This seems to be only 2 questions...?

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Not sure it matters, Steve, but a few grammatical errors on this one.

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I always have difficulty with surveys that ask if someone died of covid or died from the vaccine, because it's not always clear what someone died of. I have a close family member who, according to their death certificate, died "of covid," but in reality thier symptoms resembled a vaccine injury more than covid. However this was a few months after getting the vaccine, and they WERE diagnosed with covid, so can I really say for sure that they died of a vaccine injury? I would feel much better answering questions like, "Do you have a family member who died WITH covid?" "Do you have a family member who died after getting the vaccine?" and "Do you have a family member whose death MAY have been caused by the vaccine?" As it is I feel like I can't answer the second question honestly no matter what I put.

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May 27, 2022
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Well obviously there isn't one, conveniently, since the medical community as a whole isnt' looking at them. Instead they're dismissing individual cases as "probably not vaccine caused" which makes it hard to look for any similarities. Right now our best diagnostic tool is probably the law of large numbers, because when death rates dramatically increase in a population right after a widely applied intervention, that's usually a pretty big red flag. But confirming individual cases would require a decent amount of case studies, including autopsies to look for tell-tale indicators (like the creepy inches-long spagettii-like blood clots some doctors are pulling out of corpses of suspected vaccine inury victims, which they say they've never seen before). But when you see the numbers of heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes among previously healthy people going up by several hundred percent after the vaccine rollout, then one could say that such an event in a previously healthy person who got the vaccine "resembles a vaccine injury".

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May 29, 2022
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"...you can only see a vaccine side effect at the population level." That is a ridiculous declaration to make, considering that even before the Covid vaccine there have been people who were clearly injured by vaccines, as determined by the obvious temporal association when a previously healthy person goes into anaphylactic shock or develops severe symtpoms within minutes or hours of receiving a vaccine, and symtpoms then progress into debilitating neurological illnesses or death. The vast majority of these, if not all of them, are obvious vaccine injuries, and anyone trying to make the case that any one of these are coincidental or "anecdotal" is just lying to themselves. When a healthy child walks into a doctors office and receives a vaccine, and that evening they're in the emergency room with severe illness or injury, especially when that illness is a known (if rare) side effect of the vaccine written right on the vaccine insert, you can pretty much assume it's a vaccine injury, and you'll be right at least 99% of the time. And at this point, even the manufacturers are admitting that increased risk for myocarditis is a known side effect of the covid vaccines, so go have fun telling the parent of a kid in the hospital with myocarditis and tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills that they're responsible for, that it's not a vaccine injury. They will do a better job setting you straight than I can.

"Seeing an increase in deaths after an intervention only indicates the intervention when there is no other strong cause of mortality.". This is also incorrect, although I would also point out that Covid is hardly a strong cause of mortality since 2021. We can compare death rates across countries or provinces with vastly different vaccination rates but comparable exposure to Covid (for example, in Israel vs Gaza). Or we can graph all-cause mortailty, vaccination rates, and Covid deaths over time, both before and after vaccines were rolled out, and see the clear signals. Or we can look at the data that life insurance companies are looking at, which is showing a 5- or 6- sigma increase in deaths since 2021, an unheard of, record-setting increase in deaths that blows the blip they saw at the peak of Covid out of the water. Or we could listen to the morticians and funeral service directors saying basically the same thing though with less precise metrics. Or we could listen to the doctors doing autopsies of people who died unexpectedly who are finding strange blood clots that don't resemble anything they've seen before in the bodies of people who were vaccinated. I don't know what country you're in but I would suggest that instead of looking for data that confirms what you already believe, you take a look at the arguments that might contradict it and see if you can make a case against all of it. I mean at a certain point things become obvious, and the only way for them to not seem obvious to you is if you're just covering your ears and yelling "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!" over and over again to drown it out.

