Given the data that the cdc has on hospitalization rates per capita for school aged children I asked my school aged children how many kids needed to be included in a study to see at least one hospitalization.

They got it right, but apparently Pfizer believes that having 2300 kids in a study is enough to determine risk/benefit for the most concerning outcomes of COVID infection.

I think the most egregious thing that Fauchi has said in the media is that the risk/benefit ratio evaluation for vaccinating children “clearly shows there is more benefit that risk.”

Thanks for practicing the (political) science doc.

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Just imagine the uproar from the FDA and MSM if people were getting strokes, blood clots and heart attacks after taking a new herbal supplement.


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Or Ivermectin...

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Imagine the uproar if Trump was still in office. How things would be so different with liberals and the MSM propaganda arm telling people not to get the Trump shot.

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This is a quick dip into the data Pfizer submitted. https://joesheehan.substack.com/p/covid-19-booster-data-is-out-not

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Steve, keep going! I really admire your work; you are making a difference, don't slow down! By the way, are you familiar with the controversies surrounding Sputnik V? I'm in Moscow and have been trying to alter credulous westerners to what is happening here in Russia.. https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/myth-vs-reality-in-covid-russia

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Thank you! People, you must read this. Very appreciative of your work Edward. I had no idea. What a global shit show this is. Putin right in there with the Klaus plan.

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Thanks for reading, MountainBlues! Please share widely, and take care during these mind-melting times :)

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I have already shared. Yes indeed these are mind-melting times. So many issues even beyond this covid insanity. Good luck to you and us all.

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This is not a comment about the above post, but it is a very good reason not to be vaccinated and this is such a good place to share info.

Once this spreads enough, the stupid mandates are done for.

It's a video of a protest outside Channel 9, Australia. The nurse speaking says that the hospitals aren't filled with Covid patients, they are filled with vaccinated. The surrounding nurses are nodding their support. 7 mins, worth it.


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Chase, thanks for the link. The nurse speaking to reporters is very effective at providing information. Anyone who is open to new information would have no trouble at all understanding this lady's manner of speaking. I mention this because some people I know will dismiss this video by claiming that they can't understand the dialect she speaks.

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Damn, I love the comments section on this Substack. So many extra ways to improve my understanding of this crazy world. Here is my small attempt to contribute to waking up the masses:


If you use FB please consider a like and share. Keep up the good fight my brothers and sisters.

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FB is part of the Big Tech problem. Why share ANY information on that or any BT platform?

Aiding the enemy?

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"The Preliminary Injunction is Here. Here Are Some Critically Important Resources on PCR False Positives" https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/the-preliminary-injunction-is-here

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Steve. I just had to change my receiving email on substack. It changed my account all around. I may have lost stuff. Any help you could give me will be appreciated

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see my comment to your previous note

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I have to reach you somehow.. Urgent. No Joke!!!

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I am trying to resolve my substack problem. It is not going well. I tried emailing support@substack.com but have no response yet.

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You can no longer trust any of any science or publications anywhere. The best we can all do is rely on common sense. For crying out loud--I just got an email today about a story saying the CEO of Pfizer has been arrested. Last month I got emails about a bunch of executions at Gitmo.

I spend many, many hours verifying information. That's not something everyone does.

Most here don't know me, so I don't really expect you to believe me but I have regular readers who've been with me for a several years.

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Check this article out. I am not sure it proves a depopulation agenda, but it does seem to show that there is something wrong with the vaccines. https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/excess-deaths-point-to-depopulation-agenda/

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Eric Topic...

Of Surgisphere trust and fame!


Who flubs basic math!


Who promotes study conclusions that are opposite of the data (not that he can read it?)!


No, they don't want to debate us. We do homework on the actual subject matter.

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I really like the "rounding the earth's" inputs. Another substack writer turned me on to them from an article of hers I promoted:

Consent Forms For Gullible Folks By CeliaSue Hecht of LAUGHTER AND TEARS


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I think the word “expert” needs to be redefined. Why?

I am a polymath, a genius, and a non-linear thinker. I declined my free pass to medical school to take care of my brain-damaged toddler. I thought the professor who surprise-arranged it for me was going to have a heart attack when I declined.

You people seem to have to reference these PhDs or MDs to think of anyone as experts, but I have met some really stupid brands of both flavors.

What I give for a reference are records from when I was 2 months past my 13th birthday:

“Joyce is no school behavior problem but she is underachieving. She is intensely interested in her hobbies. She raises and breeds tropical fish, hamsters, and experimental mice. She has done a great deal of research for her hobby and finds it a tremendous source of satisfaction. She hopes to go into research and her dream is to work at Bar Harbor where they are doing “tremendous things” in genetics.

