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Dec 31, 2022
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I am commenting to a few paragraphs written by ' Olmera' - I do not normally respond to articles. However- not sure who you are 'Olmera' but well put . My glimmer of hope grows weekly now there are more and more people beginning to voice them selves - Since the Lancet declaration that the virus was lab made i went on our journey to find the truth -

Good stuff -

Steve Roylance

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Jan 7, 2023
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Well said.

As regards "Then the question will inevitably arise: "How come nobody has ever challenged this stuipidity?", well the truth is some people did but the world did not notice by and large as other things got in the way.

It took Covid 19 to wake up the world, myself included, in 2020. I have been searching for truth all my life and found it in the Word of God and His Son Jesus Christ when in my teens.

But it took until I was 60 years old in 2020 to really understand because at last I asked for everything and the strength to go with it. The whole truth is quite surreal yet amazing and sure and the ultimate health.

'hail the male Tut' is an anagram of 'ultimate health'. That in itself is surreal enough!


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BTW: The best that can be hoped for is teaching them than their ruling class leaders took a step to far this time and need to return to their manipulated and "fake in the crunch" systems.

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"If you want to leave this vicous circle, just stop talking to them. They cannot bring anything into your life that would make you better, stronger, richer or more worthy. Leave them out. You do not need them. Stop voting for them or against them. Stop reading their news. Stop joining their organizations. Stop hanging out with their puppets. Do what is required by their law (as long as they have the monopoly of exercising violence) and not a single breath more." YOU TALK AS IF THAT WOULD MAKE ANY DIFFERNCE. . . .? It would only "if everybody" or a very large number did as you propose. We founder on the rocks of "if everybody".

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Everybody? Well a large majority in our "western civilisation" (I can't talk about the rest) are just sheeple that allow themselves to be thoroughly manipulated by the FEW. We must ask ourselves why WE the majority, are so easily coerced by a miniscule minority and WE do NOTHING about it? It is the few of us that are standing up to be counted and let's hope that the sheeple eventually see that it's WE the FEW that are the GOOD, as we fight against this EVIL, that wants to RULE over all of humanity.

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Jan 3, 2023
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The suggested approach does not preclude us doing other things. Doesn't mean we should stop trying to convince people to behave better, think better, eat better, read more, unplug, etc. A myriad number of ways that people's lives can be improved through our efforts while we refuse to participate in the corrupt system ruling us.

One day I asked my mother why our family is so fucked up. (It was one of those days.)

For the first time in my life I heard her use that same word in reply: 'All families are fucked up' she said. 'You can't control anyone except you, so just try to be good family yourself.'

I still think it was great advice.

While we wait for the corrupt oppressive system to convert more people - as all corrupt oppressive systems unavoidably do, over time - sufficient to replace it with something better, we can focus on BEING something better. I cannot think of any better advice or else I would give it.

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Over 8 billion now.

Even if "they" totalled a couple of hundred thousand it is miniscule compared to the majority of us. It's quite simple really, we need to remove them because they are 100% EVIL.

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Remove with extreme predjudice😊

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This is the mindset of the psychopaths who rule us:

“We are in power. Nobody will deny it. By virtue of that power we shall remain in power…We have no words to waste on you. When you reach out your vaunted strong hands for our palaces and purpled ease, we will show you what strength is. In roar of shell and shrapnel and in whine of machine-guns will our answer be couched. We will grind you revolutionists down under our heel, and we shall walk upon your faces. The world is ours, we are its lords, and ours it shall remain. As for the host of labor, it has been in the dirt since history began, and I read history aright. And in the dirt it shall remain so long as I and mine and those that come after us have the power. There is the word. It is the king of words–Power. Not God, not Mammon, but Power. Pour it over your tongue till it tingles with it. Power.”

Mr. Wickson, The Iron Heel by Jack London (1908), chapter 4

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"When Power and Truth meet on the battlefield, Power always wins. Truth alone is never enough." - Sicilian aphorism

Moral: Get yourself some power.

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...to go with Truth. It is unbeatable.

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Jan 1, 2023
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You better not be that means the Communist psychopaths are winning. American Revolution is the Solution for damn sure. We are under a coup de-eta at present in case you have not noticed. Our country was taken over quit obviously. The DOD is managing and adminstering the lethal injections that have murdered millions and counting. Who is responsible? Listen here and learn Nuremberg Trials televised around the world upcoming : https://www.bitchute.com/video/lfTfj6nNvbPC/

