This is why the CDC has NEVER used the Medicare data to prove the vaccines are safe. And this is why NOBODY in mainstream medicine wants you to see this data. EVER. They ALL want it hidden. FOREVER.
To add to my earlier comment, a much more notable issue: in the raw data file it seems that Indiana was the state with the most deaths (14% of all the deaths!)- this can't be right. And how can Florida have only about half the deaths of Georgia, when FL is twice as large population-wise and has a more elderly-skewing population? Can anyone confirm or deny what I found in the dataset? I absolutely believe the vaccines are causing excess deaths, but have a hard time believing this dataset is accurate.
Perhaps the batch lethality derangements and their distrubution may explain this. See Mike Yeadon's articles on this issue. Highly variable batch differences. Some high killers and some altogether benign.
This may be an unpopular idea - but given the tyranny and abuse the citizens of Canada, New Zealand and Australia have faced I am recommending all Americans, as we still have the ability to heavily arm themselves. I just have a bad feeling that things are going to escalate. I envision more vaccine mandates and more government oppression.
Rabid perhaps, but not sure about cornered. Judging by politician changes in Ceylon and New Zealand, the populace seems to be satisfied with more globalist replacements.
In Ceylon, the new globalist government quickly required a vaccine passport to purchase rationed gasoline. The replacement New Zealand leader promised to pursue the unvaxxed like wild dogs.
This is an off-topic response to a poster called moon spinner. This poster insinuated that president bidden was a pedophile. I cannot comment on bidden but since I have cancer and will be dead soon can tell you something disturbing. There is a lot of talk about q anaon and covid. I do not know anything about Q. But I worked for one of the top plastics surgeons in the US. I was invited to a conference in Lake Tahoe. There were many congressmembers and senators in attendance. Also 2 prominent ex NFL players. After the dinner function they brought in the prostitutes. Prostitution was legal in Nevada, but all were big time underage. Most were children and most Mexican and Asian. And the congressman and senators took them back to their hotel rooms. My boss tried to hook me up with this Asian girl, at most 12 years old she did not speak English. I let her sleep on the bed and I stayed on the sofa. No way I would molest a child. This is hard to accept but it happens all the time.
Re q, q is the idea that there are white hats secretly plotting to clean up a ruling class industrial scale pedo blackmail system.
It is false.
Rampant ruling class pedophilia does exist, and it is used to blackmail, and select for people who can be blackmailed.
But there are no white hats working to clean it up.
You were being tested to see if you could fit in and be controlled. It seems you failed the test from their perspective, but if you are a believer, you may have cause to be happy passed the test from your creator's perspective.
I am sorry to hear about your advanced cancer diagnosis. Have you considered any of the following inexpensive OTC agents, which have shown significant survival improvements for advanced cancer in "gold standard" randomized clinical trials (scientific articles below):
Other agents supported by very convincing anecdotal testimonials of saving terminal cancer patients (and some published case reports) include: amygdalin (bitter apricot seeds), graviola/soursop leaf tea or capsules, and the drugs mebendazole or fenbendazole.
That's horrible. Is there any trustworthy organization that you can give information to that would help? I have heard they got the diary of Biden's daughter and it was verified as legitimate and mentioned something about that.
It was real and it happens all the time. I have given my story to independent organizations. I will archive the story on thumb drives but for now nobody cares. I never went to Epstein's island and never had sex with underage children. But the thing in lake Tahoe was crazy. The 2 most famous people there were an ex-president and his wife and I'm sure you know who I am referring too.
Paula, God bless you if you have cancer but if you are involved with people at that level of government, one would assume you communicate as part of your job. Why is it your spelling and grammar do not reflect That?
During covid there was a massive increase in cell towers and a change in both power output and a transition from 4g to 5g. There are hundreds of studies by biophysicists.
on the health risks of electromagnetic radiation but most of the media ignores it.
I experienced something similar at a conference in Arizona I was a clerk for a congressman. Similar to above they brought in underage girls to service the elite. This was in 2012. At my event there were no senators, to my knowledge just male congressman both republican and democrat- and some millionaire big tech guys.
No wonder they were able to force vaccines on the population. They first made sure that pretty much all important politicians can be blackmailed, so they will cooperate with everything.
To this day most people do not believe what is going on and consider the pedophile thing a "conspiracy theory" no way that people in government are part of this. Yet this pedophile thing has been going on in the in the Catholic Church and Vatican for decades. We may never know for instance the list of government officials, etc. that visited Epstein's Island.
I've never personally seen anything pedophilic, but I don't have contact with the elite, either. Still, I wonder if evolutionary man, living in groups of 9 to 14 members, generally honored an 18 year-old maturity. I'm guessing that those female members, living in an environment absent unnatural estrogen analogues, probably matured later than today.
Basically, the world has gone insane. I have never seen anything like this. People today are crazy and irrational. This is not new but was limited to a small percentage of people. The media is claiming that covid is causing people to become mentally ill. I do not buy that lie. It was not until the covid mrna shots came out that I started to see my patients start to lose it. I don't practice medicine just psychology. The number of covid injected people I see have levels of depression, anxiety, alcoholism, insomnia and other forms of substance abuse that I cannot keep up. If this continues, I will just quit.
Jeff rense at would be interested in both the vax damage and abuse sides of your story and keep 100% confidentiality. He reaches aprox 25 million.
I'm sure you'd agree that people who see psychologists often have problems of depression, anxiety and the other conditions you mention. So what you're saying is your vaxxed patients are getting worse or you have a new influx of vaxxed patients with these problems? If so, rather than quit, maybe consider documenting this, perhaps with colleagues who are witnessing the same thing. We need psychologists to hang on in there, especially as psychiatrists are only useful for prescribing more dangerous drugs.
I also think the shots are bringing disturbing things up in people. I don't know if you are religious, but I think we're nearing the time of the messiah. It's supposed to get very dark right before the light comes out. If you believe in G-d or any benign higher power, try to just completely trust in it. Let it take on your fears, pain and frustration and trust that it will remove it from you and heal you of it. Then you can be a conduit of it and bring healing to others. Good luck.
I think a lot of very smart people have debated about logic, gut instinct and intuition. It's not that logic and science are bad but, in some cases, can be deeply flawed. Before I became a pastor, I had a master's degree in psychology. I think there are some crazy things that psychology proposes but they get some things correct. When I think about the whole covid thing it is obvious it is primary driven by fear. I agree peer pressure and threat of career loss is real, but it seems the primary driver is fear. When the tv set and internet says 24 hours a day that if you don't get injected with a covid shot you will either die or kill your grandma your brain goes dead, and you lose the ability to think rationally. Think about all the people that still drive alone with masks on. They are clinically insane. The strangest thing about all this is there is a certain percentage of people that will never fall for it.
I think we're making too much of the fear element. The vast majority of people I know just took it to be on the safe side or because it was mandated and they didn't want to lose their job. They all believed it had been approved and was safe and effective. Most didn't do any serious independent research because they trusted what their governments were telling them. The fearful ones wearing masks alone in their cars are mostly elderly as far as I can tell and possibly slightly demented. Others are simply hypercondriacs. It's much more ignorance, mental laziness, trust in gov't, willingness to comply without questioning, docility etc. that drove all this.
I mostly agree, but I read a survey which said the 40% of people got the shots to keep their job. That to me is among the most outrageous aspect of this. Most people were not fooled by the distored coverage, probably because, like you, they relied on instinct. It was the 1% bullies that pushed this through by either bribing or coercing the media, medicine, corporations, government. I don't think the people who took it for their jobs realized all of the potential dangers involved (due to censorship), but they knew they didn't need it. So incredbly terrible.
That 40% figure rings true. I worked in the corporate offices of a healthcare provider ten years ago here in southeast Michigan. Over the years, it had strongly encouraged employees to get annual flu shots.
To less than sterling avail, as the administration never got above the 59% compliance rate. So it instituted a vaccine mandate. Employees who refused the flu shot faced summary dismissal.
It may be that a lot of employees maneuvered exemptions. I don't know. This much I do know: there was no mass exit and the healthcare provider got a 97% compliance rate.
It is doublespeak. No "healthcare providers" mandate "flu shots". Terrorists push poison. An important step is to unsubscribe from their 'health insurance' schemes. This is a legal requirment because sponsoring terrorism is a felony and such terrorists receive money from 'insurance' so it is sponsoring terrorism. Thie boycott will shut down the terrorist network. No money = no power. Unsubscribe today and put people on notice they are facing felony charges for sponsoring terrorism. For your own health and safety unsubscribe. "If you don't like it, unsubscribe":
The healthcare provider was a hospital. It required the flu shot as a condition of employment, not as a condition of qualifying for health insurance. Only 59% of employees got the flu shot before the mandate; the hospital got 97% compliance after.
