"What should be THE biggest story in the WORLD"
Dr. Aseem Malhotra nailed it in this tweet. Neil Oliver hits it out of the park in his commentary.
This tweet by my friend Dr. Aseem Malhotra is right on the money. This should be the biggest story in the world, not just the UK.
Please take a few minutes to watch Neil Oliver explain the story. It’s well worth your time. Click the tweet to watch the video. It’s awesome. Give it a like and retweet!
Aseem has been right about the nRNA biologics for over a year, since his father died. It’s too bad no body seems to care anywhere. The inmates are running the asylum, the wolves are guarding the henhouse and the doctors have corrupted the Hippocratic oath. I’ve never been so ashamed of my profession.
Winston Churchill commanded his countrymen to never, ever give in. We too are facing that kind of reality, we must never, ever allow gaslighters to warp reality. Truth is truth. It stands on its own no matter who states otherwise. We must never, ever cease to expose lies that are harming humanity.