Did the COVID vaccine reduce the rate of COVID infections at YOUR workplace?
Just tell me what you observed in your workplace among the co-workers you interact with.
Please answer HONESTLY. I am not trying to prove a point. I want to know what is really happening out there!
If you answered that the vaccinated are less likely to get COVID, i.e., the vaccine worked as claimed, please provide details in the comments below. If you can share the company name, # of employees, and the stats, that would be VERY helpful! Thank you.
school district 23
Kelowna BC
the majority of staff at my school have had COVID more than once.
I got it early on too. Felt terrible for 4 days (like a flu...achy, headache, backache, sore throat was the worst part). during the omicron days.
colleagues were hit much harder, many taking two times or more sick leave.
The last time I was sick.
Same colleagues have had repeat infections that hit them as hard as the first time.
common comment in the early days after recovering "thank goodness I got the vaccine, otherwise I'd probably be dead."
no one says that anymore.
We had a 9 person crew on a project. 5 were vaccinated. All healthy active construction workers working side by side. It was a crowded jobsite. They all caught the Delta variant at the same rate and severity. The foreman, slightly older was vaccinated and told me he felt like he was going to die. They all recovered but were put off the site for two weeks until testing clear. I also caught it there but was only onsite for a short time on a less crowded Saturday. After experiencing the symptoms the crew had described I took 6mg of Ivermectin at bedtime and those symptoms were gone by morning. I am (probably) unvaccinated but caught the first variant in first week of Feb 2020 at a large conference including Chinese vendors so probably had some immunity. I say probably because of potential shedding and because I was in the OR twice for outpatient procedures and who knows?