But I've already had this conversation with many, many people like you who have made up their minds first based on emotional needs rather than through inductive reasoning, and refuse to see any data that might contradict what they already believe. If you are capable of critical thinking then you will figure it out for yourself, and there's really nothing I can do to convince you. I'm really tired of banging my head against the wall trying to wake people up who are happy in their fantasy world where the government and big pharma and fauci have all got their back and they don't have to ever take responsibility for making decisions about their own lives. So go ahead and enjoy the ride you've signed up for, but trolling people who disagree with you to make yourself feel better about your own cognitive dissonance is really kind of obnoxious.

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May 30, 2022
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As I said, I am officially retired from trying to convince people, at least outside of people I actually know in person and care enough about to devote the time. It's just too time consuming. You may be speaking from some actual rational arguments but maybe due to the way you're explaining them, I'm failing to see any convincing or logical contra-argument other than just asserting that my data and my suggested methods of analysis don't work and yours do.

At this point I've seen so much data saying the same thing, that I think the only thing that would convince me to change my mind is seeing a truckload of data - like, actual numbers, collated in a table or graph (or several dozen), from reliable sources, via people who aren't dependent on pharma or NIH for their funding (that is to say, without conflicts of interest), contradicting all of the data I've seen saying otherwise, and perhaps in a context that might give us an idea as to why all the previous data said the exact opposite if none of it is true. Not saying it's not possible, but I've not seen anyone even attempt it and I can't think why they wouldn't if we are so wrong as they claim.

I mean, people try to contradict Einstein's theory of relativity all the time, by pointing out that it doesn't explain this or it might not account for that. But nobody really listens to them because they never present a better theory that correctly predicts all the things Relativity predicts. They're just pointing out minor flaws in the best theory that currently exists to explain the phenomenon we see, without offering any alternative.

When you have a mountain of data all suggesting the same thing, the threshold for knocking down that mountain is not poking at loose rocks and then crying fraud when they fall down the side. You need a bigger mountain or you need an earthquake to make the first mountain crumble. Ideally, for a home run scientific epiphany, you need both. I've seen neither.

If you feel like collating the data that contradicts all the evidence of the vaccine being dangerous, be my guest. I'd be happy to look at your final product. But simply telling people who have studied science and statistics (not sure what exactly Steve's degree is in but any program at MIT is likely to be at least as robust in statistics and general science as mine was) that you, some anonymous person on the internet whose credentials are unknown to me, know how to do statistical analysis, and we don't, is just not going to convince me of anything.

And now you've sucked me in and I have actual things I have to do so I'm signing off.

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He is a hero, thank you to anyone and everyone who prays for him

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Do not know how familiar anyone is with Dr. Zelenko…he is a warrior and has strength beyond belief, he needs our prayers, failing health, please PRAY for him

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T̳h̳e̳ ̳T̳h̳r̳e̳e̳ ̳A̳'̳s̳. What are Ⓐgendas, Ⓐntagonists & Ⓐuto-Immunity-Deficiency-Syndrome(s)?

𝗔𝗻𝘀𝘄𝗲𝗿 = components


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Thank you both. Very interesting, if highly technical. I am in the process of learning the vocabulary so as to have even a minor chance of grasping the bio-tech concepts/processes.

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Your survey didn't cover this:

The woman, with whom I've lived for 23 years, was hospitalized (Oct 1st, 2021) with "covid pneumonia", at a Cleveland Clinic facility. After a month in the hospital and two weeks on a ventilator, she died. (Based on my understanding of hospital protocol for Covid, I believe that it was an iatrogenic death.)

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"I believe that it was an iatrogenic death." -

I'd say - a premeditated, cold-blooded murder by the greedy, filthy bastards.


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I am reluctant myself to go to hospital for Covid. I have told my family my wish is NOT to go. Remdesivir kills & ventilators appear to also. Am so sorry for your loss. Yes. A Question on lucrative hospital protocols including REMDESIVIR? Put on VENTS?

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"I am reluctant myself to go to hospital for Covid" -

I heard stories of "medical" kinapping - a patient goes to the hospital for something comletely unrelated, such as a broken arm, they "test" him/her for a "covid," and start - AGAINST THE PATIENT'S WILL - with a murder protocoal, which includes severe dehydration, severe starvation, forcing toxins into the patient (e.g., remdesevir), and putting the patient on a ventilator.

