough infections when less than 15% of the whole population were considered fully vaccinated and around 25% had received their 1st dose. It's obvious that 10K and over number of 'breakthroughs' was an undercount and the CDC rose to further muddle the waters by completely stop counting breakthroughs unless hospitalized or dead 9as of May 1st 2021)
Yet they would continue to push the F'd up narrative by counting over 8 million un-vaxxed covid cases against only 2 million vaxxed. (So does the mean that the over 2 million Vaxxed cases were dead or hospitalized? - And how many were counted as un-vaxxed cases or deaths due to timing of their doses esp if it was an adverse reaction?
Exactly where does this insanity stop?
Just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.
You were stuck on 69 likes Steve. I couldn't help myself.
This may seem insane, but I agree with some other posters. The creatures that demand we need to be injected with mrna for a simple cold virus may be evil or not even human.
I recently read a book on the various aliens and their types who experiement on humans. And recently read a physicist who said in a response to a question about aliens that theoretically time travel is possible and aliens may be from the future.
Now, I am cursed and blessed with a highly active imagination. I thought, given this, is it possible that mRNA gene therapies have altered humanity in various ways and they are coming back to get samples, running tests to try to fix things? Most of the abductions we hear about are well before the jab came out. One would think they would warn us, but you know the politicians never try to correct anything that is beyond their expected term, as it is impossible to tell the public, I kept this from happening. Never let a crisis go to waste, etc.
🤔🤔🤔 https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/humor/the-next-bitcoin/
Years ago, a great songwriter called John Lennon made the outrageous claim that a lot of the world leaders were psychopaths. Well, he was shot and turned out to be correct.
Lennon imagined the world exactly like the WEF - no religion, no borders, no countries, no possessions. Yoko was also somewhat of a psychopath.
Wow, Kerrylyn, I used to like that song, but I guess I wasn't paying attention to it closely enough. Thank you for pointing it out to me! That's scary! :(
The song "Imagine" is the first song that pops into my head when I think about the globalists and their vision of a One World Order "utopia."
it's what they sell to the weak minded...just like global warming and electric cars that you cannot charge during cold weather! Not sure what you call this subset of society...they're the ones who are insatiable, inconsolable and NOTHING will make them happy...they're the 'miserable people...they were never taught self control. And have their self worth mixed up with money/status/outward appearances/vanity/greed/more more more etc.. Not God and peace.
I absolutely detest that song.
Yoko's singing sounds like someone is stepping on her tail.
The US and maybe Brazil maybe the last chances we have. I did not want it to come to this, but Americans may need to use the second amendment
People should hold this "financial" elite accountable. They are the owners of these pharmaceutical companies and military complexes, as well as propaganda outlets
I think the whole world will do it. People are fed up day by day, it's spreading like wildfire.
it's why the capital built a chainlink fence around themselves....they knew they'd crossed the line and expected retaliation...it hasn't happened yet.. But the take away is THEY EXPECTED IT. Knowing they were guilty.
People CANNOT ACCEPT CBDC - that's why they need graphene in every arm, for financial transactions. This is called graphene blockchain. It's toxic, it's murder. They have already murdered some of the people close to me, and maimed others. Just NO
Since the creation of the internet and social media everyone thinks they are experts on medicine, science and all other subjects. This an interesting psychological phenomenon. Most people have no idea what they are talking about. Conversely the so-called experts like Tony Fauci are sociopaths and pathological liars so who do we trust?
God and your inner spirit
Also, as McCullough has noted, Fauci was largely not conversant on the real science and big medical words. My guess he had a lot of savvy professionals and fellow con artists around to prime him every time on how to handle new developments. At 80 he looks every day of his age, reptilian.
he needs to die and move on to hell
I beg to differ. If you actually do some research and follow the data, you can be better than most experts. There is massive group of people who visited several specialists for a medical problem, didn’t get satisfactory answers, and then figured out their problem themselves, often confirmed by later doctors visits. For a really interesting example see The Man Who Fixed His Own Heart. He also came up with the treatment and implemented it. Note the pushback from the establishment, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-24524027
Yes, Fauci is evil. I don't what it is,
It is a hard concept to accept, and most people do not get it but people like fauci may not be human,
I've seen it in a number of money-driven scenarios. You can say anything and people around are quick to nod their heads, agree, smile and offer a reinforcing message. "Hey, I like to beat my girfriend, she is into the same S/M games". "Hey, I like to do that too, but the way we do it is with handcuffs, whips and with pin pricks!"
