Peter Hotez responds to my debate offer: "You're blocked"
Professor Hotez can't answer the simple question I posed about what caused all those excess deaths in VAERS associated ONLY with the COVID19 vaccine.
Here was my debate offer.
I just wanted the answer to a simple question:
If the 15,000 excess American deaths in VAERS weren’t caused by the vaccine, then what caused them?
Note: 15,000 excess deaths in VAERS translates into 500,000 or so actual deaths of Americans.
I emailed him a link to my article.
I received no response whatsoever. However, I know he received my offer because he reacted by blocking me on Twitter.
That tells you everything you need to know.
Real scientists are interested in settling important issues like the one I proposed. People who engage in propaganda avoid open debate and attempt to deplatform and censor those who disagree with them.
UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad said it best in this op-ed:
Peter Hotez feels the opposite, clearly. That’s the way science works nowadays.
Hotez also declined to debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on vaccine safety. The reason given was that Kennedy is a cunning lawyer. Then the reason later shifted to because the NIH wouldn’t approve.
What do you think? Should we have that debate? Or will we save lives by avoiding resolving the issue?
And my second poll:
My final attempt
I just sent this email:
Take action
Peter’s Twitter is @PeterHotez. Ask him why he refused to debate me on this question. Maybe he will tell you and I can adjust my approach.
My favorite reader comment
Peter Hotez apparently believes that avoiding confrontation with those who disagree with you is the best way to stop misinformation.
But the evidence shows this isn’t effective: fewer and fewer people are taking the vaccine.
Every day, more and more prominent people are coming out, calling for a halt to the COVID vaccine.
Ducking and running for cover when challenged is a poor strategy to convince people you are right.
I just tweeted: @PeterHotez Why did you decided to BLOCK Steve Kirsch instead of debating him? If you think that he is wrong and you are correct, then we would like to hear your side of the argument in a debate format. Prove to us that the deaths in VAERS are not from the COVID vaccines.
The house of cards which makes up our 'healthcare and public health' system is coming down like the walls of Jericho - all built on decades of greed, deception and outright lies which are covered up with claims of 'no evidence' because they desire NO evidence. Vaccines or whatever those substances are/were are the linchpin.