When relatives/lawyers try to take that patient out and save him/her, the hospital does not allow it and says that the patient "will die in our hospital."

Calling the police, city attorney office, district attorney, etc. does not help as the scumbags and criminals are all together on that.

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When I was having a panic attack and I thought I had COVID and I called the ambulance they tested me said my oxygen was 100 percent but my heart rate was scary high and they offered to take me to the hospital. Glad I followed my instinct and said no.

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That's your 2nd brain speaking (your gut) intuition. I believe in it. Transcends cognitive functions too nuanced for us to recess. Good.

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I wish my gut told me to take it easy with the herring. I was getting panic attacks because of mercury poisoning from eating 2-3 cans of herring a day because I’m too cheap to buy phosphatidylserine in pill form.

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I've heard similar horror stories. The whole system seems over-taken and untrustworthy. Had to get rid of all med professionals who wouldn't comply with vax mandate in order to have a compliant medical workforce. The level of their expertise & their ethical/moral values are nil. A system run by sociopaths.

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Here is the latest Red Box report from OpenVAERS

This just in from OpenVAERS: https://openvaers.com/?idU=1

Here are the numbers for the week from VAERS. Your blood should boil over this! Especially the backlog and the missing reports:

1,268,006 total reports.

28,141 reports of death.

52,299 reports of permanent disability.

Still a backlog of over 100,000 reports missing or yet to be processed.

We are 17 months into the most disastrous vaccine campaign in U.S. history -- 583 million shots administered with negative efficacy that come with unprecedented harms. No one at FDA, CDC, nor in our political system seems to have the mental capacity to understand what they have wrought.

Thank you for sharing the Red Box Report with others.

The OpenVAERS Team

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Oh, I disagree. They DO know!

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I agree with you. They DO know. I think OpenVAERS was trying to be politically correct so that others could share :-(

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So, after going so long without knowing an acquaintance getting a vax reaction in months, just found out my neighbour's daughter, in her 40s, just suffered a severe vax reaction from the booster.

She's lost all feeling from her waist down. She's lost the ability to walk freely, and is re-learning with therapy and a walker. This is Victoria BC. Quietly, the doctors have admitted its a vax injury, despite that being grounds for suspension from the BC College of Doctors!

Neighbours have been staunch vaxxers, and our once great relationship has been strained, but we havent barked at each other either, respect has been maintained, and we're slowly building it back up. Trouble is, if I mentioned the probability of Vax injuries months ago, they would have gone full Karen. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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Those who have gotten the booster are Fools x 3.

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hopefully anyone can see it A.S.A.P:


Stewpeters.com confirm massive deletions of deaths inside of VAERS reports!!!! Thus this survey is getting even more precious!

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My sister has just been diagnosed with malignant colorectal cancer. She has has two other primary cases of cancer in her life, so I don't know if this is causally related or can be correlated with her being jabbed 3 times. The tumor is large. We do not know the stage of cancer yet or her prognosis. I can't help but wonder if the "vaccine" hurt her already weakened immune system and accelerated the growth of an existing cancer cell that "lived" in her body. Sent two surveys 1) I chose none of the above on both sections the 2nd one I selected 'sibling seriously injured by vaccine." Good luck with this endeavor.

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Supposedly cancer does not develop that quickly on its own so it has to be accelerating a preexisting cancer.

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Or completely latent cancer or something in remission. The vax is associated with rapidly progressing cancers. I think it is associated with suppression of the naturally protective immune response.

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That’s how it protects you from the virus. By suppressing the self-destructive immune response. Also why it wears off. It erases your immunity to the spike protein.

According to the mouse study I read pseudourylated mRNA only reduces immunity to the coded antigen. But perhaps the spike protein itself has its own effects.

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An uptick in cancers and more virulent, quick onset cancers seem associated with the vax. The vax seems to suppress some of the cancer fighting cells.

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Sadly, that is what I suspect has happened. She's a medical professional. As much as I tried to warn her away from being vaxxed, she couldn't hear me. Thank you for commenting.

