This is all you need to know about vaccine safey
I wanted to collect some anecdotes that stand alone, no commentary required (but I'll add a one-liner on each one anyway just to make sure). They are simply stunning.
Here are some of my favorite anecdotes.
From a very well respected cardiologist (no, it isn’t Peter McCullough) who basically confirmed that everyone’s seeing a lot more myocarditis cases this year than in 2020. The only way that can happen is if the vaccine is making cases worse:
Nobody wants to debate us. Every person who claims to want to fight misinformation will not walk the talk and spend an hour to educate our team of experts who are the major spreaders of misinformation. The pro-vaccine people are all “big hat, no cattle.” They will happily debate people who are unqualified on the other side. They only want to answer softball questions from friendly interviewers.
There are more incidents in 4 months this year than 20 years before the vaccine. This is an increased rate of 60 times for cardiac incidences. Guess what VAERS says about the increased rate for cardiac arrest after the COVID vaccines? It’s 93 times! Since these atheletes are young and healthy, the rate is lower for them. But anyone who tells you this is caused by Delta is basically “hand waving” (i.e., making conclusions based on belief systems rather than data).
This is the best one. Here is the CDC’s risk-benefit analysis justifying the jab for 5 to 11 year olds (it includes the NNTV calculation and uses a properly derived URF for interpreting the VAERS safety reports, subtracting out background deaths):
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I’ll add more here over time.
For a more complete list of “hard to explain any other way” questions, see my “20 questions” and my “All you need to know” slide decks.
The 20 questions slide deck is great. You ask them to pick a number between 1 and 180, go to that slide and see if they can answer the question on the slide. After a few tries they will give up playing the game.
I'm seeing first hand anecdotes. Multiple young (<35 years old) team members, at work, who are taking sicks days (that's days -- not just one-offs) for 'fatigue'. Never saw that before this year.
Saw a guy at the gym today who I've seen for years. We both like to do Olympic style lifts. He was doing way less on his cleans than usual. Turns out, he passed out the other day during a lift -- was lucky not to have hurt himself. Totally blacked out. Never happened to him before. Said he started feeling dizzy spells, malaise, general weakness shortly after his jab 7 months back and it's not getting better. Was sad he can't really lift anymore.
Eric Topic...
Of Surgisphere trust and fame!
Who flubs basic math!
Who promotes study conclusions that are opposite of the data (not that he can read it?)!
No, they don't want to debate us. We do homework on the actual subject matter.