Hmmm, could this be why:

Rushed, guaranteed to succeed, corruptly tested, experimental injection? ✓

That killed and maimed well-over a thousand people during the severely abbreviated trial phase? ✓

And also caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers during said trial? ✓

Using a highly dangerous mRNA tech that in the past killed every mouse with ADE? ✓

A tech previously untested on humans, the emergency usage of which upended over a century of vaccine safety and efficacy research? ✓

For a virus far less deadly than the lockdowns themselves? ✓

Also less deadly than the flu - which conveniently went AWOL when COVID hit the scene? ✓

For a (cold) virus they’ve been unable to cure after over a century of trying? ✓

But somehow all of a sudden, the criminal pharmaceutical companies - notorious for rampant felonious trial fraud - figured it out in less than a year? ✓

And then went on to manufacture billions of quality assured, safe and effective doses at record speed which were then lawfully distributed by the US military? ✓

People actually bought into this on a grand scale, and voluntarily injected this poison? ✓

Extended version with inline references here: https://tritorch.com/doormat

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NTM, a viral infectious event labeled a pandemic but actually, at worst, endemic. Effecting those with specific medical profiles. Propagated by the most corrupt medical test ever devised, the SARScoV2 RT PCR. A massive false positive generator through high sensitivity and no specificity. It only reads the presence of viral genetic material. As proven by an international team of scientists and medical professionals who did a point by point examination of the Corman Drosten protocol, compared it to the best information on PCR testing and concluded," The test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be worthless as a medical diagnostic test". See the Corman Drosten Review report online. PU.

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Very good, agreed. This may interest you: https://tritorch.com/PCRFraud

The three biggest lies in the globalists' pandemic arsenal were 1) that asymptomatic spread exists, 2) that we needed to shut down the world for a virus with an official 99.85% survivability rating, and 3) the deliberate false-positive-factory PCR test to determine if you even had COVID. One of the WHO's mantras was: Test, test, test. Imagine that.

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Yep, the bio aerosol ruse that refused to take into account factors such as contact time, viral load, environmental factors, etc...... The WHO actually admitted that transmission rates were far lower than claimed and that asymptomatic spread cases was rare. A WHO senior scientist I believe made the revelation. The worldwide media, governments across the planet all pushed testing 24/7/365. PU.

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Tritorch, read your sources. Is absolutely true. The recommended Ct processing rate recommended by the Corman Drosten protocol was 45 Ct. Anything above 30 Ct has a very high probability of being false positive. The WHO, Eurosurveillance, NIH etc... fully endorsed the protocol the day after it was submitted. Normal approval process time for diagnostic testing is an average of 171 days. Christian Drosten, the project lead, is also the director of Eurosurveillance. Just one instance of conflict of interests associated with the protocol. The primary test approval agency in Europe. PU.

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Yes sir, here are direct links to those crooked CTs directly from the manufactures. Amazing that they got away with this blatant fraud so easily, but then again, when you own the media...

[6a] https://archive.is/osMTZ Page: 1 28 Cycle Threshold for Breakthrough Cases (archived version - original has been removed by the CDC)

[6b] https://www.gkcmo.com/_files/ugd/3e64ae_5b987768893942e5b456d3a1cb6d0e2f.pdf Page 13: GK PCR Test with 40.00 Cycle Threshold

[6c] https://inbios.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/LBL-0109-08-900251-EUA-CE-Smart-Detect-SARS-CoV-2-rRT-PCR-Kit-Package-Insert.pdf Page 14: InBios PCR Test with 45 Cycle Threshold

[6d] https://www.fda.gov/media/136231/download Page 10: Quest Diagnostics 50 cycles

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your (6b) link doesn't open....do you have a better one by chance please ??

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Unbelievable. And everyone of theses characters involved knew and knows what they were doing. PU.

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Thank you Tritorch. Good to see your always educational and succinct information.

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Thank you sir

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The Shots were not RUSHED. They were made before the virus was released to the planet.

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I have to agree. If the pharmaceutical companies suddenly needed to manufacture billions of doses of their new wonder drugs, where did they manufacture them? Why weren't loads of new facilities built? Where was the huge recruitment campaign to employ all these newly required workers?

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Whether that is true or not the points ^ above are what -everyone- in the first world had access to - either before the injection was unleashed on the public or shortly thereafter with the release of the Pfizer trial adverse event data - and yet they still eagerly lined up and took it in droves.

The problems associated with the COVID injections were as clear as day, easily accessible, self-evident, went against any and all rational thought, could not stand up to ANY scrutiny, and yet it still didn't_matter.

Here is why:


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Everyone also had full evidence that Bldg 7 was rigged with demolition charges and therefore 911 was an inside job. They still signed up to fund killing "rag heads" with their tax dollars and enlistment. We're a nation of well propagandized lemmings.

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oh yeah? I read in The New Yorker about the process: the floors of the towers were each 3 feet thick concrete, so when the metal beams softened down came a cascade of 3', 6', 9'...21', etc of concrete.

it is nonsense that a planted bomb caused that level of destruction; it was the burning jet fuel melting the metal.

you say no? well, a week after the event a crane pulled up an I-bar from below ground wreckage which was still glowing red. a week later! you say some stack of dynamite caused that level of heat?

I heard someone of your opinion point to the burning furniture and bedding in the adjacent building, but when things get hot enough they burst into flames.

I can only recommend multiple sources when trying to get at the truth of something. you won't find many people agreeing that the attack was a false flag operation and that the Arabs were not involved.

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Jet Fuel is kerosene...and the danger with that is all the coleman lanterns that melt and collaspe from jet fuel/kerosene at campsites all over the world.

and the week later the glowing red molten steel was not from kerosene.

Kerosene will not melt steel to that degree.

People have speculated what it may be, no one knows for sure because we are not privvy to the secrecy of the USA Government but it seems as though there was in fact molten steel one week later.

I have heard people say a small nuke, thermite, energy weapons...etc...etc... who knows for sure what caused molten steel to persist a week after the initial attack..

The only thing that is for sure is the official timeline can easily be impugned...does this mean inside job....not necessarily but with all that has come out in the past 22 years I simply cannot conclude that 19 Middle Eastern Men Hijacking planes crashing into buildings is legit. It is not, the story simply does not hold weight.

Who benefitted from crashing planes into buildings?

