When I heard about the SPARS document from John's hopkins....came out in 2017....predicted everything experiencing starting in 2020.....learned about event 201 around same time. Seemed like all about shot since day one....Not knowing a single person getting severely ill also helped.

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For me it started with the election coup. There was simply no way those were organic graphs.

Then came the covid chest cold. It was simply listening to what they were saying. Intelligent people, when asked in destabilizing situations, don't give such absolute answers when they don't know the answers. Why? It destabilizes society. They wouldn't say "we don't have that answer, but we will let you know as we become aware". This time they knew what had to be done yet you always ended up on the your heals or your toes. Answers they simply could not know. The general acceptance of whatever China was saying. Allowing open borders while just short of forcing people to take some product in their body or lose their job.

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Thank you Steve! I guess my reluctance came from my healthy distrust of the medical industry from a very young age. I recognized that medicine is a business.

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California residents, please write to your Assembly member and express your opposition to AB 2098. Background: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-02-15/california-bill-targets-doctors-websites-pushing-vaccine-misinformation

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In my case the driving reason for not taking the vaccine was the simple knowledge that after hundreds of years there is still no cure for the common cold and flu so why would I believe a rushed to market covid vaccine would be safe and effective?

Also, the hysteria of closing down businesses, offices, schools, social distancing and other crazy mandates gave me the feeling something wasn't right. A few months later my aunt almost died from covid vaccine induced myocarditis. That did it for me.

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"Never Forget: For 2 Years, Tyrants Locked Us Down, Forcibly Medicated Us, and Destroyed Our Livelihoods" https://newagora.ca/never-forget-for-2-years-tyrants-locked-us-down-forcibly-medicated-us-and-destroyed-our-livelihoods/

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It's the result of COVID Vaccine Derangement Syndrome


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A formerly close friend, ironically an ex-vaxxer mom, used those nudge and guilt tactics and propaganda on me, word for word. She was bloody relentless. I kept affirming my stance. I could see she was getting frustrated with my intransigence. So finally she asked why I was afraid to get the vaccine. I couldn't help my irritation and sort of snapped at her, saying "I'm NOT afraid. I'm refusing because a) I'm already immune, and b) it's unsafe and doesn't work!" We have not spoken since.

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My point being - when majority is fear-sick (e.g. woke) - what can be done?

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I like that term - fear sick, fear sickness.

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I don't doubt it. But I do doubt that experiments done on college students have any applicability to crusty old bastards such as myself.

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How about something like this approach.

What your really saying is we have to start playing EFFECTIVE OFFENSE of truth. Quit the defensive whining of facts.

There is a difference in these two approaches in public perceptions.



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Thank you Steve for staying at these people! It makes me sick to see how many the vaccines have harmed or killed. Now there is a hepatitis outbreak which is only affecting the vaccinated. The mask issue is bizarre. People cling to the idea that they are safe when they wear them. Fear does strange things to people but it seems that some are afraid to ever take them off. Keep hitting the facts. We keep hoping that the insanity will break.

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Great piece. Perhaps the low lying fruit is where your attention should go. Instead of trying to debate people who won't bother, take your money and make some great pamphlets that get distributed throughout the country (plenty of volunteers in every city and state) that link to the most accuate information possible. Most people are just trying to put food on the table and believe the news they get fed because it's all they have time to consume. Most parents want what's best for their families and most DON'T have access to the information we are reading. It has taken me much time to sift through this complex data and my children are grown so I have the time. Leave the red pilling and blue pillling off the table, it makes it political and most people are tired of that as well. I believe the desire for the truth is there and demanding the truth will never come from academia, it will come from the common folks. Someone just needs to give them the tools.

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Or let Steve work from the end he is most equipped to take on and you and everyone else work from where they are at. At this point in media history, I think word of mouth is the most trusted and therefore the most likely to succeed approach. It does seem to take longer but if the end result is more effective and long lasting, the time will be less valued.

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How about something like this approach.

What your really saying is we have to start playing EFFECTIVE OFFENSE of truth. Quit the defensive whining of facts.



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Yes, primarydoctor.org has several excellent articles

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Yes, I'm an elementary teacher and many of my parents would want to know the truth. As I said, many are trying to get through the challenges of inflation, jobs and raising kids. Make it simple and informative and they will fight for what's right for their families.

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Very interesting! Thanks for sharing Steve.

I have a BS in Biology and work in the healthcare field. I was not lining up to get the vaccine when it came out because I had learned in college how long it takes to bring a vaccine to market. It needs time to go through the trials and usually takes close to 10 years. One of the reasons it takes so long is that in previous years scientists learned it takes time to study to see the full long term effects of new vaccines. Some vaccines that were rolled out harmed people so the standard study time was extended over the years.

Secondly, not only were these vaccines not studied long enough, they weren’t even using the same traditional vaccine technology, they were using new mRNA technology.

The next red flag was the mRNA technology itself. I again recall from college that mRNA can alter DNA. Sometimes the alteration doesn’t do anything but in certain instances it can be damaging.

Lastly, I then started hearing how previous studies of mRNA vaccines done in animals were not successful. One study with ferrets showed the first year the animals built up a good antibody response however, the next year they experienced ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) which means their immune systems over reacted to the different wild viruses and many of the ferrets died.

Unfortunately, working in healthcare, it didn’t take long to see that once the vaccines were rolled out to humans, we started seeing adverse events. Then we saw even more adverse events after the second dose.

It is very sad to see so many people harmed by these vaccines which could have been prevented if the CDC and NIH did their jobs and looked at VAERS and listened to healthcare professionals in the field. Also, if the public had even been able to hear the stories of the vaccine injured, more lives might have saved.

Thank you again for all you are doing Steve! We need more people like you!

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I was surprised to see smart people who ordinarily research everything else (purchases, investments, etc.) not research the vaccines. They let others do the thinking for them. You can't even engage them on the topic... they shut down. Something about mainstream news has completely brainwashed them. I never thought these people would behave like that. Sadly, this is most of my family and friends.

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i was one of those people... totally trusted CDC. what a mistake.

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That you are front and center about telling the story of you and your family, Confounds the cabal. I remember you telling us about your realization on Dark Horse, with Brett and Dr. Malone; it is a powerful testament. You have come to see the inherent problems with all the vaccines, and the mRNA flu and HIV blights they now are pushing. Your fluvoxamine study blew them all up too. Thank you thank you, Steve!

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Well said! I have noticed the same thing in my community. (Luckily, not with my family). It is mind boggling.

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For those who wish to make huge profits from us whilst they laugh behind our backs as we become sick and die from their evil, silence (ours, not theirs) truly is "golden".... Stand tall and hold the line Folks... They know they can't win. They just have not even imagined how great their fall will be - hence their continued cockiness ... Once they lose control of the bullhorn of collective "individual" communication and trust in media however, the Wizard of Oz's mask comes off and we all get to see how delusionally pitiful he, in all his pride, really is... His end will be swift thereafter... Not long now... Tick, tock....

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