"Goblin mode"!
At least this is my take on it.
We just need to maintain critical thinking.
Personally, I trust my research. It cost me a lot of time, but that's how I really know. But no one should blindly follow anything.
You know, I feel that we are all involved in this long research and entertained by some people in the opposition, debates, but it comes down to technology and money.
Those behind the NWO sect have decided to bring their "order" at this time - through nanotechnology, financial crisis, disinformation, war, control measures, including 5G, and sorts of other crazy means.
You raised a very good point: BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST
Best comment here, among many other excellent ones 💖
Exactly! (With the emphasis on trusting God. ) People will fail and disappoint but God does not fail nor does He disappoint.
Absolutely! I trust God in my heart.
Btw. death does not exist because our existence is eternal. Materially everything will end, both pleasure and suffering.
But if we realize transcendence, we can be in ecstasy now and here
Well, the infighting continues as predicted. I will try one final time to simplify things. The virus does not exist, and the virus is real debate. Not going to touch it. All I care is that I have the right to choose what happens to me and my family. The state has no authority to inject toxic mrna into me. Try it and meet my 12 gauge Remington
Can we be honest? You and your "no virus" friends (pack of trolls) are here on this substack to stir up emotions and disrupt conversations dealing with the very real Toxic Death Shot with your usual off topic inanities that viruses don't exist and your "let's start a civil war".
Steve mentioned recently that his substack has come under attack from trolls and had to put up defenses to it. Well, it looks like you and your little band of psyops flacks have slipped through. On the bright side, it is evident that the many good people on this site, led by Steve Kirsch, scare you guys with the unholy truth about criminal medical complex. And that is good.
I suggest you go back and read the string of emails provided by Christine Massey in response to SK's substack article several months ago, when it was a question of organizing a debate with the so-called "no virus" camp. It is very clear which camp was bullying, insulting and trolling the other.
I thought it was hilarious when you PsyOp Trolls tried to hit up Steve for money to finance your "No Virus" Thesis lab experiments last summer. I mean, if you are all geniuses, it is interesting that no one wants to fund your brilliant insights. And if you are so smart, why can't you raise the money yourself through your great scientific background and colleagues in the field?
Or the better explanation is you get paid anonymously by someone to disrupt websites like this because your pay master doesn't like the truth. I tend to go with the latter.
you're the troll idiot
The string of emails I pointed you to suggests nothing of the sort. On the wider question of why no-one is interested in funding an experiment to invalidate germ theory or host a serious debate between virus/no virus camps, it is obvious who stands to lose in the bigger picture and those people should be our common enemy. As for me, I was a paid subscriber here throughout most of last year, so not the typical profile of a paid troll. Moreover, I have no definitive view on the virus question but would have enjoyed a proper debate. Unfortunately, one side chickened out. Apart from that, you need, generally speaking, to stop viewing people whose ideas you do not share as trolls and refrain from making accusations against me personally which I consider insulting and defamatory.
Please tell me why the very real Toxic Death Shot is toxic?
Can you explain it? I'm not talking about the adverse effects it causes; I'm simply asking about your understanding of the mechanism of toxicity.
That is, I agree that it is extremely toxic. But I would like to know from you why you think/know that it is toxic.
The Master Troll emerges feeling confident after cutting a pasting a dozen previously manufactured posts on this thread. Not that you deserve an answer (you don't) but I have been studying the human carnage the covid death shots have wreaked on this planet for almost 2 years.
This substack has been an important source of information and one that I have learned the most from. Like many others I also followed the work of other brave souls that lay out the overwhelming evidence that the covid shots have killed, maimed and sterilized many millions of people around the globe and will continue to do so in the years ahead. I've also seen it up close and firsthand in my own family.
Ed Dowd makes a stunning case for this using hard actuarial death and disability statistics. Others like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr Malone many others have written extensively on this and done studies on the toxicity of the vaxes.
You on the other hand playing an amateurish good cop bad cop routine are just another grifting troll. And my nose is pretty good on that.
This was not my question.
I am asking without any hostility. You mentioned the toxicity of these injections. I have no objection to that. However, I can see that nanotechnology is toxic.
Since it was used everywhere during this "pandemic," that is what is causing the damage, not the virus. The virus is irrelevant to me,
So how do you explain the toxicity mechanisms of this injection?