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Democracy is a scam. It was promoted by the same people who were in peril of being displaced by the revolutions against monarchies that began sweeping the world in the 17th century. The two world wars were the means of finally replacing all major power centers with “democratic” structures. Wars engineered and managed by that same class. But democracy is a scam, a lie told and sold with malice aforethought. Its primary function is to keep the masses under control, by mostly voluntary submission to the myth of political representation. In other words, democracy IS feudalism, but it is feudalism wearing a happy face mask. As the ruling feudalists have become more secure in their belief that their power is permanent and cannot even be effectively questioned let alone challenged, they have become correspondingly less cautious about maintaining the facade. Secondly, it’s inherent in their obsession with untrammeled power that they drive the system from one crisis to another, each successively worse, and each successive “solution” creating the next crisis. Crisis management is how they rule, how they distract, how they terrify, how they promote their own interests and the “necessity” of their existence and positions of power. The happy face is fast approaching redundancy. The democracy-feudalists are now openly telling us that we will do whatever stupid suicidal policy they advise, that we will eat bugs, give up any means of self sufficiency (like farming), give up any means of travel they cannot severely limit, inject poison into our own veins, live in constant poverty and dependency on their good graces. This is what the CBDC schemes, the social credit schemes, the war scams, and the escalating pandemic scaremongering scams, are all about. No one is to be allowed to exercise our own conscience.

It’s all lies and it’s a system built on lies that survives because not enough of us perceive the lies and fewer call them out. The claims to representation are transparently false but we mostly choose to believe them because we’re afraid of what we’d have to do and be if we reject them.

Yet reject them we must. No system built on such falsehoods can thrive for long. No people ruled by such falsehoods can prosper.

Only if we face the awful truth of our current circumstances will we be able to effectively change them. To borrow a medical metaphor, only if we correctly diagnose the sickness of our political culture will we prescribe the proper response.

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We the People are now wise to Their tricks.

Time to change the paradigm back to our favor.

It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool....


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I heard one commentator say, 'Well, at least we had the Beatles.'

'Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.'

John 12:25 We need to assess our lives and ask sobering questions. What is my life worth?

Are their truths worth dying for? The key is not to love this life too much. (I John 2:14-16)

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I believe that the best book on democracy is by Hans-Hermann Hoppe; "Democracy The God That Failed"

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It is good. There’s room for many perspectives. My personal view is that skeptical critiques are more valuable than the fawning worship of the status quo that we’re taught in school.

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In U.K., politics effectively died at some point between the 1970s, when a large number of large trades unions represented their members somewhat more effectively than at earlier times in history, and the early 1990s, whenever that dullard of a book, “The End Of History” was published.

By then, far too few people had the slightest involvement in local politics.

Once local politics could safely be ignored by the executive, whole countries were poised & ripe for takeovers, effectively unseen coups d’etat.

People like me only realised this in 2020. Democracy had left the parliamentary building a long time before that.

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People let criminals get away with the murder of President Kennedy, obviously an inside job, then the same with 911 obviously controlled demolitions and bombs, then the Patriot Act. The Suprmeme Court will be hearing if the families, ie a father of Bobby Mcllvaine whose son was blown apart in the lobby of the North Tower has ' standing' to demand a Fed.Grand Jury be convened to hear overwhelming evidence of explosives to destory WTC1&@ Building 7 that day of 9/11/01. LCfor911.org

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Totally agree Mike! Many of us didn't see this coming before 2020! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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I realised in the 1980s. We used to have good local democracy with control over local matters such as schools. Thatcher centralised so many areas that had been under local control. I remember reading how the staff of the local education authority had to explain to the bureaucrats taking over how things worked. Until then LEAs would know the local area, children's background, local employment, etc. Now I hate to read about the central diktats, all the pseudo-metrics and monitoring. I have a niece who worked in a Primary School. It was a delight hearing how she worked with each child and really enjoyed the work. Then it became - follow the central rules and performance metrics - the head teacher never met the children after that and my niece became disillusioned and left the job. I have always argued for more devolution of power. That way you get the diversity that gives stability and from which we all learn. I feel I had the best schooling in the 1950s, same with University and DPhil in the early 1960s, not a treadmill. I guess similar for you.

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I was a very strange young person. My mum died when I was tiny & nobody ever spoke of her. My father remarried a much younger woman who didn’t like any of the existing three children of which I was the youngest.

You never notice your own upbringing until later. Mine would fairly be described as abuse by neglect.

So by eleven or so, I’d developed a deep internal life. I read a lot of postwar American SciFi, pretty much the entire cannon by 15 (thus the plot we’re living in is honestly pedestrian compared with many authors’ imaginations, a number of which have been made into popular movies).

Primary school was pleasant and uneventful, in a rural English village. I chose to sing in the church choir. I made model aeroplanes. I rode around a lot on my cycle. That’s it really.

The shock on attending first year secondary school was palpable. I had no idea how to interact with people outside of a group I’d known since I was five. Luckily, that school was a throw-back, one of the last boys only grammar schools. Very disciplined, taught Latin and Greek, chemistry lessons in ancient smelling laboratories. Rugby, football & cricket, all of which I hated. I still don’t like team pursuits much. Joined the air training cadets and flew a glider & went up in a helicopter. It probably would have been a good education for me.

