Oh, this is rich. You troll without a single credential and then call Dr. Yeadon unqualified? I suppose Dr. Malone is unqualified as well.
We don't need you to point us to the product of a billion dollar marketing war chest brought to you by the most criminally fined industry on the planet. Be gone troll.
Oh, this is rich. You troll without a single credential and then call Dr. Yeadon unqualified? I suppose Dr. Malone is unqualified as well.
We don't need you to point us to the product of a billion dollar marketing war chest brought to you by the most criminally fined industry on the planet. Be gone troll.
Oh, this is rich. You troll without a single credential and then call Dr. Yeadon unqualified? I suppose Dr. Malone is unqualified as well.
We don't need you to point us to the product of a billion dollar marketing war chest brought to you by the most criminally fined industry on the planet. Be gone troll.