The toxicity of the spike protein was demonstrated conclusively in experiments conduct at the Salk Institute. Their research was published in late April, 2001. In addition, because the nucleotide uridine was replaced in the mRNA inoculation with pseudouridine, the gene therapy mRNA last much longer in the body than the natural viral spike protein. Because the sequence is not natural, the mechanisms to destroy it don't exist in the body. That was intentional in the design of the gene therapy mRNA. In addition, free RNA and DNA in the blood stream occurs as a consequence and free RNA of any type and free DNA are toxic and are thromogenic. RNAases and DNAases are present in the bloodstream at all times and destroy any free RNA or DNA within minutes. The limpid nanoparticles are used to protect the spike protein in the jab from these enzymes.
Sorry Troll. Game is over.
This is why I love America!
I agree about the virus. It's toxicity poisoning from graphene and other crap.
Sasha nails it and Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, and James Roguski...
Until there is an accurate specific and sensitive test for covid - which does not exist -please stop claiming you had covid. You have no idea what you had. Seasonal viruses and bacterial infections have been present in humans for years. Always has been always will be.
Regarding Covid:
In my opinion, based on research, Covid is not a "virus" - it is a misdiagnosed disease, or a set of symptoms caused NOT by a virus, but by toxicity of used substance/s, especially graphene. For reference:
Oxidative stress being the real cause of the so-called Covid complications and deaths is killing or damaging these people - especially those most at risk (adding to the mistreatment as the disease is misdiagnosed and thus treated with toxic drugs such as Remdesivir, rather than addressing oxidative stress with antioxidants).
The occurrence of this oxidative stress is one of the main mechanisms of graphene/nanotechnology toxicity.
https://particleandfibretoxicology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y “ We also point out that various factors determine the toxicity of GFNs including the lateral size, surface structure, functionalization, charge, impurities, aggregations, and corona effect ect. In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signalling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways. In this review, we summarize the available information on regulating factors and the mechanisms of GFNs toxicity, and propose some challenges and suggestions for further investigations of GFNs, with the aim of completing the toxicology mechanisms, and providing suggestions to improve the biological safety of GFNs and facilitate their wide application.”
“ROS production leading to oxidative stress
Oxidative stress had a significant role in GO-induced acute lung injury [30], and the inflammatory responses caused by oxidative stress often emerged upon exposure to GFNs
The treatment that should follow because of the toxicity of the substances used - (nanotechnology is used in masks, flu "vaccines", PCR "tests", chemtrails, foods, different drugs and of course and most importantly in C-19 injections), are antioxidants. There should be prevention and treatment of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the reason why people have low saturation, and as a result of severe oxidative stress, cells are destroyed, apoptosis occurs, that is, cell death and a further cascade of events:
clotting, organ failure, heart attacks, strokes, etc.
The virus (or just a regular flu that triggers these symptoms) seems to be pretty secondary to graphene toxicity. This is nanotechnology that crosses all blood barriers, is toxic, causes oxidative stress and injures/kills people.
This is also demonstrated here:
So, according to these studies on graphene toxicity, Covid is not a virus, but yes, people, poisoned by nanotechnology, because of free and oxy radicals present, are susceptible to infections or flu, and these infections, as additional oxidative stress - and strain on their already struggling organisms - can be fatal to them.
When Pfizer was asked how/where and for how long "Spike Protein" is produced, it admitted they had no idea. Spike Protein seems to be just a cover for injecting people and creating a fear of pandemics. This doesn't mean that a protein or even Spike Protein can't also be used in these vaccines, but if it is used, its functions seem to have nothing to do with creating antibodies to the "virus". But it may cause formation of misfolded proteins, AMYLOIDOSIS.
Thus, Covid is a misdiagnosed disease. It seems to be first and foremost graphene toxicity poisoning with all that come from this toxicity such as physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. Those are causing blood clots, organ failure, strokes, and many other injuries, including death. Graphene can result in acute inflammation response and chronic injury by interfering with the normal physiological functions of important organs. Studies regarding risks of graphene in the brain show that graphene application leads to harmful effects on brain tissue development and the atypical ultrastructure was observed in the brain. Graphene demonstrates its toxicity in the central nervous system and toxicity in reproduction and development system. In the animal studies the pregnant mice had abortions at all doses, and most pregnant mice died when the high dose was injected during late gestation and the development of offspring was delayed during the lactation period. The high dose reduces milk production and postpones the growth of offspring. The developmental toxicity of graphene induces structural abnormalities, growth retardation, behavioral and functional abnormalities, and even death. Graphene induces the lung injury with inflammatory cell infiltration, pulmonary edema and granuloma formation in the lungs. Graphene causes cytotoxic effects and mitochondrial injury, leads to inflammations, induces DNA damage, decreases cell adhesion and induces cell apoptosis - cell death. Graphene inserts between the base pairs of double-stranded DNA and disturb the flow of genetic information at the molecular level, which is the main cause of its mutagenic effect. It is hemotoxic, cytotoxic, cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, harmful to reproductive system. Graphene sharpened edges cause physical destruction...
