I chose "I didn't track" but my instinct says the crazy booster people get it way more.
I work in a place that had a Covid shot mandate for about 2 years. I had taken one J&J dose beforehand, so I was pre-cleared, but I do not support mandates in almost any form on general principle. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't been so willing to "help." Since that one shot I've developed hearing loss, tinnitus, thyroid issues, and progressed from pre-diabetic to diabetic despite LOWER sugar intake and INCREASED physical activity (I have since lowered back to pre-diabetic A1C, but that required medication).
I have seen a lot of people catch Covid multiple (3+) times and it's almost always the ones who were paranoid mask and vaccine fascists, who brag about their 14th booster. I've had it twice myself, about 19-20 months apart; it was a nasty but manageable cold with an extremely stuffy nose (mouth-breathing was needed at times) and a lot of fatigue.
I live in Australia. We have about 15 employees. I am the only one that did not take any covid 'vaccine'. I had a mild case of covid in 2022. Everyone else at work has had covid 3, 4 & 5 times. They all get sick constantly and have to take time off work. We're in the middle of a hot summer and we've had 5 staff off with flu like symptoms. I am the only one that doesn't seem to get sick and also the oldest employee at 55. Go figure.
I am in a dental office with one dentist, two hygienists, one front office, and one back office. Only me & the front office didn’t take the jab. I had the Delta variety, which was supposed to be pretty bad, but I took ivermectin. I was tired and had some bodyaches, but I had no other symptoms. It seems to me that the ones who got jabbed got really sick, and many more symptoms.
I'm a teacher. I cannot speak for all employees, but 5 of us work very closely together and I'm the only unvaxxed of us 5. I'm also the only one who has not had Covid. And I'm the overall healthiest of us 5 despite my autoimmune disease (which was diagnosed with in 2018). I've not even had a cold.
I am unvaccinated. Because I was unvaccinated, for 7.5 months in 2022 I wasn’t allowed in any of my workplace buildings and solely worked remotely. All my co-workers were all vaccinated and going to work normally and all got Covid before me - finally the wfh mandate was dropped in late July 2022. The day after I got the official email - I headed to work in the office for the last 2 days of the working week. My Covid symptoms started on the following Monday morning. Ironic huh.
I work at a Federal facility that has about 300 employees. The covid vax was forced on all Fed govt workers, wo a religious ex, you were threatened to be fired if not vaxxed by Nov 22, 2021. biden never followed through, and was stopped in court. I only knew of three holdouts inc. myself. I was able to see the covid cases as they were reported - via emails in my position, since the facility tried to clean covid-infected worker's workspace. Prior to the vaccine dictate (Nov 2021): we had three covid cases, after the vaccine dictate I counted 45 cases of covid, and these were ones that were reported . . .
I work at a public middle school in the central valley with 102 staff members. I am one of 5 people unvaccinated. I noticed that one person started having seizures after getting the vaccine which continues sporadically. I have noticed that people continue to get sick more frequently and still test for covid with the tests that continue to be replenished on site. I got covid once in 2021.
Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid Blog today featured the Florida Grand Jury Report on the mRNA vaccines and criminality. While it could not find a criminal they could legally consider--which has the captured media chortling like the whores they are--it did cast a negative view of almost everything the government did, as well as the abhorrent Pharma companies. For those who don't follow Childers, the first US attorney to successfully sue companies for vax mandates, be entertained, he is what a journalist should aspire to:
I am an in home caregiver for my mom who has Dementia, we are both unvaccinated,my family and friends that took the vaccine are often sick with colds, worsening arthritis, etc, some with very rapid moving cancers out of nowhere, others with blood clots. Neither mom or I have even got sick since 2020 when I had some weird thing where I wasn’t absorbing oxygen, no other symptoms, cleared it with a steroid puffer.
My staff was hesitant to be vaccinated, and wondered if they could get a religious exemption. I explained to them it might need to be carefully worded to pass muster at the local and State health departments, so I wrote a sample exception explanation for them to use as a model.
Despite the totalitarian demands of the State government, none were asked to produce vax cards or exemptions. A few of my colleagues were so worried they were afraid to grant their employees exemptions, for fear the "authorities" would punish them for acquiescing to their employees demands. My answer to the authorities would have simply been the truth. "They asked for a religious exemption, I had to grant it; how can I know what is in another person's heart and conscience?"
My work had one employee who got the injections. She grew up on a farm and said that prior to getting them, she was never sick. Over 3 years of working with me she was sick so often, she missed at least 3 momths of work!
As far as I know, I'm the only unvaccinated person at my work. We all work remotely, but my co-workers are sick very often to the point where they need to miss work. I got covid back in Oct 2021. for about 1-2 weeks, but I have not been sick since then other than a minor cold a year ago. I also notice that many people end up out sick immediately after taking a booster.
I chose "I didn't track" but my instinct says the crazy booster people get it way more.
I work in a place that had a Covid shot mandate for about 2 years. I had taken one J&J dose beforehand, so I was pre-cleared, but I do not support mandates in almost any form on general principle. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't been so willing to "help." Since that one shot I've developed hearing loss, tinnitus, thyroid issues, and progressed from pre-diabetic to diabetic despite LOWER sugar intake and INCREASED physical activity (I have since lowered back to pre-diabetic A1C, but that required medication).