But when I was twelve, dad moved jobs and I was dropped into a secondary modern school which became a sixth form college the year I arrived. I was the youngest until I was 17 & some 16 year olds arrived. This school had almost no rules in relation to education. It was as if a switch had been thrown & probably it had been, somewhere way above us all. Spelling was optional. Expression was almost everything. No values were imposed or examples set. To me, the change was very noticeable. Others told me it had been gradually changing during their local school lives. It was the move from rural primary to city secondary in a different county that made the difference so stark.

I remember at the time thinking this isn’t going to educate these hundreds of people around me. The early 1970s for me marked the point where we lurched steeply downward.

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Well, something about that benign neglect worked out well for you, Dr. Yeadon! ❤️

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We had Global Freezing back then.

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I had very caring parents. "chemistry lessons in ancient smelling laboratories" I loved it, I can still remember the layout in fine detail. "Rugby, football & cricket, all of which I hated" same with me - I used to find long grass to lie in and be forgotten, which I think the others were happy to do because I was so poor at games. Piano was my extracurricular passion, some church organ too. Nice to connect with you in these memories.

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There is an excellent discussion of democracy in a book by John Dunn - "Democracy", which points out that most elections are just used to support whatever policies a government wants.

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There’s a related vid on YT called “Corruption is Legal” iirc. A small pink pill useful for introducing the topic to people unacquainted with it.

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Just fear. Fear causes paralysis of thought. He has no way out without total humiliation and destruction of reputation and credibility. In this situation he is one of many who will just stonewall, first to minimize having to face their own abject failings, second in the hope that something to help them might turn up as it cannot get any worse. It's the same with many people in debt, they ignore the demand letters until too late rather than negotiate a deal that works for most parties.

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Jan 1, 2023
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Just so.

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The essence of SCIENTOCRACY!

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Or perhaps Scientocrazy?

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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Jan 1, 2023
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They are stupid.

Deception is Their stock in trade.

That is plain to see.

The Truth always outs.

The Truth has been obvious from jump.

To those who are aware enough to see through the smoke and mirrors that They have erected.

Democracy has been diluted.


It is Of For and By the People.

Not a cabal of businessmen and bureaucrats. Playing games with People's lives.

It is time to reverse the damage.

And take our power back.

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The argument as to whether the clearly illegitimate due to an obviously stolen election Biden administration is incompetent or is malfeasant is just that. The appearance is of complete incompetence but in reality every idiotic thing done to ruin the USA by them is most likely following closely some plan to do so.

People need to see this and very soon or I fear the republic will be lost forever.

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Jan 1, 2023
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The whole charade goes back thousands of years. We are in the final act, playing out in the greatest show on earth.

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That's a good comment. However, nothing will change until these ill conceived minion minded misfits feel some pain.

Boycott everything they are a part of. Boycott all companies they are sponsored. Corporations that support Vax should be boycotted. A good one would be iHeartRadio as they push vax all day long. So boycott the companies that advertise on iHeartRadio. Simple. That's just one example, but I guarantee this is the best plan of attack. And attack we must. People are such lazy, spineless lost souls these days. So in your email program, set up a signature that says that. Tell people to start use of courage and actually do something. Anything but remain wimps.

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Standard military rule is attack is the best form of defense. So everybody off de fence and attack please.

But don't forget R & R always necessary too.

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I agree and the list of companies to boycott is very, very long almost to the point of needing another entirely new parallel society. I think that is what really has to happen now. Establish networks of buyers, producer, sellers and trades people that are outside of the corrupt corporate world and begin to live completely free of the evil order. Not easy to do but small steps can be taken such as using cash whenever possible even though this means forgoing the rewards enticement built into using credit cards. Catherine Austin Fitts is a good source for implementing this idea. Removing our children from the wholly disgusting public school system is another. Set up a homeschool group where perhaps a teacher can be hired or parents can take turns teaching one day each every week or two. I think that the time has come for national tax revolts. We have no representation so what are we doing paying for this? Get healthy. Start eating whole foods. Get physically strong - the best predictor of longevity is retained muscle mass. Begin getting together with our communities again and away from the anonymous online world.

Look seriously at moving away from or at least protecting yourself from the fiat money system that is not going to last. Sound money whether precious metals, digital currency and barter need to be considered.

Most people feel something is terribly wrong but most of those probably are not willing to look deeper out of fear. Mass formation seems real.

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Thanks both of those are excellent ideas...