I May have an answer to why there were more deaths in Georgia than Florida even though Florida has many more people. As this article indicates, %100 of Covid vaccine deaths came from just %5 of all batches. The chart at the bottom of this article shows that the deadly batches of vaccines were not distributed evenly. Georgia received more of these deadly batches than Florida. In fact, the article states that more RED states received those batches, but that is another (imporant) discussion.
These forums are very interesting. As a Pastor I don't understand most of the medical aspects to these comments. Yet the last 3 years have been the worst of my life. I was able to keep performing services, but deep divisions developed among my church members about masks and covid shots. People that I knew for years that were calm and civil became belligerent and hateful to one another. Publicly I did not promote or oppose covid shots when performing services. Privately, I have not had a vaccine in 30 years and my 2 children are unvaccinated, thriving and heathy. There is no scientific basis to this, but I believe the people behind things like mandatory vaccination, lockdowns, and social distancing are not just ignorant and following orders. I have come to the conclusion they are evil. In the end they will face God.
You don't sound like an activist, but on May 21-30 of this year, the World Health Organization (the WHO), will likely vote in an amendment to Health Regulations as well as a treaty that would give it the power to mandate shots, global digital health certificates, travel restrictions, the right to censorship and more on all member nations, which includes the U.S.
We are trying to stop this by telling Congress to Exit the WHO. If you would like to to this, go to There will be a lot to read that you probably won't want to read, but if you scroll down a couple of times, you will get to the "Action" section. Then, you will be able to send the message to all representatives and senators that they should pass or sponsor legislation to Exit the WHO. It may not seem like much, but I don't want to just stand by (and yes, I am also praying, but I feel that people need to do things in addition to praying).
I am aware of the WHO agenda. They are not elected and have no legal power in the United States, but they financially own and control a lot of democrats and republicans.
I consider it to be a demonic organization. Yes, prayer is important but not may be enough.
Biden has treated them as though they have power in the US which de facto gives it to them. Also, the point of the amendments and treaty in May is to give the IHR and treaty binding power. While some of the provisions may be legally questionable, their power will be much more firmly established if these things pass, which it looks like they will. And given how the world is going, it is better to get out of that corrupt organization than stay and then try to argue that their regulations and treaty were not as binding as they claim. Clicking that link may not be much, but it's something, and we should not just lay down and let the WHO (I agree with your assessment of them) run over us.
You are proof that intuition can get to the truth faster than logic. I had to use logic to figure it out, noticing all of the distorted statistics and news reports to figure it out. Unfortunately, many people smart enough and logical enough to figure it off either turned off their brains or let fear, social pressure, fear of reprisal etc. keep them from realizing the truth or at least admitting it.
Were you exposed to TV vaxx ads? I escaped any desire to jab, somehow, but I don't watch TV, and never saw any ads except at my local drug store. So I was unaware of a vaxx campaign. Maybe there wasn't one? I don't know.
A psychologist threw out his own TV because, after studying patients, he concluded that a TV viewer who is aware of brainwashing becomes even more brainwashed than an oblivious person!
Your friends got the shot because they were exposed to other information which was much more timely and calculated than your previous warnings born out of innocent concern. We tend to believe the last thing we hear, especially when the information is a psyops.
It's less confusing when you understand that under emergency use, they can change their formulas DAILY if they so choose. We cannot assume that all of these shots were the exact same. We have no idea of the ingredient fluxuation across distributors, dates and therefor consumer regions.
People who have been following this know for a FACT that they are not the same. Keep in mind that no one even knows what's in these shots, which is ridiculous. Also, a whistle blower is suing because the Pharmaceutical company she was at was not following protocol regarding quality control There is a site that has a whole section to the question: How bad was my batch? Here is an article which says that 100% of vacc injuries were caused by %5 of bad batches and it lists states in order of how many bad batches they got (at end of article). I'm not a scientist, but I think these people are onto something. (Steve reported in one of his posts that he got a batch and had it analyzed, and it just had saline. Others have found that as well, along with extremely toxic batches and batches with weird things in them like "nano-particles" and graphine. That's why I would advise everyone to stay away from them.
I think you are right. I also think “globulists” are trying to break up good old American, mainly but not only Christian, and family values first communities wherever they find them. Such as paradise, ca and near Sonoma, ca (DEW) and breaking up any strong anti-globalist populations by any means necessary. The depop shots and remdiesevere/vents did quite a number as well of course.
It has come to this. If you are a responsible parent and allow you child to be injected with mrna you are guilty of child abuse. Sure, I am just a Unitarian minister. But before that I was cellular biologist. Covid shots will kill and hurt millions if not billions of people and you just accept it. So, my question to you is simple. Why do you keep taking it.?
I agree with armando below. I am divorced and have custody of my 12-year-old daughter. Anyone that tries to inject her with a covid shot will not do well. I'm a mellow person but ex-military and will protect my child with deadly force.
I have a 14 year-old daughter whose friends have nearly all been injected, and so she thinks the "vaccines" are ok because her friends are ok (so far). I am scared she will want to get it to fit in, so I am wondering if anyone has any ideas of a short and powerful video our there I could show her to make her aware of the dangers?
I would give her a copy of "Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines," by Dr. Colleen Huber and tell her you'll pay $20 for a solid book report on it.
As a bonus, she could turn in the book report for extra credit at school.
You are the Mom and have legal control over your child until she is 18. Just prevent her from being injected. What her friends say is completely meaningless.
The core issue do you trust what the tv says? Do you trust what Google says?
Do you trust what twitter, or any other website says? Making things worse, since covid I have lost complete trust in my physician and the American medical establishment. I am just a mechanic but read about the Renaissance. We are at tipping point, and it has to do with the concept of decisions. Do we make our own decisions about our medical care etc. or to we just do what the tv and google tells us to do?
If you don't want the WHO to be able to mandate shots, "Global Digital Health Certificates," be able to restrict our travel, institute quarantines, commandeer planes and ships and do surveillance for "health events" in All member nations including the US following the World "Health" Assembly May 21-30 2023, please tell Congress to . (When you get to the site, there's a lot you can read, but if you scroll down a couple of times, you'll get to the link where you can send a message to all of Congresses Senators and Representatives that we want OUT of the WHO. )
Medicate yourself, nebulize with H2O2 and never get another virus. Don't cut yourself short, what would we do without mechanics. Well we would sit at home and twiddle our thumbs. A mec. has 100 different autos he has to know how to repair right/docs. will push you a pill and he has only two types to work on. You have to repair to OEM and you are responsible for your repair. They never have to take responsibility, you have to answer for every repair. I take you over doc any day.
If you don't want the WHO to be able to mandate shots, "Global Digital Health Certificates," be able to restrict our travel, institute quarantines, commandeer planes and ships and do surveillance for "health events" in All member nations including the US following the World "Health" Assembly May 21-30 2023, please tell Congress to . (When you get to the site, there's a lot you can read, but if you scroll down a couple of times, you'll get to the link where you can send a message to all of Congresses Senators and Representatives that we want OUT of the WHO. )
I like going to Steves site from time to time. On this thread there are close to 15 graphs that make little sense to me. I may be wrong, but it seems he is preaching to the choir. At least on visitors to this site - Are there still people that are undecided on the issue of covid shots? I guess there are people that love graphs and data. I'm more simplistic. For one I did not think covid presented a risk to me and believe in natural immunity, also after a vaccine forced on me in the military partially paralyzed my face, I decided to never take any vaccines again.
Again, I'm sorry you were forced into that . Unfortunately, when the WHO's "World Health Assembly" meets this May 21-30, they will probably vote in amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic treaty which will give it the power to mandate the pandemic response of all member nations, including the US. They will be able to override congress, the president and out constitution and could mandate shots, "Global Digital Health Certificates," be able to restrict our travel, institute quarantines, commandeer planes and ships and do surveillance for "health events" among other things.
We are trying to stop this by asking Congress to vote to . (When you get to the site, there's a lot you can read, but if you don't want to (trust me, you won't) scroll down a couple of times. You'll get to the link where you can send a message to all of Congresses Senators and Representatives that we want OUT of the WHO with just one click.
I'm part of that choir you describe. My reason for coming here is to update my understanding of a very complex issue, and to try to reduce it to terms that can be easily understood by anyone willing to listen. That may be a small number at present, but it's not zero, and if things continue the way they appear to, that number will grow according to a well established pattern that goes something like this:
I'm definitely a choir member and love your point, first described (so far as I know) by Kubler-Ross.
Where do you think the broader public is on the spectrum? From my perch, most are in denial. The only anger I've noticed is...against me for my "non-scientific", voodoo views.
Thank you Gemma. It's hard to gauge exactly where we are in that progression. Globally, I'd say NZ is ahead of us in the anger dept. which probably accounts for Jacinda bailing out. For bargaining I'd substitute 'backtracking' at least where the authorities are concerned. The anger is noticeable and has been for a while, it just doesn't get reported, which is why we need this place (substack).
