This is proof you are using a CHATgp type AI bot as your pathetic short response was 1 minute after I posted all that text nobody could read all that and make such a dismissive robot comment.
You should be blocked And I will not tolerate this nonsense
This is proof you are using a CHATgp type AI bot as your pathetic short response was 1 minute after I posted all that text nobody could read all that and make such a dismissive robot comment.
You should be blocked And I will not tolerate this nonsense
Bots are great today. They can impersonate not just human to human interaction, but even individual humans (if given sufficient amount of data).
It is unlikely that actual Dr. R Marcucio would respond in such a manner, more befitting of a Reddit bot, so more than likely this is only AI impersonation of a cheaper kind.
However it would be interesting, if the real Dr R Marcucio was interested to interact in an open way.
The only way to resolve "bad" speech, or misinformation is with reasoned argument in an open debate. We can only wish for it, but eventually it will start like the debate between Del and Neil the other day.
I would advise that we refrain from even acknowledging the presence of shill-bot clownshow ЁЯдбЁЯСЖ above.
It's clearly using every transparent, bargain basement deception in the book ЁЯУЦ in its attempts to bolster the last dying vestiges of...ahem... "legitimacy" & efficacy, (& more odious still- safety!!?) of the heinous graphene oxide structures, self assembling nano-matrice ridden mRNA depop-shots ЁЯТЙ: relying on the technical ignorance of most people concerning the exclusively medical/scientific terminology of its cut & paste fallacious "data", and the usual tedious attendant false equivalences and evasive semantics: it's claims alone about the validity of stratospheric mag-cycling rates, in direct contradiction to the statements of Dr.Kary Mullis- the INVENTOR of the Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction tests and the rock-solid "reliability" of numbers as high as x40-45 only highlights it's status as a lying, conniving, biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartel BOT, or perhaps an intelligence apparatus "cut-out" BOT, but most likely, an attention seeking troll ЁЯзМ, absolutely desperate to dredge up attention via the modality of its hostile, inflammatory, rubbish-ridden rhetoric. It is representative of the type of malicious, jingoistic sloganeering and propaganda employed by the presstitutes in their ooze-papers, and their attempts to gaslight people with the most ludicrously fallacious narratives like- eg:- exponentially GROWING numbers of (ALL age groups, but especially-) children, adolescents and young adults are dropping down dead in record because-(A) "cold showers", (B)"falling asleep in front of the TV",
(C) "playing computer games"
(D)"the 'shock' of opening an energy bill in recent times" and
(E) "owning a family DOG ЁЯР╢!!",
ALL of which the mainstream media
HAS, somewhat incredibly, tried to convince people of in the previous 2+years!! Should we REALLY be giving complete cretins likeЁЯСЖIT the ardently craved oxygen of ANY kind of response WHATSOEVER?? I think
not. Let us ignore this frankly ridiculous cut and paste crusader, with its visibly brandished false equivalences, blatant evasive semantics, misdirections, & pharma-cartel propaganda, not forgetting it's outright lies. With a lil'
luck, it'll HUFF, it'll PUFF, & then fall down dead from myocarditis.
Excellent writing, CorScorpionis! Even better, 100% correct. And congrats on cutting the cord to mainstream media, it's just a pipe of poison running into the house.
Thank you Lawrence, you're very kind. Yep, I know, virtually EVERY channel & forum "big & ugly" enough to merit inclusion within the poisoned chalice of the appellation-
"mainstream" media, purporting to expound upon "current affairs", from the poisonous presstitutes in print, to the so called "fact"-checkers (hack-checkers, fact-wreckers, fact-chokers, fuct-checkers, ad infinitum) within the murky, censorious environs of the technocratic corporatocracy's tentacular appendages of antisocial
media, have virtually ALL now become (assuming that there were ever ANY that WEREN'T, from their very inception, institutionally corrupt) lying deceivers, wholly bought and paid for, egregious purveyors of at best, highly skewed interpretations of events, half truths, "malinformation", misinformation, but more commonly- visibly transparent bargain basement social engineers, psychological conditioners, utilising techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Agenda setting, situational design, rabid, jingoistic, psychotic sloganeering and propagandist predictive programming, and applied, conscious, wilful disinformation. Nowadays, I must admit, I often find
an unintended sneer of contempt & disgust begin to crack my otherwise
handsome visage when, in a shop, or bus, or street, I overhear one of the pitchfork wielding villagers and feckless, facile, vapid, vacant, bovine, credulous, gullible stupefied dupes of the mindless moron-mobs and sheeple ЁЯРС utter the words- "it said on the 'news' last night that- ".