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African Americans did just this in the 60s-- cut off dealing with bigoted businesses at the pockets. Dr. King recommended this and it worked. I no longer accept electronic payments because any of the companies can turn on a dime and bite you in the A$$, take your freedoms away as with the Canadian truckers. Use cash. I heard Catherine Austin Fitts say that more people are ordering checks again. Businesses have to pay a per-transaction merchant fee when you do electronic transactions. They save money when you pay by cash or check.

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If Dr King’s idea of an economic boycott worked there wouldn’t have been any reason for a federal legal remedy like the Civil Rights Act. The fact that it took federal intervention and the threat of federal violence suggests that his peaceful approach only worked to enlist the support of acceptable violence. Also when you consider the fact that the black community is worse by almost every conceivable metric than it was during Dr. King’s time it’s worth asking if his tactics and the success he achieved (mainly convincing enough people to enlist the aid of the government to enforce their desires) is the outcome we want. I admire Dr King a lot and his commitment to non-violence is admirable, but in reality his movement did not see widespread success or fruit until they outsourced their capacity for violence to the government. I am not sure that’s a strategy that is either currently viable or wise.

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I was here during Dr. King's time. I don't know where you get your "facts" that the Black community is worse off by every metric now, because it isn't. l don't know what you're arguing and no one here is saying that King totally won the Civil Rights war (as if one ever could) by using this tactic alone.

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The single motherhood rate is at 80%. The incarceration rate is 38% which is triple what it was in 1968. The rate of home ownership is down. The rate of unemployment is up. Drug addiction is through the roof. If you include abortion, which you should, infant mortality is through the roof compared to 1968. The violent crime rate perpetrated on blacks by blacks has sky rocketed.

Yes both education level and getting out of poverty have increased from the late sixties but they have increased proportionally less for blacks than for whites and hispanics. Even those families that make it out of poverty fail to achieve the kind of multigenerational stability that other races do (in large part due to a lack of home ownership and single motherhood). Life expectancy has increased but still lags far behind whites and chronic lifestyle disease especially diabetes has exploded which means that while life expectancy has increased so have ill health and chronic diseases. So now you get to live an extra 12 years slowly losing your limbs to diabetes complications.

The single motherhood rate alone is devastating enough to undo the positive effects of the Civil Rights Act. 1 in 4 black women will get married in their lives today, the rate for blacks overall is 32% it was 68%. Whites face a similarly large although smaller drop the difference is those single white women are not having kids at the rates that black women are. As a proportion fewer black men are fathering children but those who do are fathering more children and are doing so outside of marriage. (It’s worth noting that black men in marriages tend to be more involved fathers than other races which makes the decline of married black men a significant problem.) Not only do the long term consequences of this mean that generational wealth is impossible to build but it has resulted in a shocking number of old black women being impoverished and out on the streets in their old age. This is only going to worsen when the single mothers today are in their old age.

Those are the ways that are easily measured. Then there are the cultural ways that aren’t as easily quantified but are quite obvious. Would you rather have a discussion and meal with Martin Luther King Jr or Ibram X Kendi? Do you think Dr King’s March to Selma was better or the BLM “protests”? Would you rather have your son look up to Jackie Robinson or Marcell Ozuna or Addison Russel? Which culture is better, the one saturated with Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World or one saturated with Cardi B’s WAP?

To be clear I think that all people regardless of race deserve to have the same legal rights as outlined in the Constitution, but the Civil Rights Act goes well past that. I also think the longer and slower route of doing to work to convince individual people to open their hearts and businesses to their black neighbors leads to more stability in the long run. When you use violence to enforce change the underlying prejudices remain they are just covered up in a variety of ways. This isn’t healthy for individuals or communities.

Tell me which multinational corporations did Dr King’s movement successfully get to change or shut down? He had success with local and regional businesses which absolutely can work. However the companies being discussed here aren’t mom and pop diners and regional bus lines, they are multinational behemoths. A company that has access to 8 billion potential customers really isn’t going to care even if several hundred million boycott and good luck getting a boycott that large.

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Thomas Sowell would disagree with your assessment that the Civil Rights Act helped blacks. Tell me if 75% of families without two parents is an improvement, if millions of black babies have been aborted reducing black influence, if getting free money from the government in the form of shitty housing, if public union dominated schools have educated black children for success. I grew up trusting our government but the facts prove they care only about themselves and the people who give them money to keep their jobs.

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Nowhere did I say that I thought the Civil Rights Act was a good thing because I do not think it was. I typed a response that went into that more in depth in reply to mzlizzi but had technical difficulties and after retyping the entire thing twice and it still not posting I abandoned the endeavor. I have already come close to starting the new year by smashing my technology into tiny pieces out of frustration. My point was that even if you think the Civil Rights Act was a good thing that it was what really created change and not economic pressure. I think that boycotts can be very successful in dealing with local or even regional businesses but I do not think they accomplish much against multinational corporations that are also deeply involved in the government.

