Don't hold your breathe.

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Baker is not even a good epidemiologist. He read a script that any untrained person could have read. He failed to grasp the essentials, like the jab did not prevent infection, or transmission, unlike the Finnish expert who now testifies they had zero effect in preventing both.

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The degree of total brain lock of many of the supposed competent scientists and healthcare providers who STILL believe the gross bull of the original COVID misinformation suggest to me these folks have a pile of $$ sitting in some account thus they will never change their minds. Wasted effort as I see it……in addition such an effort would shame them and they desire not to do such to themselves.

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BUT.. they will never enjoy a dime of it.. that is for certain!! " because.. there is wrath beware. Lest He take thee away with his stroke. And a great ransom cannot deliver thee" Job 36:18

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Excellent Steve Kirsch!!!

Keep it going man, YOU are getting folks to understand what happened and confronting those WHO misled us. The WHO phase 2 experiment and genocide plans already in progress. Summer 2024 is their launch date in these parts.

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Unfortunately, he will absolutely ghost you completely. Won't even respond. Same as most Steve. However, your (and my) day will absolutely come and you will have been correct through the entire journey!! Stay on it!!

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By looking at Baker's photo it's clear that this person doesn't think critically.... the brain is hopelessly broken. The same blank stare that we all have seen in our "Normie" friends who are simply lost in the matrix. All we can do is pray for these lost souls to escape the hell of ignorance. God help these people come home. We have certainly tried to wake them up. Thank you, Steve, for going the distance with the Wake Up Call to the world! You are a true blue Patriot and friend of humanity.

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You can't fix retarded.

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Risking to be made looking like a fool by someone without a medical degree? There's nothing in it for him; not even if he "wins".

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I love your sarcasm, Steve. Calling yourself one of the top misinformation superspreaders is precious.

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I highly commend and appreciate your work to inform the truth. What is outrageous is all of this is based on fudged data. The data is probably fudged much worse than we could ever believe. We know CDC, FDA, Fauci, Berxs, media and Tedros lie to us. They tell us that 25% of US population did not get the shot. So are we to believe that one stat is true? I don't. I don't believe a word they utter or print. I believe much more than 25% did not drink the cool aid. Mr Kirsh, I am certain that if you keep pursuing the statistical approach of how many of the injected were injured/killed eventually it will be numerically demonstrated that more than 25% refused the injection(s) which will make the injured/killed results much higher. Much, much higher.

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I just watched an early screening of Andrew Wakefield new film called Protocol Seven.

It’s all about the way Merck rigged the data of an MMR trial to secure FDA approval. Of course at the expense of countless children who suffer from autism. The government/corporate/media alliance is the largest crime syndicate this world has ever known.

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What ever you offer to pay him to discuss the data, I'm sure other(s) offer him much, much more not to discuss the data.to

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Your survey results are a sad commentary on the lack of transparency in medical practice. Once the arduous journey of achieving a Doctorate in medicine is achieved it seems an attitude of infallibility is adopted. Forgotten is the fact that medicine is dynamic. There remains much to be discovered. A doctorate in medicine is an impressive accomplishment, but it does not confer omnipotence in this ever changing field.

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What a doctorate in medicine means in 2024 is that the new doctor will simply follow what they read on their screens. No thinking or questioning what-so-ever. Just a blank minded little robot.

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i say 'NO' because, if he holds the position you state, he is not an 'honest broker.' By that I mean, he is a cherry-picker of evidence, someone who evades the thinking that would set things right. I do however, hope I'm wrong and you find an open channel to discuss a difference that desperately need settling.

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It's is not about the evidence and what it most likely means, never has been. It has always been about money, career and reputation. Being right does not enter into the equation.

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Here is a follow up letter as a thought to see if this debate happens.

Dear Professor Baker,

I hope this message finds you well.

I'm writing to follow up on my previous email. Upon further reflection, I realize my initial communication may have come across as overly forceful. My intention was to engage in a productive dialogue regarding the interpretation of COVID-19 vaccine data, and I apologize if my tone was off-putting.

I remain interested in discussing our differing viewpoints and believe a civil conversation could be beneficial for all involved. If you're open to it, I'd welcome the opportunity to have a respectful exchange of ideas.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Steve Kirsch

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Part of it, Steve, is the way your email presents. It feels threating and puts you in a negative right off the bat. Here is an example of an email you might write:

Dear Professor Baker,

My name is Steve Kirsch, and I've dedicated significant effort to researching the COVID-19 vaccines, resulting in over 1,500 articles on the topic. I've also been involved in analyzing government data, including the NZ data that I obtained from Barry Young.

My analysis of this data has led me to conclusions that differ from yours regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. I'm reaching out to see if you would be open to discussing our differing interpretations of the data in a public forum. I believe a civil discussion with a neutral moderator, such as Peter Williams, could be beneficial for both of us and, more importantly, for the public.

I understand you've expressed willingness to debate those who disagree with you, and I hope you'll consider extending that same openness to this discussion. I believe such a dialogue could help clarify the data and potentially resolve any ambiguity.

I value your time and expertise, and I would be happy to compensate you for your participation in this important discussion. Please feel free to contact me at +1-xxxxxxxxxx if you're interested.

Thank you for your consideration.


Steve Kirsch

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Howdy Neighbor,

I believe you just moved into the area so let me bring you up to speed.

Since 2020, Steve in a non-stop fashion has been trying to educate the thought leaders of society about the dangers of the vaccine. I can assure you that he was very polite in the beginning, but was ignored as a "madman" or "criminal", and I think his patience has run thin.

Welcome to the party.

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