I'm not the best person to ask for a measure of local conditions because I'm way off the beaten track in a small community, but from our local TV I get the impression that we're reaching exhaustion and what I'd call the f'it stage, where you just let that truck you're trying save slid into the canyon. Nothing else you can do. What I mean is, those that understand the actual science, or who can translate it effectively like Steve does, have all been reached at this point. The doesn't mean we shouldn't press on though, because we still have to help those who've been injured, and we haven't yet found anything you could call a 'cure.' Just remedial stuff.
Denial can only last as long as you aren't directly affected, a number which gets smaller every day. At some threshold that trips into action, as we saw with the trucker rebellion. That's a big step for most though, putting everything on the line. We'll get there, it's just hard to say when. In the meantime, here we are.
Unfortunately, even some of those directly affected don't know it, because they've been given false information about why a death, disease, miscarraige, injury happened. And I've found articles claiming "Long COVID" is to blame for things I am pretty sure were caused by the shots. So they are then both denying the damage of the shots and falsely increasing the alleged damage supposedly done by COVID.
Can't speak for the other guy but I was Army and certain it was the anthrax jab. I had muscle weakness to the point I could not walk. I fully recovered but it took 3 months.
Go to to keep the WHO from mandaing these horrible things. Scroll down past the long explanations, and with one click, tell Congress to LEAVE the WHO>
Some people understand statistics. Others do not. This global covid injection program is close to 3 years old now. Statistics aside there is still the elephant in the room question. Will you take any more covid shots or will you object? My opinion on this "vaccine issue" is clear as mentioned below but it is not medical advice. Yet tv people that have no medical training routinely give medical advice. This will make a lot of people angry, but I have a 357-magnum revolver and if anyone tries to inject me with any vaccine!
If you are paying 'health insurance' you are someone trying to inject you and others. What are you going to do? Shoot yourself or unsubscribe? Is there really any choice? Sponsoring terrorism is a felony so you have to unsubscribe and make the nightmare end. Mobilize the world to defund the terrorists.
I needed to look up the 454 casull. That thing could take out a Grizzly bear. The recoil is almost twice that of a 44 magnum. Not many people could fire it.
Crap I thought it was smith and Wesson but its taurus. It's amazing that it can fire both shotgun shells and handgun rounds. I had a taurus big frame and it could fire 38 or 357 magnums.
You know your rounds. I was a signal intelligence nerd but used to hang out with Army rangers. Most left the Nato 5.56 as it did not put people down. My ranger
friend had 3 things. A 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buck and a m14 which basically
fired a 308 deer cartage. His backup was a 9mm Berreta pistol
My pet was a Browning semi auto shotgun modified by the police. The stock was textured so that your hands didn't slip. But we digress.... I admit shooting many of thse pseudo people would yield enormous satisfaction.
Steve keeps going on with these posts and I respect his perseverance and mission.
But the normal person just does not have the mental ability to interpret Steves studies and data. As a physician I am aware that covid shots kill far more people than they help. In fact, I am not sure mrna covid shots have helped any patients. And each month we find out how they are killing and hurting people. Steve is very smart and into data and statistical things. My take is if I still had an active medical license, I would tell all my patients to refuse all vaccines. Sure, I would be fired but at least I would have a clear conscience. Going forward I think the only way out of this is mass rejection of all vaccines by the general public. But the doctors and media will keep saying "drugs and vaccines are safe and effective." as they are paid to do so.- and the sheep will believe them. So, this is where we are.
I agree with you Armando. I give major cudos to Steve for his dedication and mathematical talent. But would encourage him to enlist the help of someone who can present it with exceptional clarity.
Armando, as a physician can you explain to me why so many of your profession have touted these shots and continue to do so? A lot of us nobodies were "hesitant" while the science and medicine experts rushed in headlong and yelled curses at those who held back.
I beg to differ with your "normal" person comment. Are you personally "above normal" because you chose the path of physician? Intelligence and the ability to understand are not predicated on your choice of career path. I am afraid that physicians, for the most part, are a group of people who feel they are greater than "normal" people. It just isn't true. All men are created equal. What you choose to do with your life is just that - your choice. For three years, I have been studying the COVID phenomenon. It is my opinion that the shot is gene therapy, is capable of causing widespread death and disability, is unnecessary, and was launched with a greater purpose in mind. Of note, I am "just" an old lady.
A physician I once saw who was consistently misdiagnosed by top doctors in New York City (he finally figured out his condition on his own: after all, he WAS a doctor), described the approach to medicine taught as following a "cookbook approach".
Most people who get into med school can memorize recipes!
Regrettably, conventional medicine studies disease, not health. Worse, there is no support for independent thinking.
He feels he is but he is not. Pride God hates. At 74 I have seen a lot but one thing never changes...Genesis 8:21. ...the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth.......Man never changes!
Any first day Fundamentals of Nursing Student would reject the hypothesis that those gene-mutilating-reaaranging-de-humanizing-inhumane-bioweapons came straight out of Lucifer's playbook and not if the father of medicine #Imhotep.
Still, #Bob🎶🎸 said," You Can Fool Some People Sometime But You Can't Gool All of The People All of The Time!"
"Here Comes The Con Man Coming With His CON-PLAN..........!"
"But the normal person just does not have the mental ability to interpret Steves studies and data."
I do. I also have the ability to communicate well with people who don't. Isn't that what doctors are supposed to do? Explain complicated things in simple terms their patients can understand? Also, in medicine is it not common to rely on specialists? Steve is doing specialized work. Should you ever need to refer to it, it's there and will save you the trouble of doing it yourself, or even worse, trying to win someone over without any solid data to back you up.
"Going forward I think the only way out of this is mass rejection of all vaccines by the general public. "
This is the truth. That's one (of many) reasons we can't get 100% hung up on just the "Covid" vax. They are all destructive as hell and we need as many people, especially parents of young children, saying no to all vaccines. That is the best (and only?) way out.
I want nothing to do with the Covid jabs and my kids certainly won’t be getting them under my roof. There are a fair number of the recommended vaccines that we already opted out of. But I’ve seen tetanus it’s ghastly. I’ve seen diphtheria and I’ve seen diphtheria lungs on necropsy. I’ve known mothers who lost babies to pertussis because they were too young to be vaccinated. I’ve read the cards and notes my grandmother’s schoolmates sent her when it looked like she might die of measles encephalitis and have some of her diary entries from when she finally recovered enough to write. My local museum has an iron lung on display that was practically worn out by the local hospital prior to the polio vaccine’s invention. So while I would definitely like more transparency and data and I think the current vaccine schedule is suspect, I want my children to have those vaccines. I am well aware of the possibility of vaccine reactions but as a parent I want to be the one making that cost benefit analysis given what I know about my own family’s genetic propensities and medical history as well as my child’s risk level based on our lifestyle. I don’t want anybody else taking that decision from me, not the government by forcing my to get whatever vaccines they want and not random people who want to impose their cost benefit analysis on me and mine.
#1: You're going under the false assumption that vaccines work.
#2: Absolutely, if YOU want to get vaccinated, have at it. As many and as often as you want. No problems here. But, so often people screech, scream and demand that everybody else has to do as they do; to protect THEM (or their kids). Makes no sense. Doesn't work that way. Right? No mandated shots for anyone including kids, correct?
#3: 'My local museum has an iron lung on display that was practically worn out by the local hospital prior to the polio vaccine’s invention'
Rethink this sentence above? and the rest of your examples? You're basing your decision to VACCINATE kids on emotion, if not outright hysteria. Am I wrong? I could pick most anything and present a hysterical reason as to why we should vaccinate for any/everything. Car accidents? HORRIFIC. Followed up by 'letters' from the surviving family members going into gruesome detail of the accident(s)
Fentanyl/Heroin/Meth addiction maiming and death? Gruesome. Taken step by step, even more gruesome. But what does that have to do with crappy (very dangerous) vaccines that don't work?
I, nor anybody, has stated nobody is going to suffer/die if we stop vaccines.
Bottom Line. In some ways, I'm with you. If you want vaccines, you should be able to take them. As long as you don't impose your opinions (key word) on others. Although I do cringe a little re: parents, using very sketchy (at best) data, who force kids to take very dangerous vaccines that don't work. But, that's my peccadillo, I guess.
1.) I am not under the false assumption that vaccines work, I know that certain vaccines, especially older vaccines do work. Historically you can absolutely look at population groups and watch vaccines result in either the outright eradication of diseases or see them go from a common occurrence to unheard of. Thanks to illegal immigration and anti-vax parents we can also see those diseases return with increasing numbers of unvaccinated children.
