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and one of the most wrong ppl during the pandemic!

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For common sense. If it's a novel coronavirus we need to run and hide from then why run and get a novel vaccine for a novel coronavirus that you know nothing about and you yourself stated the Emergency rushed a vaccine. So run and hide from said scary novel coronzvurus we know nothing about but wait we found the perfect novel never tested never approved MRNA candidate and we don't know we picked the right or optimal or favorable one.

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How does this fit in with refusal to debate because someone is not a medical authority? Was that true?

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he is also not a vaccine expert.

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A vaccime expert stated in mass vaccination they can have bacteria such as e coli .They lied the vaccine stays in the Arm. Biontek makers in a slide show said it doesn't. Must go to the lymph nodes. One lie after another for these vaccines that still had to go under as gene therapy., experimental all the way. Pfizer couldn't predict if they used the favorable variant candidate. It's like having 4 keys and not knowing which one works. You could try 3 that fail and the 4th works or you could have 4 fail. You were using people's bodies with a new platform of vaccines where the medical trials had deaths and harms and lots covered up.

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Oh, this is rich. You troll without a single credential and then call Dr. Yeadon unqualified? I suppose Dr. Malone is unqualified as well.

We don't need you to point us to the product of a billion dollar marketing war chest brought to you by the most criminally fined industry on the planet. Be gone troll.

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IтАЩm an pharmacologist, immunologist & toxicologist.

My entire life has been spent around drug discovery and development.

You wonтАЩt listen, but I can easily prove the entire vaccine story here is an utter fraud.

ItтАЩs completely impossible to conduct the necessary manufacturing R&D steps required to make consistent product is less than 4-5 years, probably closer to 8 years.

There is no magic or money than can bypass the minimum linear steps.

Also, vaccination even if done properly could never have been an appropriate or effective response to an outbreak such as they lied to us about.

Reason is immunosenescence. Elderly immune responses attenuate and is one of the main reasons why the elderly are so vulnerable in the first place. Instead eariy treatment was the correct response.

Flu vaccines donтАЩt work either.

Same reason.

PCR is utterly useless as a clinical diagnostic. They also refused EVER to disclose operational false positive rate. Uncorrected data is completely useless. ItтАЩs fraud.

Finally, ALL mRNA based products will induce autoimmune toxicity. ItтАЩs axiomatic and unfixable. ThatтАЩs because once your cells are making non self proteins, your immune system attacks & kills all such cells. Hence a very wide range of adverse events.

You do you. Enjoy your boosters.

Ps: IтАЩve lost hundreds of thousands of pounds in foregone income and received not one cent in income or donations after three years + pro bono work.

IтАЩm arguably the most qualified scientist in the world speaking out against these injections.

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They said it takes 2 weeks for an immune response so were they not making immuno compromised people be in a precarious position with toxins in their bodies from these vaccines as they awaited sn immune response. We need to find out how many immuno compromised people died within 14 days after the shot.

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They didnтАЩt produce immunity.

There was no new pathogen.

So they arenтАЩt vaccines but biological toxins.

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The mRNA vaccine technology has been safety tested in human clinical trial since 2013 on the following viruses: rabies, influenza, and Zika. For SARS-CoV-2, animal and human clinical trials were done currently during a public health emergency. Manufacturing capacity was expanded before phase III clinical trials ended during accelerated development.



RT-qPCR is actually the gold standard for SARS-CoV-2 testing because of optimized primer-probe sets. Internal controls, including reference genes, allow normalization of SARS-CoV-2 genes. False positive rate depends on RT-qPCR assay, but it is generally 0.01 to 0.12%.


Where is your evidence of autoimmune responses from mRNA vaccines?

