Steve is a legend and will be remembered in many years to come for his service to humanity

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After reading this EXCELLENT writing detailing your progressive thought and analysis of the pertinent facts surrounding the nightmare realities of this so-called "vaccine" (a term illegitimately highjacked by the mRNA drug companies), he stunned me with this one bewildering admission: "When my father was stuck in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, I was adamant that he receive the vaccine, and I would make that same decision again today. " What in the ever living...???!! After expounding on the plethora of medical clinically proven dangers that these shots provide he would still be adamant that his father receive it? That stance is completely incongruent with the facts he so eloquently expounded on. Is this evidence of the overwhelming mind control power the allopathic medical field holds over these MDs? I say YES!

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I can understand your comment.

As regards my father, it was a difficult decision and it came down to an individualized risk/benefit ratio AT THAT TIME..

There are shades of grey here.. Offering the vaccine allowed him to receive visitors in his nursing home, allowed him to leave the premises for supervised visits, and offered him some protection against COVID (at that time, the more virulent Delta strain). And, in hindsight, my choice seemed correct -- he did not get COVID, he had his social freedoms, and he did not develop any vaccine adverse events.

Now, we have Omicron, and we have more data about precise estimates of vaccine risk of benefit vs. harm in different demographics. It is possible that a current analysis would not favor the injection in any demographic but I haven't looked deeply into that latest data.

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I'm sure you've seen Aseem Malhotra's recent paper post looking into the data...


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Maybe it's time you looked deeply into the data.

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Dr. Turner, Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment and I certainly understand the difficult decisions that must've emanated from that nightmarish time. Before her passing, my wife suffered with Alzheimer's for nearly 10 years. She passed in 2017, long before the plandemic began thankfully. I've often thought just how difficult it would've been for me to care for her with the many unfounded restrictions that were imposed (I virtually lived at the nursing home with her due to the inferior care they provided). I do not have a medical nor scientific background, yet after doing so much research into this matter, I've come to the conclusion that there is in fact no scientific clinical proof that this, or any other virus even exists. The work of both Drs. Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan, to mention only two, has been virtuosic and seemingly impregnable. Seeking truth no matter where it leads is a Godly pursuit, both fearful and rewarding. May you be blessed in your continued pursuit and evolution. Thanks again

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I'm not a doctor or scientist, and yet I knew that 3 months of testing was nowhere near long enough to deem a drug safe. How can it be that highly trained doctors didn't, and don't, know that? It can only mean willful denial; choosing not to see an inconvenient truth. That said, I thank Dr. Turner for speaking out, and hope many others follow, as they should.

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The propaganda and psyops leading up to vaccine rollout was unlike anything I had seen in the last 10 years or so of non-stop psyops - since when Obama descended from heaven to be precise. All was politically motivated to create fear among the population of the "very dangerous" COIVD virus and illness. Motivated by the need to get rid of Trump (for being incompetent and reckless, yep ), but it had the side (or perhaps the main) benefit of preparing the minds of the population to accept the miracle of modern medicine brought to you by our saviors at the CDC, FDA, NIH, Big-Pharma. I suppose doctors on the front line who did see a lot death early on also bought into it.

I am a software engineer, we just don't do this even for our new software products. I was dumbfounded that they were rushing it out like they did.

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yeah, beta-testing is kind of a "thing" in the software field isn't it. Kind of a BIG thing!

Always wait till at least V2 comes out!

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I also signed a couple online petitions to stop the mandates. As someone who has supported conservative causes over the years, I already know I'm on the dissidents list.

You are exactly right about mass noncompliance with government mandates. Those that understand what were up against with the NWO Globalists are already taking actions to turn the tide on these Genocidal Psychopaths.

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Indoctornation runs deep

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A lot of doctors have a bit of a God complex, too. The idea that they, a minor divinity, could be so pathetically duped is just too jarring a notion for them.

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Methinks this dr is heading in the right direction, but his metamorphosis is not complete as he still believes this gene non-therapy is useful in the protection of the elderly.

