Will these 12 top scientists from the CETF SAB do the right thing? I seriously doubt it.
They all resigned within days of my "Should you get vaccinated?" article that was published on TrialSiteNews on May 25, 2021. Today, I am calling for them to take at least one action listed below.
Executive Summary
The scientific advisory board of the COVID19 Early Treatment Fund all resigned shortly after I exposed the fact that the COVID vaccines were too unsafe to deploy.
Today, I am asking these scientists to step up to the plate and either admit they were wrong or defend their position in a public challenge.
What do you think they will do? I predict they will do absolutely nothing.
This is how science works today.
Within days after I wrote a lengthy article on TrialSiteNews on May 25, 2021 entitled “Should you get vaccinated?” exposing the fact that the vaccines were too dangerous to deploy and explicitly calling out Tony Fauci as a very bad person, all the members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the COVID19 Early Treatment Fund resigned in protest.
I asked them, “If I got it wrong, please tell me what is wrong and I’ll fix it.”
None of them cited a single error! Instead, I was informed that I am an evil person and some explicitly said that I should never talk to them again.
The people on the SAB included:
Robert Siliciano
Judith Feinberg
Carolyn Machamer
Doug Richman
Fred Hayden
Maureen Horton
Michael Ison
Rajesh Gandhi
Richard Thomas D’Aquila
Richard Whitley
Steve Desiderio
Peter Meinke
Here’s an image of the CETF website from May 15, 2021 courtesy of the Wayback Machine (the 3 missing images are a Wayback Machine artifact):
Some of them choose to go the next step and trash me publicly as in this article published by MIT. For example, Dr. Feinberg was quoted:
“He may not be a good scientist, but he’s smart,” says WVU’s Feinberg. “He’s very convincing. He might be a good snake oil salesman.”
Wow. Care to debate that one publicly, Judith? Perhaps you’d be kind enough to answer at least one of my 125+ questions?
Of course I was right about early treatment, fluvoxamine, and the vaccine being too dangerous to use.
Regarding fluvoxamine, the math at the time showed the results were impossible if the drug didn’t work. For example, the long-haul COVID results in the Seftel real-world study published in OFID where not a single one of the 77 patients treated with fluvoxamine reported any long-haul COVID symptoms compared to 40% in the group that didn’t get the fluvoxamine. That cannot happen by chance. Not a single member of the SAB offered a credible explanation for how that could happen if the drug didn’t work. Neither could anyone else. That’s why I said it should be used.
In addition, the Phase 3 trials (the Together Trial) also proved I was right.
Did I get an apology? Nope.
These scientists should take at least one action from the list below
Now that that it’s crystal clear I was telling the truth about the COVID vaccines, I am requesting each of them do one of three things:
Issue a public statement denouncing the COVID vaccines as being unsafe and recommending that it be immediately stopped worldwide.
Choose 1 or more topics from this list of over 125 questions and discuss it with my colleagues listed in that article in a public forum so we can expose the truth.
Publicly agree or disagree with this op-ed co-authored by UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad which said that scientists who disagree should be heard, not demonized.
They should pick at least one option above. To not do any of these things would, in my opinion, be a tacit endorsement of the censorship of scientific disagreement and be “anti-science.”
I voted “They’ll do nothing”, but I bet many will be thinking “That rock is looking very inviting”.
Fundamentally, I despise them all. They KNOW. They cannot not now know how profoundly wrong they are. And they’ve the same route into the light as was available to the rest of us mere mortals.
As soon as you know you’ve been lied to, fooled properly, brainwashed into holding firm positions with no direct evidence except you’ve been told it’s so (like childhood vaccines are safe and effective), once you know, and it’s might not happen in one go, but through steady accretion. Once you’re sure, admit it to somebody. Hey, start with the mirror. Then a friend, a family member, a professional colleague.
Say it quietly. But say it.
“I’ve been lied to. These products are not only not safe, but they are so dangerous that they should be discontinued as a class pending root & branch investigation”.
There. Better?
Steve, they may yet do the right thing, at least sort of. Just today I heard from a covaholic former friend, who for the past 3 years would not even speak via telephone with the unvaxxed hordes. Well she called this morning, wished me a Merry Christmas and invited me over for a visit I thought I would never hear from this woman again so believe me, wonders never cease.
My prayer is always repentance and conversion, not death for evil doers.
Thankfully, I had other plans so declined her invite. Believe me, it was very thankfully because I am a forgiving person, will forgive eventually but just am not up to it quite yet. Eventually, very eventually...