You feel hopeless. What's the point if everything is corrupt.

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My Nextdoor poll has not been removed and it shows the same result that the vaccines caused more deaths than COVID--out of 29 voters: Died from COVID 7%; Died from a COVID VACCINE 10%.


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So I started a poll on Nextdoor several days ago. When I went to check it this morning it had been removed with no notice at all.


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You should have put "seriously injured from COVID" as an option. Just to be fair. Test the incidence of long COVID versus the incidence of long vaccine.

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Virtually all injuries from COVID are preventable if the CDC told people about the Fareed-Tyson protocol.

The poll just was meant to show the vaccines are NOT safe. adding your question doesn't change that.

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Nextdoor has since censored/deleted/expunged the post.

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Made a new one (let's see how long it lasts before being censored):


(8PM 7/29)

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Deleted/censored again (again without any explanation) before 2:50PM, 7/30.

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Instead from the vaccine, it should read: died AFTER vaccinating, and specify up to x length of time. This makes the connection clearer in people's heads - hey they said the vax was safe but lo and behold so and so died 1 day, 2 weeks, 3 months after taking it... that sort of thing. We don't care what they died of (yet) just that they died AFTER vaxxing. This will be a fairly high number, and the argument is now: well, it wasn't the vaxx but it WILL get through to some people. Weird how so and so died of aggressive cancer right after he vaxxed. Or weird how so and so died of hepatitis with in 3 months of the vaxx. Wonder if was related? Keep showing the number and they start connecting the dots.. or at least even if they don't admit to it, they start THINKING about it...

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