Here is a great breakdown of why the 'virus' doesn't exist:


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We have to defund Verizon. They are putting down 1,000 miles of 5 G each week all over the USA.

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Virus means toxin in Latin. Wuhan turned on 10,000 5G vase stations in the Fall of 2019. I believe that definitely affected the regions around China.

Virus is a catch-all word that has allowed Tony Fauci to develop shots and deadly drugs with his partners in crime Big Pharma and Big Vaccine.

No shot versus un-shot third-party testing or research has EVER been done.

The answer to this question is simple, WHAT TEST EXISTS THAT PROVES A VIRUS EXISTS IN A HUMAN?

The answer is NO TEST exists that proves a virus has been found in a human.

Talk to Dr Reiner Fuellmich, JD in Germany. He has witnesses that can prove that the RT-PCR CAN'T DIAGNOSE anything. Set above 24 cycle thresholds of magnification, it is unscientific. Kary Mullis, the inventor of RT-PCR spoke repeatedly that it is NOT a diagnostic test!

RT-PCR has been FAUCI's go to test for all his fake pandemics. NO test, means NO pandemic. No TEST means no CASES. No cases means No "VIRUS".

NO CASES means NO SARS-CoV-2 exists outside a computer generated model! Read this by Dr David Martin...Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier. Read the AG Document PDF regarding the felonies committed...at davidmartin.world

SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab. It exists in the gene therapy shots! Read pages 67-70 of the Pfizer Phase 1/2/3 trial and learn about OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE. Pfizer was looking for occupational exposure in the people in contact with the study participants that took the shots. Body fluids, skin contact, and exhaled breath can cause occupational exposure in those NOT given the C19 shots and boosters.

Virology is anti-scence. It is just a means to make hamful products to hurt humans. Virology is genocide.

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Very brilliant reply, and your handle is very apt. - im still undecided on whether vira exist, or more precise, if contagion exists, and how it can take place? - You say SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab, but they define that as a virus? - They added a sequence to the gene therapy shots, that they claim was spike protein, but could be whatever, who knows? - If we translate "virus/spike protein" to "toxin" - and we suspect that OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE, might indeed have some kind of effect on some susceptible individuals, then it looks exactly like what virology claims, or rather, they produced a lab monster toxin that was injected into people, and that in some cases affected unjabbed people. This would be analogous to the unproven viral theory. So their toxin is indistinguishable from what is claimed about "virus". Do you get my point? - Yes, 5G is not harmless. Im convinced that Im affected by EMF radiation, its a high pitched hissing in my ears thats been ongoing for about 8 years, slowly worsening. Light and Love to you - on vaccine injuries: have you looked into Kerri Riveras book? You can find it as a pdf file

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I first read it was 35,000 5G transmitters. Then I read somewhere else it was 30,000 5G transmitters. Had to come back and add, because I wasn't trying to be critical- I thought your post was brilliant. I read it carefully (a few times)! Agree the "test" is total b/s. I've also read that a Ct over 24 is inaccurate, 27 or so is close, but testing labs routinely use a Ct of around 35 or even up to 45! Mullis said, quote, "It can be used to find almost anything in anyone".

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I don't know the difference between transmitters and base station? I read about "base stations".

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OK, I only just now thought about when you said "base stations". Yes, I just thought you were referring to transmitting towers. Please tell me what a 5G base station is.

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Hi! Thanks for thinking my post was brilliant! That made my day! I think the 10,000 base stations number came from Bobbie Kennedy's book, "The Real Anthony Fauci". Where are you reading 35,000? I feel just the energy "vibrating" off my cell phone and if makes my fingers numb I have to put my phone down. I can't imagine 5G and the facial recognition volume of cameras to make that happen! I think we need to turn off our phones. Verizon is my carrier and I don't trust them! Unelected, billion dollar companies are ruining the world!

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I found a web page that correlated every pandemic for the last hundred years or so with the introduction of a new wireless technology, starting with radar, then 1G. Wish I would've saved that cuz I can't find that on my computer either. I use DuckDuckGo for searches and get results on EVERY THING I search for. Dr. Mercola recommended it and also StartPage as a good one. Like DDG, it can be installed into the Firefox web browser that I use. As for phones, I agree. I don't use a phone much, never take it with me and when home I park it somewhere away from my desk. Check out TracFone. No contracts. You can buy your minutes by the year, but you need to use one of their phones. The downside is that if you don't use all your minutes they expire after the year is up. I recently forgot to pay TracFone, so I lost my phone number. That was a couple months ago and I haven't bothered to renew it yet.

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Look up Arthur Firstenberg and "The Invisible Rainbow". that might contain what youre looking for. --------- Ive been trying to refind a very good lengthy report on "UFO" like phenomena in the sky, that coincided with the black plague outbreaks in Europe in vain.

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Oh, paying for a year's worth of minutes sounds expensive? My phone bill is $477! a month because I pay for 5 phones and 2 iPads. What's the cost for the phone and minutes? No texting on a TracPhone, is that right?

Get Thomas Cowan's book, Contagion Myth. It charts the history of pandemics from comets, telegrams, electricity, satellites,industrial chemicals like GLYPHOSATE in round-up, and toxic ingredients in shots etc...the whole thimerosal (mercury) leading to developmental delay and autism is solved when people read the Material Safety Data Sheet online for thimerosal. The manufacturer tells the truth about the dangers!

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You can get a TracFone for dirt cheap.

365 Days Service Plan:

Price is $192 for a year.

That works out to less than $0.53 a day!