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One of the largest "retirement community's" in the US signed a multi-million-dollar contract with Moderna and Pfizer. They are now pushing the 5th covid shot and are mixing the Pfizer and Moderna shots. The company is called Brookdale.

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There appears to be something in our minds called a BS filter. And it has nothing to do with educational level. So, it takes a Harvard educated doctor 3 years to figure out these mrna shots are toxic and do not fit the definition of "vaccine" yet my veterinarian and car mechanic and dog sitter refused the covid shots as they did not trust them. I wonder if the BS filter is genetic or due to how we were raised by our parents.

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It's the money. IMHO nobody making over $200K strays outside the lines, unless they're in hard-science STEM fields. (System approved, Politically Correct lines. Moral lines they love to cross.) Blue collar people are tied by vocation to some form of objective reality and are linked by necessity to their community, which keeps them from going as morally whack as our Elites do. Thus the blue collar gravitate toward the true and mutually beneficial solutions. In response to that, the Elites promote scumbags like Kaufman/Cowan/Alex Jones/Stew Peters to confuse the blue collar, and the unprincipled intellectual elites have been running the well poisoning schtick for generations.

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People filter more carefully when the possible BS is coming from "them" and not "us". Coming from the establishment which had recognized the doctor's intelligence and bestowed upon him status and affluence, he saw it as "us".

Coming from an establishment that they know has nothing but disdain or contempt for blue collar workers, the vet, mechanic and dog sitter couldn't help but see the BS coming from "them".

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It seems that the ongoing challenges are being created by the-I don't have a name for them but it seems that Bill Gates and WEF at least the communications leaders. It also appears that Governments around the world are "captured" through the installation of WEF puppets as leaders (Canada is an example). It also appears that one key strategy to gain and maintain control was the overly invasive technology developments. Do I need face ID? Or to open my phone with a fingerprint? Voice recognition? GPS except when I am traveling to unfamiliar locations?

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Jacinta Ardern, NZ, also in same WEF league as Trudeau.

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My doctor friend, employed by our local hospital, offers this confessional: “We received an email stating if we brought up concerns about the vaccine or were less than enthusiastic about encouraging each patient to get it, we would be subject to termination.” FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!!

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I just have to say that this is one of the best comment threads I've read on Substack. Excellent and productive contemplation of answers to difficult questions.

It is a privilege to be on Substack with all of you!

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I agree! The SSs I follow are almost exclusively populated with the kindest, most reasonable people anywhere. In my brief forays to Twitter or the comment sections of virtually any other platforms are like being dropped into a barren wasteland of humanity. 😂

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Steve, you need to interview Tom Renz


Breaking the origins: SARS-COV2, Fauci, WuHan, Eco-Health & More

He has documentation and it’s explosive. You will be a great alias to help to get everything out to make all people aware and start to fight these killer criminals. We need to be United and take back this country and put those away that have harmed the world!

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It's refreshing when people are able to make the change. Like finding a pool of water in the middle of a desert.

My message to the doctors who aren't happy with the status quo, I'm sorry you are in a difficult position. By participating in the unethical promotion of flawed protocols, you are feeding the beast. If you continue you will only prolong the loss of your retirements, licenses and careers. The agenda you are in fact enabling with your silence will eventually take you, too. The agenda cannot go forward without you. Everyone who participates will eventually bring on their demise by doing so.

Think about it. The Great Reset, the vaccine holocaust, cannot proceed without the people violating their conscience, without their participation. That includes Congress, Bureaucracies, Universities, scientists, doctors, athletes, entertainment industry and we the people.

Go back and look at the history of Leicester England during the smallpox epididemic. It wasn't until the towns people came into the town square and said, you can arrest me, but I will not give my kids anymore of your vaccines, that they ended vaccine mandates and eliminated small pox.

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Nice work including other Leicester sources. It was a pleasure to read.

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"The agenda you are in fact enabling with your silence will eventually take you, too."

Should be in BOLD print, and repeated often to those still confused...