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Jan 1, 2023
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Well, yeah-- the FBI killed him.

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In my business. I do more with checks than ever before. I am tired of giving 3.5% away in fees.

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Yep using cash is what I do and I listen to Catherine A Fitts also, she is awesome from day one she laid out what was happening and on all the different layers..

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She wrote that essay titled "Swine Flu: What I Believe," back in July, 2009. I'm posting it at the top, word for word. It's ALL COME TRUE, every last bit of it!

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"...and whether pigs have wings..." Lewis Carroll 1871

Swine flew (sic) obviously!

And equally imaginary of course.

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Where can I find this essay please.

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I posted the link as well as the text in a later post. Both seemed to have not appeared, or appeared then disappeared. Coulda been a slow server when I was posting. Hopefully this will post: https://infiniteunknown.net/2009/07/30/former-assistant-secretary-of-housing-i-believe-one-of-the-goals-of-the-swine-flu-vaccine-is-depopulation/

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Thank you

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absolutely! same here, preferably avoiding supermarkets but prepared to take a detour to shop at a market or a small shop AND using cash :-))

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Their aim is to institute that CBDC, so then we will be slave to them, but we do have a parallel economy being formed, so starting to buy products from sources that support humanity and people who are not out to destroy humans, by bio weapons, climate Hoax, Crime wave, Lgbtq************, chem trails, blotting out the sun, closing down farms and trying to starve us, poisoning the water, you name it and they have done it and will continue until they are jailed or destroyed...

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"The New World Order will be brutal but short."

~ Michael C. Ruppert, author, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the end of the Age of Oil, a 2004 NYT best-seller.

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great title for a publication, will look it up, TQ

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they can't continue to hide the many, many secrets they've been trying to hide from us since....well, basically forever, which eventually will be their downfall. they can make as many horrific plans as they can possibly come up with, but if we stop being intimidated that will all be worthless.

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You are 100% correct..

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Yep, effective. But it must be non violent.

They’d love to trigger martial law.

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Martial Law is the Law on Mars, not on earth. :)

Martial law is an anagram of 'Tamara will'. I say Tamara will never come as it is always today!!

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Happy New Year Dr Yeadon 🎆

Never ever stop fighting - you are one of our superheroes 😊

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Hi Dr Mike Yeadon and Happy New Year to you and yours! Thank you for your courageous work!

You are correct re Martial Law:

When Canadian truckers held their legal, non-violent demonstration in Ottawa,, Justin Turdeau had no legal grounds but called martial law anyway ("The Emergency Act"). Apparently the sight of happy smiling people and kids playing in bouncy castles scared him. Justin was a drama student (drama queen), so he played Kabuki theater in Ottawa. He hired an actor to walk around with a Nazi flag, so the truckers chased him away. He hired other actors to behave badly, out of sight of the demonstrators but close to them, and put the video on the news. Then he had dirty cops on horseback trample the demonstrators, including one little granny lady on a walker - great video!

Then he confiscated private bank accounts and had the organizers of the convoy, who were charged with a minor misdemeanor, put in leg irons and cast in jail without bail. Canada has a history of corrupt Prime Ministers, but Justin makes them all look squeaky clean. Justin has also corrupted our Judges and Justices so our courts are a clown show.

BTW, Justin reportedly ordered ten Covid-19 vaxxes for every Canadian, and has a big financial interest in a BC pharmaceutical company that supplies a component to all mRNA toxic “vaccines” (Ref. Dr David E Martin). Quelle surprise!

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Justin is a wimp and a narcissa-sister (sic). A small Canadian patriot had a few words for him.


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I don’t envy you your PM. He’s more of a lunatic than most.

Let’s make their lives uncomfortable in 2023.


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I agree Dr Mike. And Happy New Year!

No Prisoners!

Justin is an imbecile - he may even be a crack baby - his mom was a notorious druggie in high school - some Vancouver friends knew her or knew of her then.

One of your doctor colleagues says he is "vengeful". I'm not that nice. Nuremberg 2.0!

These criminals have already killed tens of millions and that toll could double this winter.

If prompt corrective action is not taken soon, I could see the death toll from the toxic vaxxes exceeding the >200 million victims of Stalin, Hitler. Mao, Pol Pot and all the Tin Pots - the True Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

I am trying to push the move to a simple, cheap-and-effective voluntary over-the-counter cure including Ivermectin for the Covid-19 illness and the vaxx-injured – cost about a dollar for ~10 days - I proposed this move recently to our new Alberta Premier and today to Steve Kirsch. If you know him, please give him a nudge. He seems like a good guy but wants to debate with liars and imbeciles – a waste of his time, imo. We already KNOW the Covid-19 vaxxes have killed many millions.