Certainly not Muslims, Middle Easteners, bin Laden, Taliban...etc....etc..... They were warred upon and cut off from the rest of the world, thus there was no benefit to them....but in america 9/11 just like covid means $$$$$$$$ and greedy people rush in to fill the void to help complete the faux covid narratives that have been planned, constructed and funded into place years before..... and 9/11 was no different as is all the wars....they are more likely to be orchestrated then just happenstance.

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I'm with you on the kerosene.

but what about James Woods' experience one week before? he says he took that flight and sitting near him were four Arab types motionless, expressionless and wordless...apparently in rehearsal.

benefit to Moslems? they have a cult of death, you know. they see 76 virgins for them to despoil in heaven as a benefit, apparently.

at this point I take my limited knowledge and exit stage right.

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What are you smokin??

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(cough cough) that's immaterial.

I'd hope it's clear where I got my information, that it all makes perfect sense, and that The New Yorker is famous for its left wing bias (and brilliant writing) so it's hardly some conservative conspiracy or something. I am not conversant with your info, but again, why you guys can't understand extreme ambient heat igniting nearby objects is strange to me.

as we approach the sun, everything around us will burn up, including the most 'flame resistant' materials we've ever made.

speaking of which...got a match?

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Bldg. 7 was not struck by anything.

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everything ignites if the nearby heat is hot enough. the nearby heat was super intense.

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Jet fuel in bld 7? The 700ft Solomon Building? No plane hit that building.

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if something made it hot enough, it would combust.

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Thank you for this.

P.S. One specific link I've been keeping handy on my desktop to share, and often, is to the 5.3.6 Pfizer doc:

Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021


On p. 7, table 1, you will see the report of 1,223 deaths.

On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest

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Thank you for spotlighting that, it is some of the most valuable information in this fight. It is also available on my website for in highlighted form for easy downloading and sharing:


Here are two more:



Getting this argument-ending information out to as many people as possible is crucial to ending this madness.

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Thanks to you and everyone who works to keep this topic alive.

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Steve are you serious about funding the NeuroQuant test pre and post jab? I have a modest proposal that should there be serious adverse events that happen after the jab then you pay the volunteers to your study 1/20 of your current net worth. Would that be a good bet for you? The risks we must take for science eh?

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I thought this was an issue/matter of public health. But you want to reduce it to private wager, eh?

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… from a program entitled “Operation Warp Speed”, where all companies (who used public funds but received private gains) were completely liable free…

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That was built in long before the Operation got its title. This whole endeavor was about shifting massive wealth into the hands of the few, on all levels, and the permanent skyrocketing of Pharma. The vaccine was always central to the operation that was probably in the works many years (I'm sure some have some specific dates, or maybe decades ago it was first conceived).

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Yes, I agree. But it wasn’t until hindsight that we started hearing all the details of how horrific this set up was/is before we could all see the bigger picture. The coordination that took place over the years to bring about this biomedical fascist state and transfer of wealth is incredible. This was definitely not just incompetence, as it looked like in the beginning. But whether it was incompetence or a completely coordinated effort, the warning signs were all there.

Fortunately, I researched vaccines starting in 2018. Because of my deep dive, my grandchildren have been spared that poison and no one in my immediate family fell for the “vaccines are the only way out” propaganda. What a mess. I only wish I could have convinced more people of pharma’s total corruption.

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My entire family - old and young - literally fell for the vaccines and one was even forced to be vaccinated to get into her nursing home. She had a stroke just last year, and now cannot speak anymore. One family member in his 90s died of an early morning heart attack last year and another, in her 80s, is struggling with heart destruction also since 2021, in and out of the hospital. One family member effectively disowned me because I wouldn't get vaccinated, said I was trying to "divide the family". None, except for the one forced to be vaccinated, would attribute any of it to the vaccines and if I attribute anything to vaccines I'm considered nuts.

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I’m sorry that you couldn’t convince them. Many people in my extended family and many friends fell for the propaganda as well. It was a powerful psy-op. Hopefully they learned a lesson from it but I suspect many people are still trapped in the psy-op.

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Yes, that was one of the worst parts, to send detailed information to siblings that the long term outcomes could include cancer or death and to then have them blithely state, "I've decided to get the vaccine. I want to help keep others well," etc.

And why would someone leave an inheritance to family members who are voting for fascism, no end in sight? My relative in Canada saw the truckers as the problem. They don't love Trudeau, but all that matters for voting is abortion, nothing else. It was TDS instantly translated into COVID derangement syndrome. If they ever were without a TV there would be hope, but no such plan in the future, and all the kids are vaxxed.

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"of which upended over a century of vaccine safety and efficacy research? ✓"

Good stuff. All you wrote is true. Except for the sentence above. This never existed. And it still doesn't exist today nor will it far into the future.

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Exactly, when TWO vaccine scientists refuse to have their children vaccinated, that speaks volumes. When the wife of a vaccine scientist says he has not had ANY vaccines in 40 years, that pretty much speaks for itself!

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can you provide a link that your claim?

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No link. Interviews in two documentaries, one I believe was called a shot in the dark, the other other a few years before that but pretty hard to forget those interviews. Also just recently another poster on this substack sent me a confirmation as a 2nd witness. Her husband worked in vaccine development!

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I hate to use this phrase- elephant int the room- but many of the doctors' comments on these forums are correct. I received a 4-hour lecture in medical school. I was told all vaccines were safe. The sad and pathetic truth is most doctors know nothing about covid or vaccines in general. The fact that they keep acting like they are experts on things they know nothing about is really pathetic.

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Yes, like weight loss and nutrition as well?

When were they automatically qualified to give out that kind of advice?

Also, why doesn't med school teach more about AI(auto immune) disease and how this directly relates to chronic disease in many conditions?

I mean, anyone that has Cancer, this is the first thing I look for and ask if they were ever tested?

Now, I am not a MD.

I am certified naturopath.

Sorry, not trying to pick on you, but just questions only a MD can answer.

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Yes. The fact they know nothing about nutrition makes me avoid them. Every medical condition on the planet isn't a pharmaceutical deficiency.

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Dr. Neil Nedley knows a thing or two about nutrition.

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I am not a neurologist but a physiatrist. Most people have no idea what this is. The assumption is I am some form of psychiatrist but in reality, it is a blend of neurology, orthopedics, rehabilitative medicine. In my opinion the covid shots are toxic and deadly. Do not take them.