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Shared on FB, Twit, and Truth Social!

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Read about it here:



Let's look at the death data (only from covid-19) for those greater than 80 years of age, from week 3, 2022 (the fraud) onwards:

The following table has 4 columns. The first lists the period.

Column A is deaths among those vaccinated per 100,000

Column B is the deaths among the un-vaccinated per 100,000

Column C is Column B minus Column A; which is the number of deaths saved/lost due to the vaccines.

Period A B C (covid-19 deaths per 100,000)

week03 39 309 => the vaccines save 270 deaths per 100,000

week04 57 322 => the vaccines save 265 deaths per 100,000

week05 78 326 => the vaccines save 248 deaths per 100,000

week06 103 324 => the vaccines save 221 deaths per 100,000

week07 114 280 => the vaccines save 165 deaths per 100,000

week08 120 243 => the vaccines save 124 deaths per 100,000

week09 120 190 => the vaccines save 70 deaths per 100,000

week10 110 152 => the vaccines save 42 deaths per 100,000

week11 101 141 => the vaccines save 40 deaths per 100,000

week12 90 134 => the vaccines save 44 deaths per 100,000

week13 84 122 => the vaccines save 37 deaths per 100,000

week14............. they suddenly decided to stop publishing the data.


The data is from the United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA).

So Column C is the number of deaths that are prevented for every 100,000 people who are vaccinated. If this number is negative then it records the number of deaths caused by the vaccines (per 100,000 vaccinated).

Graphing Column C we can see that as it approaches zero it levels off (from week 10 onwards). This is due to those presenting the data finding some fraud to keep the data positive, or simply making up the data. Anything, to keep the data from proving that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving.

Image/Graph http://www.preearth.net/images/deaths-caused-saved-by-vaccines.png

I must emphasize that the above data only records deaths due to covid-19. It does not record any deaths due to adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Anyway, after manipulating the data for the weeks 10, 11, 12, and 13, the evil people decided that the data was henceforth always going to show that the vaccines are killing more than they are saving, so they stopped publishing the data. To provide an excuse for this they had to arrange for the UK Government to stop paying for covid-19 testing, so that is what they did. In the week 14 surveillance report they state:

"From 1 April 2022, the UK Government ended provision of free universal covid-19 testing for the general public in England, as set out in the plan for living with COVID-19. Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor covid-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published."

The relevant data from the reports can be found in the following PDF:


Previously, this very data was used to justify the vaccine mandates. The argument was that the vaccines are saving more than they are killing. This is no longer true. What is now true, is that; The vaccines are killing more than they are saving.

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Steve, this is OT but I had an idea. How about arranging to provide the drugs for the Fareed & Tyson protocol to North Korea? If you'll set up a crowdfund for this, I'm in for $500.

Of course, you'll somehow have to persuade the NK authorities — possibly Kim himself — to accept them. Maybe explaining about the outrage that will be generated toward the government in the US, once the drugs are seen to work, will help.

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Interesting! I'll chip in. I wonder if we can get Dennis Rodham to broker the deal.

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Does anyone remember where was the information about how many thousands/hundreds of thousand hospitals in different states have been getting for each "covid" death? There was a table/comparison for each state. I think it was published in this substack in earlier posts or other similar substacks.

If anyone has the link, please post it here. Thanks.

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This claim was fact checked and proven true....to the surprise of the blue pillers.

Sen. Scott Jensen, R-Minn., a physician in Minnesota said, "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."


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Thanks, I actually saw that one. But there were other resources in the alternative media that claimed that in certain states it was over $300,000.00 per "covid" death. If I remember correctly, that was Montana with the highest payoff. But I cannot find who wrote about it.

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I heard the total a hospital could get per patient was about $100K. But that included all the steps in the process from PCR testing, positive test, Remdesivir treatment, ventilation, and death. Bryan Ardis DC might be a good source for info on the financial rewards of "COVID deaths." Sorry I can't provide a link...

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I heard it was 35k per patient, which is exactly why the death rate is over 1M in US. When the real number is probably closer to 50k

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