We are meeting in Twitter Spaces at 5pm PST to talk to Eugene Gu, MD about vaccine-caused death
As a follow up to the Twitter spaces debate today...let's see if we can both agree whether the COVID vaccine kills anyone or it is not deadly at all.
I’ve invited John Beaudoin and a few others to join me to have a discussion with Dr. Gu on vaccine safety.
John was the engineer at the end of the debate earlier today who talked about all the Massachusetts death data. Here’s one of his posts entitled “The answer is in the morgue.” Unfortunately, Dr. Gu dismissed that as anecdotal.
Dr. Gu believes in large data. We have large data. The Massachusetts data is large and unambiguous and confirms the VAERS data and other data. John is the world expert on the Massachusetts data.
We can talk about this tweet as well (note the “hard data” part):
There can only be ONE truth here: either the vaccines are safe or they are not.
I’m sure Dr. Gu would like to find the correct answer and it will be interesting to see how he explains the VAERS data.
In science, if you have the right hypothesis, you can explain ALL the observations.
It will be interesting to see what happens.
Note that Twitter messes up and I may need to start another room. Check my Twitter feed if the room doesn’t work.
It will be a single topic so we can settle the most important issue: Is the vaccine safe? Specifically, how many people have been killed by the COVID vaccine?
It’s a shame that these are listened to by “the choir” For any intelligent being the stats and facts speak for themselves. I’ve done all I can do locally and with friends and their continuing ignorance is so depressing.
I have just been listening to your conversation on Twitter Spaces. I finished my Internal Medicine residency in 1985. I am not vaccinated and have not recommended vaccination. I noted in early 2020 that the studies being put forward used HCQ only in very ill hospitalized patients - who were already in what I'll call inflammatory storm. Knowing the simple fact that an anti- inflammatory like HCQ works before inflammation has blossomed out of control. I knew at that moment that the available data could not be trusted. I proceeded from there, relying on my judgement, experience and what I culled from around the world. You cannot ignore anecdote without ignoring your own eyes. I think the average physician is terrified to deviate from the system - the system is punitive for any that step out of ' line ' Thank you Steve - you are a god send to the world. BTW ---I was long ago suspended from Twitter - I could not catch the names and ways to follow the speakers in the discussion. I have a million thoughts on this - hope this is an adequate way to reach you.