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I'm not an expert in anything medical but I do have common sense. Made my life for 50 years in pet care, boarding, grooming, rescue and veterinary. I have seen MANY vaccine damaged animals. Even my own vet told me years ago 1 in 1000 dogs will drop dead before that vaccination needle is pulled. There is no 100% safe vaccine of any kind. All vaccines can cause injury and death. From day 1 never considered taking the jab after the "warp speed" roll out. They should have been stopped within 30 days. The big pharma knew this, just chose to kill for profit. They are also busy making billions/trillions on drugs yo treat the damage the garbage caused in the first place. And yet? People are still ruled by the fear and the 24/7/365 propaganda.

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Thanks for this. I am one who has spent hundreds of dollars and many hours in visits to the vet for my dog's itching and ear issues-- and I now believe this is vaccine damage.

As far as fear goes, I would add, people are ruled by the fear of seeing the scam (that no, you cannot "trust the experts") because they intuit that once they see it, their whole world view will start to to wobble and unravel-- and, in addition, once they see what they can't unsee, and say something about it, they may also face serious social and professional consequences.

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I too have no scientific nor medical qualifications but could see from very early on that a) the SARS-CoV-2 'pandemic' was obviously manufactured and b) the COVID-19 'vaccines' couldn't possibly be safe due to the lack of testing.

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I am not a doctor (thankfully) but do have an inquiring mind and agree with a).

As regards b) I managed to work out that COVID-19 (the 'flu re-branded) 'vaccines' couldn't possibly be safe due to the fact all vaccines are, to be blunt, shite.

Whether they are tested or not they will still be shite.


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I do have scientific qualifications, i.e. degrees in biochemistry, physics, and mathematics, and from the very beginning, it didn't add up. I saw no science being done, just a lot of hot air. My wife and I were prepared to lose everything and live in a tent if that's what we had to do to keep that stuff out of us.

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Thank you for having that courage. I’m glad it didn’t come to that.

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Thanks Glenn I knew I wasn't the only one that still had a thinking brain!

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The fact that so many family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues (most of whom are intelligent people) have contracted out their thinking to the mainstream media and simply will not acknowledge the evidence of their own eyes is frightening 😕

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Is it possibly due to AI, artificial intelligence, has figured out how to best frighten and manipulate & most ppl being fooled? It is mind-blowing to say the least,🤦🏼‍♀️

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".....have contracted out their thinking to the mainstream media"


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What are you feelings towards the other 86 vaccines we take? Are they toxic to the human CNS?

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Forgive me, but I thought that would be obvious by now. All vaccines contain toxic substances. Putting a cocktail of toxic substances into one's body thinking that it will be a Good Thing is insane.

Still, I suppose you were seeing what Carla would say.



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Forgive you? Ok, you're forgiven. That'll be $500k.

Michael, Michael, Michael, we've been over this subject of other vaccines before. :-) Like 10 times. You know I detest sticking all these poisons in any human at anytime.

Re: Carla, I don't think my question was directed at her? I can't find it right now. I've read her stuff before and I know/knew she was/is one smart cookie. So no, I was kinda directing it at some other doctor, or so I thought?

thanks for reminding about your links/website. It's been awhile. Good stuff.

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Thank you and my apologies, Also I should have said Dana rather than Carla. It would be interesting to see if you get a reply which I assume you haven't.

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Absolutely no need for an apology. You write some good stuff. I’m a fan.

Yes, almost every doctor I see on any website (or in person), I’ll ask them questions. Simple questions. Not necessarily trying to set them up. Trying to find out why doctors communicate so poorly with their patients (we know the reason, they lie a lot & often) and what these ‘doctors’ know or don’t know about vaccines.

I’ve done this online with over 30 doctors. SILENCE every time. Suddenly they go silent. When I do it in person? They suddenly come down with a disease called TSS. TSS is a bad disease. Tight Sphincter Syndrome.

Just like all Health “Experts” have gone silent (into hiding) when Steve POLITELY (as he always is) asks them to discuss the “COVID” vaccines in depth with him and in public. They run for the hills each time. He’s done an excellent job exposing them. Liars/frauds; Top of the food chain, to the bottom. Everyone has run from him and gone silent on me when I ask simple questions.

For example. 3 (of many) simple questions I ask:

1) Is it possible to vaccinate away a coronavirus (or any other disease) either on an individual or ‘herd immunity’ basis?

2) Do you explain to each and every patient you have who is going to get ANY vaccine: “BigPharma has 100% legal immunity for ALL vaccines, for a reason. All of them are very dangerous.”

Each and every doctor out there, all of them, should carefully explain this fact to all of their patients for ALL vaccines. Guess what? Not one of them have of the hundreds of people I’ve spoken with – hundreds more online? Not once. That is sick. Should be illegal and they should be punished. (it’s good to dream)

3) How much time did you spend learning the good/bad/ugly i.e. The Truth about vaccines when in med school? How about after med school, have you delved into the HISTORY of ALL vaccines? Any vaccines?

blah blah

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Excellent book that would answer this question, "Turtles all the Way Down" And my quick answer is that, yes all the vaccines can cause harm

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I second your recommendation for "Turtle all the Way Down." Excellent, eye-opening book. I will never get another vaccine.

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Well, if a person assaulted you and took your wallet, are you going to invite him into your home for tea? He might be a very pleasant conversationalist, and he might even say some charming and noteworthy things. But, you know what, I think not.

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Might want to start with the HPV still being pushed today. Gates got rich on that one too. No wonder children today, over 50 years ago, are suffering from so many illness. Their immune systems are destroyed by the ridiculous vaccine schedule.

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I do not know Dana. And can't give medical advice online but personally as a physician I refuse all of them and my kids will never get them.

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I got 2 vaccines as a baby in 1959. Polio and smallpox. And I now believe they were totally unnecessary. As a kid in the 60s I don't remember a lot of sickly kids. I do know that kids today get a lot more jabs and are are not, as a group, healthier that we were in the 60s. Of course, there are other factors. We didn't have video games or cellphones. It's pretty obvious those are not good for kids.

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It is my belief that the childhood vaccination schedule may be the cause of most of the damage we see in children today.

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That is certainly one factor. A big one. But we can't ignore the effects of smartphones on kids. Optometrists have reported an increase in vision problems in kids. Their posture isn't helped by staring at their phones while they walk or stand. They get a lot less exercise than we did, and less sunshine. Their attention spans are damaged by the infernal gadgets.

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Bingo. That was my point. You're smart.

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So are you! :)

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Love it. But how much did we agree that I'd pay you for saying this?

A new yacht coming your way .. soon. Thanks! :-)

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Thanks. I'm not smart but my parents taught me common sense. That is what is lacking.

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Common sense. You (and Tag below) hit the nail on the head.

It's so rare these days. How about Objectivity? Gone too.