As if ANY of THOSE liars and channels of state propaganda constituted the "rubber stamp" of verifiable objective reality!? Sadly, & infuriatingly, for millions of simple souls across the world- they DOЁЯШб!!
"Darling, do you think we should have the children jabbed with the dangerous, experimental, gene ЁЯзм altering military prototype??", "I don't know, dear?? What does The Guardian think about it? What was it paedo-phil and Holly said on This Morning the other day??, "ЁЯдФ Hmm?
I'm going to "giggle"-search it dear. Giggle and Wikki-ed pedia will give us a solid set of accurate, impartial, objective & empirical sound medical
opinion & data!!ЁЯСН!". Cue my slow, ironic handclap ЁЯСП. Even if someone were to operate from the basis of their unwitting confirmation biases & cognitive imprinting, as far as scam-demic goes, one such of the wholly paranoid, "went TOO far" conspiracy theorist, "EVERYTHING they tell us is
LIES!! (etc) tendency to outright paranoid psychosis, would STILL have turned out to be 100% RIGHT about ALL of their "paranoid" conspiratorial, mental-meanderings!!! The 5G connection, R.F.I.D. chips or "tech" to "spy" on us in there, Gates pays 'em & they write
HIS garbage ЁЯЧСя╕П as "news", & so in, & so on! What a sad, sad, sad state of affairs. I'd wager that people 50yrs ago, 100, 200(!!) had more natural, environmental intelligence than US, with all our technologies, and fact-chokers, and smug "information age". There can be NO dispute now that a verrrrrry LARGE section of global society HAVE now become the unwitting victims of their ЁЯеД spoon fed confirmation biases and the applied cognitive dissonance put on 'em, resulting in such an evident mass formation psychosis!!
And all it took for these urbane, sophisticated, "well" informed, rather 'civilised' sorts to become this way? Scare tactics. Repitition. OBVIOUS lying INSISTED upon by "responsible" people in positions of power and influence to the extent of having the effect of moral/emotional "blackmail" whereby it'd have been felt to be callous, indifferent, even "unpatriotic" to go AGAINST the prevailing narrative and the mindless, mulling, moron masses propping it up. After all, (& THIS one was KEY!) it would've been IMPOSSIBLE to have managed to have ALL of these "experts" & "scientists" & "politicians", and clinicians & physicians & doctors & nurses & health authorities/bodies &
journalists & "computer models" to ALL have been "in on it" regarding THE greatest DECEPTION & CULL in ALL of human history!! Right........??
Why even BOTHER to do one's OWN
investigations into ANY of it?? It ISN'T POSSIBLE for it all to have been anything OTHER than what it's
been represented as, right...........?? I'd
look like a damn FOOL & a "bad".person, should I give voice to ANY lil' niggling doubt about ANY of the daily dump of deceptions shown us. There are many whose ability to see truth is hamstrung from the very start because they CANNOT, they WILL NOT ever concede that the "news", "newspapers", BBC, (etc) could EVER wilfuly LIE to them, and back to the ole "& something SOOooo BIG
a lie could NEVER be pulled off, could it.......??
He could save time by just copy pasting " nuh uh" repeatedly on every thread. His 12 year old " style" of argument reminds me of why I stopped even looking at Reddit , lol.
This is proof you are using a CHATgp type AI bot as your pathetic short response was 1 minute after I posted all that text nobody could read all that and make such a dismissive robot comment.
You should be blocked And I will not tolerate this nonsense
you should be booted of here for Botting.
Yep as "insightful" and personally reciprocative and specific as "no comment", or a "one size fits all" blanket response.
