Have you heard about 'Donkeypox' yet?

A new virus called Donkeypox is sending a chill up the spines of conservatives across the country. Alternative media pundits say the disease is much more credible and dangerous than Monkeypox.


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Thanks for the information..


The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity's doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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Hi Steve, I'm a huge fan of your work, exposing the truth, and need some help and I'm hoping you will have a moment to help or may be able to point me in the direction of a doctor or nurse who may be able to help.

I'm a graphic designer in Adelaide working on a document to make widely available the adverse effects from the pfizer documents... Basically I need someone to skim read a document and highlight the worst side effect for me, as the medical terms are beyond my knowledge. I have the word document ready to send, if you just confirm either here or via my private email dollshouseblooms@gmail.com who I can send it to if not you.

Kind regards


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Nurse Angela will contact you.

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Thank you soo much

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Thank You for showing this SO IMPORTANT discussion. Dr. MArtin is just GREAT, honest as always. Trump's LIEs stink to high heaven and any trust in his words should be questioned. On the other hand, if the presidents choice completely does NOT matter, why all the fight?? Why to get rid of the only one who knows and fights for the law??? That makes no sense, Dr. Martin.

Regarding the communication issues here. If it all runs on windows, these 'interruptions' maybe could be correlated with what else suddenly runs on the task monitor... PC OS' belongs you know to who, who is 'listening', so all what is left id maybe to 'kill' certain shady processes which suddenly start to run during your login session...Doing it all the time, in particular wirelesess network in only wired configuration!

YES, the RFK Jr. issue is a HAMMER, to join Trump would be like entering into the deep state oneself. Plus Kennedy had already one experience with Trump, in 2020, when he tried to talk to him, without ANY effect. TO repeat mistakes is not good. Just my own opinion, as non-politician. Plus, while still being on the ballot, in most states, how on earth does he already know that he is going to loose??? Maybe to naive thought, but, just worth asking.

It is a BIG SAD thing to watch how America gets annihilated without an HONEST, KNOWLEDGEABLE person for the highest position. Btw. one of the evil tactics which go around are through phony Iphone messages saying RFK Jr is NOT running for president (for quite a long by now, here in CA!!! and in other states, or the other lie was that he is NOT on the ballot!!! I think all thanks to AI and technocrats.... Extremely evil.

Just one more last thing to Steve, wish you eye FULL STRENGTH and don't know if you know,, but urokinase, well covered in :


titled "Treatment of Intraventricular Hemorrhage With Urokinase : Effects on 30-Day Survival"

and in many other resources, points to one by Edward Goup III favorite therapy, in particular now dealing with covid19 blood clotting related issues. It is 'controversial' though and hard to accept, it is ones own urine therapy, which contains the biggest amount of stem cells, after 'aging' of few days. All for free and nobody needs to see;) Urine contains very unique PERSONAL version of the urokinase. One example of Dr. Groups summaries:


For me, his face of 30 years old while being >55, speaks for itself....

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Martin seems to have some strange ideas about viruses.

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David, you and many others listen to the MSM news and probably believe what you hear as truth. The news is filled with lies and manipulations, and that needs to be common knowledge. People need to open their minds to listen to alternative views and find FACTS!

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Actually I get all my news from the internet, some from cnn but I don't read a lot of it. I have followed biochemistry for a while to learn about it to discuss issues related to it and I don't know exactly what Martin believes but we can get the genetic sequences of viruses pretty well by piecing together pieces of them and using various computer algorithms. And viruses do cause disease although many other factors also play a role. It is hard these days when there is so much mistrust of science (much of it justified) for the common man to distinguish truth from error.

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Computer algorithms do not make it a fact. Algorithms are full of biases of the creator. No lab in the history of this planet has isolated a virus. It was all based on a model. Ask who created that model...and why? Then you'll understand.

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I hope RFK leaves his name on the ballot because I couldn't vote for Harris and would have even a hard time with Trump but I could vote for RFK with a clear conscience. It's OK with me if RFK tells all of his delegates to vote however he instructs them.

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In a close race I'll take 10 issues and score each candidate 1-10 with my opinion. That's what I was going to do with DJT and RFK Jr. shortly before the election. DJT was going to score low on health and medical industry but in light of the new situation with RFK Jr and his discussion with some NJ vaccine injured (they said it went very well) his potential score just shot up on that issue. It may go up even higher before the election.

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I read last week New York took RFK off the ballot. They said RFKs address in NY was a sham address and that he lives in CA as their reason for the decision. RFK will have to appeal but the issue is there may not be enough time before November elections. It is a shame because RFK basically secured enough votes to be on the ballot in every state and they pulled a last minute fast one on him knowing very likely he would not have time to contest. This shows how rigged the system is unfortunately as it’s common knowledge he’s an east coast and not a west coast resident. His wife lives in CA.

Hopefully Trump will recognize his mistake as he had a chance to work with RFK his first term. This probably cost him the election and put our country in the situation it finds itself in today.

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Most states have a winner-takes-all rule, which means that Kennedy will get zero delegates unless he gets the most votes in that state. We would have, maybe, a better system if we insisted that each district have N delegates rather than each state, but in this case Kennedy might not even win a district. I encourage you to vote for Trump not because he's wonderful but because with Harris/Walz they will push a final power grab to become a one-party state. Walz's Mao imitation during the covid period is terrifying.

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Ocular Hemorrhage Attributed to COVID-19 Vaccination PETER A. MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/ocular-hemorrhage-attributed-to-covid

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September mRNA self-replicating Jabs PLUS Invasion.

Better Watch This!


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And DEATH is the baby that makes three!

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Dr. Martin's speech is unique and so is his expertise. He has genius and initiative, which can be put to both good and evil uses. I've read hit pieces against him that aren't very convincing as to exactly where his moral misstep was. My question is: Could the covid vaccines have been rolled out in 2020 without his expertise, and without the technology his company invented? I suspect the answer to that question is no, but I don't know for sure. I would also like to ask him for comment about the Dr. Dave Boulware paper from the University of Minnesota that was used to bolster the claim that no existing medicine is effective to treat Covid19. The Boulware paper proved that hydroxycloroquine is not effective against covid, but now we know that hydroxycloroquine is effective against covid, just like we knew before the Boulware paper was published. This paper allowed the covid jab to qualify for emergency use authorization. There was a potential kickback to the University of Minnesota Biology Department from the Gates Foundation for 3 million bucks, which seems like an awfully small amount of money to me. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2016638

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The Bouleware paper did not prove that HCQ is not effective. It was not a proper scientific study. But it was what the fraudsters wanted.

The U of Manitoba did a "study" on HCQ as well and "said" it does not work. They gave it to a bunch of sick people. They were nowhere near what Dr. George Fareed id doing: EARLY TREATMENT with combos using HCQ and IVM.

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Will there be a replay? Would love to hear it

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I Just Finished Writing A Book.

It’s Called:

“Vaccines For Dummies”

That’s As Far As I Got.

I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.

My Publisher Agreed.

I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:

“Vaccines For Dead People”

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Invite John Gregory of NewsGuard to watch!

I just love David Martin!

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Looking forward to this!

Dr. Martin is a hero of mine; a very, very special human being.

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Cant wait! Dr. Martin is one of my favorites. He pulls no punches.

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