There are other toxic ingredients and heavy metals in those vials:
There is also toxic PEG. All of them will result in oxidative stress or acute oxidative stress.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30641367/ How graphene affects the misfolding of human prion protein: A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study "Our simulations suggest that prion protein can be quickly and tightly adsorbed onto graphene together with the weak conformational rearrangement and may reorient when approaching the surface. The Van der Waals' force drive the adsorption process. In the induction of graphene, H1 and S2-H2 loop regions of prion become unstable and prion begins to misfold partially. Our work shows that graphene can induce the misfolding of prion protein and may cause the potential risk to biosystems."
So, for treatment - Glutathione precursors seem to be the most important because Glutathione is the master of all other antioxidants.
NAC helps dissolve amyloid plaque formations and blood clots and is one of the Glutathione precursors.
To address both oxidative stress and amyloid plaque formation, this is what would be helpful: Antioxidants!!! NAC, Zinc - and its ionophores, such, as Ivermectin, if available, Quercetin, Vitamin C-and others: Q10, K2MK7, Vitamin E, Resveratrol, Vitamin D, Beta Carotene, Nigella Sativa, Turmeric, etc.
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/neuroscience/2019/7547382/ - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6500609/pdf/NEUROSCIENCE2019-7547382.pdf
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may prevent strokes in people with hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA), a rare genetic disorder
People with HCCAA have an average life expectancy of just 30 years, and most die within five years of their first stroke
NAC appears to work by preventing the formation of amyloid-producing proteins, which promote amyloid deposits linked to strokes
The study by CHOP researchers suggests NAC may block the precipitation of amyloid plaque deposits, as well as help break up their formation
“Amyloids cannot precipitate without aggregating, so if we can prevent that aggregation with a drug [NAC] that is already available, then we could make an incredible difference in the lives of these patients.
Additionally, since we already have genetic testing available to identify these patients, we could conceivably give this treatment early in life and potentially prevent that first stroke from ever occurring.”
In the Pfizer Document - Postmarketing Experience, different Amyloidosis as an adverse result of vaccination is mentioned as well - including Cardiac Amyloidosis and Renal, Skin Amyloidosis - etc.
Here is the information what markers can be done to find out if oxidative stress is present: A limitation of our study, apart from the small sample size however, is that we were unable to do laboratory testing in our patients, including checking oxidative stress markers (lipid peroxides) as well as inflammatory markers (CRP, ferritin, D-dimer) and LDH which might demonstrate a change post GSH administration
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7172740/ - Efficacy of glutathione therapy in relieving dyspnea associated with COVID-19 pneumonia: A report of 2 cases
This is also summarized in my other post:
Dr. Noack was a real expert on the subject.... As far as I remember, he looked at the spectroscopy results provided by Dr. Campra.
If Dr. Campra was right, Dr. Noack knew the exact answer.
But even if it wasn't hydroxide, it's still extremely sharp and toxic. These people are guilty of mass murder.
However, Dr. Noack said it is not biodegradable. But there are studies that it is biodegradable.
Physical damage is one mechanism of damage caused by graphene.
"Furthermore, the sharpened edges of GNS may act as ‘blades’, inserting and cutting through bacterial cell membranes"
Moreover, the extremely sharp edges of graphene nanowalls were found to damage the membrane of the microorganism by direct contact
How does graphene damage viruses, bacteria and human cells? Graphene is a thin but
strong and conductive two-dimensional sheet of carbon atoms. There are three ways that it
can help prevent the spread of microbes: – Microscopic graphene particles have sharp
edges that mechanically damage viruses and cells as they pass by them.
Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms -
PMC Published online 2016 Oct 31. doi: 10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y
In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for
instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response,
apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-,
transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent pathways are involved in the signaling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a
crucial role in these pathways.
