This Harvard-educated MD went from blue pill to red pill on the COVID vax. Here's the story.
I am partly responsible for his transformation which began at the Defeat the Mandates rally in Washington DC.
Meet Michael Turner MD.
Dr. Turner is a graduate of Stanford University, Harvard Medical School, and The Mayo Clinic.
He believed in vaccines. But he doesn’t anymore.
He documented his COVID vaccine transformation from pure blue pill (trusting the narrative) to pure red pill (realizing he was duped) in this short article he posted to his Substack:
At the start of his journey, he wrote:
I was glad to have this [COVID vaccine] available and recommended it far and wide to patients.
In the middle he wrote:
My doctor friend, employed by our local hospital, offers this confessional: “We received an email stating if we brought up concerns about the vaccine or were less than enthusiastic about encouraging each patient to get it, we would be subject to termination.”
He is a pediatrician.
At the end, fully red-pilled,he wrote:
To my mind, this is about freedom. This is about honesty and transparency. And, most importantly, in the end, this is about people: real, individual human beings trying to live their best lives for a brief time here on Planet Earth. We deserve to know the truth. And we deserve to have our truth acknowledged – like the poignant story of this vaccine immunologist who herself became a victim of vaccine injury.
I began this journey as a friend with a heavy heart; I have ended as a doctor with a troubled conscience.
But I have hope.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).
Like Dr. Paul Marik, once Dr. Turner transitioned from trusting the experts to trusting the data, he was able to find the truth.
Please watch this 1 minute video and read his transformation story:
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My doctor also went to Harvard and recommended against the Jab from the beginning. Unfortunately many of her patients ignore her advice.
When I see that someone is "Harvard" or "Stanford" educated, it basically just reads to me, HEAVILY INDOCTRINATED.