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Common sense barely exist anymore. I also got mine from my parents also. Both lived thru the great depression and lived self sufficient lives.

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Great advice 👍. Couldn't agree more.

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"People actually bought into this on a grand scale, and voluntarily injected this poison?"

*Democracy: the God that Failed* is economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe's treatise on behalf of a "fully privatized social order." In developing his theme, he argues that the typical subject of a Medieval European monarchy enjoyed a higher level of personal liberty (not a higher standard of living) than the typical citizen of a modern Western democracy.

A Medieval peasant understood that his interests and the king's interests were two different things. If the king wanted to raise taxes, he had to send his henchmen throughout the realm to shake down the peasants. They were apt to resist. The peasant knew taxes made the king richer and the peasant poorer.

The average citizen of a modern democracy believes in the "public interest." "We are the government," he tells himself. "Democracy is the best form of government. Everybody votes and everybody has a voice. *Vox populi, vox dei*!"

Millions and millions of otherwise intelligent human beings fell in line with the most bizarre and arbitrary pronouncements. Lockdowns, testing, cases, masking, social distancing, the dodgy vaccines--none of it made sense. It didn't have to make sense. We had directives proceeding from the august lips of the "public health" authorities.

The Science had spoken. As had the Great God Democracy.

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Spot on!

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If the governments of this world were actual Democracies, we would never see this kind of corruption.

Democracy only exists as a definition unless you are a tribe out in the jungles of forests and it applies only to the people of the tribe?

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“Every step…towards…democracy is an advance towards destruction…Liberty has never yet lasted long in a democracy; nor has it ever ended in anything better than despotism.–(1801)” — Fisher Ames, (1758-1808; Congressman from Massachusetts)

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When were we ever a Democracy?

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"Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide" ----Letter from John Adams to John Taylor, 17 December 1814

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We know however that real democracies end up being mob rule and a disaster, that's why our founding fathers created a Republic.

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Democracy, Republic...etc......it is all the same.

Political ideologies matter not, all of them use 'collectivism' and 'enFORCEment' to make people obey, the only difference would be the degrees of brutality by the varied states against the people.

The reality is regardless of the political Ideology it is all 'mind control' (Govern= to control/ Ment, Mental, Mentis= the mind)

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And how is that working out for us??

We are much better off with some form of true democracy with oversight of some kind than ever allowing this to happen again.

We are very close to the point of mob rules because of this Republic form of government that is infiltrated with globalists.

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I'll be the first to admit that it's not perfect. But if you compare every other country on earth to the United States, we still have the best system. There are solutions to make it better, such as term limits, line item veto, returning to the rule of law. Also to point out, our own Supreme Court refused to uphold the Constitution, giving us Joe Biden. I'm not sure how to fix that since the SC is the final word, but when they're wrong it's disastrous.

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Freedom can never be construed as a "System"

If you live in a system you live in a prison.

Term (Time) limit....eh?

Imagine a crook who breaks in your house only has ten minutes to steal not an hour.....The crook is still going to steal, thus term limits will do zilch for the theft and corruption that exist....besides the crooks keep coming from the same place, vote one crook out and vote one crook back in but it is the best system so lets stay with it....right?

Our OWN Supreme Court?

It is not "OUR" Supreme Court and where does it say they are the last word?

How does that work when you cannot vote for the so called Supreme Court and they are the last word?

Clearly that sounds like a shitty system and just what is the state of the country? Shitty sounds about right.

Maybe you ought to think real hard about a better way to live life that does not require all the corruption, gang behavior, collectivism and enFORCEment that comes with government.

The CONstituion?

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

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We can remove the globalists also…

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All of DC including Trump and RFK JR. are deep state.

Some are just very good at covertly working toward it.

Recall Fauci saying Trump would see a pandemic in his admin right?

Here is what Trump did to accelerate the destruction from within.

2019/06/24 - Congress and President Trump passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act - PL 116-22, 133 Stat. 905. Amended Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201), further consolidating federal power in HHS Secretary’s hands during public health emergencies, further merging public health and law enforcement systems, and further subordinating state, tribal, county and municipal governments and American civilians to direct federal control.

and then this happened six months later:

2020/01/27 - US Secretary of Health and Human Services Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists. Signed Jan. 31, 2020, effective Jan. 27, 2020. Renewed every 90 days since then. Also signed a ‘declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of this novel coronavirus.’ The determination and declaration were recorded in the Federal Register as taking effect Feb. 4, 2020. 85 Federal Register 7316.

DJT put the final nail on the coffin of The Constitution and HHS buried with the announcement.

We are still being governed by HHS and DOD, two unelected agencies and under this delcaration.

Trump was completely powerless his entire last year and he knew he could never do anything about his stolen election even though he made it look like he tried.

I just wish everyone would take off these rose colored glasses about Trump and people like DeSantis because they are covert and bred for deep state work.

No one is coming to save us except ourselves.

The entire scene is just theatre to keep all that is going on, hidden from being seen by the public.

Congress and SCOTUS and lower level courts are completely under control of HHS and DOD.

Don't expect help from the states because they are deeply embedded into this.

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Correct. Only under radical decentralization can democracy express the will of the people in any meaningful sense.

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Sounds like we'll need AI in control for that to happen.

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Restoring freedom of association, secession, and the forging of parallel communities would do it. Of course, any such movement would run up against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Leftists don't believe in leaving people alone.

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Righties are collectivist too and though they may leave their own countrymen alone but they will not leave people alone overseas.....they love going overseas, planting the flag, drop some bombs and then open up for business!

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Very good - hadn't considered that aspect of it.

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Fear and propaganda are a positive force. I just never quite got the fear of a "virus" that had a 99 + % of surviving.

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Not only that but an alleged virus that was only of consequence to the very elderly and those with multiple serious comorbidities. I now believe that SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist but a rebrand of influenza-like illnesses, fraudulent PCR tests and the administration of end-of-life pathway to thousands of elderly care home residents created the illusion of a pandemic caused by a novel respiratory pathogen.

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It's all nostalgia now but years ago people trusted their doctors. Doctors used to be independent and care for their patients not controlled by the government, HMOs or insurance companies.

Both my parents were hardcore smokers and I had bad asthma as a kid. My doctor was so caring and spent so much time with me- this just would not happen today.

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I remember how it was. Doctors weren't perfect, but they could do their best for their patients as they saw it.

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There were a lot of charlatans too though and they pushed vaccines for profit.

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Indeed. We (patients in general) were so naive.

