I am a remote worker and unvaccinated. over 90% of my global large company in US was vaccinated. I am on many calls where 1 -2 people are "out" with covid... over and over.

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school district 23

Kelowna BC


the majority of staff at my school have had COVID more than once.

I got it early on too. Felt terrible for 4 days (like a flu...achy, headache, backache, sore throat was the worst part). during the omicron days.

colleagues were hit much harder, many taking two times or more sick leave.

The last time I was sick.

Same colleagues have had repeat infections that hit them as hard as the first time.

common comment in the early days after recovering "thank goodness I got the vaccine, otherwise I'd probably be dead."

no one says that anymore.

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I'm a teacher. I cannot speak for all employees, but 5 of us work very closely together and I'm the only unvaxxed of us 5. I'm also the only one who has not had Covid. And I'm the overall healthiest of us 5 despite my autoimmune disease (which was diagnosed with in 2018). I've not even had a cold.

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I work at a Federal facility that has about 300 employees. The covid vax was forced on all Fed govt workers, wo a religious ex, you were threatened to be fired if not vaxxed by Nov 22, 2021. biden never followed through, and was stopped in court. I only knew of three holdouts inc. myself. I was able to see the covid cases as they were reported - via emails in my position, since the facility tried to clean covid-infected worker's workspace. Prior to the vaccine dictate (Nov 2021): we had three covid cases, after the vaccine dictate I counted 45 cases of covid, and these were ones that were reported . . .

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Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid Blog today featured the Florida Grand Jury Report on the mRNA vaccines and criminality. While it could not find a criminal they could legally consider--which has the captured media chortling like the whores they are--it did cast a negative view of almost everything the government did, as well as the abhorrent Pharma companies. For those who don't follow Childers, the first US attorney to successfully sue companies for vax mandates, be entertained, he is what a journalist should aspire to:


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My work had one employee who got the injections. She grew up on a farm and said that prior to getting them, she was never sick. Over 3 years of working with me she was sick so often, she missed at least 3 momths of work!

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We had a 9 person crew on a project. 5 were vaccinated. All healthy active construction workers working side by side. It was a crowded jobsite. They all caught the Delta variant at the same rate and severity. The foreman, slightly older was vaccinated and told me he felt like he was going to die. They all recovered but were put off the site for two weeks until testing clear. I also caught it there but was only onsite for a short time on a less crowded Saturday. After experiencing the symptoms the crew had described I took 6mg of Ivermectin at bedtime and those symptoms were gone by morning. I am (probably) unvaccinated but caught the first variant in first week of Feb 2020 at a large conference including Chinese vendors so probably had some immunity. I say probably because of potential shedding and because I was in the OR twice for outpatient procedures and who knows?

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Hubby works at a car dealership. The jab was never mandated. The salesforce and sales management overwhelmingly rejected the jab. As you can imagine lots of mechanics did as well. He doesn't see excess illness and work absence in these groups. Office folks and HR are out more in his opinion. But they have paid sick days off. When a salesman is gone they are on full commission so it costs them. Mechanics get a higher percentage boost in revenue to their department depending on the jobs they complete so that is kind of like commission and they share financially in pay regarding that revenue. Most of both departments understand that the pcr is junk and that it was a casedemic not a pandemic. I guess there could be a small percentage of employees who "play hooky" and claim a positive covid test? They are never asked for proof from what he can tell. They get the sniffles and run for a test hoping they can stay home from work? But that would be those who get paid the same when they are home sick. Hubby in his 60's worked the entire time with a mask exemption and no jab and even tho his doc screamed at him he would die without the jab. Not one of his clients refused to work with him because he could not mask even though he gave them that option. Must have been the magic 2 foot tall plexiglass thingy they put on his desk that only covered half of it lengthwise that made them ok to sit in his 12 by 12 office for hours buying their car. LOL. What is not funny is hubby rode out a medical emergency where his new doctor (we fired Dr "you will die without the jab") ordered a CT scan to see if he was ruptured during a severe diverticulitis attack. He was in great pain. He was flat-out refused emergency room care in Minnesota over not being able to wear a mask with an exemption letter signed by his physician. Stand alone CT scan centers and ERs it did not matter. He was also refused emergency room care in Wisconsin as well. I have the voicemail from the imaging department refusing him saying they were just following CDC guidelines and protecting the "other patients." "Your husband cannot enter without a mask." Well I would have had to somehow drug him in the parking lot(severely claustrophobic he would have to be half-conscious to wear a mask) plop him in a wheelchair mask him and hand him over and lose him to the potentially deadly hospital protocols should he test positive for covid. Of course people presented with low oxygen with a mask or multiple masks on. Then comes the remdesivir. ("run death is near".) Luckily we called a retired physician we know in another state, and I did abdominal palpitation (that was horrible to do to a man already in great pain). It was that or drive 5 hours and try South Dakota. It showed he was not ruptured. We rode it out at home with leftover antibiotics and opioids. We were in diverticulitis hell for well over 24 hours. Obviously hospitals don't give a damn about healthcare. The same Wisconsin hospital allowed me to have a colonoscopy without a mask the jab or even a test in the middle of covid! It depended on the department manager's arbitrary decision. Damn hypocrites.

