Vaccine adverse events, including death, are grossly under-reported
Here's the evidence from the peer-reviewed literature.
“Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
“Thus, the ratio of ESAE to OSAE is 31 to 1, suggesting a URF of 31 (NSAE_Pfizer_trial/NSAE_Pfizer_VAERS = ~1.4M/43,948).”
“Studies estimate that over 90% of AEs go unreported by healthcare professionals (HCPs).”
“Underreporting is a major limitation of spontaneous notification systems, as it is estimated that only 6–10% of all ADRs are reported.”
“The median under-reporting rate across the 37 studies was 94% (interquartile range 82-98%).”
“Other factors associated with under-reporting were ignorance (only severe ADRs need to be reported) in 95%; diffidence (fear of appearing ridiculous for reporting merely suspected ADRs) in 72%; lethargy (an amalgam of procrastination, lack of interest or time to find a report card, and other excuses) in 77%; indifference (the one case that an individual doctor might see could not contribute to medical knowledge) and insecurity (it is nearly impossible to determine whether or not a drug is responsible for a particular adverse reaction) in 67%; and complacency (only safe drugs are allowed on the market) in 47% of studies.”
“A systematic review by Hazell and Shakir analyzed 37 studies conducted in different countries and found that the rate of underreporting of ADRs exceeded 90% in many cases.”
“[The] mean proportion of ADR reporting for 19 years reached from 5.87 to 10.33 per 100 000 inhabitants.”
“Among those, underreporting (only a fraction of the total number of potentially reportable events occurring after vaccination are reported).”
We have been sold that vaxschemes are “Necessary” - THEY ARE NOT, N O N E OF THEM‼️Even the innocent-sounding Vitamin K Shot given immediately at birth is Not good - YOU M U S T DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE! FACT: Unshot children are FAR healthier - 🛑 STOP 🛑 THE MADNESS‼️
In the 1990’s I heard a statistician speak at a NVIC conference in Washington DC. His daughter died in the drs office after receiving her 2nd Hep B shot. The dr filed a report and the parents filed a report to VAERS. When this man got permission to go thru the BAERS records neither report was there.
He told our group, “If any corporation manipulated their data like VAERS, all the officers would be in prison.”