My event rate survey (just 3 questions)
Using relative event rates, we can get a very accurate estimate on important things like the number of people killed by the COVID vaccine by comparing rates with know with rates we don't know
Please take my 3 question survey.
Everyone will have a least one box to check for each question.
This survey should take you less than 30 seconds and I promise, the insights I will share with everyone will be eye opening.
For example, based on the first 57 responses, it appears that COVID vaccine injuries are more five times more common than dying from heart disease. Whoa! That’s well over 3.3M vaccine injured.
Also, dying from the COVID vaccine is a lot more likely than dying from COVID.
Dang!!! It appears they’ve been lying to us the whole time and one short survey shows it all. Who would have guessed that?!?!
Take the survey so we can refine the estimates.
Steve, tried to take the survey. My Mom died from starvation and morphine or painkiller overdose in a hospital because she was covid positive. and had alzheimers. I had given her caretaker the preventative medicine, but they refused to give it her, so she went from nursing to hospital to death. Covid did not kill her. The decision was to withdraw food and fluids and pump her full of morphine. My dad died of untreated sepsis in a nursing home...Neglect and why bother heś old. My Aunt died at home from heart failure helped by morphine. Neither of the latter two tested positive for Covid. All three died within months of each other last year. All were over 90.
I am telling you this because I think a lot of elderly people were HELPED into death in the past year especially. I think there is something evil going on with respect to the elderly.
Circa Jan., Feb., 2020 I had a nasty 'flu' for about a week, sore throat etc. Have seen Ty Bolinger's Anti-vax series, & am against forced vaxxing. In March, 2021 at 79 years age, I had a 'stroke', left side weakness, dysfunction, had to take PCR 'test' with unknown ingredients for overnight in ER, 2 nights, & after two days walked out of hospital without a walker. The only 'covid' nostrum I have received was in the PCR nasal swab (not a q-tip, it had a rigid stylus that penetrated right nasal area). Have not had any so-called 'vaccinations' since traveling in 1978. Am nominally functional but much weaker & experience some symptoms as covid patients report, but not sure how much is due to old age, the PCR ingredients (mRNA gene therapy according to some DRs., or original 'flu' of uncertain pedigree. No occurrences of any later editions of 'flu' or 'covid'. Natural immunity & immune boosting are best protection. I gave negative responses to both (two) questions.
From my senior perspective, this 'covid thing' is 'Non-science', non-Medical, & is whole cloth 'political agenda' by an 'ultimately-organized' institution as can be inferred from the extra-ordinary synchronized lawlessness across the planet. WHO gains? Yes. And Who else?
When 'common sense', scientific procedures for safety & peer review are jettisoned, & top-down leadership are playing 'monkey see,hear,read/ monkey do' then something 'Apocalyptic' appears to be in the cards. It may be time for 'soul-searching' as never before in our life, or in all of history. The hierarchy of human knowledge (technocrazy) seems to have turned to nihilism.