Does anyone want to debate "Does the virus exist?"
If course it does, but there are followers of Sam Bailey, Stefan Lanka, Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, and Christine Massey who claim it doesn't.
We all have our fields of expertise. Mine is VACCINE safety and COVID mandates. I’m happy to debate any public health authority figure on these topics. That advances my cause because it exposes public healthy officials as flat out wrong.
People have asked me to debate whether the virus has been isolated. I’m not willing to invest my time in this debate because it’s off topic for me and doesn’t advance my agenda. If I win, nothing changes. If I lose, nothing changes. Why would I spend time educating myself in this area to achieve nothing?
If you want to challenge Sam Bailey, Stefan Lanka, Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, and Christine Massey, please let me know in the comments.
One of my experts wrote:
I've read through Andrew Kaufman, MD's critiques of the viral techniques used to "isolate" the virus. While he's an intelligent person, he critiques methods for which he clearly does not know the rationale, nor how they work. Although I cannot participate in a live debate, I can certainly provide to another member of your team plenty of background information on why a number of Kaufman's points reflect a misunderstanding of cell culture techniques, DNA sequencing, and PCR.
This isn’t very surprising after you view this clip where Kaufman admits, “I’ve never done virus research.”
My earlier articles on this can be found here and here. These articles contain numerous references to papers in peer reviewed journals which describe how the virus was isolated per the standard understanding of the term “isolated” and as validated in the scientific peer-reviewed literature.
I realize some people disagree with the definition of isolated. When I say it has been isolated, I mean “according to the standard meaning of the term in the peer reviewed literature.” The proof that everyone keeps asking for is there in plain sight.
Papers using the term “isolated” which are in the peer-reviewed literature. The CDC admits the virus was isolated: They wrote: “SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.”
The burden is now on Lanka et al. to get every one of these papers retracted. He has not met that burden. Lanka has not been able to persuade any journal to retract any of the papers. So clearly a lot of people disagree with him. That doesn’t mean the journals are right. But the experts I speak with agree with the journals.
Basically, purifying a virus is difficult and there is no reason in today’s world to do it, so it isn’t done. The FOIA requests they issue are a publicity stunt that they know will fail. That’s very disingenuous of them not to reveal that.
I basically gave up on them when I asked Christine Massey via email “Does measles exist, yes or no?” and couldn’t get a straight answer.
Arguably, Lanka lost his bet on this (it was proven using 6 papers per the German lower court decision), but it was later overturned the judgment on a technicality of how the bet was constructed (Lanka required it be done in 1 paper instead of 6). The higher court never looked at the merits of the existence argument; it merely looked at the number of papers.
The same trick is used for “isolated virus”: clever definitions.
Finally, I talked to James Lyons-Weiler who told me that they have been debated before and it was a complete waste of time. So it’s not like anyone is afraid of them. It’s that nobody wants to spend their time to repeat what has already been done. Weiler asked the question if the virus doesn’t exist, then how can 600 labs across the country find the same sequences for the virus in infected samples. He didn’t get an answer to that question. He’s looking for the video of the discussion.
Also, the people I talk to fully acknowledge there is no purified virus, but that it isn’t needed because they can do everything they need to do without it. Lanka et al. claim it is needed. So it’s now just a matter of opinion. Neither side is going to convince the other side. That’s what happened.
So if the people who are actually working with the genetic material don’t feel it is needed, Lanka isn’t going to convince them it is. So what’s the point of the debate?
The reason nobody has purified the virus is there is no need to do so in today’s world where gene sequencing is readily available.
If anyone who does this for a living (e.g., buys/uses material from ATCC) would like to debate them, let me know in the comments. It would be nice to do the definitive discussion of this to end the “debate.”
Note: As of 12:56pm on Jan 28 there are 495 comments with no qualified volunteers to debate them on this topic.
It makes no difference whether SARS-Cov-2 exists or not, because its existence is not essential to the fraud. The foundation for the fraud is two-fold. First, a fraudulent PCR test was used to frighten 7 billion people into believing people were getting sick and dying from a new virus, when most were really dying from flu and other viruses including long-known corona viruses. The WHO and CDC have admitted that the PCR test used for 2 years can't distinguish between SARS-Cov-2 and flu or even the common cold. Second, the toxic spike protein is real regardless whether any biochemist was able create a virus with it that would replicate within a human population. The mRNA shots instruct the cells all over the body to create spike proteins, which damage tissue all over the body. The bio-weapon is spike, administered mainly via the mRNA vector. The virus is merely an ineffective vector for spike, like a Greek army unable to penetrate Trojan walls. The jabs are the parting gift of those who raised the army. By accepting the horse, the Trojans thought they were returning to "normal."
The early treatments, discussed by clinicians such as Kory, McCullough, you and others, work against what has been called Covid-19 and rightly or wrongly attributed to SARS-Cov-2. If the attribution was wrong, those treatments still work against whatever the patient has, be it flu, an enhanced common cold corona virus or whatever.
Whether or not SARS-Cov-2 actually exists will eventually be worked out, but it's not the critical problem at hand, which is clearly the total corruption of our medical system, universities, the entire federal government, corporations including media and state licensing boards. The fuss about germ vs terrain theory does nothing to solve that problem and is such a DISTRACTION that I begin to wonder whether its proponents are a deliberate distraction. Don't waste time on it; they are a tiny fraction of the dissenters.
The whole issue is more complicated than what you are saying.
The virus theory as defined is wrong and full of holes. Transmission was never proven it was disproven though.
The viral particles excreted by our bodies are misunderstood as something contagious.
We need to reconsider the whole notion and do some proper unbiased research but no one is interested in truth, viral disease theory generates billions, terrain theory being finally proved as truth that it is would end this whole business.
This is the crux of the topic, monetary benefit between the theories.
So don't dismiss something Steve you can't disprove just because people can't tell you definitively what is what.
We don't know because no one tried to even find out the truth, it was banned topic since Pasteur got his way and vaccines came to be.
If we examine facts on both ends the terrain theory makes more sense and has more direct proof and logic than the viral theory.
This is the problem.
And why do virologists are so cagey about their theory?
Well I have read multiple studies about viruses and they are all poorly written and full of "we believe" "we think" , no real proof of anything.
And testing things in vitro does NOT translate to in vivo environments at all so they can make up stuff all they want in labs but that does not mean it's transferable to the body environment.
We have good grounds to believe that viral particles are basically effects of body detoxing.
The particles being either directly waste or as mentioned by some solvents to dissolve toxic tissue.
Exosomes play a role in this as well and there are plenty of new theories about them.
We are beeing fooled and anyone who believes in viruses with no critical thought is just a cultist with no factual data we could verify.
Data and experimentation on real humans, not petridishes is key here.
So far the viral transmission theory is junk, otherwise we would all be dead from rona 2 years ago kids.
So think about it before you bash it.
Something is not adding up in viral theory.
We just don't know how to put a finger on it deffinitively.
We know a healthy , well nourished body is immune to most diseases , healthy people don't get sick even when around sick people. How is that possible?
If we have a nature's given immune system, why vaccines?
There are many questions here Steve and I see you are basically trying to close off debate on this very crucial bit of Swiss cheese.
This is not honest, scientific or beneficial.
This is a form of censoring ideas we don't want to debate.