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Both of my parents trusted whatever their Dr. tossed. I agree, they grew up when the Dr. was also a friend. Even I remember the family Dr. making a house call and sitting and talking with his patient on the front porch. Now, they work for a paycheck or a kick back. Finding one that isn't in the pocketbook of pharma, insurance companies or the government is next to impossible. I'm sure there are still some Dr.'s that would love to treat patients with the best medicine and advice they can but if they do? There goes their licence.

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This is how insane things are now. My pediatrician wanted to inject my 2-year-old with covid mrna shots. I told her a was a physician and that my child was more likely get struck by a meteorite than get sick from covid. I also questioned her about covid shot pediatric myocarditis. I was escorted of the clinic by security. This is what we are dealing with.

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Wow. Just wow.

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re: "what we are dealing with" -- getting escorted out by security-- relatedly:


From the censored and shadow-banned April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.



PATTI CARROLL*: Next up I'd like to introduce Mark Bishofsky. Mark was a talented and respected frontline care worker who witnessed workplace practices that ended up changing his life. Thanks for being here, Mark.


MARK BISHOFSKY: Thank you, Patti. So yeah I've written up some stuff to say but I do want to add also that I am myself vaccine injured. I was injured by a tetanus vaccine in 2014 and I deal with the symptoms of that daily, and long story short, I'm lucky to be alive. One of my children was injured by an MMR vaccine and we deal with that, my wife and I deal with that every single day.

And I think we need to also acknowledge that to just blindly trust these pharmaceutical companies is an exercise in some kind of craziness because you need not look any further than the drugs Bextra,* Vioxx** or Johnson & Johnson's baby powder.*** Pfizer was fined 2.3 billion dollars in 2007, it's the largest fine ever handed out by the Department of Justice, for lying, bribing, and manipulating data. And we also need to acknowledge that sometimes the FDA, the CDC and these big pharmaceutical companies can be seen as maybe one entity if not just a revolving door. So to just, to just trust them and their data is not something I am going to do.

So yeah again I've been a respiratory therapist for 23 years. I have an advanced skill set, I've worked with all age groups and all critical care settings, including medical transport. I loved my job. I loved taking care of patients and collaborating with doctors to figure out how to best take care of these patients.

But that all ended with the covid pandemic.

It used to be OK to ask questions in the hospital. But it is no longer OK to do that. I worked through the pandemic up until October of last year and what I witnessed was mind-boggling.

Early intubation, the use of remdesivir. Even after the World Health Organization recommended not using remdesivir, in the lack of effort to try anything other than the failed, deadly protocol made absolutely no sense to me. I tried to get Ivermectin for my patients that were asking for it as an alternative treatment, but it was never given. I asked for hydroxychloroquine. I tried to give to give my patients something as safe and effective and inexpensive as just Vitamin D, completely harmless to try, but they wouldn't give it.

I even presented research showing that these interventions were effective.

I pushed to get my patients noninvasive ventilation rather than having them be intubated. I held the hands and tried to advocate for patients who were not allowed to have family members by their side to advocate for them. I held some of those hands until those patients took their very last breath because I refused to let them die alone.

I worked through the pandemic before there was a vaccine, and I did that without proper protective equipment. And I did it because I wanted to help people.

Once there was a vaccine, I was no longer good enough. I could have submitted for a religious exemption but I decided I could no longer be a part of the system that was leaving its patients to die without proper care, without attempting anything other than the failed protocol.

Ivermectin is not horse paste. Ivermectin is a Nobel prize-winning human drug. And to ignore it, to ignore an inexpensive, potentially effective, low-risk medication, but to use a medication like remdesivir which is extremely expensive and probably dangerous, just blows my mind.

The doctors I used to work with, I had an impeccable relationship with them. But once I started to question anything, they would no longer talk to me. I was ostracized. The mood in the hospital became very dark, not just with me but with everyone.

The medical system is no longer what it used to be. I gave up a career that I loved. And I am not the only one. And if anybody is wondering why there is a shortage of healthcare workers, look no further than vaccine mandates. Hospitals are short-staffed during a pandemic because of a silly mandate for a vaccine that is proving to be much less effective than advertised.

The last point I want to bring up is something that I noticed in August of 2021. For the last 10 years working at the hospital I was working at, July and August were always very, very slow. This was the time of the year where you would kick back, take a vacation, take a deep breath after going through the busy season. But in 2021, July and August were extremely busy. In fact we were taking patients in a suburban hospital all the way from Bemidji** because every single hospital in the metro was full this past July and August. And it was not covid. There were almost zero cases of covid. What changed? What changed last year that made these hospitals full all the time now? What could it have possibly have been? To ask myself and to want to ask these doctors, could this be a vaccine injury? These clots, this bleeding? You could not do it. You absolutely could not debate science in these hospitals anymore. That is what I experienced. And if I would have asked those questions I would have been ostracized even worse.

And I will leave you with this. I resigned in September. In my last day of work I asked the doctor what his thoughts were, regarding giving young men the vaccine who are at a higher risk of getting myocarditis from the vaccine than they are for even being hospitalized from covid. And he said to me, I don't have the bandwidth. He would not engage me on that question. But within two hours, I was walked out of the hospital by my director and by security and they wouldn't even tell me why. In the end they told me I was going rogue.

So to ask a doctor what his thoughts are about the vaccine in these young men getting myocarditis is going rogue.

What is happening in this country and in this world is insane. And people, please, need to wake up.

Thank you.



# # #


*Patti Carroll is Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Council, Minnesota.

*Bextra was a drug sold by Pfizer for which in 2009 the US Department of Justice imposed a 2.3 billion dollar fine, the largest settlement for healthcare fraud. The details are on the U.S. department of Justice website at this link:


**Vioxx was a painkiller that for many people resulted in fatal or serious heart damage. A thorough timeline of the Vioxx story can be found at this link:

https://www.npr.org/2007/11/10/5470430/timeline-the-rise-and-fall-of-vioxx. Of note, in 2007 when Merck's 4.85 billion dollar settlement was the largest settlement ever.

***Johnson & Johnson's baby powder contained asbestos, a known carcinogen.

See also the US Department of Justice Press Release November 4, 2013, "Johnson & Johnson to Pay More Than $2.2 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations"


**Bemidji is a town in Minnesota approximately 220 miles northwest of Minneapolis.

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A very good testimony from Mark.

Re "a vaccine that is proving to be much less effective than advertised."

It is effective at doing what vaccines always do, harm and kill.

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One more.