Plus it’s not like people are the only creatures on this planet that receive vaccines. I have seen vaccines prevent and stop outbreaks and disease in animals and I have seen a failure to vaccinate result in disease and death. Want to know why your average American doesn’t think twice about a stray dog on the street unless it’s an overwhelming desire to take it home and someone from the Middle East or India will freak out seeing a stray dog? It’s because rabies in dogs is practically unheard of in the US (thanks to heavy vaccination use) and it’s far more common in that part of the world.
2.) I have never ever pushed for others or their children to be forced to have vaccines, it should be a personal choice. I also think that there are definitely people for whom the vaccines do more harm than good and there certainly are people for whom the vaccines really do very little for them as an individual. Focusing on identifying who is in which group should be a goal of medicine rather than just slapping blanket recommendations or requirements on everyone. There seems to be some sort of genetic component to severe adverse vaccine reactions to the classic vaccines so yeah if you have a history of those problems in your family that might change your analysis and I don’t blame anyone for that. But when I can look at my own family history and we have had zero severe vaccine reactions or long lasting reactions and the family tree and oral history are littered with horror stories of illness and mortality in young children I’m going to do what I can to avoid measles. I just want people to be able to make their own choices.
3.) The iron lung isn’t an emotional example it’s the opposite it’s scientific evidence. My small town had a hospital that had enough children with polio to not only have an iron lung but to use it. They also have all sorts of pictures of kids in it and lists of some of the patients who used it. None of the doctors or nurses are around but some of the old timers still remember what that time was like. After mass vaccination with the polio vaccine started that machine went out of use immediately. These days it’s practically unheard of for a child to need assisted breathing in such a way and generally if they need that sort of airway support it’s due to some terrible accident and not disease. That machine is physical proof of the success of the polio vaccination program.
4.) Cars are an interesting example because I look at vaccines much like I look at seatbelts. Something that should be completely optional that I personally want to take advantage of. It’s a small thing that I can do to try and prevent death or severe disability, it’s no guarantee and there is a chance that my choice to try and protect myself is the very thing that killed me (there are car wrecks in which it’s better not to have a seatbelt) but I’m willing to play the odds on that. I don’t drink under the influence because of all the fear porn of wrecked cars I was shown in school and because I have seen people I personally know in similar wrecks. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I always wear a seatbelt and make anyone riding with me wear one because I knew a kid that got ejected from his truck and it rolled on him. Sure it’s an emotionally based decision but that doesn’t mean the decision is a bad one. Also for what it’s worth I think people should fear driving and be more respectful of it than they are. You are trying to control a couple of tons of metal and plastic hurling down roads often at 50-80 mph. Roads that have other people on them, often have weather related hazards as well as wildlife or other animals on them. The roads would be much safer if people took that responsibility seriously and remembered the gravity of what they were doing rather than becoming complacent or treating it like a game.
5.) There is a difference between thinking that vaccines that prevent deadly diseases have value and thinking that a vaccine can fix everything. Like I said in my original post there are vaccines my kids don’t get because I either don’t think the science supports it’s use or because I don’t think the disease is bad enough to warrant a vaccine. To be fair though the reason both medical professionals and the public want vaccines for everything is because it’s an easy answer. It’s easier to get a jab once every few years or even months than it is to do the hard work to get clean of an addiction or to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. The want to invent an easy solution to every problem is understandable but the utility of vaccines is quite limited and just because people want an easy fix doesn’t mean there is one.
As far as parents making their kids take dangerous vaccines that don’t work I think on a population level that’s of much less concern than the parents who feed their kids absolute garbage, let them have far too much screen time, and don’t make them get outside and get some exercise. It’s extremely unfortunate that parents are often making these decisions based on faulty data and that’s a serious problem. But the responsibility for such decisions always has been and always should be in the hands of parents.
I've read your whole post. Parts of it I agree with 100%. Good stuff.
Would you want to list the older vaccines that do work? With little to none causing (creating actually) -> illness, long term pain, deformation, maiming, death? Do they exist? I say no. I know you've mentioned tetanus; can you get this as tetanus alone? Or is the 2/3 in 1 jabber? Measles? any other 'older' vaccines?
Did you know that 98% of measles were wiped out (natural immunity) before the 1st measles vaccine hit the U.S. ?
Here's 2-3 (of many) that might be interesting to you .. or not :
#1: Majority of mumps cases are among the vaccinated, CDC finds
As many as 94 percent of children and adolescents who contracted the highly contagious virus had been vaccinated.
According to Dr. Gary Goldman, before the universal chickenpox or varicella vaccine was introduced in the USA in 1996, 95% of adults had experienced natural chickenpox, usually as children, and had life-long immunity. Subsequent exposures to natural chickenpox prevented or postponed shingles.
Childhood chickenpox vaccination programmes have increased the cases of shingles in adults by 100%. To counteract the dramatic increase in shingles cases, a shingles vaccine, Zostavax, was introduced.
After the introduction of the shingles vaccine, adults began falling ill with chickenpox – a childhood disease. Additionally, since the universal chickenpox vaccine was introduced, the high percentage of people with long-term immunity has been compromised.
Vaccination at best provides 70%-90% immunity that is temporary and of unknown duration making these children susceptible to chickenpox as adults. It has, therefore, shifted chickenpox to a more vulnerable adult population where chickenpox carries 15 times more risk of hospitalisation and 20 times more risk of death compared to children."
Vaccines play with, actually destroy, Mother Nature i.e. our SuperDuperComputer CNS. Bad idea, with disastrous results for the masses.
BS!!! Stay away from vaccines............ALL OF THEM!!!
"The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination.....100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines."
-Dr Guylaine Lanctor author of "The Medical Mafia"
"Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child....There in convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease"
-Dr Robert Mendelsohn author of "Confessions of a Medical Heretic"
"These chronic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, cancer, and AIDS, are the result of wrong interventions upon the organism by conventional medicine.....the immune systems of the Western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated vaccinations, have broken down.....medicine, instead of curing diseases, is actually the cause of the degeneration of the human race"
-Dr Juan Manuel Martinez Mendez writing in the Aug/Sept 2004 Townsend Letter
" Historically you can absolutely look at population groups and watch vaccines result in either the outright eradication of diseases or see them go from a common occurrence to unheard of. "
That is not how you do science. All you are looking at is manipulation of definitions. With 'polio' for example it is on record that statistics were manipulated. Similar methods were used for other 'vaccines' such as 'smallpox' being redefined 'chickenpox' and 'measles' etc:
"The fact that dubious tactics were used to fabricate efficacy rates was corroborated by Dr. Bernard Greenberg, chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 1950s. His expert testimony was used as evidence during Congressional hearings in 1962. He cred- ited the “decline” of polio cases not to the vaccine, but rather to a change in the way doctors were required to report cases: “Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was do- ing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospi- talization... two examinations at least 24 hours apart was all that was required... In 1955 the criteria were changed... residual pa- ralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset... This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease... Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis... Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic crite- ria, the number of paralytic cases was predetermined to decrease... [52:96,97]”
To add to my earlier comment, a much more notable issue: in the raw data file it seems that Indiana was the state with the most deaths (14% of all the deaths!)- this can't be right. And how can Florida have only about half the deaths of Georgia, when FL is twice as large population-wise and has a more elderly-skewing population? Can anyone confirm or deny what I found in the dataset? I absolutely believe the vaccines are causing excess deaths, but have a hard time believing this dataset is accurate.
Perhaps the batch lethality derangements and their distrubution may explain this. See Mike Yeadon's articles on this issue. Highly variable batch differences. Some high killers and some altogether benign.
This may be an unpopular idea - but given the tyranny and abuse the citizens of Canada, New Zealand and Australia have faced I am recommending all Americans, as we still have the ability to heavily arm themselves. I just have a bad feeling that things are going to escalate. I envision more vaccine mandates and more government oppression.
I would agree. I have never felt unsafe in America before and I am loaded to the teeth. Consider extra food as well.
Anna... Beautiful name. It was that, Pheobe, or Abby for our last. We chose Abby.
I have 2 arms now, do I need to attach more?
Yep, the cornered rabid dog is going to go for broke.
Rabid perhaps, but not sure about cornered. Judging by politician changes in Ceylon and New Zealand, the populace seems to be satisfied with more globalist replacements.
In Ceylon, the new globalist government quickly required a vaccine passport to purchase rationed gasoline. The replacement New Zealand leader promised to pursue the unvaxxed like wild dogs.
I'd at least have Compassion for a rabid dog.
