We are mandating a vaccine where there is no scientific evidence that it has ever saved a single life?
As the BMJ noted over a year ago, we will NEVER have that evidence because the vaccine makers are structuring the trials to avoid proving an all-cause mortality benefit since they know it is bad.
If you are are still in doubt as to whether we are being hoodwinked on the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines, this Editorial in the BMJ that appeared more than a year ago should remove all doubt. We are being hoodwinked. And it’s not going to get better. Ever. So we are stuck with a vaccine that is being mandated where most people have no fu*&($#ing clue as to whether it works or not.
Why? It’s simple. They know full well from the VAERS data that the vaccine kills far more people than it saves (regardless of age) and they want to make sure you will never find out.
Get it?
Those of us who know how to interpret the safety data from VAERS and other similar systems know full well what is going on, but when we try to warn people, we are being marginalized as spreaders of misinformation. Who’s lying? Well, suffice it to say that no self-proclaimed VAERS expert will agree to a debate.
Note: For those of you upset about the headline, sure, they can argue that the COVID vaccines saved people from dying from COVID. I concede that. But the all-cause mortality (ACM) rate (which nobody is looking at), has always been far greater than the COVID lives saved.
And that my friends is the inconvenient truth.
I am just wondering if there is any point at this stage presenting evidence and arguing the science. Even making it to court seems to make no difference. Here in New Zealand, judges have already made up their minds about what is "established science".
The word "vaccine" casts a magic spell over people. Junk science is being published in journals like the Lancet.
I think we are at a point now where only mass civil disobedience and peaceful protests in huge numbers will make a difference. The larger these protests get, and the more the mainstream media ignore it, the more their daily life become immersed in a supreme lie. It HAS to extract a psychological toll on them.
In Australia, after about two weeks of mass protests, the cowardly Prime Minister Scott Morrison came out and made some feeble statements about vaccine mandates being wrong. But at least he was being somehow forced to act.
But I fear presenting facts, whether to our own echo chambers, or to the FDA hearings like Steve did, makes no difference. They just plough right over it. A terrible time for humanity.
I have offered to debate masks, lockdowns and/or vaccines, and no one will do it. A mutual patient told me that a MD in Tucson is so enthusiastic about the COVID vaccines that he will debate anyone. When I called him to debate, he declined, because the vaccines are so wonderful, there would be nothing to say.