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Hey Steve! You would be happy to know that I submitted my VAERS report on 01/14/23 and yesterday I had an email from VAERS in my inbox saying they received my VAERS claim and are requesting STAT MEDICAL RECORDS for them to review. They want it in the next 5 days. So my report definitively flagged them enough to make their butthole picked up and send me that email bc most of my vax injury group filled theirs out last year and still have not been acknowledged to this day. Wanted to let you know and see your thoughts on that. I have a huge stack of records ready to send them & sift through, a whole years worth to be exact.

Also wanted to update you on my illness. I have added Dr Kory to my treatment team. Yayy! And I absolutely adore him. We are adding in to the treatment that Iโ€™m already on with Dr Bream. I go tomorrow for my echocardiogram and then will have a heart monitor called a zio patch placed sometime soon. Once echo results are back Iโ€™ll go for my cardiac mri and then possibly a pet scan depending on what the cardiac mri does or doesnโ€™t show. We are trying to rule out myocarditis and Iโ€™m ready to get some answers why I canโ€™t walk to the bathroom or do simple tasks without getting short of breath and heart rate ranging from 44-150 range. D dimer was normal.

But anywho I hope you have a great week and will keep you updated!๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

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God bless you and I hope that Dr. Kory can help you that sounds terrible.

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Thank you!๐Ÿ’œ

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Interesting to hear public health authorities are finally monitoring VAERS.

My guess is their one and only goal is to make reports disappear.

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