Cosentino, M. and Marino, F., Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike? (September 17, 2022), Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 10881, at:, wherein the authors state:
"Thus despite the EMA additional monitoring, taking Italy as a reference (and indeed it is, since it is constantly among the countries with the highest absolute number of COVID-19-vaccine-related reports included in the EudraVigilance system — — accessed on 8 September 2022), the pharmacovigilance systems for these products are likely missing more than 999 adverse events of any severity per 1000 events, and more than 4998 severe adverse events per 5000 events."
This is a very good article written by a professor of pharmacology (Marco Cosentino (MD, PhD)) and colleague (Franca Marino (PhD)) at the University of Insubria, Italy. The URF estimate speaks to the COVID vaccines in particular. The review is very critical of the pharmacological steps that were skipped by the health regulatory authorities and of the overall regulatory approach taken, i.e., their review and approval as conventional vaccines, rather than as pharmacological products having multiple harmful ingredients (LNPs, pseudouridine, PEG, mRNAs, etc.), ultimately producing a harmful output (spike). Written by two pharmacology experts!
The Professor and research colleague may be well worth interviewing if you haven't already done so.
MRNA CAUSING ILLNESS IN CHILDREN!?------ If it is causing illness in children you do not have to be a doctor or clever to know that it would make any person ill---YES/NO?
A family member (a healthy, athletic 49-year-old man) who plays, (used to play), amateur league baseball died suddenly sitting on the bench after hitting a single and a double. He had at least two Covid shots. His young widow [our cousin] will never be the same.
That healthcare providers either maliciously or were totally unethical about their true service to THEIR patients remained quiet about the real negative effects ….and even now remain quiet….demonstrated their true inner appalling internal inhumanity. No doubt they would see a huge $$ loss from lack of big Pharma… “rebates”…aka kickbacks…I am disgusted with many professionals who remained quiet to the vac inhumanity.
DAILY MAIL---SHARE FAR AND WIDE-------Reporter Aidan Radnedge has been interviewing members of UKCVFamily, and our team ahead of the Inquiry hearings which start on January 14th in London. The oral hearings will be available to watch as they happen on the Inquiry YouTube channel. UKCVFamily have
already submitted a substantial disclosure of materials, all of which will be published on the
Covid-19 Public Inquiry website after the hearings have concluded.
Please do take a read of the article and share as widely and as far as possible, censorship has been a huge problem for the vaccine-injured & bereaved community. Since the article was published we have had many people who are adversely affected find us and
contact UKCVFamily for support, sharing really helps to raise awareness!
have lost loved ones, been left disabled and even diagnosed with cancer after taking the Covid vaccine - but no one will take our heartbreaking experiences seriously | Daily Mail Online
I have spoken to numerous friends who had reactions, severe to mild, I asked them if they had reported these to the doctor or directly to Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Australian version of FDA. Almost everyone failed to report to the doctor and the gold response 'Never knew I should report to TGA, how do I do that?'. Other responses were, 'Oh it was just a sore arm' or ' I was flat on my back for three days and sick as a dog' or worse. A couple mentioned they spoke to their doctor, it was brushed it off as 'not serious' no need to record that. On the other side of the coin, not once during COVID did any authorities state in the advertising. 'If you or a loved one experience any ill effects from a sore arm to anything more serious in 1-14 days post vaccination, call this number'. If they had set that reporting up correctly in the first place, been required to report the numbers to Parliament and the public, they would not have lasted more than a month on the market. I believe this was the intent, to obfuscate and deny any issues.
Steve, this Cody’s mom and Angela’s friend, Heather Hudson, your show guest a few times. This below is my Twitter post from January 1st 2025.
I have mentioned this same issue of the lack of vaccine injury reporting in several posts and sub-stacks. I hope you can use some of my data in your debate
I am not sure that I can post the shocking hospital records here but they are in my Twitter post and I also have witnesses that will testify in a case related to this very issue on the lack of vaccine injury reporting in the pandemic (also addressed by Congress):
“This debate and investigation are long overdue. The hospitals did not document vaccine injuries (this was also addressed in Congress); they also marked a-symptomatic vaccine injuries as Covid-19 infections and the hospital's "unvaccinated" patients in records.
Cody’s example below is one.
They marked fully vaccinated patients as “not vaccinated.”
