If the UK government believes it's own data, it should tell people not to get vaccinated
The UK government can't have it both ways. Either they admit their data is garbage,or they tell people not to get vaccinated. What's it going to be?
Earlier, I wrote a post showing that the UK ONS data on all-cause mortality of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated is garbage.
But if the UK doesn’t believe me, then it must mean that they think their data is reliable.
But if the data is reliable, they should be telling everyone that after Sept 1, 2021, the first shot increases your risk of dying as shown in this chart from Tim Ellison’s second article:
But you can’t give the public an intervention which is more likely to kill them than save them.
So, as of September 2021, they have to stop the shots based on their own data.
And isn’t it amazing that the same shots given earlier in the year made you immortal and virtually incapable of being killed? Yet, if you decide to get your first shot nowadays, it’s going to dramatically increase your risk of death.
This is what I mean about garbage data: it’s nonsensical. There are some biases at play here (healthy patient bias, sickest people were prioritized), but these effects are not large enough to explain the flawed data.
So what will they do? Will they:
Admit their data is wrong and continue to inject people?
Claim their data is right and stop the shots?
Claim that their data is right, but continue the shots knowing full well they are killing people?
If the British press was being honest, they should ask the question and get an official response.
But, as we all know, the BBC and the rest of the British press are all participants in the deception, so nothing will happen.
It's not the things that I don't understand about these shots that concern me, it's the things that I DO understand.
Here in the UK, we currently live in a sort of Twilight Zone world where to even question the jabs is to heinously insult all the brave NHS foot soldiers who work day & night for us.
The NHS is the religion of the UK and so long as the NHS is the public face of continuing Covid jabs - people will take them & quell private doubts (if they have any).
It's like we are all living in Alice's Wonderland.