Over the past 200 years vaccines have had many iterations. mRNA is just another in a long line of methodologies available to science. All vaccines are flawed (they don't work) but it is still a vaccine.
They are gene therapies by definition. If you want to call it a 'vaccine' then be my guest, but it is still a gene therapy. Calling it a vaccine is also playing into their hands, they changed the definition so these mRNA abominations would be included.
By definition? Really - it is a vaccine, and this time there is a methodology that includes using the mRNA vaccines. Rabies vaccines were and are used both as vaccines and therapies - both with the same intent - to build up antibodies.
I get your point but since most people understand that term I use it myself sometimes. That's not the only term I use knowing it's not technically correct but also knowing people will understand me well if I use it and perhaps less so if I don't.
Keep up the massive EXPOSURE Steve. We SALUTE YOU.
Do vaccines work or don't they? Risk vs Reward - is the Juice worth the squeeze? No, and no.
Please don't refer to the mRNA abominations as vaccines. They are not, never have been and never will be.
Over the past 200 years vaccines have had many iterations. mRNA is just another in a long line of methodologies available to science. All vaccines are flawed (they don't work) but it is still a vaccine.
They are gene therapies by definition. If you want to call it a 'vaccine' then be my guest, but it is still a gene therapy. Calling it a vaccine is also playing into their hands, they changed the definition so these mRNA abominations would be included.
By definition? Really - it is a vaccine, and this time there is a methodology that includes using the mRNA vaccines. Rabies vaccines were and are used both as vaccines and therapies - both with the same intent - to build up antibodies.
Maybe; however, the rabies vaccine does not contain *genetic code*, rather the weakened/ killed pathogen, as did all vaccines in the past.
Neither were any previous vaccines packaged in LNPs whose only job is to get the mRNA abominations inside our cells.
40/12 (Mod/Pf) trillion of these are injected into bodies containing only 4 trillion nucleated cells. HTF anyone can call these vaccines is beyond me.
Clearly, you do not understand the difference, so I'm done.
I get your point but since most people understand that term I use it myself sometimes. That's not the only term I use knowing it's not technically correct but also knowing people will understand me well if I use it and perhaps less so if I don't.
None of the phones i use today have rotary dialing...Science is not static.