Dr. Chris Rake removed from UCLA for being Unvaccinated

Posted October 5, 2021


Video description: "Dr. Christopher Rake, MD, MPH has been an anesthesiologist at UCLA for 15 years with a stellar record. But he drew the line in the sand and said "No" to Dr. Tomas Aragon's arrogant vaccine mandate. His punishment for refusing this assault on his personal bodily autonomy and his freedoms?: he was escorted off the premises of UCLA Westwood Hospital and told not to return. Oct 4, 2021"


DR. CHRISTOPHER RAKE: OK I am being escorted out of 200

Medical Plaza at Westwood Santa Monica for standing up for freedom. We've got Edward Galvin here. Say hi, sir. What's your title, sir? And Andrea Eggins.

EDWARD GALVIN: Don't come near me.

DR. CHRIS RAKE: What's your title sir?

EDWARD GALVIN: Don't come near me.


EDWARD GALVIN: Keep walking.

DR. CHRIS RAKE: And this is what happens when you stand up for freedom and you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated. And this is the price you have to pay sometimes. What they don't realize is,

I'm willing to lose everything, job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause. Be well. United we stand, divided we fall.

[Dr. Rake stops walking and turns the the camera on Edward Galvin]

EDWARD GALVIN: If you keep coming close to me, I'll take that as a threat. I'm telling you that right now. I want to be fair to you.



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He knows. And he is afraid.

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I’m am glad to hear about your courage

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Oh , what I would not have given to be a fly on the wall to see that interaction! LOL!

Thanks for sharing that.

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It’s the new religion and it is heresy to disagree.

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Yes but it's not new, just much bigger and more in our face these days.

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Absolutely villainous.

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Here we go again. We have disagreements between medical doctors. I try to be calm and peaceful. Yet I would be tempted to punch that pediatrician in the face

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That pediatrician is being paid to have their child clientele vaccinated according to CDC suggested timeline of childhood vaccinations and covid is now included in that vaccination schedule.

I think it was about $400 per child when I last saw it.

NVIC.org is the place to go and verify this.

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Went head to head with a few of my own. I learned to stand in front of the door, stopping it's walking out of me and my questions. When my Mom was sick (and dying) constantly questioned the recommendation after I spent time researching. He had her addicted to Ambien. When I questioned this, as should only be used short term and she had been on it for years, the answer I got from this supposedly educated Dr. was? "because she wanted it" Hello! Is there a brain in this room?

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Wow!! To heck with that doctor!

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Be very careful. You could have CPS show up. Don't ever answer the door or speak to them. If you get into their system it's beyond a war to get your child or children back. God bless always 🙏 ❤️, Dana J

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CPS just another alphabet agency that should be tossed and started with the right goals. Protecting children, not abusing them.

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Yes, be very careful about who you tell. They've come up with new diagnosis codes for non-vaxed and partially vaxed. This will be on all your medical records and can easily be culled out for "nefarious" purposes.

I retired after 38 years and the last 34 were completely a cash practice with no contact with insurance companies. It was a great sense of freedom to have the old fashioned doctor/patient relationship without any interference.

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Sadly health care is not going to happen anymore. Be glad you got to be a part of REAL health care. When I was little in the 50's, my grandfathers Dr. would make house calls. I remember him sitting on the front porch, talking to my grandfather and I sat on his lap. Later in life, went to his son. That guy was a jerk! The beginning of the end.

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Wow, the medical community has developed a gestapo. Sad news.

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They have and why I don't use them. Last time I saw an MD was in the mid 1990's. I'll die when God says I will die. Till then I will take charge of my own health. 69 and going strong!

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My attitude exactly. I have studied nutrition and have a degree in biology and, hopefully, some common sense. I will look after my own health to the best of my ability and when the time comes, it comes.

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Pedatricians have no knowledge of vaccines. They just to what they are told. They are some of the dumbest doctors I know. The assumption is that most doctors agree on things. In reality we disagree on many things and do not get along.

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In all my 69 years had one Dr. that I trusted. He was an ear, nose and throat specialist but would treat me for other things. When he retired in the 1990's I said good by to the so called greatest healthcare in the world lie. They are arrogant, narcissistic clowns. Bought owned and paid by pharma.

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Good to know that our post-Covid assumptions of doctors are correct.

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We need to stop worshipping the people in white coats. They are not Gods. They know nothing about covid or mrna shots. I'm just a dumb biochemist. Have had multiple conversations with doctors.

They have no understanding of covid, pcr testing, or vaccines in general. They just do what the hospital or HMO tells them what to do.

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I discovered many years ago, due to a chronic illness, that medicine, at its best, is an art and exploratory.

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I agree 100% I learned this way before Covid. Part that ticks me off the most when it come to the white coats? They work for me! Not the other way around. I'm paying, that makes me the boss and I can fire you which is just what I have done for 30 years.

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"They have no understanding of covid, pcr testing, or vaccines in general. They just do what the hospital or HMO tells them what to do."

Yes, true. Unfortunately, it's the same with all vaccines being injected into humans - going back 200 years. They know nothing. Zip. Except what they are told by our Health "Experts".

Nothing has changed.

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Health experts like Gates? He's the biggest health expert joke on the planet. He should SU and open a funeral home. Killing is what he does best. .

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Gates and his family embrace eugenics.

(2 + 2 = 4)

He’s a murderer hiding behind philanthropy.

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Gates a "Health Expert". What a joke. No, what a nightmare for humanity.

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Humans are not that smart. I think that we were smarter years back. But if the TV and internet tells you will die if you don't inject yourself with a covid shot and you believe it or if you wear a mask you are one dumb person. Critical thinking longer exists. I want humanity to go on, but we are so dumbed down that I think we be extinct soon.

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And those with some thinking skills and common sense? The ones that are preparing for what is being shoved on us? If we do survive this global extinction, will there be anything left to live for? I like to hope God will take charge before then. My golden years are tarnished. Feel like everything i have worked for is just being taken, one freedom at a time. Saddest part? I know I am not alone.

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Not alone. The great dumbing down continues. And IMHO these actions are being driven by a vast unseen intelligence that is malign and evil, and that wants, actively wants to destroy and extinguish humanity - indeed all life on the planet. The whys I leave to others, but the clear guided mediated actions by 'elite' are being controlled by something (AI perhaps already?) evil land destructive. Anti life, anti woman, anti nuture, anti human, anti GOD.

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I agree. We don't know what it is or who it is but I think most can agree it's totally evil and not human.

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Mankind will not end anytime soon however as you say, it is getting dumbed down and channelled in a direction none of us want.