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Didn't Pfizer state antibodies wasn't enough . But that's all governments harped on. What about lipid nanoparticles. Moderna stated the more you dose the worse the adverse effects can be. The lipid nanoparticle can cause many adverse events just like were seeing now in VAERS and live accounts. Didn't you need animal ethics permission to test on animals but oh look governments stole ethics and ethics scholars were hypocrites on vaccine mandates. But based on what Moderna stated ethics for humans very important. So where are the trials you list and outcomes. How big were the groups. Care to share as we know cancer gene therapy with MRNA was very sick people and small groups. That's odd as we researched that vaccines only became recent after Moderna failed on gene therapy. So they moved to vaccines . Pfizer had 4 vaccine candidate variants to use based on 3 distinct MRNA formats .. They chose BNT 162 they stated in SEC FILINGS they weren't sure if they used the right or favorable one. They started the first human trials April 2020. It was experimental. They can't say it's the optimal one. They did this with shanghai fosum pharmaceuticsls from China a communist country .

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Your misleading as Pfizer never got anything approved. So just because you do small human tests that doesn't mean they were approved. Biontek Pfizer in SEC filings admit this and they admit it's an experiment and they are not sure if they picked the right variant candidate. Considering the fraud in the vaccine medical trials and the pregnant female it's a bad experiment and cover up

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Would you like to confirm why genotoxicity or carcinogenicity studies weren't done for these MRNA vaccines and why they stated they didn't have to. It's gene therapy.

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Would you like to dispute a paper that stated MRNA not ready in 2019 as not studied on enough non human primates?

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And yet no product was ever licensed for human use. Why was that if they were so well tested?

As for PCR, labeling something gold standard doesn't make it so. I know the sequencing center here was running them at a 35 cycle threshold.

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Wrong, Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 received FDA approval for BLAs.

RT-qPCR used for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics tests is nearly a gold standard. Cycle thresholds at 35 to 45 are validated because cut-off values are based on the limit of detection (LOD), so background fluorescence is distinguished from positive amplification.

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Emergency use authorization you mean. With no refunds.

And PCR should be ran at 27 CT to detect active infection. 45 gives massive amounts of false positives (which is probably a feature rather than a bug).

Shouldn't the stage 3 trials have ended by now? In which case the manufacturers won't have their legal immunity. I guess that will happen when Biden declares the "emergency" over next month and everything will be memory holed.

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Just ramp up the cycle threshold and you can get a positive out of anything. Absolute bullshit.

How much do they pay you for these posts?

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Actually FDa said it's not a gold standard

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Academic journals cite RT-qPCR as the gold standard for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in diagnostic tests.

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Dr. Yeadon, I too thank you for speaking out. I'm unvaxxed but of course I have many family and friends who took the jab. I know some things are unfixable as you say but I'm thrilled that some doctors are working hard to find and write about treatments for vaccine injuries. I pray that even vaccine pushers are able to get some relief.

Dr. Huber has now come out with a summery of treatments for vaccine injuries on the heels of her excellent mask article.


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And you were one of the first to speak out. You and Sucharit Bhakdi did more than anyone else to warn us of the dangers. Thank you for keeping me safe, Dr. Mike Yeadon.

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Thank you.

IтАЩm astonished that not 1 in 10 retired former colleagues said anything.

I contacted many in 2020 & the two most common responses were utter silence and тАЬDonтАЩt contact me againтАЭ.

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Why do you think your former colleagues went quiet? Fear would be my guess, but if they were retired and had solid knowledge and experience in the field, I would have thought they would be relatively immune to criticism or a fear of being ostracized . . . especially when so many millions were being hurt. Very hard to fathom the utter lack of courage to speak the truth for the last 3 years.

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That is truly sad and an indictment of the profession. Thank you for not falling in line Dr. Yeadon.

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Are you a vaccine expert?

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He's a published medical expert; his papers on bone healing look very interesting and well done according to the abstracts. He gets into healing, growing and grafting bone, stem cell treatment and immune response after traumatic brain injury among other things.

I would love to see him get into the science of masks and vaccines during a discussion with other experts who are dissenters. However, his Theory of Legitimization appears to be that if he has a public discussion on video that would somehow legitimize dissenting views.

But if he discusses it in a comment forum the dissenters are not legitimized (according to his theory.)

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To DENY the dissenters legitimises their views: ANYTHING that cannot support itself & position ably within the spotlight of reasonable, objective debate can NOT be regarded as wholly verifiable. It very apparently seems to have a fat roll of pharma-cartel banknotes wedged up there in its anal canal.

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Science of masks? There appears to be no such thing. Just a load of shitty models that prove they work and real world data that shows no noticeable difference.

