Why is is so critical that people like me (and my friends) are all silenced
Igor just posted a short, but brilliant article explaining why silencing me and my colleagues is a top goal of the Biden Administration. In the comments are techniques people used to see the truth.
Want to know why they are so intent on censoring us? It’s because if there is a truth teller in a group, the false narrative collapses.
Here’s the full story about the Solomon Asch experiment:
When I heard about the SPARS document from John's hopkins....came out in 2017....predicted everything experiencing starting in 2020.....learned about event 201 around same time. Seemed like all about shot since day one....Not knowing a single person getting severely ill also helped.
For me it started with the election coup. There was simply no way those were organic graphs.
Then came the covid chest cold. It was simply listening to what they were saying. Intelligent people, when asked in destabilizing situations, don't give such absolute answers when they don't know the answers. Why? It destabilizes society. They wouldn't say "we don't have that answer, but we will let you know as we become aware". This time they knew what had to be done yet you always ended up on the your heals or your toes. Answers they simply could not know. The general acceptance of whatever China was saying. Allowing open borders while just short of forcing people to take some product in their body or lose their job.