Testing reveals an I.Q. of 134 on WISC placing her in the superior range of intelligence. Rorschach shows an essentially normal record but with some difficulties in areas of inter-personal relationships. Joyce has capacity for insight, drive for self-improvement but sees herself hampered by a severe frustrating environment that does not allow or offer her intellectual and emotional growth. She foresees however, self-capacities and strengths to find these things for herself, and she should be helped to develop these strengths since it is not likely that the parents can be positive guiding forces.”

I am autodidactic to boot.

Vaccine safety? Like I said—I declined Professor Blumankrantz’s surprise of that free pass to medical school. My beautiful baby boy had been brain-damaged by his baby shots. He had 3 sets of oral polio and the infamous DPT by the age of 4 months and 2 days old. That horrible aluminum/mercury combination and my beautiful baby boy was done by 4mo and 2 days.

There are two videos in the below article that shows you what mercury does to the brain:

April 6, 1974 Redux


And below is the wonderful Harvard professional who saved the hatters from mercury poisoning resulting from their occupation.

Mercury Poisoning and Dr. Alice Hamilton


I just wrote this article about all the shots back to 1971 in the USA.

The Vaccination Programs that were Never about Vaccination. [Guess what they were for?]



On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 at 14:27, crwriter [I] wrote to someone you would surely know:

“These shots were never meant to help at all; they were always meant to hurt. With the influx of these toxic ingredients throughout pharmaceutical products…--it just boggles my mind. I now firmly believe our whole system is so corrupt, murder for profit is commonplace. Now that would make a terrible slogan; now that is too strong—but it’s true. Nixon passed an Act in ’73, allowing medicine to become a for-profit business. There is no profit in healthy people.”

I had practically slept with this for almost 2 years:

Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary


I had already cried over my babies for years. This man graciously listen as I cried harder more. He helped me bear my guilt and pain—but I don’t think it will ever completely go away.

Vaccine safety? I lost my babies, my body, my career, our lives, and we watched so many others suffer the same.

The Slaughter of The Innocents?


I think that makes US the experts.

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I fully agree with you, but one takedown at a time. This one is hard enough.

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I do understand why you say that, Steve. But the thing is they are promising to use this again and soon.



I am a damn good strategist and I can turn their narrative back on them. They really like to control both. I think in the abstract visual realm. What does that mean? It means I can tell you we need to stop them all now, but I can't yet tell you why.

I think if we can shut down their corrupt industry, we will stop them dead in their tracks. Otherwise, as you can see in the above article, Billy boy is already planning for the next one.

A lot of the same toxins they have in the shots are woven throughout pharma products lines. That can be next. But people do not realize how many babies and people are being maimed and killed every day from all the other shots. MSM WILL NOT do any stories on us--I know because I tired. I worked with a managing editor of a newspaper for 3 or 4 months, and I suppose you can say she stuck it to me in the end.

My Response to “New Rules on Vaccine Exemptions Sought” Take 2


I asked a Kennedy-affiliated group for bodies for a quiet sit-in, but they said no. They gave away our medical exemptions--traded them for religious exemptions. It was a mess. I live in fear every day now. They are going to kill Religious Exemptions on the Federal level. The bill is waiting for them to pass it:

Hanging off the Vaccine Cliff


So we have to kill all the shots or many of us are still going to die.

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Joyce....thanks for your transparency....very thought provoking. Lots of folks saying that they aren't against vaccines but they are against this vaccine....as if these were the first unsafe vaccines. Seeing the obvious corruption in big pharma, the cdc, the fda....you start pulling on that thread and...

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Pulling on a thread? First time anyone has accused me of being THAT gentle. Thank you. I'd really like to keep breathing. I wanted to save what is left of my sons, but I think I'll be lucky if I can save myself at this points.

I see the military in our futures...

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At this point, it's like someone walking up to the counter at McDonald's to shout "And all McDonald's customers are literal trash of course!!!" right before whispering to the cashier, "So tell me about this 'Franch Fry'?"

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Lots of people are giving a free pass to childhood vaccinations, but there is no innocent explanation for the insistence on using aluminum and mercury adjuviants/preservatives, as though there were no possible alternative. There is no innocent explanation for water fluoridation. As with the Pfizer trial, the fluoridation trial in Michigan was ended prematurely and the control group destroyed, "because it just worked so damn well."

A lot of people are going out of their way to state they are not against childhood vaccines. One hopes there are at least as many who are questioning the whole sordid history of vaccination, back to the first vaca, with cow pus (which quickly evolved to inoculation with pus from fresh human corpses).

