Is there any follow up to this. Have some of them succumbed to the vaccine , been enlightened , continued to bury their heads in the sand, retired in shame?

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Mike Yeadon, you are a hero to all of us awake and aware. God speed.

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All the heroic truth-telling by humanity's finest patriots, of which there are many deserving recognition, will amount to little if legacy media remains captured by the Deep State.

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Thank you for the pictures now I know what the faces of pure evil look like. They are the promoters of a bio weapon that just killed on Christmas a young teenage hockey player that had his whole life ahead of him. All the children on the died suddenly list. Their deaths and countless others are a direct result of their evil.

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Once again - these people are of such low caliber - their crimes will be settled by their own delusions..

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So sad that most of humanity's driving force is dictated by these three factors - money, ego and group consensus. Go against the grain and you are ostracized for speaking the truth. Even if no legal action is brought against these treasonous bastards of death - their soul will be forever cast into a hell of their own karma. I have lost all trust of this corrupt system of depravity that is money-driven , self-serving, and a criminal charade of medicine. A system based on caring and holistic healing methods will be the phoenix that rises out of the ashes of this complete blasphemy of our human spirit.

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Well said. Those 12 doctors are despicable, pure evil. Mind you I would not touch fluvoxamine with a barge pole, Nazi stuff.


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They are all from well known and respected institutions. It is disappointing that they do not even debate on scientific issues. I am losing the trust in those MD's and PHD's unless they step up and debate the data and interpretation with Steve or other true scientists. Once upon a time, those institutions and titles meant something.

We need a totally different healthcare system that is compensated for wellness achievement/healing, not by prescribing drugs or cut&burn treatments.

Thank you, Steve for taking all the arrows from them.

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"They are all from well known and respected institutions"

I would amend that to read "They are all from well known and corrupted institutions".

In reality, MD's and PhD's never meant much. only that once upon a time they passed an exam. It does not make them critical thinkers or keen observers of life as anyone can do that.

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They and others are too frightened that when the truth can no longer be hidden-- or denied they will be open to endless lawsuits and their credibility forever crushed .

Of course, at some point we all must pay 'The Piper'..... and then only truth and justice will prevail! 🥂

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We need a monument to all of those that died by the shots.............like a wall with their names on it. List on a wall the names of people who did the fraud like those above on a shame wall............let it stand for ever as a reminder.

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The Great Wall of China might be long enough fro those who died. As the for the fraudsters...

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Steve, here’s a question you should ask of these doctors that will not talk. “Who got to you?” Or a variation of this. Why are they afraid of going public? Of whom or what are they afraid? Or to quote someone I heard several years ago, “What difference at this point does it make?”

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As Sasha Latypova points out, deployment of this bioweapon happened only after careful planning. And it was done by elements of our own military establishment. Let that sink in!

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I've posted this before but you are correct, it has been planned long, long ago even before Event 2O1...


And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target "specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." page 60

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Arkancide is not uncommon.....

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They'll do nothing. That's how science works these days. I read the article at the link below earlier, written by a "science communicator" ( aka "fact checker"). It links to a primary pseudo-scientific study based on "estimates." There's no data, just estimates. The researchers literally just plucked the figures out of their ass. That's how science works these days.

Dutch study shows the effectiveness of COVID vaccination in reducing hospitalizations


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Never again! No injections for me because we now don't trust any medical information or instruction because the Health system is now totally corrupt in favour of Big Pharma, profit and depopulation. Nothing to do with human health!

No, to WHO dominance of National sovereignty regarding International health must be denied. The WHO is now corrupt since being 'owned' by Bill Gates (their biggest benefactor = influencer). Gates's agenda includes controlling mankind with all health issues - including DEADLY injections (called 'vaccines').

Abandon and desolve the, now corrupt, World Health Organisation.

LIABILITY for Vax makers must be reintroduced to all Big Pharma drug, vaccines & medicines. Then compensation will be a legally justifiable consequence of vax injuries and vax related DEATHS!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Each of us may also want to talk with our own doctors and medical professionals about these questions. Many, most of us got really bad advice from them. If we are ever to trust them again, they will owe us an explanation and/or an apology. I, for one, have moved on. I used this event to find new trustworthy medical advisors.

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What's noticeable about these 'scientists' is their abandonment of Science. They have reached a platform (usually by toeing the line of the current narrative) and are regarded as founts of wisdom. Any challenge to their views and opinions (if following the narrative actually qualifies as having opinions) incenses them and, being human, they strike out at the source of the irritation.

It's still hard to understand how an 'eminent authority figure' could call Steve a 'snake oil salesman' and yet be reluctant to crush him in a debate. Perhaps, deep down, their insecurities stem from a realisation that they're merely purveyors of whatever is the current BS.

Sad, but it seems that's where we are at present. How to turn it around? Keep talking to others, I suppose, and challenge the Narrative a little at a time?

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These doctors merely project their own faults, in this case snake oil salesmen onto others, trying to browbeat them into submission. Pure narcissism I believe, they can't ever be wrong, it must be someone else's fault.

I like your last paragraph. Ultimately every little helps. One must never apologise for the truth, and one must be prepared to be "offensive" and use salty language to sting them as required.

For example, one can easily call these doctors a brood of vipers. They promote the equivalent of venom in vials. And they are vile!

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"Regarding fluvoxamine, the math at the time showed the results were impossible if the drug didn’t work. For example, the long-haul COVID results in the Seftel real-world study published in OFID where not a single one of the 77 patients treated with fluvoxamine reported any long-haul COVID symptoms compared to 40% in the group that didn’t get the fluvoxamine. That cannot happen by chance"

Same for other treatments. This for me has been the most egregious crime. People suffered and died because possible early treatment was suppressed. I still find it hard to grasp how so many could agree to this malfeasance. Historically it has not happened on this global scale before, in fact the opposite has been standard practice. This is a crime against humanity. The WHO should be abolished as a starter.

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I think the covid pandemic is only the medical aspect of a much broader metastasis. The good people of the earth are being devoured by an evil pervading economics, governance and the spiritual realms as well.

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The WHO should certainly be abolished. But not The Who as I like their music. 'Won't get fooled again' very suitable for today.

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I'd love to see the WHO and its dandy little communist controller disappear forever.

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