Steve, tried to take the survey. My Mom died from starvation and morphine or painkiller overdose in a hospital because she was covid positive. and had alzheimers. I had given her caretaker the preventative medicine, but they refused to give it her, so she went from nursing to hospital to death. Covid did not kill her. The decision was …
Steve, tried to take the survey. My Mom died from starvation and morphine or painkiller overdose in a hospital because she was covid positive. and had alzheimers. I had given her caretaker the preventative medicine, but they refused to give it her, so she went from nursing to hospital to death. Covid did not kill her. The decision was to withdraw food and fluids and pump her full of morphine. My dad died of untreated sepsis in a nursing home...Neglect and why bother heś old. My Aunt died at home from heart failure helped by morphine. Neither of the latter two tested positive for Covid. All three died within months of each other last year. All were over 90.
I am telling you this because I think a lot of elderly people were HELPED into death in the past year especially. I think there is something evil going on with respect to the elderly.
What happened to your mother is not acceptable. I am sorry to hear this. Our province was an embarrassment. Untold lives were lost due to dehydration, starvation, and neglecting to deliver essential medications.
And family members were not permitted to visit their mom or dad because they might bring the dreadful virus!
“We tolerated the intolerable,” Coroner Géhane Kamel wrote in the report.
Many of the dead were left in their rooms for 24 hours before being taken by a funeral home. “This image alone is unworthy of a civilized society,” Coroner Géhane Kamel wrote.
“The COVID-19 crisis illustrates decades of failing public policies concerning CHSLDs that were already known,” Coroner Géhane Kamel said in a report published Monday on care homes (known as CHSLDs), where about 4,000 people died in the spring of 2020.
How very sad. i am sorry for your losses. In large part, the reason they were able to get away with assisting the deaths of the elderly - especially those in confined settings - was by restricting visitors. So many deaths were more than likely due to neglect and abuse than ever were from the virus...all under cover of covid.
Yes, true. But also coupled with lack of aggressive treatment for the elderly. My dad died of sepsis from an untreated bedsore. Instead of putting him in ICU with massive intravenous Vitamin C and antibiotics, they gave him antibiotic pills. Like that is gonna work in an over 90 year old...they cant absorb pill stuff anymore. It was learned Sunday he had sepsis, next day dead.
Back when Obama's ACA was being discussed, the "disinformation" of the day was the part about "death panels." What we have just experienced is the equivalent of Dr. Zeke Immanuel's "Quality of Life Years:" When it costs more to keep a person alive than they are worth, in the eyes of the state, it is time to stop spending and let them go. Here we are.
What seems less clear is how these "death panels" are actually formed. Is it, in fact, a government agency making these decisions, or is it private entities working out how to save money, or is it less organized than that, and just a simpler form of stupidity?
Sorry to hear these tragedies but unfortunately they are not rare. Organized killing of useless eaters. My sister, aged only 63 but with a history of mental health problems suffered a similar fate. Went into hospital with an impacted bowel, didn't operate and left her to die a long drawn out death of sepsis. Not given saline or water. I was helplessly stuck in Spain whilst she was in the UK so could not fight her case but l wouldn't have been allowed to go to the hospital anyway.
So sorry to hear it is awful, isn it? Same here...Mom too far away or I would have gone to hospital and made sure she had liquids into which I would have put medicine. She wasn ill with Covid at all....just heart/atrill fib. I probably would have lied and said I had the jab just to get in. But my sister who was there did not want my Mom to die at her house...and she had Health Care directive/power. I have heard in UK they administered a lot of Metrasozalam? (sorry can remember how to spell it) to the elderly, but your sister wasnt withold liquids in my mind is murder.
Yes in the UK they killed thousands of elderly people with Medazalam and called it Covid. There is an ongoing court case against the British government regarding this. Yes my sister was killed by neglect.