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Was very busy, work, life, parenthood. Then lockdown, WFH, no commute…started looking at this vaccine, then started looking at other vaccines. Like you said, start pulling that thread…the horror. I now recognize 3 previously healthy young adults damaged by the HPV shot.(Their parents know but don’t advertise it b/c of social stigma ? and horrible guilt.) How many others have gone down this rabbit hole that would not have otherwise started researching?

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If you've noticed--there are many young children now who lack any capacity for language. I'm certain they are playing [experimenting] with that kind of damage with the baby shots. It always break my heart when I see a child who can't speak. As I said before, I experienced those weird word abysses myself. Verbal expression is completely gone. I think the only reason I recovered is because I had previous experience with verbality.

They ARE doing damage deliberately.

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I can easily identify an unvaccinated child by observing their behavior at a playground or at a swim lesson or at church. I have a 100% success rate, when I see a small child who can sit still and who can actually talk I ask the parents if they vaccinate and the answer is always NO.

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I can, too. Isn't it strange? Vaccine-injured children are often non-verbal now.

I can also peg a vaccinated young adult. Their cognitive abilities are often not quite what they should be.

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There is no innocent explanation because combined with emulsifiers to breech the BBB, the deliberate intention is to cause brain damage. I observed decades of very confusing behavior in my sons and suffered what I called 'word abysses' myself after shots creating Al/Hg combinations.

Stat recently published a story stating permanent breaching of the BBB was an exciting co. I think they are nuts and they can stay the hell away from my brain now.

I talk about it in here:

An Incorporated World 2020 [first published 7/19/2017]


I've always called myself my best research subject; although, I have to admit it was a really scary ride.

I trusted the system until I didn't. I think the coup d'état was when I actually saw them kill someone with extreme neglect. She begged me for help, but I was lucky to escape myself:

Needham 7, Some other place in Cambridge, MA, and Thank the Lord for 2018


Once I took charge of my own health, I greatly recovered. I won't go near anyone in a white coat ever again.

Needham 7 was accepted for publishing by a Huff Post subsidiary which did not make them very happy.

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I trusted the vaccine industry (except for flu shots which just seemed ineffective and unnecessary) and was a compliant little vaccinee, until this happened. Now I am rethinking all of it. I suspect I am just ahead of the curve, because I think it's going to be a challenge to keep this one covered up. I hope that this causes an awakening on a massive scale to all of the problems in our sickcare system.

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Remember—I was going to be an MD. I considered these people as colleagues so-to-speak. I did anything I was told without question.

But because of my oldest son's extreme difficulties, I diverted into psychology. What many MDs manifest behaviorally today would have been considered extreme pathology years ago—psychopathic even… When they started treating me as if I were a naughty little child, I began to view them as bonkers.

I began exploring medicine’s behavior and found these people:

What is The Tavistock Institute?


And this guy: [not the author, but his subject.]

Propaganda: Mind Manipulation and Manufacturing Consent—By Joe Dubs


I began to understand how I had fallen prey to this:

You’ve Been Nudged!!! Ways Your Thoughts are being Influenced You might not Know About…


I no longer do. I threw away my cell phone. [Shoshana Zuboff on surveillence capitalism is an amazing video.]

I find the new virtual reality goggles to be completely frightening after having worked in atomic-level high tech and concluding they are building new brain functions for us with the COVID shots:

How well can your Brain be Remotely-Controlled by light flashes from your digital devices? Optogeneticists want to know…


Graphene is particularly important…

And last but not least, I stumbled on to a UK DOD pamphlet extolling the virtues of non-consensual genetic modification right down to the human species’ germ-line which I included in a DOD/MIT article here:

The Human Body, Nanotechnology, and We—Augmented [first posted 2/1/2021]


My conclusion? We are mightily screwed.

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Wow, Jimmy Dore (and Bill Maher) calling out SO MUCH: skewering Fauci, big pharma, outdoor masks, promoting the validity of natural immunity and medical autonomy, NOT vaxxing kids and not getting boosters!!!


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I'm seeing first hand anecdotes. Multiple young (<35 years old) team members, at work, who are taking sicks days (that's days -- not just one-offs) for 'fatigue'. Never saw that before this year.

Saw a guy at the gym today who I've seen for years. We both like to do Olympic style lifts. He was doing way less on his cleans than usual. Turns out, he passed out the other day during a lift -- was lucky not to have hurt himself. Totally blacked out. Never happened to him before. Said he started feeling dizzy spells, malaise, general weakness shortly after his jab 7 months back and it's not getting better. Was sad he can't really lift anymore.

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