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Episode 10 of Health Freedom for Humanity’s newest podcast series, Voices of The Victims.

This episode features Laura Kaczmarski, a recent widow who shares the story of her late husband who received one of the CVD shots.

Nov 24, 2021


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: As of May 2023 the webpage of Health Freedom for Humanity is down, however, I managed to view the video of this podcast via archive.org's Way Back Machine. The hosts are Alec Zeck and Dr. Devin Vrana. https://www.devinvrana.com/

For more about Alec Zeck, a West Point graduate and medical freedom activist, see his interview by Dr. Stanton Hom, episode 076:https://thefuturegen.com/podcast/episode-076-alec-zeck-be-free/


ALEC ZECK: So I want to start with, prior to, prior to him receiving the first dose, where you both were at in your life, where was his health level, and what were your perceptions of everything going on in the world?

LAURA KACZMARSKI: We're both retired, my husband and I were both retired, and we would just spend our days together. Last October we rescued a dog and we would walk the dog and just, we would just, we just would sit together and spend time together. I would do a lot of research and stuff on the computer, I spent like a lot of time on the computer, and my husband would watch a lot of TV. And then he always wanted me to sit with him and then you know we would hold hands, you know, he, I'd be sitting in the chair and he'd be sitting on the couch, and there was an end table between us, and we would always hold hands and just talk and have conversations about current events.

And I would go on and on about the vaccine, and how he shouldn't get it because I wasn't going to get it, and you know, to him I'm like, I was a conspiracy person. And he, he believed what the government was telling him. He believed, like, well, not the government but Fauci, what Fauci was saying, what the news channels were saying, that you have to get the vaccine, and the more people that get the vaccine, the better you're going to be, and — [sighs]

We were just in a really good place, just enjoying the retirement, enjoying being together, enjoying the new dog, just, just enjoying life.

He was, he was, he was a, he was sharp, he was, he was just wonderful. And then he decided he would go along and get the vaccine.

And he waited for the Moderna vaccine, based on his niece who works for a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, based on her recommendation. So he waited. And that vaccine became available in March. He got the first injection on March 26th. And immediately, he started sleeping more, immediately.

And then on April 23rd he got the second injection. But his cognitive abilities immediately changed. Within the first 30 days he was, he was sleeping constantly, I mean, it was like up to 18 hours. And I'm like, Jeez! And then after the second shot, he started sleeping up to 22 hours.

And his cognitive abilities were just plummeting. It's like, he couldn't remember anything that he wanted to say, and he kept asking me, what the words were that he wanted to say. So, because he couldn't even have a conversation, he couldn't complete a sentence without forgetting what he needed to say, what he wanted to say.

And I would get frustrated because, I, it's like, I just didn't understand what was going on. And then he just started sleeping more. And all he would do is sleep.

And he had a problem with his one knee and he thought that he needed a knee replacement surgery. It's like he blew every little ache, every little pain out of proportion, something that he hadn't done in the past. So we got him an appointment with an orthopedist. He went to the orthopedist, and the orthopedist said there's nothing— [Alec Zeck's live image disappears from screen] Are you there?

ALEC ZECK: Yeah. Sorry, keep going.


ALEC ZECK: I'm sorry, I don't know why.

LAURA KACZMARSKI: OK, there you are. And so the orthopedist says that it looked more like a neurological problem. And that was in June. So we immediately made an appointment to see his primary care physician.

When his primary care physician saw him, he was literally in a state of shock. Because my husband was, he weighed like 200 pounds in April. And by the time we took him to see his primary care physician, had lost over 40 pounds. So he went from a size 40 and now he was like a size 36. His clothes were falling off him. His face, it's like, it's like he had no life in his face. He wasn't joking. He was always the jokester. He wasn't joking anymore.

So the doctor immediately started scheduling blood work and head scans and brain scans, and and referred him to a neurologist to to rule out Parkinson's. Because he had a tremor in his hand which was, well, both hands, I mean he used to have a tremor, just a slight tremor that wasn't even noticeable, but after his second injection both of his hands had severe tremors. And he could barely walk. I had to out him in a wheelchair once we got to the doctor's office to wheel him up to see the doctor because he could barely walk. He couldn't walk more than like 15 feet without having to sit down and and take a rest.

So he went for the head scans and the brain scans and the blood work, and all of that came back normal. Everything came back normal for a person his age. There was no abnormalaties in the brain, nothing.

And then we saw the neurologist. The neurologist scheduled what was called a DAT scan where they inject nuclear medicine into you and that's a, you know, a good way to tell if a person has Parkinson's or if there's any other kind of brain issues going on.

And absolutely everything came back normal.


LAURA KACZMARSKI: And the neurologist said, I'll just give you a pill for the memory. Because I had documented everything, because I kept notes on everything with the documentation of things that he couldn't remember, I mean, he, just everything. And so the doctor said, Oh, that's a good gauge to keep and let's see if the memory pills work.

We never got the prescription because we knew it wasn't, we knew it wasn't the memory pills you know. A person doesn't go from having fluid conversations, being well aware of everything that's going on around them, and within a couple of months they can't remember anything, they can't walk, they can't think, they can't have a normal conversation, and then all they do is sleep.


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Because it's like, by the time he had the second shot in April, after he had that, within 10 days, he wasn't able to drive anymore. I I'm just, like, I took his keys away. I says, anyplace you need to go, anything you need, I will take you. So I started taking him if he had a doctor's appointment or whatever.

But then after that, he couldn't even— We live in a ranch house and to get to the garage where the cars are, you, there's two steps down to the door, then another step into the garage to get to the car. He couldn't even step down those. I mean, and from the kitchen to the family room it's a one step, like a 9 inch in height step to step into the family room, he couldn't do that unless he was holding onto me to help him step down that one step.

You know, and then all he did was he would sit and he would just watch the TV. He would put on CNN, and I was like, you can't watch that poison, you can't watch the poison, it's poison TV, so then he would put Fox News on, and I'm like, that's just as bad. You know, you can't watch TV, you just can't watch it, you can watch anything else. So then he would watch mind-numbing TV shows that he had watched, you know, repeats after repeats. And it was all new to him because he just, he didn't remember that he saw it yesterday—


LAUIRA KACZMARSKI:— with all the different cable stuff, he just he just didn't remember. I I, it was to the point where I had to do everything for him. I mean, it was, it's like, he couldn't carry a cup of coffee because the tremors were so bad in his hands, so I would have to make his coffee a half a cup, because otherwise it would slosh out of his hand while he tried to drink it. His appetite, he he lost his appetite, he would eat just a little bit here and a little bit there.

