Why is is so critical that people like me (and my friends) are all silenced
Igor just posted a short, but brilliant article explaining why silencing me and my colleagues is a top goal of the Biden Administration. In the comments are techniques people used to see the truth.
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I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
I smelled a rat day one. That is what I fear the most, that they are up to no good. That is why I left the Hospital. The day I left the manager's meeting, I dropped my mask to the floor and told them, 'I cannot continue the lie. I have a soul, and I am not selling it for anyone.
I can’t count the friends lost over this and me being labeled crazy for disagreeing with the Government vaccine policy.
I know what I know and good luck to the sheep, of which there are many.
Lemmings to the sea. Going with a smile on their faces.