Then Victor’s death is a perfect case which shows that autopsies (and in depth autopsies) after Covid-19 vaccine death, were not enforced in a global pandemic with a global vaccine roll-out. @VictorsVoice2
No one can know how many vaccine injuries took place, and no one can know how many Covid-19 infections took place as the data was skewed per policy (see the CDC guideline in Cody’s records).
Congress has addressed portions of this in their recent findings within the select subcommittee on Covid-19. This was the tip of the iceberg. In-depth investigations need to take place.
There are countless medical workers who have more information on this subject as they have witnessed it firsthand.
The HHS policy and CDC policy allowed this. No enforced vaccine injury reporting, “unvaccinating” patients in hospital records, and no enforced-in depth autopsies with histopathology were enforced in a global pandemic with a global vaccine campaign. This is beyond negligent.
42 Billion dollars was spent on testing, treating, and mandatory reporting of Covid-19 infection, but not one dollar of that federal money was allocated to test or treat vaccine injury. No mandatory reporting of vaccine injury was indicated in the CARES ACT. Mandatory reporting for Covid-19 infection was.
Two attorneys that have looked over Cody’s case agree that Fraud took place in his medical records.
The SubStack link below highlights the need to investigate: My Substack, previous to this, is linked within.
I have also presented my data on this matter to the House select subcommittee on Coronavirus, Florida AG, Florida law enforcement, and the Grand Jury. Next will be the DOJ.”
“9. In her final Congressional testimony in June 2023, outgoing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted "at a national level we have never been able to get hospitalization, vaccination, and COVID [data]...We did not get data in aggregate on vaccination and hospitalizations. All that data that you are filling out in the EHR does not translate into public health data." Chief Nerd
Thank you, Wayne. I responded to your email this morning. Also, here is the valid article link: "Here is what rampant US vaccine injury and Covid-19 FRAUD looks like in hospital records:"
Regarding the 1st link: The article states somewhere that, I quote "and the research supporting a link between vitamin K injection and leukemia found that the very large dose of vitamin K given through injection at birth dysregulated that process, and that was what led to the increase in leukemia.".
<<< The opinions expressed in Evidence Based Birth® content by any Evidence Based Birth® team members or volunteers on behalf of Evidence Based Birth® are strictly their own personal opinions and not the opinions or policies of any third party, including any health care provider, employer, educational or medical institution, professional association or charitable organization. Nothing in the Evidence Based Birth® content constitutes or shall be construed as constituting medical or legal advice of any kind whatsoever, whether from a licensed medical professional or otherwise; nor is it a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. If you need legal or healthcare advice or information, seek out a suitably qualified professional licensed to practice where you live. >>>
The 2nd link shows an interesting point about "interventionist medicine": Arguing on how do we know that the newborn must really need a blood coagulant, i.e. just to defend against a rare medical condition (brain bleeding). Especially if not planning to mutilate said baby via barbaric jewish circumcision? Those are indeed valid points.
Overall, it is probably a scare tactics from the big pharma, and being backed up by previous centuries' lack of modern sanitation, municipal water and sewage systems, and which made infantile mortality high and people's general life expectancy low. So the big pharma's (bad) rationale for administering it is to prevent those rare disease cases.
Ok, thank you for the leads provided. Will research more about this.
My kids had this done at birth in Canada. But the K was administered via serum spread over their eyes, from a syringe. Not via an intramuscular injection.
Yes and thank you for taking time to have a look. At present in UK they are pulling out more and more distractions all the time ( ROBINSON/STARMER/GROOMING GANGS/JEW V MUSLIM etc ) and people are losing focus of the REAL BIG CRIME-----Murder of the vulnerable and elderly in 2020 and then the MAIMING and MURDERING with the POISON JABS!
Yup....that is the job of the msm...distract and take the heat off the perps. Remember how almost every television star and performer got on video "getting their vaccines" and burbling away on how good it made them feel to "keep their families and their neighbors safe"?...Jimmy Kimmel had a line up of dancing needles jigging around a stage and he called it THE VAX SCENE.
I especially remember Canadian Prime Minister Turdo talking to grade school children about how just "getting this vaccine" made him feel like a hero with super powers. What a load of horse sh*t.
He should be arrested. Many of the people I knew in my generation have since passed. Was it the VAX? I don't have any proof of that but everyone did 'get vaccinated' to keep other people safe. I have gone to a lot of funerals lately....
Steve! Have you evaluated Dr. Bryan Ardis theory of nicotine as a near cure all for Covid19 and jab side effects quoting dozens of peer reviewed studies AND that the Globalist are progressing toward outlawing nicotine! What do you think? Spike protein approx. = snake venom? Increasing revenue for medical system or depopulation?
