I just sent this urgent request to meet with staff of my member of Congress
You should do the same thing I did.
I just sent off a meeting request to my member of Congress.
The trick is not to request a meeting with your member of Congress directly; this is way too easy for them to blow off saying that the member is too busy.
Instead, ask to meet with a staff member. Then they cannot use the “too busy” request. Let us know in the comments what happens. If you get a meeting, I’m happy to attend.
The meeting request form
They will always send you a meeting request form like this one:
Text of the email I sent
Here’s the text of the email I sent with the request form attached…
To: Eshoo.DistrictSchedule@mail.house.gov
Subject: Urgent meeting request to talk to a staff member re: DEATH signal in VAERS
The death safety signal in VAERS has been triggered for the COVID vaccine, but the CDC refuses to acknowledge it.
The purpose of the meeting is to bring this undisputed fact to your attention so that Congresswoman Eshoo can demand an explanation from the CDC for how this critical safety signal is being ignored, even after it was explicitly brought to the attention of top CDC leadership by a doctor in California.
The safety signal was independently verified by multiple independent experts.
If I am not correct, please show me the correct calculation. The CDC has refused to provide this. If they want to stop misinformation, they should provide the correct calculation, not ignore it and gaslight the doctor.
In addition, German authorities recently have linked the COVID vaccine and sudden death for the first time. See Autopsy study ties deaths to COVID vaccine and Autopsies Prove Sudden Deaths Attributable to COVID Vaccines.
Also, this recent video, which has been viewed nearly 500,000 times, talks about the strange clots reported by embalmers and notes that the cells don’t lie. Furthermore, this video by Dr. Chris Martenson, explains how these clots cannot possibly be post-mortem clots as various “debunkers” have claimed without evidence.
In addition, the German scientists found that no healthy child 5-17 years of age died of COVID in German. Zero deaths. How can US authorities encourage vaccination (with a vaccine which has shown by the VAERS data to have killed hundreds of thousands of people) for kids who have no risk of dying from COVID?
I have hundreds of thousands of direct followers on social media and I do not want to spread misinformation. I am happy to be corrected and I will share the full, unedited video of my call with staff with all my followers so they too can learn the CORRECT information. This makes the call a highly effective use of staff time and it will reduce vaccine hesitancy which is a key goal of the Biden administration.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to a meeting ASAP.
Do you think I will get a meeting?
Do you think I will get a meeting in real life or only in my dreams? Vote now:
Even though I likely won’t get a meeting, you should try. You may have better luck. I’d be happy to attend any meeting you can get!
Eshoo meeting with you since you are no longer a big time Dem donor. That is really funny! She is Nancy's girl. If she is a good girl she gets to ride home on the Friday federal jet with her. So funny...
Steve, I contacted the local office of my congressman Sean Casten and requested a meeting with one of his staff members regarding the CDC ignoring critical safety signals regarding the covid vaccine and other studies from Germany and Israel showing the Vaccine to be harmful. The office person I talked to was cordial and said he would pass on my request for a meeting and contact me.
The following day I got the usual form letter they send to anyone inquiring anything to do with Covid...the virus. Although this issue should be near and dear to Mr. Casten's heart given the sudden death of his vaccinated and boosted daughter, evidently it is not.
In fact, in one part of the letter he (incredibly) writes this: "Currently, with the authorization from the Food and Drug Administration, COVID-19 vaccinations for children younger than 5 are now available. Families can now go to many trusted sources such as pediatricians, pharmacies, children's hospitals, and more to ensure their child's protection from COVID-19. "
I have to say after reading this it is hard to feel sorry for this guy. It seems that he is not the least bit interested in hearing anything that doesn't fit the Fauci Narrative.
He closed by writing: "The safety and health of all of us is one of my top priorities, and I will continue to stand-up for the science of COVID and the measures that keep us protected from this disease."
Fauci could not have said it better.