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I suspect he's more of a troll than anything. Anyway we relied on so called 'experts' and look where that got us?

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You don't need to be one to see the devastation

these rapidly developed products have caused.

Anthony Fauci appeared Milken institute Future of Health Summit (October 29, 2019) discussing how a future outbreak could give them the excuse to throw off the shackles of 7 to 10 years vaccine testing

and rapidly develop new vaccines quickly


Full video here https://www.c-span.org/video/?465845-1/universal-flu-vaccine.

The RAC removed?, RAC that's recombinant genetic products

advisory committee on biosafety and protecting people from harm when it comes to genetic products and pharmaceuticals in 2019 right before 2020.Anthony Fauci made a decision with his team to eliminate the RAC biosafety committee on genetic recombinant products and absorb it into the NIH saying we'll take it from here and then the NIH partnered with Moderna., and then what a surprise the covid hits and they get their excuse to rapidly deploy a ultra rapidly developed set of vaccines.

Mr Gates and his foundation is mentioned at the Milken event by the panel, and he becomes the Medias go to guy to sell these rushed jabs to the public and he states "We can have a vaccine in 2 years or we could make one in say a year with less safety" and he was right wasn't he?

less safety indeed..

Family members who took the jabs conveniently now have a weakened immune system and are getting sicker with each booster a bad reactions to each new one,they continue to get sick where as family members not jabbed have not had anything more then a cold since 2019.

And now we are told they are going to make mRNA jabs

for everything from cattle to cancer in 100 days from lab to jab

oh the joy given all the injuries and deaths from these ones

speeding things up even more is only going to make things worse.

None of us want them putting this stuff into our food.

The German health Minister has confirmed the risks are high

on national TV stating a severe reaction rate of nearly 1 in every 10.000 doses causes a severe reaction or disablement https://imgur.com/fDhd2nC.png but that increases with each dose

so if someone has had 4 or 5 jabs that could be 1 in 400 doses,

and what is his solution? they want to work with Big Pharma to

develop new drugs to treat those severely injured and severely disabled.

by these vaccines.

Chur Ching Big Pharma makes billions on treatments

for the injuries they caused, Germany is just one Country that has admitted the scale of the issue but Doctors in other countries have

been saying the same thing but are silenced if they go public, how many

people have they severely injured and severely disabled

by these vaccines Worldwide?.

its going to end up being billions of people. You might be in denial and parroting the media line of "safe and effective" but they are not safe and they don't work well at all so they not effective and no amount of Pharma funded stooges study papers are going to convince folk you are not lying and pointing us towards dishonest data.

We may never find out the true number of deaths they have caused.

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the vaccines have not caused problems. the vaccines have reduced death from covid.

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Yea, you can't die from covid after you die from stroke, heart attack, turbo cancer from the mnra lethal injection, Marcucio is a holocaust denier.

Worse this creature is a propagandist for the fourth Reich fascists helping them administer the modern zyklon B.... you might as well be shoving them into the gas chambers...

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Explain this R Marcucio


In AUSTRALIA dec 2020 no vaccines 976 covid deaths

Dec 2022 after 2 years of vaccines, masks, LOCKDOWNS 17000 covid deaths .

Also all cause MORTALITY down in 2020 up in 2021 ,2022 33%

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Aww.....don't show it REAL, unambiguous data, you'll scare it away!! (& I was having such fun watching the truth-tellers dogpile it,

& eviscerate it's arrogant follies!).

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This is proof you are using a CHATgp type AI bot as your pathetic short response was 1 minute after I posted all that text nobody could read all that and make such a dismissive robot comment.

You should be blocked And I will not tolerate this nonsense

you should be booted of here for Botting.

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Yep as "insightful" and personally reciprocative and specific as "no comment", or a "one size fits all" blanket response.

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An anagram of R Marcucio is 'U rr a comic', which sounds like 'You are a comic'. R Marcucio is trying to be funny. Trying and not very funny.

Another anagram is 'I cur Marco'. A cur is a dog and so a beast. A Marco of the Beast perhaps? :)

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because the vaccines not causing issues...

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YouтАЩre a bot or an idiot.