Steve, tried to take the survey. My Mom died from starvation and morphine or painkiller overdose in a hospital because she was covid positive. and had alzheimers. I had given her caretaker the preventative medicine, but they refused to give it her, so she went from nursing to hospital to death. Covid did not kill her. The decision was to withdraw food and fluids and pump her full of morphine. My dad died of untreated sepsis in a nursing home...Neglect and why bother heś old. My Aunt died at home from heart failure helped by morphine. Neither of the latter two tested positive for Covid. All three died within months of each other last year. All were over 90.
I am telling you this because I think a lot of elderly people were HELPED into death in the past year especially. I think there is something evil going on with respect to the elderly.
Helped into death... a very accurate statement
What happened to your mother is not acceptable. I am sorry to hear this. Our province was an embarrassment. Untold lives were lost due to dehydration, starvation, and neglecting to deliver essential medications.
And family members were not permitted to visit their mom or dad because they might bring the dreadful virus!
“We tolerated the intolerable,” Coroner Géhane Kamel wrote in the report.
Many of the dead were left in their rooms for 24 hours before being taken by a funeral home. “This image alone is unworthy of a civilized society,” Coroner Géhane Kamel wrote.
“The COVID-19 crisis illustrates decades of failing public policies concerning CHSLDs that were already known,” Coroner Géhane Kamel said in a report published Monday on care homes (known as CHSLDs), where about 4,000 people died in the spring of 2020.
4,000 people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a good way of putting it. ¨We tolerated the intolerable¨.
It's a thing, and there's a word for it: senicide
I didnt know. Now I know the word for it.
How very sad. i am sorry for your losses. In large part, the reason they were able to get away with assisting the deaths of the elderly - especially those in confined settings - was by restricting visitors. So many deaths were more than likely due to neglect and abuse than ever were from the virus...all under cover of covid.
And thank you for your sympathy.
Yes, true. But also coupled with lack of aggressive treatment for the elderly. My dad died of sepsis from an untreated bedsore. Instead of putting him in ICU with massive intravenous Vitamin C and antibiotics, they gave him antibiotic pills. Like that is gonna work in an over 90 year old...they cant absorb pill stuff anymore. It was learned Sunday he had sepsis, next day dead.
Back when Obama's ACA was being discussed, the "disinformation" of the day was the part about "death panels." What we have just experienced is the equivalent of Dr. Zeke Immanuel's "Quality of Life Years:" When it costs more to keep a person alive than they are worth, in the eyes of the state, it is time to stop spending and let them go. Here we are.
Zeke Emmanuel (Rahm's brother) is an evil SOB
Yes. And now, they are talking about automatic DNRś for anyone in hospital over the age of 60.
What seems less clear is how these "death panels" are actually formed. Is it, in fact, a government agency making these decisions, or is it private entities working out how to save money, or is it less organized than that, and just a simpler form of stupidity?
Or is it one of those pretending to be another?
Good question. Wish I knew the answer.
I think it's more of a pervasive top down ideology adopted by the healthcare profession - like masks and injections.
I believe ■ so
Sorry to hear these tragedies but unfortunately they are not rare. Organized killing of useless eaters. My sister, aged only 63 but with a history of mental health problems suffered a similar fate. Went into hospital with an impacted bowel, didn't operate and left her to die a long drawn out death of sepsis. Not given saline or water. I was helplessly stuck in Spain whilst she was in the UK so could not fight her case but l wouldn't have been allowed to go to the hospital anyway.
So sorry to hear it is awful, isn it? Same here...Mom too far away or I would have gone to hospital and made sure she had liquids into which I would have put medicine. She wasn ill with Covid at all....just heart/atrill fib. I probably would have lied and said I had the jab just to get in. But my sister who was there did not want my Mom to die at her house...and she had Health Care directive/power. I have heard in UK they administered a lot of Metrasozalam? (sorry can remember how to spell it) to the elderly, but your sister wasnt withold liquids in my mind is murder.
Yes in the UK they killed thousands of elderly people with Medazalam and called it Covid. There is an ongoing court case against the British government regarding this. Yes my sister was killed by neglect.
I am so angry about it all ,as are you I bet. I dont think I will ever forget and God help me, I know I will never forgive.