365 Days

Unlimited Talk

Unlimited Text

24 GB Carryover Data

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I put duct tape over my camera and put it on airplane mode at night. I just want a dimple phone. Like most, I'm addicted to listening to childrenshealthdefense.org davidmartin.world and his butterfly of the week, and more. I need to leave my phone at home more.

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There's so much mis-info out there it's hard to know what to believe. I save a lot of the things I read becuz I like to be able to reference my statements, but didn't save what you asked about, so I was searching for a reference to 35k 5G transmitters and didn't find one, but I just now found one from the BBC from 2019 that claims more than 130,000 5G base stations will be activated by the end of the year in 2019. WTF? Here's a Chinese page that claims more than 86,000 had already been activated by Nov 2019. Note the site does not use https, but that shouldn't be a problem for just scanning the page. http://english.www.gov.cn/statecouncil/ministries/201911/01/content_WS5dbb69dac6d0bcf8c4c1620b.html

Personally I would most definitely believe just about anything that comes from Bobby Kennedy.

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Poornima Wagh, 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology, 20 yr career as a Lab researcher and scientist

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Anyone who has taken the time to UNDERSTAND viruses and sars-cov-2 in particular knows that Steve is wrong here.

I am not making a claim one way or the other as to if sars-cov-2 causes covid-19, I do not know.

Steve is wrong when he claims that science based evidence exists that supports his hypothesis.

Zero controlled experiments have been run that even attempted to answer this question.

I read his blog and mostly agree, but Steve is not a scientist and doesn't even claim to be.

He does not understand what "science based evidence" means

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As with the 1918 pandemic

Also the Rockefeller mass injection,

now the flu shot (there are a couple of studies as to the correlation)

Also a study from the 1918 pandemic where NO contagion was proven


Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G


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Don’t know if still on…



All virologists, not just those pictured, have deceived themselves and the public when they claim the existence of disease-causing viruses such as SARS-CoV-2.

Virologists inadvertently kill cells in test tubes, believing that this is proof of the presence and isolation of a virus. Only from fragments of dying cells do virologists mentally construct a gene sequence and pass it off as fact. Therefore, the test procedures do not offer any significance or meaning. Typical structures of dying cells in the electron microscope are passed off as viruses. Such structures could never be detected or recognized in a human being so far!


Diese Fehlentwicklungen haben die Medizin weit von der Realität und dem Verständnis von wahrer Gesundheit entfernt. Wir möchten einen Beitrag leisten, allen Menschen das Verständnis über Krankheit und Gesundheit umfassend näherzubringen.


These misguided developments have distanced medicine far from the reality and understanding of true health. We would like to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of disease and health for all people.


1,5 Million € für einen Virologen, der den wissenschaftlichen Beweis der Existenz eines Corona-Virus vorlegt, inklusive der dokumentierten Kontrollversuche aller getätigten Schritte der Beweisführung.

Top, die Wette gilt!


1,5 million € for a virologist who presents scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus, including documented control experiments of all steps taken in the proof.

You’re on!

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Dr. Robert Gallo's 1984 Science Publication -- Preview for The Emperor's New Virus?

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I'm not sure if it was Lanka's or someone elses, but I think part of the experiment was that samples which didn't have any viral particles added to them had pictures identical to the ones with viral particles. Additionally, PCR from non viral samples returned positive results for few different viruses depending what you asked to find. PCR was positive for measles, flu, sars-cov-2 etc.

I guess, their claim is misrepresented. No one denise people are sick and signs and symptoms are consistent with i.e. Covid-19 or measles etc. The claim is that the current scientific method doesn't prove that it exists when both viral and non-viral sample pictures look the same and using PCR returns positive result depending what you ask it to look for. In comparison, bacterial culture when grown can be clearly visualised and based on its shape, staining we can determine the type of bacteria it is.

I suppose the problem with the claim that 600 labs repeat the same protocol and get same results is problematic if non-viral samples can also return positive results depending what you ask PCR machine to look for. Especially at high threshold cycles 40+ (standard number for most labs). Even Dr Science (aka Fauci) said that possibility that PCR run at 25+ threshold cycles is truely positive are miniscule.

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You don't understand. Just because a "virus" exists doesn't mean it's entering cells, replicating itself and causing disease. That's the issue here.

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Sorry to say Steve, you are unfortunately misleading people, you didn't ask if "measles" exists, you asked if the "measles virus" exists - those are two completely different questions. That is a shame that you would use such a low handed technique to wiggle your way out of this extremely important debate. I have to say I'm disappointed in the way you've dealt with this. You did get your reply and it was NO - because you where referring to "the virus" - very disappointed you did this. You don't reveal who your "experts" are but the other side is very ready to go into debate - you have behaved rather poorly here - and dare I say, done science a disservice, after all if you are so confident, they why not settle this - the whole world will be watching - I never took you for a coward.

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He's a sniveling little liar.

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I've seen great stuff from Steve, so! when I saw this, I was very disappointed. I guess everyone has their own level of "cognitive dissonance"

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Steve is a small, stupid man.

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Desperate you are who turns a blind eye.

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Yes - where is it?

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Steve, what's your take on Stefan Lankas control experiments that show the same results as virologists claim is caused by viruses? One obviously doesn't need "infected material" to get the same results of cellular tissue breaking down and the identification of viral particles. If controls show that we can rule out the hypothesis that viral particles are pathogens, then we can instead assume the hypothesis that the method itself used by virologists, using poisons and restricted nutrion, is the cause of cellular breakdown. Do you or anyone else see any other plausible explanation to the results produce by the control experiments?

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Yes I would like an answer on that.. Lanka has impeachable credentials - in my view..

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Just get those losers you were planning to sick on Christine Massey. Oh wait they're cowards and weaklings too.

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You're a pointless little weakling and coward.

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