VSRF Fundraiser Raffle: A Year’s Supply of Dr. Stella’s CoviVits Supplement + Let America Live!
It’s time for a new raffle to support the work of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.
In early 2020 the world went insane. Mainstream and government doctors were telling us things that made no sense. Many of us did not know what to think – but our inner scam alarms were ringing loud and clear! We knew something was wrong and common sense was scarce. It seemed like HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) was a good answer but for some reason it was suppressed by city, county, state and federal governments.
The official government narrative said that if you felt like you had covid or they said you did – stay home. Do nothing different than your normal routine. If you became extremely sick you were to go to a hospital to be put on a ventilator. They claimed hospitals were full and overflowing yet one could drive around to them in most towns to see empty parking lots – if you were allowed to drive places.
Then, through the darkness, came a ray of light—like an answer to prayer. A few doctors stepped forward to explain that the best way to combat flu or COVID symptoms was to boost your immune system. That made sense! In fact, that’s what my mom always told me! Without HCQ, these good doctors quickly determined that Quercetin was a good substitute and provided a regimen of that plus Zinc, Vitamin C, and D3.
Front and center of this early wave of brave doctors battling the mainstream narrative stood Dr. Stella Immanual, MD AKA Dr. Stella. She feared not, and no weapon formed against her could prosper. The more attacks they piled on, the more help she provided to people around the world seeking answers. With stunning intellect, common sense plus an uncommon understanding of medicine Dr. Stella’s practice grew. She holds the record today as the doctor who has prescribed the most ivermectin in the world.
Dr. Stella developed vitamin combinations to address various needs and medical problems which are available on her website. One of the best is still the standard immunity booster “CoviVits” with Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin C and D3. You can now have a year’s supply if you win our current VSRF Raffle. What will be the next pandemic narrative? Bird flu? Monkeypox? Another Covid? Be ready ahead of time!
Besides a year’s supply of CoviVits the raffle winner will also receive a copy of Dr. Stella’s insightful book Let America Live! I’ll quote from the description:
Do you ever feel like the voice of the media are different than what you know to be true?
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the world was turned upside down unlike we had ever seen before. While most of us turned to the news to figure out what was going on, little did we realize that the media would be the same ones who would try to keep us in lockdown.
In Let America Live by Dr. Stella Immanuel, you will discover the truth about hydroxychloroquine, the agenda of the Left, and how Immanuel herself was discredited by the media because of her scientifically backed endorsement of using hydroxychloroquine on COVID patients.
It is time to put a halt to the media’s ceaseless cycle of instilling fear and hopelessness in our world. It is time to rise up and take our place to bring goodness and light to our world. Once you read Let America Live, you will never feel shy again about standing up for your beliefs.
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) is honored to have Dr. Stella’s book and supplement supply for our latest raffle. Get a ticket for yourself and a vaccine believing friend or family member! Won’t they be surprised to receive such a package? And if they read the book, they will probably be very grateful for the gift. Please help support VSRF today with a small donation that might just win the prize!
Click here for the VSRF Dr. Stella CoviVits and book raffle!
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Please share the raffle with friends: https://givebutter.com/drstella
I take her vitamins every single day. I Absolutely love this fine Christian lady❤️
My doctor went to med school with her but he was NOT awake until I gave him a copy of her COVID/vaxx information book!
It blew his mind because he bought into it 💉…WOW.
Trump Got Misled About COVID Vaccines by Big Pharma