Did the COVID vaccine reduce the rate of COVID infections at YOUR workplace?
Just tell me what you observed in your workplace among the co-workers you interact with.
Please answer HONESTLY. I am not trying to prove a point. I want to know what is really happening out there!
If you answered that the vaccinated are less likely to get COVID, i.e., the vaccine worked as claimed, please provide details in the comments below. If you can share the company name, # of employees, and the stats, that would be VERY helpful! Thank you.
I am a remote worker and unvaccinated. I have noticed that the other 12 people on my team who are all vaccinated seem to have gotten covid at least 5-6 times compared to me getting it twice.
I am the only unvaxxed within a workplace of say ... 100 persons.
3 turbo cancer deaths
1 spouse turbo cancer death
1 turbo cancer not looking good at all
1 autoimmune death
2 work acquaintance - died suddenly and unexpectedly
1 colleagues' friend - pericarditis - required major surgery