An anagram of R Marcucio is 'U rr a comic', which sounds like 'You are a comic'. R Marcucio is trying to be funny. Trying and not very funny.
Another anagram is 'I cur Marco'. A cur is a dog and so a beast. A Marco of the Beast perhaps? :)
because the vaccines not causing issues...
YouтАЩre a bot or an idiot.
Yep ЁЯСН, an "idibot" , to be sure.
Bots are great today. They can impersonate not just human to human interaction, but even individual humans (if given sufficient amount of data).
It is unlikely that actual Dr. R Marcucio would respond in such a manner, more befitting of a Reddit bot, so more than likely this is only AI impersonation of a cheaper kind.
However it would be interesting, if the real Dr R Marcucio was interested to interact in an open way.
The only way to resolve "bad" speech, or misinformation is with reasoned argument in an open debate. We can only wish for it, but eventually it will start like the debate between Del and Neil the other day.
I admit he sounds a lot like a bot or troll but I've confirmed he's a Professor at UCSF.
His name maybe but he doesn't post like a Professor,
Doubt its the real Him, Steve has sent him(the real one) a message and
not heard anything back.
Or an idiotic bot.
Bot confirmed .
I would advise that we refrain from even acknowledging the presence of shill-bot clownshow ЁЯдбЁЯСЖ above.
It's clearly using every transparent, bargain basement deception in the book ЁЯУЦ in its attempts to bolster the last dying vestiges of...ahem... "legitimacy" & efficacy, (& more odious still- safety!!?) of the heinous graphene oxide structures, self assembling nano-matrice ridden mRNA depop-shots ЁЯТЙ: relying on the technical ignorance of most people concerning the exclusively medical/scientific terminology of its cut & paste fallacious "data", and the usual tedious attendant false equivalences and evasive semantics: it's claims alone about the validity of stratospheric mag-cycling rates, in direct contradiction to the statements of Dr.Kary Mullis- the INVENTOR of the Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction tests and the rock-solid "reliability" of numbers as high as x40-45 only highlights it's status as a lying, conniving, biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartel BOT, or perhaps an intelligence apparatus "cut-out" BOT, but most likely, an attention seeking troll ЁЯзМ, absolutely desperate to dredge up attention via the modality of its hostile, inflammatory, rubbish-ridden rhetoric. It is representative of the type of malicious, jingoistic sloganeering and propaganda employed by the presstitutes in their ooze-papers, and their attempts to gaslight people with the most ludicrously fallacious narratives like- eg:- exponentially GROWING numbers of (ALL age groups, but especially-) children, adolescents and young adults are dropping down dead in record because-(A) "cold showers", (B)"falling asleep in front of the TV",
(C) "playing computer games"
(D)"the 'shock' of opening an energy bill in recent times" and
(E) "owning a family DOG ЁЯР╢!!",
ALL of which the mainstream media
HAS, somewhat incredibly, tried to convince people of in the previous 2+years!! Should we REALLY be giving complete cretins likeЁЯСЖIT the ardently craved oxygen of ANY kind of response WHATSOEVER?? I think
not. Let us ignore this frankly ridiculous cut and paste crusader, with its visibly brandished false equivalences, blatant evasive semantics, misdirections, & pharma-cartel propaganda, not forgetting it's outright lies. With a lil'
luck, it'll HUFF, it'll PUFF, & then fall down dead from myocarditis.
Excellent writing, CorScorpionis! Even better, 100% correct. And congrats on cutting the cord to mainstream media, it's just a pipe of poison running into the house.