Another study suggested that the irregular protrusions and sharp edges of the nanosheets could damage the plasma membrane, thus letting G entering the cell by piercing the phospholipid-bilayer (Li Y. et al., 2013). These features raise additional safety concerns, as free GRMs in the cytoplasm may lead to disruption of the cytoskeleton, impaired cell motility and blockade of the cell-cycle, similar to carbon nanotube-induced cytotoxicity. Exposed larvae displayed GO in the CNS and, most importantly, an induction of Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms such as disturbance of locomotor activity, dopaminergic neurons loss and formation of Lewy bodies. These effects were likely a consequence of mitochondrial damage and apoptosis through the caspase 8 pathway, in the presence of a more general metabolic disturbance
Two recent studies give us a less than rosy angle. In the first, a team of biologists, engineers and material scientists at Brown University examined graphene’s potential toxicity in human cells. They found that the jagged edges of graphene nanoparticles, super sharp and super strong, easily pierced through cell membranes in human lung, skin and immune cells, suggesting the potential to do serious damage in humans and other animals.
Generally, GFNs may exert different degrees of toxicity in animals or cell models by following with different administration routes and penetrating through physiological barriers, subsequently being distributed in tissues or located in cells, eventually being excreted out of the bodies. This review collects studies on the toxic effects of GFNs in several organs and cell models. We also point out that various factors determine the toxicity of GFNs including the lateral size, surface structure, functionalization, charge, impurities, aggregations, and corona effect ect. In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis.
A human enzyme can biodegrade graphene
Degradation of Single-Layer and Few-Layer Graphene by Neutrophil Myeloperoxidase
If you consider the implications of the DOD developing the Pfizer jab as a prototype countermeasure as described by Sasha Latypova, the DOD can instruct Pfizer to vary the contents of the inoculations as investigation of prototypes. The implication is that some vials will contain graphene and some not. Dr. Ryan Cole in conjunction with a mass spec lab recent analyzed a number of vials and found no graphene in any of them and found no mRNA is some of them as well (essential vials of saline). Others contained degraded mRNA with varying percentages of intact "jab spike protein" mRNA.. My interpretation is the jabs are a combination of different DOD prototypes and poor manufacturing quality control On another note, I appreciate all your links to research on graphene. Graphene is clearly toxic and it reportedly used in the limpid nanoparticles that come from a Chinese manufacturer (they state this on their website) as noted by Karen Kingston. With regard to ROS, toxins and viruses and pathogenic bacteria also elevate ROS. That graphene could be synergistic with pathogens in elevating ROS and misfolding of proteins and creating and inducing amyloid proteins is not beyond a possibility. Dr. Arne Bukhardt's autopsy biopsy slides clearly show amyloid infiltration of critical organs including the heart and brain and well as the spike protein "mRNA infections" triggering killer lymphocyte attacks on infected cells and consequent scarring.
Absolutely, I see two major factors contributing to injury and death:
amyloid plaque and oxidative stress.
https://outraged.substack.com/p/causes-of-injuries-and-deaths-from - With more information on amyloids:
The mere presence of toxic graphene, and similar components, can cause amyloidosis.
Amyloidosis is also a common complication after Covid-19 injections, as also confirmed by Pfizer documents listing various types of amyloidosis as possible post-vaccination complications in a Postmarketing Experience document: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf
Amyloid arthropathy;
Amyloidosis senile;
Cardiac amyloidosis;
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy;
Cutaneous amyloidosis;
Dialysis amyloidosis;
Gastrointestinal amyloidosis;
Hepatic amyloidosis;
Primary amyloidosis;
Pulmonary amyloidosis;
Renal amyloidosis;
Secondary amyloidosis;
Tongue amyloidosis; (“Covid tongue”)
So, the presence of toxic graphene can cause amyloidosis. However, if the technology used in these injections is also based on peptides (as has been widely reported in the scientific literature: Self-assembling peptide semiconductors | https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aam9756), the production of amyloid in the bone marrow can lead to severe amyloidosis and related complications and death, including the currently manifested so-called sudden death syndrome. The key question, therefore, is also what technology was used in these injections.
“Short peptides, specifically those containing aromatic amino acids, can self-assemble into a wide variety of supramolecular structures that are kinetically or thermodynamically stable; the representative models are diphenylalanine and phenylalanine-tryptophan. Different assembly strategies can be used to generate specific functional organizations and nanostructural arrays, resulting in finely tunable morphologies with controllable semiconducting characteristics. Such strategies include molecular modification, microfluidics, coassembly, physical or chemical vapor deposition, and introduction of an external electromagnetic field (EMF).