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Yep ЁЯСН, an "idibot" , to be sure.

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Bots are great today. They can impersonate not just human to human interaction, but even individual humans (if given sufficient amount of data).

It is unlikely that actual Dr. R Marcucio would respond in such a manner, more befitting of a Reddit bot, so more than likely this is only AI impersonation of a cheaper kind.

However it would be interesting, if the real Dr R Marcucio was interested to interact in an open way.

The only way to resolve "bad" speech, or misinformation is with reasoned argument in an open debate. We can only wish for it, but eventually it will start like the debate between Del and Neil the other day.

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I admit he sounds a lot like a bot or troll but I've confirmed he's a Professor at UCSF.

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His name maybe but he doesn't post like a Professor,

Doubt its the real Him, Steve has sent him(the real one) a message and

not heard anything back.

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Or an idiotic bot.

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I would advise that we refrain from even acknowledging the presence of shill-bot clownshow ЁЯдбЁЯСЖ above.

It's clearly using every transparent, bargain basement deception in the book ЁЯУЦ in its attempts to bolster the last dying vestiges of...ahem... "legitimacy" & efficacy, (& more odious still- safety!!?) of the heinous graphene oxide structures, self assembling nano-matrice ridden mRNA depop-shots ЁЯТЙ: relying on the technical ignorance of most people concerning the exclusively medical/scientific terminology of its cut & paste fallacious "data", and the usual tedious attendant false equivalences and evasive semantics: it's claims alone about the validity of stratospheric mag-cycling rates, in direct contradiction to the statements of Dr.Kary Mullis- the INVENTOR of the Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction tests and the rock-solid "reliability" of numbers as high as x40-45 only highlights it's status as a lying, conniving, biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartel BOT, or perhaps an intelligence apparatus "cut-out" BOT, but most likely, an attention seeking troll ЁЯзМ, absolutely desperate to dredge up attention via the modality of its hostile, inflammatory, rubbish-ridden rhetoric. It is representative of the type of malicious, jingoistic sloganeering and propaganda employed by the presstitutes in their ooze-papers, and their attempts to gaslight people with the most ludicrously fallacious narratives like- eg:- exponentially GROWING numbers of (ALL age groups, but especially-) children, adolescents and young adults are dropping down dead in record because-(A) "cold showers", (B)"falling asleep in front of the TV",

(C) "playing computer games"

(D)"the 'shock' of opening an energy bill in recent times" and

(E) "owning a family DOG ЁЯР╢!!",

ALL of which the mainstream media

HAS, somewhat incredibly, tried to convince people of in the previous 2+years!! Should we REALLY be giving complete cretins likeЁЯСЖIT the ardently craved oxygen of ANY kind of response WHATSOEVER?? I think

not. Let us ignore this frankly ridiculous cut and paste crusader, with its visibly brandished false equivalences, blatant evasive semantics, misdirections, & pharma-cartel propaganda, not forgetting it's outright lies. With a lil'

luck, it'll HUFF, it'll PUFF, & then fall down dead from myocarditis.

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Excellent writing, CorScorpionis! Even better, 100% correct. And congrats on cutting the cord to mainstream media, it's just a pipe of poison running into the house.

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Thank you Lawrence, you're very kind. Yep, I know, virtually EVERY channel & forum "big & ugly" enough to merit inclusion within the poisoned chalice of the appellation-

"mainstream" media, purporting to expound upon "current affairs", from the poisonous presstitutes in print, to the so called "fact"-checkers (hack-checkers, fact-wreckers, fact-chokers, fuct-checkers, ad infinitum) within the murky, censorious environs of the technocratic corporatocracy's tentacular appendages of antisocial

media, have virtually ALL now become (assuming that there were ever ANY that WEREN'T, from their very inception, institutionally corrupt) lying deceivers, wholly bought and paid for, egregious purveyors of at best, highly skewed interpretations of events, half truths, "malinformation", misinformation, but more commonly- visibly transparent bargain basement social engineers, psychological conditioners, utilising techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Agenda setting, situational design, rabid, jingoistic, psychotic sloganeering and propagandist predictive programming, and applied, conscious, wilful disinformation. Nowadays, I must admit, I often find

an unintended sneer of contempt & disgust begin to crack my otherwise

handsome visage when, in a shop, or bus, or street, I overhear one of the pitchfork wielding villagers and feckless, facile, vapid, vacant, bovine, credulous, gullible stupefied dupes of the mindless moron-mobs and sheeple ЁЯРС utter the words- "it said on the 'news' last night that- ".