This is an off-topic response to a poster called moon spinner. This poster insinuated that president bidden was a pedophile. I cannot comment on bidden but since I have cancer and will be dead soon can tell you something disturbing. There is a lot of talk about q anaon and covid. I do not know anything about Q. But I worked for one of the top plastics surgeons in the US. I was invited to a conference in Lake Tahoe. There were many congressmembers and senators in attendance. Also 2 prominent ex NFL players. After the dinner function they brought in the prostitutes. Prostitution was legal in Nevada, but all were big time underage. Most were children and most Mexican and Asian. And the congressman and senators took them back to their hotel rooms. My boss tried to hook me up with this Asian girl, at most 12 years old she did not speak English. I let her sleep on the bed and I stayed on the sofa. No way I would molest a child. This is hard to accept but it happens all the time.
Very sorry to hear this.
Re q, q is the idea that there are white hats secretly plotting to clean up a ruling class industrial scale pedo blackmail system.
It is false.
Rampant ruling class pedophilia does exist, and it is used to blackmail, and select for people who can be blackmailed.
But there are no white hats working to clean it up.
You were being tested to see if you could fit in and be controlled. It seems you failed the test from their perspective, but if you are a believer, you may have cause to be happy passed the test from your creator's perspective.
I am sorry to hear about your advanced cancer diagnosis. Have you considered any of the following inexpensive OTC agents, which have shown significant survival improvements for advanced cancer in "gold standard" randomized clinical trials (scientific articles below):
daily Vitamin D (modest effect)
Another agent is THC:CBD "Sativex" spray (approved in UK, not sure how easy it is to obtain in the US)
Other agents supported by very convincing anecdotal testimonials of saving terminal cancer patients (and some published case reports) include: amygdalin (bitter apricot seeds), graviola/soursop leaf tea or capsules, and the drugs mebendazole or fenbendazole.
Finally, Dr. Justus Hope (pseudonym) has written an excellent book about the promising results of using repurposed drug combinations to try to survive advanced cancer:
Other books describing success stories are by Chris Wark and Jane McClelland
That's horrible. Is there any trustworthy organization that you can give information to that would help? I have heard they got the diary of Biden's daughter and it was verified as legitimate and mentioned something about that.
It was real and it happens all the time. I have given my story to independent organizations. I will archive the story on thumb drives but for now nobody cares. I never went to Epstein's island and never had sex with underage children. But the thing in lake Tahoe was crazy. The 2 most famous people there were an ex-president and his wife and I'm sure you know who I am referring too.
Paula, God bless you if you have cancer but if you are involved with people at that level of government, one would assume you communicate as part of your job. Why is it your spelling and grammar do not reflect That?
During covid there was a massive increase in cell towers and a change in both power output and a transition from 4g to 5g. There are hundreds of studies by biophysicists.
on the health risks of electromagnetic radiation but most of the media ignores it.
I experienced something similar at a conference in Arizona I was a clerk for a congressman. Similar to above they brought in underage girls to service the elite. This was in 2012. At my event there were no senators, to my knowledge just male congressman both republican and democrat- and some millionaire big tech guys.
No wonder they were able to force vaccines on the population. They first made sure that pretty much all important politicians can be blackmailed, so they will cooperate with everything.
To this day most people do not believe what is going on and consider the pedophile thing a "conspiracy theory" no way that people in government are part of this. Yet this pedophile thing has been going on in the in the Catholic Church and Vatican for decades. We may never know for instance the list of government officials, etc. that visited Epstein's Island.
I've never personally seen anything pedophilic, but I don't have contact with the elite, either. Still, I wonder if evolutionary man, living in groups of 9 to 14 members, generally honored an 18 year-old maturity. I'm guessing that those female members, living in an environment absent unnatural estrogen analogues, probably matured later than today.
And public schools.
Basically, the world has gone insane. I have never seen anything like this. People today are crazy and irrational. This is not new but was limited to a small percentage of people. The media is claiming that covid is causing people to become mentally ill. I do not buy that lie. It was not until the covid mrna shots came out that I started to see my patients start to lose it. I don't practice medicine just psychology. The number of covid injected people I see have levels of depression, anxiety, alcoholism, insomnia and other forms of substance abuse that I cannot keep up. If this continues, I will just quit.
You don't write like a psychologist. Come on people, do you believe every Thing someone posts?
Jeff rense at would be interested in both the vax damage and abuse sides of your story and keep 100% confidentiality. He reaches aprox 25 million.
I'm sure you'd agree that people who see psychologists often have problems of depression, anxiety and the other conditions you mention. So what you're saying is your vaxxed patients are getting worse or you have a new influx of vaxxed patients with these problems? If so, rather than quit, maybe consider documenting this, perhaps with colleagues who are witnessing the same thing. We need psychologists to hang on in there, especially as psychiatrists are only useful for prescribing more dangerous drugs.
I also think the shots are bringing disturbing things up in people. I don't know if you are religious, but I think we're nearing the time of the messiah. It's supposed to get very dark right before the light comes out. If you believe in G-d or any benign higher power, try to just completely trust in it. Let it take on your fears, pain and frustration and trust that it will remove it from you and heal you of it. Then you can be a conduit of it and bring healing to others. Good luck.
I think a lot of very smart people have debated about logic, gut instinct and intuition. It's not that logic and science are bad but, in some cases, can be deeply flawed. Before I became a pastor, I had a master's degree in psychology. I think there are some crazy things that psychology proposes but they get some things correct. When I think about the whole covid thing it is obvious it is primary driven by fear. I agree peer pressure and threat of career loss is real, but it seems the primary driver is fear. When the tv set and internet says 24 hours a day that if you don't get injected with a covid shot you will either die or kill your grandma your brain goes dead, and you lose the ability to think rationally. Think about all the people that still drive alone with masks on. They are clinically insane. The strangest thing about all this is there is a certain percentage of people that will never fall for it.
Yep, lots of us come from cults of one kind or another and can recognize abuse, manipulation and "all in it togetherness".
I think we're making too much of the fear element. The vast majority of people I know just took it to be on the safe side or because it was mandated and they didn't want to lose their job. They all believed it had been approved and was safe and effective. Most didn't do any serious independent research because they trusted what their governments were telling them. The fearful ones wearing masks alone in their cars are mostly elderly as far as I can tell and possibly slightly demented. Others are simply hypercondriacs. It's much more ignorance, mental laziness, trust in gov't, willingness to comply without questioning, docility etc. that drove all this.
I mostly agree, but I read a survey which said the 40% of people got the shots to keep their job. That to me is among the most outrageous aspect of this. Most people were not fooled by the distored coverage, probably because, like you, they relied on instinct. It was the 1% bullies that pushed this through by either bribing or coercing the media, medicine, corporations, government. I don't think the people who took it for their jobs realized all of the potential dangers involved (due to censorship), but they knew they didn't need it. So incredbly terrible.
That's the best argument for increased savings and "f#ck you money" I've ever heard.
True enough, but I was hoping to save that FU money for retirement. Oh, well. It's cat food for me, I guess.
More nutritious than the average shopping cart contents I've heard :]
That 40% figure rings true. I worked in the corporate offices of a healthcare provider ten years ago here in southeast Michigan. Over the years, it had strongly encouraged employees to get annual flu shots.
To less than sterling avail, as the administration never got above the 59% compliance rate. So it instituted a vaccine mandate. Employees who refused the flu shot faced summary dismissal.
It may be that a lot of employees maneuvered exemptions. I don't know. This much I do know: there was no mass exit and the healthcare provider got a 97% compliance rate.
Wow. Disgusting. I imagine this is going on everywhere.
It is doublespeak. No "healthcare providers" mandate "flu shots". Terrorists push poison. An important step is to unsubscribe from their 'health insurance' schemes. This is a legal requirment because sponsoring terrorism is a felony and such terrorists receive money from 'insurance' so it is sponsoring terrorism. Thie boycott will shut down the terrorist network. No money = no power. Unsubscribe today and put people on notice they are facing felony charges for sponsoring terrorism. For your own health and safety unsubscribe. "If you don't like it, unsubscribe":
The healthcare provider was a hospital. It required the flu shot as a condition of employment, not as a condition of qualifying for health insurance. Only 59% of employees got the flu shot before the mandate; the hospital got 97% compliance after.
Companies and organizations worldwide did this. Sorry for your friend and millions of others who did the same
According to the article I just sent you, Indiana was sent twice as many bad batches as were sent to NY State. Look at the bottom chart.
I May have an answer to why there were more deaths in Georgia than Florida even though Florida has many more people. As this article indicates, %100 of Covid vaccine deaths came from just %5 of all batches. The chart at the bottom of this article shows that the deadly batches of vaccines were not distributed evenly. Georgia received more of these deadly batches than Florida. In fact, the article states that more RED states received those batches, but that is another (imporant) discussion.