We would start in Florida and Alberta – DeSantis is competent and so is our new Alberta Premier. It would grow from there.

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And Trudeau’s father was quite possibly Fidel Castro. His slutty mom had means, motive and opportunity. His resemblance to Castro is remarkable.

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Happy New Year, Dr. Yeadon. Stay well in the new year and keep up the good fight!!

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Happy New Year Dr. Yeadon. I was singing your praises again on here just earlier. I really appreciate everything you have done.

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That's a very good plan. My personal boycott list is already extremely long.

I just watched the fireworks on French TV at midnight. I never watch any TV, this is the first time I have watched it since last New Years.

They had an advert where this black lady was doing boxing training. Eventually she was able to land a punch on her trainer after enough practice. Then it became evident it was an advert to get "vaccinated". My brain almost exploded.

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Is the Black lady supposed to be a metaphor for the virus? First of all isn't that racist? Secondly she could also be a metaphor for the vaccine. Take enough shots of Russian Roulette and you're gonna blow your brains out sooner or later.

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I'm not racist in the slightest and my (semi woke) brother who lives in London always refers to black people as "black" when he talks about them, which I find hilarious because I don't do that. I regard people as people so I literally don't care about the melanin content of their skin (I've also lived all over the world and have friends of every conceivable colour and creed you can imagine).

The only reason I wrote that was to see if anyone would pick up on it. I live for social experiments and congratulations, you passed my test. 🙂

This advert was totally insane. Given what we know about myocarditis (even in women, who generally don't die of heart attacks), to suddenly segue from what I assumed was going to be a Nike advert to a PSA about getting vaxxed was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen.

I tried finding the offending video so I could share it with you, but could only find a transcript from the French "Health" website (machine translated from French):

Indoor boxing room:

The film is set to the music of Shirley Bassey, Jezahel.

We are in a boxing gym. In the ring, a boxing teacher in his sixties, very athletic, gives lessons to a young woman.

Boxing teacher: Come on, let's continue.

They work on a very particular gesture: a "parade" that is to say the avoidance of a blow.

Boxing teacher: Try to dodge.

It's not easy, the young woman can't do it but persists...

Boxing teacher: Look. A small U, it's going to go in.

Interior bathroom:

We are in the bathroom of the girl. In front of her mirror, we see her continue to practice this gesture of "parade" with her reflection in the mirror. We hear the voice of his coach: "Come on, let's continue".

Indoor boxing room:

Another day in the ring, in the boxing room. We are at another training session where the girl is still trying to dodge a blow by applying what her teacher taught her.

The boxing teacher: Don't give up, we continue. Come on. Come on, we search, we dodge.

Interior girl's room:

We see the girl sleeping in her bed. She dreams and hears her coach's voice: Come on, let's keep going.

Indoor boxing gym:

Another day, another training session in the ring. The young woman continues to try to make the "parade" but still does not succeed.

Boxing teacher: Come on, let's continue. We're going. Come on!

The young woman finally manages to make the right gesture of "parade". She is happy and finishes her gesture by hitting her coach's glove in the glove.

The boxing teacher: That's it! Formidable.

The young woman and her coach check each other with gloves, happy

Outside neighborhood:

We find the boxing teacher from the back, then from the front, walking in the street of a neighborhood.

A voice-over tells us: A well-repeated gesture always ends up paying off.

Inside the medical office:

We find the boxing teacher in a doctor's office. He is about to get vaccinated.

The nurse looks at him kindly. This time, she is the one who tells him: Come on, let's continue.

The boxing teacher smiled at him. We see him holding his sleeve up and the nurse giving him the injection in his arm.

Health mention: Carried out in compliance with health protocols. Let us continue to respect barrier gestures. Let's continue to wear a mask wherever it is recommended by scientific authorities.

A voice-over tells us:

The protection provided by the vaccine against Covid-19 decreases over time. Let's continue vaccination.

Panel with superimposed text:

The new dose of reminder against Covid-19 is open to all. It is strongly recommended from the age of 60 and for all people at risk of severe form and their entourage. To be doubly protected, also get vaccinated against the flu.

Animation logo Ministry of Health and Prevention


Like I said, insane.

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Yeah I think a lot of "Woke" liberals are racist deep down and Wokeism was like the one way they tried to check their privilege. Like being anti-vax because of the racist implications would have been one area where I support Wokeism, notice how Wokeism has died down and been replaced with the vaccine cult? Can't be too anti-White now because you know, gotta support Ukraine, even with their neo-Nazis? I gotta wonder if Trump's CIA amplified Wokeism on purpose so that he would have something to campaign against. You know, the one thing that's better than a strawman argument is to breathe life into that strawman.

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Very interesting takes. Thank you, you have a pretty unique way of looking at things.