I am "unvaxxed"....I stood out on a street corner with a big sign that said SHOTS KILL and then in smaller print gave a list of doctors and health practitioners who opposed this horrifying injection. The first name on the list was Dr. Zelenko--since passed...I also spent several hundred dollars buying books and sending them to friends. Only a few people have responded or thanked me or even acknowledged that they could have been "wrong" about the injections--
I did what I could. And I have ruined life long friendships. I still feel it was my only choice.
I have no regrets. I am not a doctor, a rock star or a movie producer...I was only a high school teacher. I did what I could.
Thank You for being such a caring person. I am sure you have saved many lives with your street sign, people just were not able to come back to tell you.
Your high school students are so lucky to have you - a dedicated truth teller - as teacher. I think you are a saint.
You have definitely saved many lives. Thank You Again.
Hope we won't run out of people to fight the Vaccine Industry.
As of May 2023, 13.4 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, with 67.9 % of the global population having received at least one dose.
I don't believe their numbers. I think they inflate the numbers to sucker people into getting their genocide jab. A lot of people follow trendy crap religiously so I suspect the idea is to tell people that all of their neighbors are getting these kill shots so wouldn't they be wise to follow their example? My old high school principal ( back in the sixties) once said to me "just because everyone else jumps off of a cliff would you follow them?" Quite the difference from what they teach kids now.
Here's another source for you:
Cosentino, M. and Marino, F., Understanding the Pharmacology of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Playing Dice with the Spike? (September 17, 2022), Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 10881, at:, wherein the authors state:
"Thus despite the EMA additional monitoring, taking Italy as a reference (and indeed it is, since it is constantly among the countries with the highest absolute number of COVID-19-vaccine-related reports included in the EudraVigilance system — — accessed on 8 September 2022), the pharmacovigilance systems for these products are likely missing more than 999 adverse events of any severity per 1000 events, and more than 4998 severe adverse events per 5000 events."
This is a very good article written by a professor of pharmacology (Marco Cosentino (MD, PhD)) and colleague (Franca Marino (PhD)) at the University of Insubria, Italy. The URF estimate speaks to the COVID vaccines in particular. The review is very critical of the pharmacological steps that were skipped by the health regulatory authorities and of the overall regulatory approach taken, i.e., their review and approval as conventional vaccines, rather than as pharmacological products having multiple harmful ingredients (LNPs, pseudouridine, PEG, mRNAs, etc.), ultimately producing a harmful output (spike). Written by two pharmacology experts!
The Professor and research colleague may be well worth interviewing if you haven't already done so.
MRNA CAUSING ILLNESS IN CHILDREN!?------ If it is causing illness in children you do not have to be a doctor or clever to know that it would make any person ill---YES/NO?
A family member (a healthy, athletic 49-year-old man) who plays, (used to play), amateur league baseball died suddenly sitting on the bench after hitting a single and a double. He had at least two Covid shots. His young widow [our cousin] will never be the same.
That healthcare providers either maliciously or were totally unethical about their true service to THEIR patients remained quiet about the real negative effects ….and even now remain quiet….demonstrated their true inner appalling internal inhumanity. No doubt they would see a huge $$ loss from lack of big Pharma… “rebates”…aka kickbacks…I am disgusted with many professionals who remained quiet to the vac inhumanity.
Just a reminder. None of this is happenstance. PU.
DAILY MAIL---SHARE FAR AND WIDE-------Reporter Aidan Radnedge has been interviewing members of UKCVFamily, and our team ahead of the Inquiry hearings which start on January 14th in London. The oral hearings will be available to watch as they happen on the Inquiry YouTube channel. UKCVFamily have
already submitted a substantial disclosure of materials, all of which will be published on the
Covid-19 Public Inquiry website after the hearings have concluded.