These forums are very interesting. As a Pastor I don't understand most of the medical aspects to these comments. Yet the last 3 years have been the worst of my life. I was able to keep performing services, but deep divisions developed among my church members about masks and covid shots. People that I knew for years that were calm and civil became belligerent and hateful to one another. Publicly I did not promote or oppose covid shots when performing services. Privately, I have not had a vaccine in 30 years and my 2 children are unvaccinated, thriving and heathy. There is no scientific basis to this, but I believe the people behind things like mandatory vaccination, lockdowns, and social distancing are not just ignorant and following orders. I have come to the conclusion they are evil. In the end they will face God.
You don't sound like an activist, but on May 21-30 of this year, the World Health Organization (the WHO), will likely vote in an amendment to Health Regulations as well as a treaty that would give it the power to mandate shots, global digital health certificates, travel restrictions, the right to censorship and more on all member nations, which includes the U.S.
We are trying to stop this by telling Congress to Exit the WHO. If you would like to to this, go to There will be a lot to read that you probably won't want to read, but if you scroll down a couple of times, you will get to the "Action" section. Then, you will be able to send the message to all representatives and senators that they should pass or sponsor legislation to Exit the WHO. It may not seem like much, but I don't want to just stand by (and yes, I am also praying, but I feel that people need to do things in addition to praying).
I am aware of the WHO agenda. They are not elected and have no legal power in the United States, but they financially own and control a lot of democrats and republicans.
I consider it to be a demonic organization. Yes, prayer is important but not may be enough.
Biden has treated them as though they have power in the US which de facto gives it to them. Also, the point of the amendments and treaty in May is to give the IHR and treaty binding power. While some of the provisions may be legally questionable, their power will be much more firmly established if these things pass, which it looks like they will. And given how the world is going, it is better to get out of that corrupt organization than stay and then try to argue that their regulations and treaty were not as binding as they claim. Clicking that link may not be much, but it's something, and we should not just lay down and let the WHO (I agree with your assessment of them) run over us.
You are proof that intuition can get to the truth faster than logic. I had to use logic to figure it out, noticing all of the distorted statistics and news reports to figure it out. Unfortunately, many people smart enough and logical enough to figure it off either turned off their brains or let fear, social pressure, fear of reprisal etc. keep them from realizing the truth or at least admitting it.
Thank you I will respond above and it's a little long but not religious.
Were you exposed to TV vaxx ads? I escaped any desire to jab, somehow, but I don't watch TV, and never saw any ads except at my local drug store. So I was unaware of a vaxx campaign. Maybe there wasn't one? I don't know.
A psychologist threw out his own TV because, after studying patients, he concluded that a TV viewer who is aware of brainwashing becomes even more brainwashed than an oblivious person!
Your friends got the shot because they were exposed to other information which was much more timely and calculated than your previous warnings born out of innocent concern. We tend to believe the last thing we hear, especially when the information is a psyops.
It's less confusing when you understand that under emergency use, they can change their formulas DAILY if they so choose. We cannot assume that all of these shots were the exact same. We have no idea of the ingredient fluxuation across distributors, dates and therefor consumer regions.
People who have been following this know for a FACT that they are not the same. Keep in mind that no one even knows what's in these shots, which is ridiculous. Also, a whistle blower is suing because the Pharmaceutical company she was at was not following protocol regarding quality control There is a site that has a whole section to the question: How bad was my batch? Here is an article which says that 100% of vacc injuries were caused by %5 of bad batches and it lists states in order of how many bad batches they got (at end of article). I'm not a scientist, but I think these people are onto something. (Steve reported in one of his posts that he got a batch and had it analyzed, and it just had saline. Others have found that as well, along with extremely toxic batches and batches with weird things in them like "nano-particles" and graphine. That's why I would advise everyone to stay away from them.
we can see the states with most "covid" deaths (jab + remdeisivr/vent deaths) : - not all state data shown.. but KY looks hit hard
I think you are right. I also think “globulists” are trying to break up good old American, mainly but not only Christian, and family values first communities wherever they find them. Such as paradise, ca and near Sonoma, ca (DEW) and breaking up any strong anti-globalist populations by any means necessary. The depop shots and remdiesevere/vents did quite a number as well of course.
It has come to this. If you are a responsible parent and allow you child to be injected with mrna you are guilty of child abuse. Sure, I am just a Unitarian minister. But before that I was cellular biologist. Covid shots will kill and hurt millions if not billions of people and you just accept it. So, my question to you is simple. Why do you keep taking it.?
I agree with armando below. I am divorced and have custody of my 12-year-old daughter. Anyone that tries to inject her with a covid shot will not do well. I'm a mellow person but ex-military and will protect my child with deadly force.
I have a 14 year-old daughter whose friends have nearly all been injected, and so she thinks the "vaccines" are ok because her friends are ok (so far). I am scared she will want to get it to fit in, so I am wondering if anyone has any ideas of a short and powerful video our there I could show her to make her aware of the dangers?
I would give her a copy of "Neither Safe Nor Effective: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines," by Dr. Colleen Huber and tell her you'll pay $20 for a solid book report on it.
As a bonus, she could turn in the book report for extra credit at school.
Suggest that she scroll through the @DiedSuddenly twitter account. Very sobering.
Thank you and I like that idea :).
Here is a good place to start!
You are the Mom and have legal control over your child until she is 18. Just prevent her from being injected. What her friends say is completely meaningless.
Thank you for your service!
The core issue do you trust what the tv says? Do you trust what Google says?
Do you trust what twitter, or any other website says? Making things worse, since covid I have lost complete trust in my physician and the American medical establishment. I am just a mechanic but read about the Renaissance. We are at tipping point, and it has to do with the concept of decisions. Do we make our own decisions about our medical care etc. or to we just do what the tv and google tells us to do?
If you don't want the WHO to be able to mandate shots, "Global Digital Health Certificates," be able to restrict our travel, institute quarantines, commandeer planes and ships and do surveillance for "health events" in All member nations including the US following the World "Health" Assembly May 21-30 2023, please tell Congress to . (When you get to the site, there's a lot you can read, but if you scroll down a couple of times, you'll get to the link where you can send a message to all of Congresses Senators and Representatives that we want OUT of the WHO. )
Medicate yourself, nebulize with H2O2 and never get another virus. Don't cut yourself short, what would we do without mechanics. Well we would sit at home and twiddle our thumbs. A mec. has 100 different autos he has to know how to repair right/docs. will push you a pill and he has only two types to work on. You have to repair to OEM and you are responsible for your repair. They never have to take responsibility, you have to answer for every repair. I take you over doc any day.
If you don't want the WHO to be able to mandate shots, "Global Digital Health Certificates," be able to restrict our travel, institute quarantines, commandeer planes and ships and do surveillance for "health events" in All member nations including the US following the World "Health" Assembly May 21-30 2023, please tell Congress to . (When you get to the site, there's a lot you can read, but if you scroll down a couple of times, you'll get to the link where you can send a message to all of Congresses Senators and Representatives that we want OUT of the WHO. )
Did it, thanks for the link. How many times can 1 person do it?
I like going to Steves site from time to time. On this thread there are close to 15 graphs that make little sense to me. I may be wrong, but it seems he is preaching to the choir. At least on visitors to this site - Are there still people that are undecided on the issue of covid shots? I guess there are people that love graphs and data. I'm more simplistic. For one I did not think covid presented a risk to me and believe in natural immunity, also after a vaccine forced on me in the military partially paralyzed my face, I decided to never take any vaccines again.
Again, I'm sorry you were forced into that . Unfortunately, when the WHO's "World Health Assembly" meets this May 21-30, they will probably vote in amendments to the International Health Regulations and the Pandemic treaty which will give it the power to mandate the pandemic response of all member nations, including the US. They will be able to override congress, the president and out constitution and could mandate shots, "Global Digital Health Certificates," be able to restrict our travel, institute quarantines, commandeer planes and ships and do surveillance for "health events" among other things.
We are trying to stop this by asking Congress to vote to . (When you get to the site, there's a lot you can read, but if you don't want to (trust me, you won't) scroll down a couple of times. You'll get to the link where you can send a message to all of Congresses Senators and Representatives that we want OUT of the WHO with just one click.
that just took two minutes! Thank you!
You did it? That's great!
So sorry to hear. May G-d heal you.
I'm part of that choir you describe. My reason for coming here is to update my understanding of a very complex issue, and to try to reduce it to terms that can be easily understood by anyone willing to listen. That may be a small number at present, but it's not zero, and if things continue the way they appear to, that number will grow according to a well established pattern that goes something like this:
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
I'm definitely a choir member and love your point, first described (so far as I know) by Kubler-Ross.
Where do you think the broader public is on the spectrum? From my perch, most are in denial. The only anger I've noticed is...against me for my "non-scientific", voodoo views.
Is your experience better?
Thank you Gemma. It's hard to gauge exactly where we are in that progression. Globally, I'd say NZ is ahead of us in the anger dept. which probably accounts for Jacinda bailing out. For bargaining I'd substitute 'backtracking' at least where the authorities are concerned. The anger is noticeable and has been for a while, it just doesn't get reported, which is why we need this place (substack).