Wokeism is inherently racist because it amplifies the differences in people. I don't give a shit about skin colour, I care about who you are as a person. Wokeism is all Divide et Impera, we are in a class war, not a race war FFS.

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Jan 1, 2023
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I heard the same thing in another food store chain. Pfizer must be really feeling the heat if they need to do a in store PA broadcast of lies in the hopes of duping a few more people into taking their poison.

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We should be loud and complain to the store managers. Do not stay quiet.

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That sounds dystopian as hell. 😲

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Jan 1, 2023
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I play Danny Elfman's "Native Intelligence" over those ads.

"Trust meeeee, children... trust meeeee, darling - TAKING A BATH IN CYANIDE TAKING A BATH TAKING A BATH IN CYANIDE TAKING A BATH Don't you wanna play? Don't you wanna play? Don't you wanna play?"


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I patronize a family-run grocery store that hires local workers and stocks locally produced meat, dairy, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Thankfully they do not play ads over their in-store system, just oldies, and no ads. Tomorrow I start my New Year resolution to support local organic farmers directly, so a trip to the Farmers' Market at 11 to look everything over, then buy when the prices go down to a buck a pound the last hour!

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Hi Troll Hunter. The last time we spoke we had a bit of a disagreement to say the least. I'm not looking to fight anyone on here, so consider this a peace offering.

Happy New Year.

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Based, but the concept of adverts in supermarkets is insane to me. Sure, they play music (some of it is very good) and occasionally stop the music and have an infomercial about an offer they have on, but that's just specific to the supermarket chain you are in. External ads for other companies and products is bonkers.

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Jan 1, 2023
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Where to put it? Other assets like real estate are deep into bubble territory. And then there’s the massive tax hit. I suppose one could buy a boatload of cocaine and stick it in a safe. But they could sell me baking flour and I wouldn’t know the difference.

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Cocaine is neuro-toxic like most big pharma drugs (Heroin was made by Bayer in Germany) so I would avoid that.

As regards true wealth;

"You say, ‘I am rich; I have grown wealthy and need nothing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, white garments so that you may be clothed and your shameful nakedness not exposed, and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. Those I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be earnest and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and dine with him, and he with Me.

To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne."

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Some gold in coins. Small as practical. They may soon be all you have that you might be able to use without permission.

Silver, too.

I’ll probably do some of each and leave with trusted anonymous people. Not players.

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For smaller expenditures, is gold practical? If the SHTF I’m probably heading for the hills. I’ve got well over a years worth of dehydrated food in my RV. Might add to my ammo inventory for trading purposes. Some of my food could also be tradeable as I plan to hunt and fish as well. The idea of carrying a sizeable quantity of gold sounds risky as it would be the first thing crooks will look for, but there may not be much alternative.

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Done long ago :)

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Stop donating to their bloody campaigns ...

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Will never promote violence but as a veteran that is armed, I will not allow me or my family to be injected with mrna under any circumstances There is a hill to die on. And I would rather be dead than have me or my family injected with this "product"

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there is a hill for them to die on too.

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Here’s the problem with that reasoning: children are dying because of this ignorance. Steve is simply exposing the complicit behavior. He is, in fact, fully in his power and his strategy is working.

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Jan 1, 2023
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Adults can be expected to use their brains and they voted for their own death. Kids did not. https://rumble.com/v1b8tid-george-carlin-its-a-big-club-and-you-aint-in-it-the-american-dream.html

Why not form a rainbow coalition for honest individuals who actually cares for the children instead of voting for the ones f****ng them over? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyXNcCOMeVc

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Places like Australia, New Zealand and Canada are gone. They are unarmed and under communist control. The US is the final showdown. Not only are there thousands of highly armed veterans there are millions of armed civilians that will never take a covid shot. This is going to get interesting.

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If the US falls anything approaching liberty and freedom is gone for generations. We are the final stand.

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Canada is armed. It's a misconception. After the USA we're the most armed industrialized nation in the West. We're just not as armed as Americans. And it's harder to get a handgun. But we can get them. We're not done yet.

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I hope you are right.

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Jan 1, 2023
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'words like communist, democracy, republican or democrate are triggers to make our brains go into fighting mode, without any reflection' - excellent point

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Not really. What the left wants I swear eternal hostility to.

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Nope, letists and communistic ideology are the problem. That is why we have bloated unaccountable bureacracies lording over us. We have half the country in the thrall of leftism/progressivism literally worshipping these psychos as gods. Have you not noticed all the Fauxi worship?

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Actual communist countries don't use mRNA vaccines or even have vaccine mandates. Look at Cuba. Look at China. I mean China did some stuff that is perhaps worse than vaccine mandates but at least they can't be bought out by Big Pharma.

And the far right country Israel had some of the strictest vaccine mandates worldwide.