Self-assembling peptide nanomaterials may serve as an alternative source for the semiconductor industry because they are eco-friendly, morphologically and functionally flexible, and easy to prepare, modify, and dope. Moreover, the diverse bottom-up methodologies of peptide self-assembly facilitate easy and cost-effective device fabrication, with the ability to integrate external functional moieties. For example, the coassembly of peptides and electron donors or acceptors can be used to construct n-p junctions, and vapor deposition technology can be applied to manufacture custom-designed electronics and chips on various substrates.
The inherent bioinspired nature of self-assembling peptide nanostructures allows them to bridge the gap between the semiconductor world and biological systems, thus making them useful for applications in fundamental biology and health care research. Short peptide self-assemblies may shed light on the roles of protein semiconductivity in physiology and pathology. For example, research into the relationship between the semiconductive properties of misfolded polypeptides characteristic of various neurodegenerative diseases and the resulting symptoms may offer opportunities to investigate the mechanisms controlling such ailments and to develop therapeutic solutions. Finally, self-assembling short peptide semiconductors could be used to develop autonomous biomachines operating within biological systems. This would allow, for example, direct, label-free, real-time monitoring of a variety of metabolic activities, and even interference with biological systems.
Amyloid self-assembling peptides: Potential applications in nanovaccine engineering and biosensing https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pep2.24095
Peptide Semiconductor Times Are Coming | Nature Portfolio Bioengineering Community https://bioengineeringcommunity.nature.com/posts/37570-peptide-semiconductor-times-are-coming
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5457452/ “Peptide based nano-assemblies with their self-organizing ability has shown lot of promise due to their high degree of thermal and chemical stability, for biomaterial fabrication. Developing an effective way to control the organization of these structures is important for fabricating application-oriented materials at the molecular level. The present study reports the impact of electric and magnetic field-mediated perturbation of the self-assembly phenomenon, upon the chemical and structural properties of diphenylalanine assembly. Our studies show that, electric field effectively arrests aggregation and self-assembly formation, while the molecule is allowed to anneal in the presence of applied electric fields of varying magnitudes, both AC and DC. The electric field exposure also modulated the morphology of the self-assembled structures without affecting the overall chemical constitution of the material. Our results on the modulatory effect of the electric field are in good agreement with theoretical studies based on molecular dynamics reported earlier on amyloid forming molecular systems.”
“In last decade, there has been an increased focus on organic and bio-organic nano-assemblies. Peptide nanotubes, their physical properties, and assembly morphologies are extensively studied due to their excellent biocompatibility as well as functional and structural diversity. Many ordered supramolecular structures have been constructed using peptides as the building blocks. The most extensively utilized peptide-based building block is diphenylalanine (Phe-Phe or FF), which is the shortest bio-molecule known to self-assemble into ordered nanostructures. FF incidentally is also the core recognition motif of the β-amyloid polypeptide, a peptide associated with Alzheimer’s disease1. It can self-assemble into a variety of structures like microtubes, nanotubes2, microcrystals, nanofibers3, nanorods4, 5 and nanowires6.”
“The potential of these supramolecular structures have been utilized in diverse fields including nanofabrication, drug delivery vehicles7, bio-sensing8, energy storage devices, and hydrogels for tissue engineering”.
“One of the key challenges in the field of supramolecular chemistry has been controlling the self-assembly of molecules into ordered functional units. Previously, a number of strategies including pH mediated control21, 22, solvent mediated control23, covalent modifications24, vapour deposition25, 26, temperature27, surface28, 29, relative humidity30, symmetry31 and magnetite coating on the surface of nanotubes32 have been employed to regulate the architecture of diphenylalanine self-assemblies.”
Andrij Baumketner in a recent study, explored the feasibility of using external electric field to disaggregate amyloid fibrils, by inducing folding into an α-helical state reducing their β sheet conformation38. This is especially important because FF is the core recognition motif of β-amyloid segment. Here in this study, we attempt to confirm the effect of AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current) electric field on diphenylalanine self-assembly using experimental approach.
Different assembly strategies can be used to generate specific functional organizations and nano structural arrays, resulting in finely tunable morphologies with controllable semiconducting characteristics. Such strategies include molecular modification, microfluidics, subassembly, physical or chemical vapor deposition, and introduction of an external electromagnetic field.