I'm not the best person to ask for a measure of local conditions because I'm way off the beaten track in a small community, but from our local TV I get the impression that we're reaching exhaustion and what I'd call the f'it stage, where you just let that truck you're trying save slid into the canyon. Nothing else you can do. What I mean is, those that understand the actual science, or who can translate it effectively like Steve does, have all been reached at this point. The doesn't mean we shouldn't press on though, because we still have to help those who've been injured, and we haven't yet found anything you could call a 'cure.' Just remedial stuff.
Denial can only last as long as you aren't directly affected, a number which gets smaller every day. At some threshold that trips into action, as we saw with the trucker rebellion. That's a big step for most though, putting everything on the line. We'll get there, it's just hard to say when. In the meantime, here we are.
Unfortunately, even some of those directly affected don't know it, because they've been given false information about why a death, disease, miscarraige, injury happened. And I've found articles claiming "Long COVID" is to blame for things I am pretty sure were caused by the shots. So they are then both denying the damage of the shots and falsely increasing the alleged damage supposedly done by COVID.
Being military, you had a lot of vaccines forced on you.
Do you know which one caused the paralysis? And was it long lasting? Any other symptoms?
Can't speak for the other guy but I was Army and certain it was the anthrax jab. I had muscle weakness to the point I could not walk. I fully recovered but it took 3 months.
If you are a Physician and trust anything Medicare, CDC, NIH, WHO, AMA, etc. says. I can't help you.
forget helping them.. they need to be ARRESTED FOR MURDER. Including physicians and pharmacists. The data was obvious right from the beginning.
Go to to keep the WHO from mandaing these horrible things. Scroll down past the long explanations, and with one click, tell Congress to LEAVE the WHO>
Did it, thanks for the link!
Great! Thanks for taking the time to do it!
here here
Some people understand statistics. Others do not. This global covid injection program is close to 3 years old now. Statistics aside there is still the elephant in the room question. Will you take any more covid shots or will you object? My opinion on this "vaccine issue" is clear as mentioned below but it is not medical advice. Yet tv people that have no medical training routinely give medical advice. This will make a lot of people angry, but I have a 357-magnum revolver and if anyone tries to inject me with any vaccine!
If you are paying 'health insurance' you are someone trying to inject you and others. What are you going to do? Shoot yourself or unsubscribe? Is there really any choice? Sponsoring terrorism is a felony so you have to unsubscribe and make the nightmare end. Mobilize the world to defund the terrorists.
I used to have a S&W Hiway patrolman but my mate owned a Colt Python. It was a work of art compared to my peashooter.
I needed to look up the 454 casull. That thing could take out a Grizzly bear. The recoil is almost twice that of a 44 magnum. Not many people could fire it.
Crap I thought it was smith and Wesson but its taurus. It's amazing that it can fire both shotgun shells and handgun rounds. I had a taurus big frame and it could fire 38 or 357 magnums.
You know your rounds. I was a signal intelligence nerd but used to hang out with Army rangers. Most left the Nato 5.56 as it did not put people down. My ranger
friend had 3 things. A 12-gauge shotgun with 00 buck and a m14 which basically
fired a 308 deer cartage. His backup was a 9mm Berreta pistol
Man after my own heart.
My pet was a Browning semi auto shotgun modified by the police. The stock was textured so that your hands didn't slip. But we digress.... I admit shooting many of thse pseudo people would yield enormous satisfaction.
Charles, you are after my heart!
Steve keeps going on with these posts and I respect his perseverance and mission.
But the normal person just does not have the mental ability to interpret Steves studies and data. As a physician I am aware that covid shots kill far more people than they help. In fact, I am not sure mrna covid shots have helped any patients. And each month we find out how they are killing and hurting people. Steve is very smart and into data and statistical things. My take is if I still had an active medical license, I would tell all my patients to refuse all vaccines. Sure, I would be fired but at least I would have a clear conscience. Going forward I think the only way out of this is mass rejection of all vaccines by the general public. But the doctors and media will keep saying "drugs and vaccines are safe and effective." as they are paid to do so.- and the sheep will believe them. So, this is where we are.
I agree with you Armando. I give major cudos to Steve for his dedication and mathematical talent. But would encourage him to enlist the help of someone who can present it with exceptional clarity.
Armando, as a physician can you explain to me why so many of your profession have touted these shots and continue to do so? A lot of us nobodies were "hesitant" while the science and medicine experts rushed in headlong and yelled curses at those who held back.
I beg to differ with your "normal" person comment. Are you personally "above normal" because you chose the path of physician? Intelligence and the ability to understand are not predicated on your choice of career path. I am afraid that physicians, for the most part, are a group of people who feel they are greater than "normal" people. It just isn't true. All men are created equal. What you choose to do with your life is just that - your choice. For three years, I have been studying the COVID phenomenon. It is my opinion that the shot is gene therapy, is capable of causing widespread death and disability, is unnecessary, and was launched with a greater purpose in mind. Of note, I am "just" an old lady.
<< I am afraid that physicians, for the most part, are a group of people who feel they are greater than "normal" people. >>
Your sentence describes my surgeon brother. *Sigh*
I had an M.D. friend who told me all you needed to get through medical school was to be good at memorizing. that was before D.E.I.
A physician I once saw who was consistently misdiagnosed by top doctors in New York City (he finally figured out his condition on his own: after all, he WAS a doctor), described the approach to medicine taught as following a "cookbook approach".
Most people who get into med school can memorize recipes!
Regrettably, conventional medicine studies disease, not health. Worse, there is no support for independent thinking.
He feels he is but he is not. Pride God hates. At 74 I have seen a lot but one thing never changes...Genesis 8:21. ...the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth.......Man never changes!
Any first day Fundamentals of Nursing Student would reject the hypothesis that those gene-mutilating-reaaranging-de-humanizing-inhumane-bioweapons came straight out of Lucifer's playbook and not if the father of medicine #Imhotep.
Still, #Bob🎶🎸 said," You Can Fool Some People Sometime But You Can't Gool All of The People All of The Time!"
"Here Comes The Con Man Coming With His CON-PLAN..........!"
"Get Up Stand Up.........!"
"But the normal person just does not have the mental ability to interpret Steves studies and data."
I do. I also have the ability to communicate well with people who don't. Isn't that what doctors are supposed to do? Explain complicated things in simple terms their patients can understand? Also, in medicine is it not common to rely on specialists? Steve is doing specialized work. Should you ever need to refer to it, it's there and will save you the trouble of doing it yourself, or even worse, trying to win someone over without any solid data to back you up.
"Going forward I think the only way out of this is mass rejection of all vaccines by the general public. "
This is the truth. That's one (of many) reasons we can't get 100% hung up on just the "Covid" vax. They are all destructive as hell and we need as many people, especially parents of young children, saying no to all vaccines. That is the best (and only?) way out.
I want nothing to do with the Covid jabs and my kids certainly won’t be getting them under my roof. There are a fair number of the recommended vaccines that we already opted out of. But I’ve seen tetanus it’s ghastly. I’ve seen diphtheria and I’ve seen diphtheria lungs on necropsy. I’ve known mothers who lost babies to pertussis because they were too young to be vaccinated. I’ve read the cards and notes my grandmother’s schoolmates sent her when it looked like she might die of measles encephalitis and have some of her diary entries from when she finally recovered enough to write. My local museum has an iron lung on display that was practically worn out by the local hospital prior to the polio vaccine’s invention. So while I would definitely like more transparency and data and I think the current vaccine schedule is suspect, I want my children to have those vaccines. I am well aware of the possibility of vaccine reactions but as a parent I want to be the one making that cost benefit analysis given what I know about my own family’s genetic propensities and medical history as well as my child’s risk level based on our lifestyle. I don’t want anybody else taking that decision from me, not the government by forcing my to get whatever vaccines they want and not random people who want to impose their cost benefit analysis on me and mine.
Three points.
#1: You're going under the false assumption that vaccines work.
#2: Absolutely, if YOU want to get vaccinated, have at it. As many and as often as you want. No problems here. But, so often people screech, scream and demand that everybody else has to do as they do; to protect THEM (or their kids). Makes no sense. Doesn't work that way. Right? No mandated shots for anyone including kids, correct?
#3: 'My local museum has an iron lung on display that was practically worn out by the local hospital prior to the polio vaccine’s invention'
Rethink this sentence above? and the rest of your examples? You're basing your decision to VACCINATE kids on emotion, if not outright hysteria. Am I wrong? I could pick most anything and present a hysterical reason as to why we should vaccinate for any/everything. Car accidents? HORRIFIC. Followed up by 'letters' from the surviving family members going into gruesome detail of the accident(s)
Fentanyl/Heroin/Meth addiction maiming and death? Gruesome. Taken step by step, even more gruesome. But what does that have to do with crappy (very dangerous) vaccines that don't work?