Please do take a read of the article and share as widely and as far as possible, censorship has been a huge problem for the vaccine-injured & bereaved community. Since the article was published we have had many people who are adversely affected find us and
contact UKCVFamily for support, sharing really helps to raise awareness!
have lost loved ones, been left disabled and even diagnosed with cancer after taking the Covid vaccine - but no one will take our heartbreaking experiences seriously | Daily Mail Online
Real Cause of Seasonal Flu & Pandemics
Vaccines Cause Autoimmune Diseases
Big Pharma’s Most Profitable Side Effects
Censored Studies Prove: Virus Myth, 5G Flu, Vaxx Sickness/Death/Cancer
I have spoken to numerous friends who had reactions, severe to mild, I asked them if they had reported these to the doctor or directly to Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Australian version of FDA. Almost everyone failed to report to the doctor and the gold response 'Never knew I should report to TGA, how do I do that?'. Other responses were, 'Oh it was just a sore arm' or ' I was flat on my back for three days and sick as a dog' or worse. A couple mentioned they spoke to their doctor, it was brushed it off as 'not serious' no need to record that. On the other side of the coin, not once during COVID did any authorities state in the advertising. 'If you or a loved one experience any ill effects from a sore arm to anything more serious in 1-14 days post vaccination, call this number'. If they had set that reporting up correctly in the first place, been required to report the numbers to Parliament and the public, they would not have lasted more than a month on the market. I believe this was the intent, to obfuscate and deny any issues.
Steve, this Cody’s mom and Angela’s friend, Heather Hudson, your show guest a few times. This below is my Twitter post from January 1st 2025.
I have mentioned this same issue of the lack of vaccine injury reporting in several posts and sub-stacks. I hope you can use some of my data in your debate
I am not sure that I can post the shocking hospital records here but they are in my Twitter post and I also have witnesses that will testify in a case related to this very issue on the lack of vaccine injury reporting in the pandemic (also addressed by Congress):
“This debate and investigation are long overdue. The hospitals did not document vaccine injuries (this was also addressed in Congress); they also marked a-symptomatic vaccine injuries as Covid-19 infections and the hospital's "unvaccinated" patients in records.
Cody’s example below is one.
They marked fully vaccinated patients as “not vaccinated.”
Then Victor’s death is a perfect case which shows that autopsies (and in depth autopsies) after Covid-19 vaccine death, were not enforced in a global pandemic with a global vaccine roll-out. @VictorsVoice2
No one can know how many vaccine injuries took place, and no one can know how many Covid-19 infections took place as the data was skewed per policy (see the CDC guideline in Cody’s records).
Congress has addressed portions of this in their recent findings within the select subcommittee on Covid-19. This was the tip of the iceberg. In-depth investigations need to take place.
There are countless medical workers who have more information on this subject as they have witnessed it firsthand.
The HHS policy and CDC policy allowed this. No enforced vaccine injury reporting, “unvaccinating” patients in hospital records, and no enforced-in depth autopsies with histopathology were enforced in a global pandemic with a global vaccine campaign. This is beyond negligent.
42 Billion dollars was spent on testing, treating, and mandatory reporting of Covid-19 infection, but not one dollar of that federal money was allocated to test or treat vaccine injury. No mandatory reporting of vaccine injury was indicated in the CARES ACT. Mandatory reporting for Covid-19 infection was.
Two attorneys that have looked over Cody’s case agree that Fraud took place in his medical records.
The SubStack link below highlights the need to investigate: My Substack, previous to this, is linked within.……
I have also presented my data on this matter to the House select subcommittee on Coronavirus, Florida AG, Florida law enforcement, and the Grand Jury. Next will be the DOJ.”
“9. In her final Congressional testimony in June 2023, outgoing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted "at a national level we have never been able to get hospitalization, vaccination, and COVID [data]...We did not get data in aggregate on vaccination and hospitalizations. All that data that you are filling out in the EHR does not translate into public health data." Chief Nerd is an invalid link. Also, I sent you an email about this comment.
Thank you, Wayne. I responded to your email this morning. Also, here is the valid article link: "Here is what rampant US vaccine injury and Covid-19 FRAUD looks like in hospital records:"
Re: "Even the innocent-sounding Vitamin K Shot given immediately at birth is Not good":
Would you be able to provide more info? I am now intrigued.
I found this about Vitamin K and cord clamping:
I also found this one:
Regarding the 1st link: The article states somewhere that, I quote "and the research supporting a link between vitamin K injection and leukemia found that the very large dose of vitamin K given through injection at birth dysregulated that process, and that was what led to the increase in leukemia.".
^ Bollocks! Research coming after that single 1992/1993 study did not confirm the findings. The article also sends us to ... which in turn points to another referenced "study", which is not peer-reviewed, but some sort of self-referenced article:
What evidence? B.S. It is not a scientific paper submitted to a recognized scientific institution / journal, nor peer-reviewed.
