Three really simple things you can END the cognitive dissonance NOW
If you do all three, you will help us to significantly move the needle. Each request only takes a minute and it costs you nothing. PLEASE help me get the word out.
I have three easy requests that you can do to make a difference. They will only take you a few minutes. That’s less time than reading some of my posts!
Post a poll like the one below on your Twitter, Gab, Truth Social, Nextdoor, etc accounts. They cannot ban you for asking a question. What this will do is help red pill your friends. Post to as many platforms that allow polls.
Post the URL(s) of your independent poll(s) here. We want to show hundreds of independent polls all show the same thing. That will be hard to ignore.
Ask you member of Congress (and/or State legislature) to do the same thing: post the poll on Twitter as you did. Keep after them until they do it. Post the URL for their links here (and select the special representative case). This is the most important part.
Why this is important
Here’s what my Gab poll showed. As you can see, it is pretty obvious what is going on.
Your mileage may vary
My Gab followers may have been red-pilled by a vaccine injury, so that survey will be biased.
But I guarantee you, the Nextdoor survey is not biased. These people are all blue pilled and if you even question the vaccine, you are removed from the platform. They all think the vaccines are safe. When I post on Nextdoor questioning the vaccine, my posts are removed within minutes.
In short, Nextdoor is about as unfavorable a polling environment as you can get.
But the numbers are stunning so far: 4X more people died from the vaccine than from COVID.
We’ve repeated this poll with FOUR different outside polling firms and the results are the same every time: more deaths from the vaccine than from COVID.
It’s going to be pretty hard for anyone to explain all these polls.
That’s why the media never does these polls. It’s also why most polling firms refuse to do these polls.
How members of Congress will spin a negative poll result
If a member of Congress does a poll like this and the results are bad, then they will just claim (without any evidence of course) that the results were gamed.
If they think gaming is a problem, they should do a pollfish or peoplefish survey to get the truth. The costs are minimal.
I’d normally suggest using a “bigger name” polling firm, but they all refuse to do the poll.
Not even Google Surveys will do the poll; they are under strict orders not to expose the truth. They all refused to take our business. Here’s the proof.
Why there aren’t more options on the poll
The poll was simply designed to show ONE thing: the vaccine KILLS more people than COVID and to point out that the vaccine also HARMS people.
There is also typically a one answer limit on these sites.
We have other polls assessing injuries from COVID. However, all of these are preventable if the CDC told people about protocols like the Fareed-Tyson protocol.
But as I said, the poll is merely to open people’s eyes to the possibility that the vaccines aren’t as safe as they were told. Nothing more.
I need every reader to make these posts and contact their representative in Congress and/or their state legislature.
These polls will wake people up and get them to pay attention.
This is the simplest, easiest, and fastest way for you to make a difference.
Instead from the vaccine, it should read: died AFTER vaccinating, and specify up to x length of time. This makes the connection clearer in people's heads - hey they said the vax was safe but lo and behold so and so died 1 day, 2 weeks, 3 months after taking it... that sort of thing. We don't care what they died of (yet) just that they died AFTER vaxxing. This will be a fairly high number, and the argument is now: well, it wasn't the vaxx but it WILL get through to some people. Weird how so and so died of aggressive cancer right after he vaxxed. Or weird how so and so died of hepatitis with in 3 months of the vaxx. Wonder if was related? Keep showing the number and they start connecting the dots.. or at least even if they don't admit to it, they start THINKING about it...
You should have put "seriously injured from COVID" as an option. Just to be fair. Test the incidence of long COVID versus the incidence of long vaccine.