I, nor anybody, has stated nobody is going to suffer/die if we stop vaccines.
Bottom Line. In some ways, I'm with you. If you want vaccines, you should be able to take them. As long as you don't impose your opinions (key word) on others. Although I do cringe a little re: parents, using very sketchy (at best) data, who force kids to take very dangerous vaccines that don't work. But, that's my peccadillo, I guess.
1.) I am not under the false assumption that vaccines work, I know that certain vaccines, especially older vaccines do work. Historically you can absolutely look at population groups and watch vaccines result in either the outright eradication of diseases or see them go from a common occurrence to unheard of. Thanks to illegal immigration and anti-vax parents we can also see those diseases return with increasing numbers of unvaccinated children.
Plus it’s not like people are the only creatures on this planet that receive vaccines. I have seen vaccines prevent and stop outbreaks and disease in animals and I have seen a failure to vaccinate result in disease and death. Want to know why your average American doesn’t think twice about a stray dog on the street unless it’s an overwhelming desire to take it home and someone from the Middle East or India will freak out seeing a stray dog? It’s because rabies in dogs is practically unheard of in the US (thanks to heavy vaccination use) and it’s far more common in that part of the world.
2.) I have never ever pushed for others or their children to be forced to have vaccines, it should be a personal choice. I also think that there are definitely people for whom the vaccines do more harm than good and there certainly are people for whom the vaccines really do very little for them as an individual. Focusing on identifying who is in which group should be a goal of medicine rather than just slapping blanket recommendations or requirements on everyone. There seems to be some sort of genetic component to severe adverse vaccine reactions to the classic vaccines so yeah if you have a history of those problems in your family that might change your analysis and I don’t blame anyone for that. But when I can look at my own family history and we have had zero severe vaccine reactions or long lasting reactions and the family tree and oral history are littered with horror stories of illness and mortality in young children I’m going to do what I can to avoid measles. I just want people to be able to make their own choices.
3.) The iron lung isn’t an emotional example it’s the opposite it’s scientific evidence. My small town had a hospital that had enough children with polio to not only have an iron lung but to use it. They also have all sorts of pictures of kids in it and lists of some of the patients who used it. None of the doctors or nurses are around but some of the old timers still remember what that time was like. After mass vaccination with the polio vaccine started that machine went out of use immediately. These days it’s practically unheard of for a child to need assisted breathing in such a way and generally if they need that sort of airway support it’s due to some terrible accident and not disease. That machine is physical proof of the success of the polio vaccination program.
4.) Cars are an interesting example because I look at vaccines much like I look at seatbelts. Something that should be completely optional that I personally want to take advantage of. It’s a small thing that I can do to try and prevent death or severe disability, it’s no guarantee and there is a chance that my choice to try and protect myself is the very thing that killed me (there are car wrecks in which it’s better not to have a seatbelt) but I’m willing to play the odds on that. I don’t drink under the influence because of all the fear porn of wrecked cars I was shown in school and because I have seen people I personally know in similar wrecks. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I always wear a seatbelt and make anyone riding with me wear one because I knew a kid that got ejected from his truck and it rolled on him. Sure it’s an emotionally based decision but that doesn’t mean the decision is a bad one. Also for what it’s worth I think people should fear driving and be more respectful of it than they are. You are trying to control a couple of tons of metal and plastic hurling down roads often at 50-80 mph. Roads that have other people on them, often have weather related hazards as well as wildlife or other animals on them. The roads would be much safer if people took that responsibility seriously and remembered the gravity of what they were doing rather than becoming complacent or treating it like a game.
5.) There is a difference between thinking that vaccines that prevent deadly diseases have value and thinking that a vaccine can fix everything. Like I said in my original post there are vaccines my kids don’t get because I either don’t think the science supports it’s use or because I don’t think the disease is bad enough to warrant a vaccine. To be fair though the reason both medical professionals and the public want vaccines for everything is because it’s an easy answer. It’s easier to get a jab once every few years or even months than it is to do the hard work to get clean of an addiction or to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. The want to invent an easy solution to every problem is understandable but the utility of vaccines is quite limited and just because people want an easy fix doesn’t mean there is one.
As far as parents making their kids take dangerous vaccines that don’t work I think on a population level that’s of much less concern than the parents who feed their kids absolute garbage, let them have far too much screen time, and don’t make them get outside and get some exercise. It’s extremely unfortunate that parents are often making these decisions based on faulty data and that’s a serious problem. But the responsibility for such decisions always has been and always should be in the hands of parents.
I've read your whole post. Parts of it I agree with 100%. Good stuff.
Would you want to list the older vaccines that do work? With little to none causing (creating actually) -> illness, long term pain, deformation, maiming, death? Do they exist? I say no. I know you've mentioned tetanus; can you get this as tetanus alone? Or is the 2/3 in 1 jabber? Measles? any other 'older' vaccines?
Did you know that 98% of measles were wiped out (natural immunity) before the 1st measles vaccine hit the U.S. ?
Here's 2-3 (of many) that might be interesting to you .. or not :
#1: Majority of mumps cases are among the vaccinated, CDC finds
As many as 94 percent of children and adolescents who contracted the highly contagious virus had been vaccinated.
#2: Measles AND mumps infection could save millions of lives.
a: Chickenpox vaccine for kids causes shingles when older.
b: Shingles vaccines for adults cause Chickenpox.
What a hoot, huh?
According to Dr. Gary Goldman, before the universal chickenpox or varicella vaccine was introduced in the USA in 1996, 95% of adults had experienced natural chickenpox, usually as children, and had life-long immunity. Subsequent exposures to natural chickenpox prevented or postponed shingles.
Childhood chickenpox vaccination programmes have increased the cases of shingles in adults by 100%. To counteract the dramatic increase in shingles cases, a shingles vaccine, Zostavax, was introduced.
After the introduction of the shingles vaccine, adults began falling ill with chickenpox – a childhood disease. Additionally, since the universal chickenpox vaccine was introduced, the high percentage of people with long-term immunity has been compromised.
Vaccination at best provides 70%-90% immunity that is temporary and of unknown duration making these children susceptible to chickenpox as adults. It has, therefore, shifted chickenpox to a more vulnerable adult population where chickenpox carries 15 times more risk of hospitalisation and 20 times more risk of death compared to children."
Vaccines play with, actually destroy, Mother Nature i.e. our SuperDuperComputer CNS. Bad idea, with disastrous results for the masses.
BS!!! Stay away from vaccines............ALL OF THEM!!!
"The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been an assault on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination.....100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines."
-Dr Guylaine Lanctor author of "The Medical Mafia"
"Much of what you have been led to believe about immunization simply isn't true. If I were to follow my deeper convictions, I would urge you to reject all inoculations for your child....There in convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease"
-Dr Robert Mendelsohn author of "Confessions of a Medical Heretic"
"These chronic diseases, including hay fever, asthma, cancer, and AIDS, are the result of wrong interventions upon the organism by conventional medicine.....the immune systems of the Western population, through strong chemical drugs and repeated vaccinations, have broken down.....medicine, instead of curing diseases, is actually the cause of the degeneration of the human race"
-Dr Juan Manuel Martinez Mendez writing in the Aug/Sept 2004 Townsend Letter
The Truth About Vaccinations – History and Hoax
Vaccine Ingredients and Vaccine Secrets
The Poisoned Needle - Eleanor McBean:
10 Most SURPRISING and DANGEROUS ingredients in vaccines, and the industry’s poor explanations for why they’re used
Dr. Andrew Moulden: All Vaccines Cause Ischemia (Impaired Blood Flow) Which Blocks Oxygen Delivery Leading to Chronic Disease
Vaccination industry in a nutshell
" Historically you can absolutely look at population groups and watch vaccines result in either the outright eradication of diseases or see them go from a common occurrence to unheard of. "
That is not how you do science. All you are looking at is manipulation of definitions. With 'polio' for example it is on record that statistics were manipulated. Similar methods were used for other 'vaccines' such as 'smallpox' being redefined 'chickenpox' and 'measles' etc:
"The fact that dubious tactics were used to fabricate efficacy rates was corroborated by Dr. Bernard Greenberg, chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 1950s. His expert testimony was used as evidence during Congressional hearings in 1962. He cred- ited the “decline” of polio cases not to the vaccine, but rather to a change in the way doctors were required to report cases: “Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was do- ing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospi- talization... two examinations at least 24 hours apart was all that was required... In 1955 the criteria were changed... residual pa- ralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset... This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease... Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis... Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic crite- ria, the number of paralytic cases was predetermined to decrease... [52:96,97]”