When it comes to Dr. Cole, I trust Dr. Mihalcea:
📍The CDC can do wrong & will be destroyed nationally and internationally by these 2 blatant conflicts of interest. 24 inventors with the differences being testing:
No worries! You are working so hard, Steve. I often wonder if you ever sleep.
Thank you for being a beacon of truth!
Just look at how child deaths and injuries are progressing in real time because of this poison: in LESS than a month (11/25/2022 - 12/23/2022) 1,181 children were injured and died
From the 11/25/2022 release of VAERS data:
Found 60,001 cases where age is under-18 and Vaccine is COVID19
Death174 - 0.29% Permanent Disability 554 - 0.92% Office Visit 7,919 - 13.2% Emergency Room 15 - 0.02% Emergency Doctor/Room 5,361 - 8.93% Hospitalized 4,571 - 7.62% Hospitalized, Prolonged 13 - 0.02% Recovered 23,473 - 39.12% Birth Defect 18 - 0.03% Life Threatening 696 - 1.16% Not Serious 26,6144 - 4.36%
From the 12/23/2022 release of VAERS data:
Found 61,182 cases where Age is under-18 and Vaccine is COVID19 or COVID19-2
happens to those who write a lot and have much to get done.
Steve... write something up about what happened to L-tryptophan. And those adverse events.
It was once banned for 16 years!!!
Then... compare to the CV Vax.
You are spot on. But of course, if I point to what you say, I will get blow back. But I might try anyway. When I had my shot, I developed a terrible headache. I did not want to go to the ER but two people (a nurse at my insurance company and a doctor on call for my practice) told me I needed to be checked out because some people were developing blood clots in their brains.
Since you received a response from "A", who does not have the time to look in depth --
....perhaps you should ask him WHOM he believes should bear the burden of proof to rule out vaxx as causality. After all, a potential signal of harm for an experiment carries the "guilty until proven innocent" approach. It's called the precautionary principle.
Somewhat off topic, but do you think that perhaps this could be a 'serious adverse event' triggered by the 'clot shots?'
Love it.
Where can one find the list of the770 signals?
Judging by the amount of jab commercials on tv and the radio, I'm thinking people are starting to wise up - for me I can list 5 people who have had very serious side effects from blood clots to myocarditis - They can't scare us anymore - because nothing could be worse than what they've done to us all these past three years.. from our family members dying alone, to their refusal to treat people early in the disease to lockdowns and masks - Our lives will never be the same - I hope and pray these people responsible are held accountable.
Is there a similar reporting system that would have been used for AZT?
***FLASH, Pls. Bump And Share***** "EXCLUSIVE"****
'One Of The Best Youtube Video On the Whole Covid and Vax Agenda!'
"It is not a Vaccine it is a 'Prototype Counter Measure' under the Dept Of Defense, never properly Vetted!"
Make sure you are sitting down when you View it, many will be held Accountable! Going back to 2013.
BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris
267,372 views Jan 7, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
A BOMBSHELL new report claims shows that the Department of Defense - meaning the Pentagon - controlled the COVID-19 Program from the very beginning. If true, it means that everything we were told was political theater, right down to the FDA vaccine approval process. Our guest today is the former executive of a pharmaceutical contract research organization Sasha Latypova and she shows what she has found due to her searches based on instinct that the Covid vaccine was not exactly on the up and up.
The Contagion Myth: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i14fa5o75ocb6ln/
Wow scary times 😨
Comparing the signal of an accepted AE (myocarditis) with other ignored signals is brilliant. Inconsistencies in CDC response/analysis could be a real pressure point with this. Lots of thorny questions for the CDC to answer wrt how signals are interpreted.
I am doing everything l can to move. I have been told “l know too much” and have received threats of the very worst kind imaginable Steve. Been working as an activist in one area for too long - and living in this smart house gives many opportunities for those who do not have my best interests at heart. Thank you for your concern 🙏🏻
I want to give credit where credit is due here, not just to the CDC but to the NIH as well - National Imbeciles of Health - a sorry, sick bunch of Fers!
Thank you Steve for all the AMAZING work you're doing in service to us all!!! I am very grateful for your courage wisdom and knowledge. I would love to share this article with my family and friends that have drank the damn coolaid. They look for ways to discredit what I share so Im hesitant to send this because there are some serious edit errors here. Hope you'll consider correcting. Thank you, Maureen