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ya heroes guys! we too never even masked- all sacked- daughter near died doc refusing treatment- then went into back of abandoned truck distraught leaving court prosecuted for breaking 'lockdown in medical emergency...' massive head injuries ruptured organs...

but we all good, so massive shout out to all who stood, eh. x

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I am so sorry you were refused treatment as well and treated so very horribly. When I asked the imaging department, "If my husband is ruptured or perforated and he dies, who's fault is it?" She said, "I am just following the CDC recommendations." We are protecting the other patients." In tears I told her "I was given a colonoscopy recently at your hospital without a mask the jab or even a test!" "That is why I am asking you for help!" She replied that it was the surgery department's decision to make regarding my procedure explaining the imaging manager makes the decisions for the CT department. So I could have a routine screening colonoscopy, laying there for hours unmasked unjabbed untested but hubby couldn't get a 15 minute scan in a dire potentially life-threatening emergency? I am certain over the mask and over the jab mandates and "CDC recommendations" people suffered or died as a direct result of being refused medical and hospital services. It is a crime how humans treated other humans following these ridiculous recommendations. I saved her voicemail. I listen to it any time I get tempted to seek hospital services and remind myself to seek other avenues first. No CT scan for my cracked ribs over Christmas this past year. I rode it out using my common sense researching orthopedic internet forums and consulting trusted medically trained friends instead of running to the arms of the establishment. Hubby's experience was not our first rodeo with respect to maltreatment in hospitals. I am on the mend. Apparently, medical intervention is a leading cause of death in America. Patient beware.

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I live in a gated community and most people are retired- with that being said ALMOST everyone I know who is vaccinated and boosted has and continues to get "covid" they are always sick...to the person- for the record I was never jabbed and have not been sick since 2019 !

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The people on my team were enthusiastic to receive the vaccine. Each of them had the shot and several boosters, several get them to this day. Every one of them continued to get covid, the two of us that did not get the shot (i got one skipped the second) did not get covid repeatedly. To this day they ignore that they still get sick. Several also still get tested whenever they get sick. When i received the first shot I got sick several times. This was one of the reasons I did not get the second. My wife got both and within the year her thyroid was destroyed by an autoimmune response, they removed half of it. I cannot say it was caused by the vaccine but it occurred within a year of the second vaccine.

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After the mandate at our airline, there was a huge spike in sick calls as covid spread aggressively through the flight crews. It was so bad that they were calling people for overtime (even on a reduced 'pandemic' schedule) and reintroduced the test kits they thought were unnecessary.

Now if I listen to people's stories and it's easy to pick out lots where vaccine injury probably occurred. From very casual conversation... 2 myocarditis, 1 blood clot and cancer, 1 pancreatic cancer, 1 heart attack, 1 case of diabetes, 3 or 4 other 'temporary' heart abnormalities, 1 severe case of vertigo, various other neurological issues etc.