Here is the disclaimer from the website:
<<< The opinions expressed in Evidence Based Birth® content by any Evidence Based Birth® team members or volunteers on behalf of Evidence Based Birth® are strictly their own personal opinions and not the opinions or policies of any third party, including any health care provider, employer, educational or medical institution, professional association or charitable organization. Nothing in the Evidence Based Birth® content constitutes or shall be construed as constituting medical or legal advice of any kind whatsoever, whether from a licensed medical professional or otherwise; nor is it a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. If you need legal or healthcare advice or information, seek out a suitably qualified professional licensed to practice where you live. >>>
The 2nd link shows an interesting point about "interventionist medicine": Arguing on how do we know that the newborn must really need a blood coagulant, i.e. just to defend against a rare medical condition (brain bleeding). Especially if not planning to mutilate said baby via barbaric jewish circumcision? Those are indeed valid points.
Overall, it is probably a scare tactics from the big pharma, and being backed up by previous centuries' lack of modern sanitation, municipal water and sewage systems, and which made infantile mortality high and people's general life expectancy low. So the big pharma's (bad) rationale for administering it is to prevent those rare disease cases.
Ok, thank you for the leads provided. Will research more about this.
My kids had this done at birth in Canada. But the K was administered via serum spread over their eyes, from a syringe. Not via an intramuscular injection.
5/1/2025---The DAILY MAIL just today has a report on the POISON JAB injuries etc---reporter is Aidan Radnedge!
If people can find it please share it FAR AND WIDE!?
Is this the one, Roy?
Yes and thank you for taking time to have a look. At present in UK they are pulling out more and more distractions all the time ( ROBINSON/STARMER/GROOMING GANGS/JEW V MUSLIM etc ) and people are losing focus of the REAL BIG CRIME-----Murder of the vulnerable and elderly in 2020 and then the MAIMING and MURDERING with the POISON JABS!
Yup....that is the job of the msm...distract and take the heat off the perps. Remember how almost every television star and performer got on video "getting their vaccines" and burbling away on how good it made them feel to "keep their families and their neighbors safe"?...Jimmy Kimmel had a line up of dancing needles jigging around a stage and he called it THE VAX SCENE.
I especially remember Canadian Prime Minister Turdo talking to grade school children about how just "getting this vaccine" made him feel like a hero with super powers. What a load of horse sh*t.
He should be arrested. Many of the people I knew in my generation have since passed. Was it the VAX? I don't have any proof of that but everyone did 'get vaccinated' to keep other people safe. I have gone to a lot of funerals lately....
Steve! Have you evaluated Dr. Bryan Ardis theory of nicotine as a near cure all for Covid19 and jab side effects quoting dozens of peer reviewed studies AND that the Globalist are progressing toward outlawing nicotine! What do you think? Spike protein approx. = snake venom? Increasing revenue for medical system or depopulation?
Furious Vaxxed Are Now Blaming the Unvaccinated For Their Health Problems: ‘Why Didn’t You Warn Us?’
Unvaccinated “Have Blood On Their Hands” For Failing To Warn Vaccinated
I am "unvaxxed"....I stood out on a street corner with a big sign that said SHOTS KILL and then in smaller print gave a list of doctors and health practitioners who opposed this horrifying injection. The first name on the list was Dr. Zelenko--since passed...I also spent several hundred dollars buying books and sending them to friends. Only a few people have responded or thanked me or even acknowledged that they could have been "wrong" about the injections--
I did what I could. And I have ruined life long friendships. I still feel it was my only choice.
I have no regrets. I am not a doctor, a rock star or a movie producer...I was only a high school teacher. I did what I could.
Thank You for being such a caring person. I am sure you have saved many lives with your street sign, people just were not able to come back to tell you.
Your high school students are so lucky to have you - a dedicated truth teller - as teacher. I think you are a saint.
You have definitely saved many lives. Thank You Again.
Hope we won't run out of people to fight the Vaccine Industry.
As of May 2023, 13.4 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, with 67.9 % of the global population having received at least one dose.,by%20Our%20World%20in%20Data
I don't believe their numbers. I think they inflate the numbers to sucker people into getting their genocide jab. A lot of people follow trendy crap religiously so I suspect the idea is to tell people that all of their neighbors are getting these kill shots so wouldn't they be wise to follow their example? My old high school principal ( back in the sixties) once said to me "just because everyone else jumps off of a cliff would you follow them?" Quite the difference from what they teach kids now.
Absolutely horrifying
It's the same issue with psychiatric medication.
Because lucifer's pharma owns the "reporters".