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This is something I can send to those vaccine-injured who are trying to wake up, but have listened to the media all this time. You would be amazed at how many bright, successful people there are who don't know where to turn for reliable information due to the bashing the good folks get. Every helpful voice is needed right now. Thank you for this!!!

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Thank you, that was my hope. I tried my best to write it in a way that was sensible, persuasive and respectful -- the kind of article you could send those still working through the issue.

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You bring a unique, persuasive and very timely voice to the discussion. We are grateful and will help it make the rounds! Many thanks...

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If the jab-injured return for more...

Sorry. I'm speechless.

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I'm pretty sure we were all that clueless at some point in our lives on some subject. Their heads have been messed with. A lot of this started w/ parents and teachers demanding and rewarding only strict obedience. They didn't develop a defiance muscle. Just help as you can. I am a hypnotherapist. This trance was induced and reinforced around the clock.

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It might be handy to have a list of every known red pilled doctor with a recap of how they changed?

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Thank you Steve for commitment to and passion for solving the problems surrounding C19.

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Dr. Turner thank you for being brave and speaking out. I have read the many comments in this Substack berating you about your father, etc. I too am extremely frustrated, upset, and horrified about these Frankenstein shots. I have tried to enlighten friends and family to the dangers, but its like talking to a brick wall. What I hear from them is “My doctor says......” and its the same thing. They just keep promoting the poison. I think the only way forward is to support the doctors that wake up and speak out. We must stick together and be strong!! Thank you for your bravery!!

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Thanks for the encouraging words, Lily.

United we stand; divided we fall.


Dr. Turner

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That is Dr. Turner's honest attempt at being real, but the good doctor is still deeply infected with his previous indoctrination as per his statement in the CODA section: "When my father was stuck in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, I was adamant that he receive the vaccine, and I would make that same decision again today." Indoctrination is stronger than fact, and even with his attempt at honesty and logic, he has not broken free. It is because propaganda is stronger than facts. Only stronger propaganda can defeat initial propaganda. He needs to read RFK Jr.'s 'The Real Anthony Fauci", in order to replace ALL OF THE PROPAGANDA. Human cannot be free until they learn the basics about propaganda: study LeBon first in order to learn to recognize propaganda.

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Totally agree. Everyone needs to read the book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. Fauci gave Remdesivir to the people in Africa as a cure for Ebola. It was killing them. He picked as a cure Remdesivir, knowingly the results with Ebola and that this drug attacks the liver, kidneys and floods the lungs. A doctor that I personally know worked with him in Africa. The doctor Whistleblew on Fauci. What she got is return, was an attack buy having her business shut down, big black SUV’s coming to her home to ask for Survey’s(however then didn’t go to anyone else’s house). It took 2 teams of lawyers to get her business back open. And did you know that Hunter Biden is name as involved with a company that is finding these vaccines..so now you know why J Biden has forced our military to take them. Should make you wonder who’s making money on 71 required children’s vaccines. And also why America has the most issues with SIDS, AUTISM, IMMUNE DEFICIENCIES , CHILDHOOD CANCERS! Who has been getting rich from all unnecessary vaccines! Start thinking outside the Box, cause these people sure did with all of us!

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My elderly (recently late) mother was in a care home with Alzheimer's disease. In late 2020/early 21, we were told she had covid. She was a bit lethargic for a few days, but otherwise ok. We were subsequently asked for our permission for her to be vaccinated. We said no. If she'd had covid already, she was immune and didn't need any vaccine. She was only one of two residents who didn't get vaccinated.

She died peacefully last month, and not from covid.

The care home ended up losing 25% of its residents to covid in early 2021, but from what we could gather, only after they'd all been vaccinated.

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The jab killed millions. 6.5 million have been reported from the vaccine throughout the world! And now CDC is saying Ivermectin works with zpac so does hydroxycloraquinn. That’s because of upcoming election. They lied, media lied. And go to


The article is awesome and he and others have all the docs and are suing. We need total exposure to fight these evil peopl

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