Thank you Lawrence, you're very kind. Yep, I know, virtually EVERY channel & forum "big & ugly" enough to merit inclusion within the poisoned chalice of the appellation-
"mainstream" media, purporting to expound upon "current affairs", from the poisonous presstitutes in print, to the so called "fact"-checkers (hack-checkers, fact-wreckers, fact-chokers, fuct-checkers, ad infinitum) within the murky, censorious environs of the technocratic corporatocracy's tentacular appendages of antisocial
media, have virtually ALL now become (assuming that there were ever ANY that WEREN'T, from their very inception, institutionally corrupt) lying deceivers, wholly bought and paid for, egregious purveyors of at best, highly skewed interpretations of events, half truths, "malinformation", misinformation, but more commonly- visibly transparent bargain basement social engineers, psychological conditioners, utilising techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Agenda setting, situational design, rabid, jingoistic, psychotic sloganeering and propagandist predictive programming, and applied, conscious, wilful disinformation. Nowadays, I must admit, I often find
an unintended sneer of contempt & disgust begin to crack my otherwise
handsome visage when, in a shop, or bus, or street, I overhear one of the pitchfork wielding villagers and feckless, facile, vapid, vacant, bovine, credulous, gullible stupefied dupes of the mindless moron-mobs and sheeple ЁЯРС utter the words- "it said on the 'news' last night that- ".
As if ANY of THOSE liars and channels of state propaganda constituted the "rubber stamp" of verifiable objective reality!? Sadly, & infuriatingly, for millions of simple souls across the world- they DOЁЯШб!!
"Darling, do you think we should have the children jabbed with the dangerous, experimental, gene ЁЯзм altering military prototype??", "I don't know, dear?? What does The Guardian think about it? What was it paedo-phil and Holly said on This Morning the other day??, "ЁЯдФ Hmm?
I'm going to "giggle"-search it dear. Giggle and Wikki-ed pedia will give us a solid set of accurate, impartial, objective & empirical sound medical
opinion & data!!ЁЯСН!". Cue my slow, ironic handclap ЁЯСП. Even if someone were to operate from the basis of their unwitting confirmation biases & cognitive imprinting, as far as scam-demic goes, one such of the wholly paranoid, "went TOO far" conspiracy theorist, "EVERYTHING they tell us is
LIES!! (etc) tendency to outright paranoid psychosis, would STILL have turned out to be 100% RIGHT about ALL of their "paranoid" conspiratorial, mental-meanderings!!! The 5G connection, R.F.I.D. chips or "tech" to "spy" on us in there, Gates pays 'em & they write
HIS garbage ЁЯЧСя╕П as "news", & so in, & so on! What a sad, sad, sad state of affairs. I'd wager that people 50yrs ago, 100, 200(!!) had more natural, environmental intelligence than US, with all our technologies, and fact-chokers, and smug "information age". There can be NO dispute now that a verrrrrry LARGE section of global society HAVE now become the unwitting victims of their ЁЯеД spoon fed confirmation biases and the applied cognitive dissonance put on 'em, resulting in such an evident mass formation psychosis!!
And all it took for these urbane, sophisticated, "well" informed, rather 'civilised' sorts to become this way? Scare tactics. Repitition. OBVIOUS lying INSISTED upon by "responsible" people in positions of power and influence to the extent of having the effect of moral/emotional "blackmail" whereby it'd have been felt to be callous, indifferent, even "unpatriotic" to go AGAINST the prevailing narrative and the mindless, mulling, moron masses propping it up. After all, (& THIS one was KEY!) it would've been IMPOSSIBLE to have managed to have ALL of these "experts" & "scientists" & "politicians", and clinicians & physicians & doctors & nurses & health authorities/bodies &
journalists & "computer models" to ALL have been "in on it" regarding THE greatest DECEPTION & CULL in ALL of human history!! Right........??
Why even BOTHER to do one's OWN
investigations into ANY of it?? It ISN'T POSSIBLE for it all to have been anything OTHER than what it's
been represented as, right...........?? I'd
look like a damn FOOL & a "bad".person, should I give voice to ANY lil' niggling doubt about ANY of the daily dump of deceptions shown us. There are many whose ability to see truth is hamstrung from the very start because they CANNOT, they WILL NOT ever concede that the "news", "newspapers", BBC, (etc) could EVER wilfuly LIE to them, and back to the ole "& something SOOooo BIG
a lie could NEVER be pulled off, could it.......??
He could save time by just copy pasting " nuh uh" repeatedly on every thread. His 12 year old " style" of argument reminds me of why I stopped even looking at Reddit , lol.