Why I oppose the COVID vaccines
It's really simple. My goal is to save lives. Two tweets that tell the story.
Click the image to watch the 2 minute video of Ernest Ramirez talking about his 16 year old son who died in April just five days after getting the Pfizer vaccine:
and here’s what happened in September:
GoFundMe removed his fundraiser because it fell under “prohibited conduct” in their terms of service. To make things worse, he lost all his donations due to GoFundMe’s decision to de-platform him.
There was no question the vaccine killed his son. His son had no underlying medical conditions.
We can never bring his son back, but we can dedicate our lives to making sure this doesn’t happen again. The analysis of the VAERS database is unambiguous: the vaccines are killing more people than they are saving for all age groups.
As of November 2, 2021, the FDA and CDC have not acknowledged that the vaccine has killed anyone. Zero deaths. They are lying. By our estimates, they’ve killed over 150,000 Americans, kids included.
Nobody prominent in the scientific community will debate my team of experts on the evidence on the table. They all refuse to debate. Even when TrialSiteNews made the ask for someone to defend the CDC and FDA policies, nobody responded. Nobody.
The vaccines need to be stopped ASAP. That’s what I’m focused on.
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For more on Ernest Ramirez, see this story.
I will not have my young children vaccinated with these vaccines. My husband and I lost a family member 2 days after his 2nd Pfizer. A friend was hit with a stroke 3 days after his 2nd Pfizer.
I am unvaccinated myself, living in the EU. It is probably a matter of days or weeks before my country follows Italy in mandating the vaccine for the workplace. There is so much pressure to get vaccinated... The unvaccinated are being depicted here as dangerous, selfish, immoral people.
My hope is that the change will begin in the USA. Thank you for all your efforts.
This very topic got me suspended permanently from Twitter back in February. I had quoted Dr. Hervé Seligman, infectious disease professor at Univ of Marseilles, a direct and verifiable quote that the Pfizer shot was dozens of times more lethal for seniors and hundreds of times more lethal for everyone else than the covid shot. I included a link to the original article in Israel National News, and that did it. No more Twitter for me. I think of the lives that could have been saved if seeing that quote could have caused anyone to reconsider and to defer a very reckless medical treatment .