I have seen a lot of people catch Covid multiple (3+) times and it's almost always the ones who were paranoid mask and vaccine fascists, who brag about their 14th booster. I've had it twice myself, about 19-20 months apart; it was a nasty but manageable cold with an extremely stuffy nose (mouth-breathing was needed at times) and a lot of fatigue.
I live in Australia. We have about 15 employees. I am the only one that did not take any covid 'vaccine'. I had a mild case of covid in 2022. Everyone else at work has had covid 3, 4 & 5 times. They all get sick constantly and have to take time off work. We're in the middle of a hot summer and we've had 5 staff off with flu like symptoms. I am the only one that doesn't seem to get sick and also the oldest employee at 55. Go figure.
school district 23
Kelowna BC
the majority of staff at my school have had COVID more than once.
I got it early on too. Felt terrible for 4 days (like a flu...achy, headache, backache, sore throat was the worst part). during the omicron days.
colleagues were hit much harder, many taking two times or more sick leave.
The last time I was sick.
Same colleagues have had repeat infections that hit them as hard as the first time.
common comment in the early days after recovering "thank goodness I got the vaccine, otherwise I'd probably be dead."
no one says that anymore.
Bacteria is the cause. Can be seen under microscopes, but 'germs' and 'viruses' never seen, and never isolated.
I am in a dental office with one dentist, two hygienists, one front office, and one back office. Only me & the front office didn’t take the jab. I had the Delta variety, which was supposed to be pretty bad, but I took ivermectin. I was tired and had some bodyaches, but I had no other symptoms. It seems to me that the ones who got jabbed got really sick, and many more symptoms.
I'm a teacher. I cannot speak for all employees, but 5 of us work very closely together and I'm the only unvaxxed of us 5. I'm also the only one who has not had Covid. And I'm the overall healthiest of us 5 despite my autoimmune disease (which was diagnosed with in 2018). I've not even had a cold.
I am unvaccinated. Because I was unvaccinated, for 7.5 months in 2022 I wasn’t allowed in any of my workplace buildings and solely worked remotely. All my co-workers were all vaccinated and going to work normally and all got Covid before me - finally the wfh mandate was dropped in late July 2022. The day after I got the official email - I headed to work in the office for the last 2 days of the working week. My Covid symptoms started on the following Monday morning. Ironic huh.
I work at a Federal facility that has about 300 employees. The covid vax was forced on all Fed govt workers, wo a religious ex, you were threatened to be fired if not vaxxed by Nov 22, 2021. biden never followed through, and was stopped in court. I only knew of three holdouts inc. myself. I was able to see the covid cases as they were reported - via emails in my position, since the facility tried to clean covid-infected worker's workspace. Prior to the vaccine dictate (Nov 2021): we had three covid cases, after the vaccine dictate I counted 45 cases of covid, and these were ones that were reported . . .
I work at a public middle school in the central valley with 102 staff members. I am one of 5 people unvaccinated. I noticed that one person started having seizures after getting the vaccine which continues sporadically. I have noticed that people continue to get sick more frequently and still test for covid with the tests that continue to be replenished on site. I got covid once in 2021.
Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid Blog today featured the Florida Grand Jury Report on the mRNA vaccines and criminality. While it could not find a criminal they could legally consider--which has the captured media chortling like the whores they are--it did cast a negative view of almost everything the government did, as well as the abhorrent Pharma companies. For those who don't follow Childers, the first US attorney to successfully sue companies for vax mandates, be entertained, he is what a journalist should aspire to:
I am an in home caregiver for my mom who has Dementia, we are both unvaccinated,my family and friends that took the vaccine are often sick with colds, worsening arthritis, etc, some with very rapid moving cancers out of nowhere, others with blood clots. Neither mom or I have even got sick since 2020 when I had some weird thing where I wasn’t absorbing oxygen, no other symptoms, cleared it with a steroid puffer.
My staff was hesitant to be vaccinated, and wondered if they could get a religious exemption. I explained to them it might need to be carefully worded to pass muster at the local and State health departments, so I wrote a sample exception explanation for them to use as a model.
Despite the totalitarian demands of the State government, none were asked to produce vax cards or exemptions. A few of my colleagues were so worried they were afraid to grant their employees exemptions, for fear the "authorities" would punish them for acquiescing to their employees demands. My answer to the authorities would have simply been the truth. "They asked for a religious exemption, I had to grant it; how can I know what is in another person's heart and conscience?"
My work had one employee who got the injections. She grew up on a farm and said that prior to getting them, she was never sick. Over 3 years of working with me she was sick so often, she missed at least 3 momths of work!
As far as I know, I'm the only unvaccinated person at my work. We all work remotely, but my co-workers are sick very often to the point where they need to miss work. I got covid back in Oct 2021. for about 1-2 weeks, but I have not been sick since then other than a minor cold a year ago. I also notice that many people end up out sick immediately after taking a booster.
Steve, I need your contact information. Could you provide it?
Everyone vaccinated at my work. People got covid right after getting vaccinated