As if ANY of THOSE liars and channels of state propaganda constituted the "rubber stamp" of verifiable objective reality!? Sadly, & infuriatingly, for millions of simple souls across the world- they DOЁЯШб!!

"Darling, do you think we should have the children jabbed with the dangerous, experimental, gene ЁЯзм altering military prototype??", "I don't know, dear?? What does The Guardian think about it? What was it paedo-phil and Holly said on This Morning the other day??, "ЁЯдФ Hmm?

I'm going to "giggle"-search it dear. Giggle and Wikki-ed pedia will give us a solid set of accurate, impartial, objective & empirical sound medical

opinion & data!!ЁЯСН!". Cue my slow, ironic handclap ЁЯСП. Even if someone were to operate from the basis of their unwitting confirmation biases & cognitive imprinting, as far as scam-demic goes, one such of the wholly paranoid, "went TOO far" conspiracy theorist, "EVERYTHING they tell us is

LIES!! (etc) tendency to outright paranoid psychosis, would STILL have turned out to be 100% RIGHT about ALL of their "paranoid" conspiratorial, mental-meanderings!!! The 5G connection, R.F.I.D. chips or "tech" to "spy" on us in there, Gates pays 'em & they write

HIS garbage ЁЯЧСя╕П as "news", & so in, & so on! What a sad, sad, sad state of affairs. I'd wager that people 50yrs ago, 100, 200(!!) had more natural, environmental intelligence than US, with all our technologies, and fact-chokers, and smug "information age". There can be NO dispute now that a verrrrrry LARGE section of global society HAVE now become the unwitting victims of their ЁЯеД spoon fed confirmation biases and the applied cognitive dissonance put on 'em, resulting in such an evident mass formation psychosis!!

And all it took for these urbane, sophisticated, "well" informed, rather 'civilised' sorts to become this way? Scare tactics. Repitition. OBVIOUS lying INSISTED upon by "responsible" people in positions of power and influence to the extent of having the effect of moral/emotional "blackmail" whereby it'd have been felt to be callous, indifferent, even "unpatriotic" to go AGAINST the prevailing narrative and the mindless, mulling, moron masses propping it up. After all, (& THIS one was KEY!) it would've been IMPOSSIBLE to have managed to have ALL of these "experts" & "scientists" & "politicians", and clinicians & physicians & doctors & nurses & health authorities/bodies &

journalists & "computer models" to ALL have been "in on it" regarding THE greatest DECEPTION & CULL in ALL of human history!! Right........??

Why even BOTHER to do one's OWN

investigations into ANY of it?? It ISN'T POSSIBLE for it all to have been anything OTHER than what it's

been represented as, right...........?? I'd

look like a damn FOOL & a "bad".person, should I give voice to ANY lil' niggling doubt about ANY of the daily dump of deceptions shown us. There are many whose ability to see truth is hamstrung from the very start because they CANNOT, they WILL NOT ever concede that the "news", "newspapers", BBC, (etc) could EVER wilfuly LIE to them, and back to the ole "& something SOOooo BIG

a lie could NEVER be pulled off, could it.......??

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He could save time by just copy pasting " nuh uh" repeatedly on every thread. His 12 year old " style" of argument reminds me of why I stopped even looking at Reddit , lol.

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You realize we can all see Dr. Yeadon's comment?

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Its a pest assisted by AI that's how they have been able to rapidly

spam all the comments so fast.

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yes, he is not a vaccine expert. he has been consistently wrong throughout the pandemic. he is part of HART anti-vax group.

I also note he did not respond to my comment with any substance.

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no truthful substance in your comment makes it the proper response

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And you are part of the FART pro-vax group.

What substances are you on?

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WeтАЩre going to have fun with you.

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Ignore this nonsense they are a AI assisted Bot user.

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