This very topic got me suspended permanently from Twitter back in February. I had quoted Dr. Hervé Seligman, infectious disease professor at Univ of Marseilles, a direct and verifiable quote that the Pfizer shot was dozens of times more lethal for seniors and hundreds of times more lethal for everyone else than the covid shot. I includ…
This very topic got me suspended permanently from Twitter back in February. I had quoted Dr. Hervé Seligman, infectious disease professor at Univ of Marseilles, a direct and verifiable quote that the Pfizer shot was dozens of times more lethal for seniors and hundreds of times more lethal for everyone else than the covid shot. I included a link to the original article in Israel National News, and that did it. No more Twitter for me. I think of the lives that could have been saved if seeing that quote could have caused anyone to reconsider and to defer a very reckless medical treatment .
Typo: I typed this too fast yesterday. The infectious disease researchers had opined that the Pfizer shot was deadlier than naturally acquired covid disease.
This very topic got me suspended permanently from Twitter back in February. I had quoted Dr. Hervé Seligman, infectious disease professor at Univ of Marseilles, a direct and verifiable quote that the Pfizer shot was dozens of times more lethal for seniors and hundreds of times more lethal for everyone else than the covid shot. I included a link to the original article in Israel National News, and that did it. No more Twitter for me. I think of the lives that could have been saved if seeing that quote could have caused anyone to reconsider and to defer a very reckless medical treatment .
Typo: I typed this too fast yesterday. The infectious disease researchers had opined that the Pfizer shot was deadlier than naturally acquired covid disease.
I’m not surprised. They don’t want to save lives. Quite the opposite.
Being banned is a badge of honor these days. It means you are speaking the truth.
Thank you for your good work, Colleen. I’m grateful to have you on our team as we expose the lies and resist tyranny.