VSRF call Thurs: Personal injury lawsuits and the COVID vaccine
Join us Thursday, March 31 @7pm EST for the VSRF call, especially if you have a vaccine injury.
Tomorrow, Thursday, March 31 @7pm Eastern
Register at www.vacsafety.org
Big Pharma companies have a total and complete exemption from lawsuits as a result of any and all injury and death that result from taking their experimental injection. This has led many vaccine injured to believe that they have no recourse to civil litigation as a result of being forced by their school, their employer, their local government, to take the jab. This has led to a great many more vaccine injured just keeping silent about their injuries because….”what’s the point?”
We were also told, by The New York Times last November that
“Employers mandating vaccines are adhering to OSHA’s requirements and most likely can’t be held liable for any adverse effects. Covid-19 vaccines carry little known risk.”
But back in May of 2021, OSHA told Employers that they could be liable for COVID vaccine related injuries when these vaccines were mandated as a condition of employment.
Then something amazing happened. This totally disappeared from OSHA’s website, to be replaced with its declaration that it was no longer collecting information on mandated employee vaccine injuries because it didn’t want to encourage vaccine hesitancy.
Just to make this clear, the Federal agency tasked with keeping workers safe from their employers exempts employers from keeping records on vaccine injuries of workers.
On the VSRF show this Thursday, 7pm Eastern, I’ll be speaking with expert Civil Litigator Robert Krakow, who is representing the vaccine injured in all 50 states, Mother of 3 and vaccine injured Nikki Holland, and author Wayne Rohde who wrote the definitive work on the corruption within our vaccine injury compensation programs.
Defeat the Mandates (April 10, Los Angeles)
We’ll also have updates on the Defeat The Mandate’s Rally coming up on Sunday, April 10th in Grand Park, Los Angeles.
Learn More about the Rally: www.DefeatTheMandatesUS.com
Register for the VSRF Webinar tomorrow night at 7pm Eastern at www.vacsafety.org
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation... Sorry, but I had to dig for this to know what it is... Needs to be parenthetically noted at the beginning of articles for the uninitiated like me.
Wow, why doesn't the VSRF list the the injury types that are possible from the vaccine on its website?