Safe and effective they say.

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I read through a bunch of comments, and most people caught Covid-19 and became sick. I did not get sick. I independently figured out the z-stack and took Vitamins C&D, quercetin and zinc for 8 months prior to an infection. I awoke from an amazing fever sweat, but never felt any illness. Never jabbed, and think I felt a vague feeling from an Omicron variant being destroyed. Two times I felt the initial throat irritation of a cold coming on, took quercetin and zinc immediately and never developed a cold. I've been tested for spike antibodies twice. I have none. I have not been sick (other than that fever sweat) since before covid.

From Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's book I learned that the prophylactics worked, zinc transported through cell walls by the ionophore, quercetin, slowed viral replication so much that my cell based innate immune system had time to recognize and destroy the infected cells. Thus, the amazing fever sweat. Read the Midwestern Doctor for information about fevers. Never stop a mild fever. Your immune system is in an all out war with an invader.

I have not read of anyone else having this same success with prophylactics. Is there anyone else out there that took the z-stack as prophylactics and did not get sick from covid? Everyone else at work caught covid and was ill. Only the jabbed caught delta and Omicron variants to be sick multiple times. I worked in an isolated lab, vastly understaffed, so the numbers are too few to be significant. (I have a copy of a paper that says the same prophylactics work against cancer.)

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I worked in a small office with 7 people. I was the only one that didn't get the Covid shot. Some of my coworkers were true believers and some were coerced. Everyone kept coming down with Covid on a fairly regular basis although this was determined with the over-cycled PCR tests that were so loved by the politicians and members of the medical community. At one point in the middle of the "pandemic" when about 3 or 4 of my coworkers were sick I felt kind of crappy on a Friday and left the office early by a couple of hours. I felt pretty bad for most of Saturday and Sunday - like a typical hit of flu - which I would suffer from about once every ten years, and then I was back in on Monday. All good. I have no idea if I had Covid as I was not about to get a useless test and quite frankly didn't care. After doing my own research (I know, that's a really bad thing to do) in the early stages of the "pandemic" I realized it was 98% BS and figured it was just a basic bad flu season. That was my only experience with any illness in about the last ten years. I'm 67. It still amazes me how many people got their shots and boosters and kept getting "Covid" but still felt that the shots were doing a great job. People can be quite weird when they watch TV and read The New York Times.

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First, steve; im retired but yes, deaths & harms at sons work, then after 2 ½ yrs aggro at my son to get vaxxed or we all die, his vaxxed flatmate dropped dead in shower this fathers day morning. Bloodclot.

Second steve; for a v smart guy you sometimes get it so wrong. In recent post you ask;

“If HAVE to vax- which one is best..?”

Like if HAVE to put gun in yr mouth, a 9mm or a 38..?

The CORRECT answer to yr poll, steve, was SAY NO.

My wife started studying homoeopathy 45 yrs ago [& is our family “go-to.”] Back then she was shown the REAL global charts for childhood vax correlation with infectious diseases. REAL world REALITY- no ‘vax’ has been shown to be ‘safe & effective-’ ie, ‘WORK.’ Hundreds books out there from last hundred yrs with incontrovertible truths from respected scientists confirm this.

Vaxes = disease... & the “c*v*d” shots corker example.


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I know of at least one death for sure and about a dozen vaccine injuries there including turbo cancers. Many employees have family members seriously debilitated and/or dead in the past 3 years. I deliver mail to about 700 households and I had so many customers die suddenly in the past 3 or 4 years, more than regular deaths the previous 10 years combined. Between 2021 and 2024 I counted 32 people who should not have just died. Before that it was maybe a handful who were elderly or in a car accident. Also I deliver hospital bills now to almost every single home and bills from the main regional cancer pathology lab to like exponentially more people. New pattern. Not normal.

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Oops this is continued from previous comment I accidentally posted unfinished

Very few of us did NOT get the shots. I think most everyone got sick multiple times with what they believed was covid. And out for weeks. People are still claiming to get covid especially after going out of town on vacation.

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