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You're right in general, but some true liberals such as Caitlin Johnstone who espouse a more socialist world system are also fierce soldiers against the pharma narrative and the warmongering.

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she was very much in support of defunding the police (reason that I quit following her).

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It’s socialists who’ve brought this tyranny upon us. Socialists are collectivists. Show me a socialist who puts individual rights above all else. They all want to reeingineer the entire world and replace it with some new system of their own.

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a system that has repeatedly proven not to work. 1-200 million dead in communist countries, misery, starvation, gulags, mass executions and a tiny political class that somehow becomes wealthy. Much like America is becoming. Only up to now there is still a middle class.

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A very heavily armed and alert middle class who are increasingly impatient with the crooks running our federal government. Hopefully the crooks will soon see the error of their ways.

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I agree. All their ideologies can be summed up as “collectivism”, where all of ones inalienable individual human rights are subordinate to the unilateral dictats of the state.

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The Borg collective.

Another sci-fi trope, to be made manifest.

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Jan 1, 2023
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I don't want them to be but if the can police arrest you for walking your dog alone without at mask - and this happens all the time. Not a good sign.

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The most important thing is they do not arrest the pedophiles in charge! They arrested and killed the pimp, and then put his girlfriend in jail, and asked for no names!

The mask is important. It is a symbol for you to shut up, slave!

Do not make revolution! Do not kill the pedophiles! They might be the only ones who really "loves" children... Well isn't it true, if you vote for them?

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Some interesting comments below. Going back before this dystopian covid thing I wondered how so many people would willingly be injected with an experimental mrna product for a virus that has a 95% recovery rate with just with the use of generic medicines. But there were comments below from astute people. A lot of people are sheep and zombies, and this predates covid. I have seen thousands of patients that will experience panic attacks if you take their "smartphone" away from them for even 1 day. This is addiction and mind control at would impress George Orwell

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I wouldn't get a panic attack, I'd just be really REALLY bored if you took that away. Unless I had some ADHD medication in which case I would read a book.

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Jan 1, 2023
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Yes I screwed up.

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Hotez was either naive or disingenuous when he so publicly promoted the vaccine. He now has the opportunity to come clean and admit he was wrong. Failing that he could attempt to prove that he was correct. I can’t see how that could be but I’d be interested in watching the attempt. Otherwise he will have to remain in the hole that he has dug for himself.

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the creep who injected his daughter almost to death > Hes disgusting. and really stupid. He reminds me of the low IQ Nazis who worked for Hitler and had positions of power. Hes dangerous.

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I hope, PH is sent to the gallows after his arrest and conviction in a court of law. We're gonna need a lot of rope.

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This man and everyone else lying about the injections, promoting, lying, administering should be held criminally culpable for harm, injury and death they have wrought through t heir actions.

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More than likely, any question to Peter Hotez asking him to support his positions will end up with a block. He's part of the problem, he knows it, and he can't defend it.

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More than likely, any question to Peter Hotez asking him to support his positions will end up with a block. He's part of the problem, he knows it, and he can't defend it.

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Sinister world we live in - with so many devils trying to destroy 'normal life'! Mick.

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--- COMMENT SECTION SHUT DOWN BY DRAGONDICK7 GANG --- Comment section shut down by LEVELHEADED INDIVIDUALS! Read my bio, follow @DragonDick7 on Twitter!

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Comment section forcibly closed by Me, an intelligent person. The owner of this webpage has 0 experience in the medical field and is using you for profit, obviously. Use your brain, for once. His collegues literally ditched his ass cause he started actually lying. You should seriously do some ACTUAL research, just cause the website LOOKS legit, as this one does, doesn't mean it IS. This is a glorified QANON message board. [YM3N9p46qC]

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Their walls are closing in. Looking forward to seeing the state of this debate/topic/discussion a month or 2 after the billboards have been up.

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Comment section forcibly closed by Me, take it to facebook, idiot. The owner of this webpage has 0 experience in the medical field and is using you for profit, obviously [SUvF15UVk3]

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Comment section forcibly closed by Me, take it to facebook, idiot. The owner of this webpage has 0 experience in the medical field and is using you for profit, obviously [npls4gkErD]

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Science welcomes debate, but you are not dealing with science and scientists here. You are dealing with a murderous Satanic cult and its leaders and acolytes. They scurry away back into the darkness when you attempt to shine some light on them and their practices.

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Who is going to be the Fauci replacement? Does Biden do the appointing? Is the potential appointee going to need congressional approval? With Biden in charge, the next one could be even worse.

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Informed Consent is the Code. No one got it. Vets will not even give a well known rabies shot to a puppy or kitten without a full exam to make sure the animal is healthy enough to get that well known vaccine. Humans are not being given the same consideration as dogs.

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