Testimony for Senate hearing Jan 24, 2022
Senator Ron Johnson invited me to speak at a meeting concerning the pandemic response. Here is a summary of my introductory remarks. Let me know if I missed anything big.
The pandemic response has been a disaster. Had the NIH simply responded to George Fareed and Bryan Tyson who had developed an effective early treatment protocol for COVID, this pandemic would be a complete non-event. The CDC could have simply advised doctors to prescribe the protocol for anyone with COVID symptoms.
Instead, the complete range of early treatment drugs were ignored and even worse, the FDA, AMA, and drug companies conspired to make life-saving drugs such as ivermectin difficult to obtain and nearly impossible to obtain in an in-patient setting.
Our federal and state governments made many errors:
promoted a vaccine that was more likely to kill people than save them
promoted the use of masks which randomized trials show do nothing beneficial
used mandates to encourage compliance with 1 and 2
enlisted the aid of social media and big tech companies to censor and discredit anyone who spoke out against the narrative
threatened doctors with losing their license if they didn’t comply with the narrative
blindly followed whatever the CDC said without question. All critical thinking skills were disabled.
Here are the five most important changes to make:
Allow doctors and nurses to speak freely without fear of retribution
End all mandates for everyone. This is America for gosh sakes. It’s fine to give advice but people should be free to make their own choices.
Educate people and doctors on the benefits of early treatment and publicize the most successful early treatment protocols
End the liability protection of the vaccine manufacturers for all new vaccines in the future (since contractually, the US cannot hold the drug companies liable ever for the existing vaccines).
Get rid of the incompetent corrupt people at the CDC, FDA, and NIH especially Tony Fauci and Cliff Lane. There needs to be a major house cleaning at these agencies. The lying and deception must stop.
Here are some additional changes that we should make:
Educate people on the risks of the vaccine.
Hold all the perpetrators accountable for the deaths they have caused, especially Fauci and Lane. These people shouldn’t be in charge. They should be behind bars. We need to set an example so this never happens again.
Instruct all high tech and social media companies to immediately stop censoring medical so-called misinformation and restore the accounts (and groups) that were censored.
Revoke the EUA on all COVID vaccines
Declare an end to the state of emergency
Admit that cloth and surgical masks don’t work. Educate people on P100 respirators if they want protection, but that it should be optional. It’s an impractical intervention.
Be honest with people about the 6 foot guideline: an MIT study showed 6 vs. 60 feet made no difference. Admit you were wrong.
All future health recommendations should be based in solid science.
Public health officers should have the freedom to deviate from the CDC guidance if they do not agree with it
We need a way to hold the HHS agencies accountable going forward. Obviously Congress has been asleep at the wheel and the outside committees have been useless rubber stamps that have endangered hundreds of thousands of lives.
The leadership should admit that people were misled, that masks don’t work and the vaccines killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Admit to people that they shouldn’t trust government agencies anymore until there is a significant change in leadership and accountability structure that people can have faith in.
End the subsidies for COVID cases and treatments in the hospital. This encourages mislabeling of cases, and rewards hospitals for putting patients on a ventilator. Instead of rewarding outcomes we don’t want, start rewarding outcomes we do want like faster patient recoveries and lower fatality rates.
Allow doctors in the hospital to doctor using their best judgment rather than blindly follow practice guidelines dictated from above.
Give patients the right to request and receive FDA approved medications when they are hospitalized.
Stop testing asymptomatic people with COVID tests. For treatment, rely on symptoms.
Encourage the use of antigen tests rather than PCR tests for determining whether someone is still at risk of spreading disease
Do not treat people differently based on their medical history. That should be confidential.
Burn the Disinformation Dozen list. These people should all be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, not censored.
Biden needs to apologize to the American people and start surrounding himself with people with differing viewpoints.
Empower a committee of people who figured out early what was really going on to create a set of recommendations for changes that need to be made.
Revoke the EUA for Remdesivir. It doesn’t work and it’s killing patients. Even the WHO knows it.
Require autopsies be performed for anyone who has died within 2 weeks of a vaccine and make sure all medical examiners are given the proper tool, training, time, and funds to properly assess whether the vaccine was at fault. This one little change will end the vaccine instantly.
Biden should ask the NIH for Fauci’s unredacted emails and a bipartisan committee should release those that are relevant. This should expose Fauci’s role in the cover-up after the release of the virus. There are fewer than 100 key emails involved here so this shouldn’t be a lot of work.
Great points in @Steve's draft, and in the comments. I think important to remember, per a few of the comments:
1) Don't go in guns-blazing or conspiritorial. That will close ears to everything else.
2) That means, don't say the vaxx has killed more people than it has saved unless you put out the numbers: must vaccinate XXXX people to save 1 person. And, 1 in YYYY people who takes the jab dies from it. It may be better to say that the vaccine: (a) Doesn't stop infection, (b) doesn't stop transmission, (c) Has waning effectiveness, and (d) Eventually, before long in fact, has negative effectiveness. (e) Also, the idea that we can "boost" our way out of this is silly since it takes months to calibrate a booster for a new variant, whilst each variant peaks before that time, and (f) finally, these vaccines are inflicting cumulative damage on our immune systems.
3) Don't say Fauci should be jailed (although he should, or worse), rather say he should be replaced with a data-driven epidemiologist who is not financially conflicted and has no history of conducting unethical experiments. IF you want to get snarky, you could mention the victims of the unethical experiments (on puppies, AIDS patients, orphans, brown people from the other side of the world).
They lied about everything. They discarded perfectly adequate pandemic preparedness plans (if you’re sick, stay home; wash your hands more often) & all countries adopted the same set of lies.
It’s CRITICAL to call this out because it’s unequivocally evidence of a supranational plot.
1. Lethality of virus was claimed at 2% when it was 10x lower. Without that they couldn’t justify heavy handed measures
2. Lied about accuracy of PCR mass testing (excessive cycles). Discarded it a year later.
3. Lied about efficacy of masks, when we knew from well powered studies that neither Boyd splash guards or cloth masks did anything at all vs respiratory virus transmission
4. Lied about asymptomatic transmission. It’s epidemiologically irrelevant.
5. Lied about lockdowns. Proven to do nothing to epidemic spreading because of 4. Sick people stayed home anyway.
6. Lied about early treatments, cruelly suppressing them, sanctioning advocates.
7. Lied about whether recovered people were immune (they were & still are)
8. Lied about variants (all too similar to matter)
9. Lied about “vaccines”. They never worked & they were so dangerous that they were warned repeatedly before they were even authorised.