But he, it got to the point where he just slept. All he did was sleep. You know and he— [starts to cry]

It's, it's, he was sorry that he got the vaccine because it's like, in the end he knew, I mean, at one point at the end of April, beginning of May, he talked to his niece and he told his niece, Oh, I I got the Moderna shot, but I waited until it was available based on your recommendation.

And he always talked on speaker phone because of the feedback he would get from his hearing aids, so I heard every conversation he ever had on any telephone.

And just, Oh, Uncle Danny, I never recommended that, I got the Pfizer shot.

And he was, he was surprised that she denied making the recommendation, as was I. So we just let that go.

And ah, we lived our life, you know, I mean, it's like, he just slept. All he did was sleep.

And as the time progressed, he got worse. You know? His memory got worse, the tremors got worse, he slept more. He would get up, if he'd sleep 18 hours he'd get up, he'd go in the family room nap sit on the coach and he'd nap, you know, for four hours, then get up and go to bed. It's like... [starts to cry]


LAURA KACZMARSKI: It's like, I just lost him. I lost my best friend! He was supposed to be around at least another 20 years. You know? Because we had planned our life together like that. And when I told the doctor, I told the neurologist, I says, he, his symptoms started immediately after the covid vaccine, and he didn't even acknowledge that I said that.


LAURA KACZMARSKI: Didn't acknowledge it. His primary care physician didn't acknowledge it when we were in the office.

And then, at the beginning of August, I knew he wasn't going to be around much more, so he had a defibrillator and I called his cardiologist, and I said, I need to know, when he passes, that the defibrillator's not going to keep going on shocking him. And they no, you don't have to worry, they can turn it off. But they won't turn it off unless I get a doctor's orders. Well, the doctors didn't believe that he was dying.

And so I sent his primary care physician a letter, I had faxed it, and I said, this is his, my husband's status, this is Danny's status, and I listed two pages of everything that was wrong with him. And I says, I said, he's dying. The covid [vaccine] did this to him, I need to know what to do when he dies.

So the doctor immediately called me and he again he didn't acknowledge that I'd said it was the covid shot, and he asked me to bring Danny in, and I said, I can't bring him in, he can't he can't move. This was in August, probably by mid-August. And so he told me what I would need to do when he died. And I says that I'm taking care of him until he dies. And then, and then every week the doctor would call.

And it's like, by the third week when he called, that was like the end of August, he says, now what did you say caused this?

And I said, all of the symptoms started immediately after the vaccine.

And all he would say is, Laura, I'm sorry I can't comment on that. I just, I'm not allowed to comment on it.

So I said, OK. And I just started taking care of him, and then at the very end when I couldn't take care of him, it was getting too hard because he kept falling, he wasn't eating, they, I called the doctor and that same day they sent hospice out to help. And so hospice came. And then he died. He just, you know, he took a deep breath, exhaled, took a second deep breath and never exhaled. And then he was gone. So that happened on September 20th.



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Just wanted to applaud you for offering to cover the costs for this $600 (American) test to look for brain damage caused by the “vaccines.” Lots of people won’t be able to afford to pay for this test so what a kind gesture for you to offer to cover it and to also help make the public aware that the “vaccines” conclusively cause brain damage!

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Since you took the vaccine Steve, how did your Neuro Quant turn out?

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Neurologist is an impressive title achieved by a lot of hours of indoctrination. She said “long Covid” and “lingering spike protein”

Ok, so once again, where is the science demonstrating “long Covid” and the science demonstrating “spike protein” is a component of “the virus”? It’s a travesty to see a neurologist repeat the dogma, but of course that’s what they are trained to do. I give her credit though for realizing the the gene therapy shots are not helping her patients.

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A close cousin with the advice of his personal GP and doctors in his family took the shots and went into rapid cognitive decline and died this past January. He had a PhD in nuclear physic and a sharp mind with diverse interests before the shots but against his better judgement and to travel because of his business interests, he rolled the dice and payed dearly with his life…in my opinion.

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Another big WHY is: Why would anybody, ESPECIALLY scientists (so-called), push a shot from the criminal Pharma cartel which is an experiment where all the animals died?

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At $600 for an MRI scam, sorry scan, somebody will be rubbing their hands with glee at all those extra customers.

Having had several MRI scans (6 I think), and having seen the results a couple of times I can say that the detail is not that great and needs 'interpreting' by the 'experts'.

Yeah right.


P.S. Should you have something magnetic in your brain and system I wonder what will happen?

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My brother had a benign brain cyst on mri before Covid; the military contractor made him get it-twice; you will have a before and after with his case!!! His first jab is toxic-batch had 921 adverse rxns, thankfully 2nd not so bad;

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If you received any ModRNA injections, you were never vaccinated. You were poisoned to the extent that your RNA and DNA could be altered therefore putting your immune system on the fritz. And that leads to who knows what.

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Maybe that Biden RAT did take the shot after all.. He's one brain dead idiot

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I love this. Fund at least some treatment for the vaccine injured and collect valuable data at the same time.

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Quite. Amongst the people I know of who have suffered significant neurological- a 33 yr old nurse, forced to get the jab 💉 as an essential frontline worker , she was left with "Locked-in Syndrome", and

another good friend who was a fitness fanatic & who trained with weights daily, has now been left with neurological damage, to the extent that he CANNOT any longer DO his weight training and has been

told that he now has Epilepsy and his thirty six years old girlfriend has problems and was hospitalised with seizures too, with both ending up in the high dependency unit and critical care. In ALL three cases, this was ALL after only the FIRST 💉 shot!! Plus the guy+girlfriend, were jabbed at the SAME TIME and BOTH started having these seizures on the SAME day!! Shocking.


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Oh I think Danny Elfman got one of those MRIs and showed it off at his Hollywood Bowl concert that I went to! Can't tell if it's damaged or not though. This video gets a good view of most of the brain images, you can see he got it from all angles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_x9kf8Ab8ew

He wants to make an art project out of all his medical scans, many of which were medically unnecessary but he asked for the dentist to CAT scan his skull for example just so he could have some cool skull pics to show off for Halloween.

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Is it safe to be in the strong magnetic field of an MRI if you've possibily been exposed to particles of paramagnetic nanotechnology?

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Or indeed to have gadolinium used as a contrast. I had it until I found out what was really going on with my health and that there have been issues with gadolinium.

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I wonder if the spike protein can cause brain fog and lack of motivation. ??

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