Regarding needed changes, we need to specifically prohibit entering into any kind of treaty that would give the world health organization or a similar transnational body authority to overrule our government and impose lockdowns or other so-called public health measures.

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Regarding needed changes, specifically prohibit licensing boards from investigating doctors and other medical professionals for speaking out against the narrative, or for prescribing off label drugs for Covid, specifically including Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

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I wish I could talk to you.

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There were no Senate hearings on Jan. 24th of this year.

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Congrats and thanks! Please emphasize the removal of vaccine passport Mandates. The 3+ largest cities in the USA (Chicago here) have mandates in place. Our small businesses are getting crushed, the non-vax cannot attend any public events, restaurants, etc., except pick-up max 10 min.... But, if you are a visiting professional performer or athlete you can do any and all these things without a vaccination card. Justice is needed.

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Change recommendations should be more-strongly worded and listed in inverted pyramid with most-important on top, something like:

1. Immediately stop all injection mandates and injection-centric approach. Federal government should never give individual healthcare dictates - at most Fed agencies give general advice/suggestions. People get healthcare locally and individually in the United States. Health procedure mandates are unethical, unconstitutional, illogical, and risky for many reasons listed here: https://texn.net/tmp/NoJabMandate.pdf

Be careful not to call these jabs/injections vaccines, immunizations, or inoculations and explain why. Thanks for all your efforts and great work stopping tyranny.

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truly grateful for everything you are doing this weekend and for the senate hearing. i hope the media will cover it. please be safe. . . . and many thanks again

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I think Biden (and his son)also need to break his financial ties with China and other foreign countries so there are no conflicts of interest when he makes decisions concerning the American people.

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I propose adding to the top of the list of the 6 government failures:

Allowing a single individual (President) to establish a “state of emergency“ (without any timeline benchmarks) and have congress remain silent regarding its approval (and complete failure to date to revisit its continual validity). An immediate team of independent experts should have been also created to routinely verify we were actually in a pandemic and that every treatment solution was being reviewed and shared with congress to allow $$$ for mitigation. Unmitigated check writing for unproven treatments (funding ONLY vaccines) and testing should have never been allowed.

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Steve I am just so grateful. I've been asked to talk to our local health department board and I couldn't do it without all of your materials, including this. I know well how much time energy and money it takes to do what you are doing. It is so heroic. Thank you. - As far as additional points, I can't add anything that doesn't appear below. You have such smart subscribers. I agree, e.g., with Dr. Reid that people and agencies who have censored and suppressed life-saving information such as early treatments and vaccine adverse effects should face very serious consequences. In a just world, they would. Not sure we have justice here any more, but that's another topic. God bless you.

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Very good list, Steve. I would be heavier on the punitive measures. 1. The people who censored voices that turned out to be correct should be prosecuted., 2. The people whose policies contributed to the deaths from covid, such as lying about the safety of IVM and HCQ, or blocked their use so that the vaccines could get EUA, should be prosecuted. Executives from the major pharmaceutical companies should be prosecuted as well as hosts on CNN, MSNBC and others who lied about HCQ and IVM. Many people should go to prison over this.

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In addition to your points

1. We need to prevent a situation where new Fauci's rise in future to wreck havoc on world population by instituting an inquiry on his activities and how he was able to muster such levels of influence and authority on the.medical community , print and social media in order to forestall this happen in again.

2. Vaccines should not be accorded special status from other drugs. This special status has lead to abuse of those special status endangering public health. Vaccines should never be mandated. Same rules should apply to all the therapectics.

3. FDA's roles needs to be properly defined. It should stick to it's regulatory activity and should not be involved in

research, producing vaccines or any medications in order to avoid having unholy relationship with drug manufacturers which leads to conflict of interest.

4. Chief medical director to the president should never be selected from an active public servant in any of the health authorities in order to avoid politicsing policy decisions that should emanate from technocrats.

5. There is need for tighter control on Vaccine research. it should.be restricted to only research institutions in order to prevent proliferation of substandard and harmful vaccines

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Very Well Done, Steve. I applaud your hard work, Diligence, Compassion, Honesty, Perseverance, Thoughtfulness, Christian Heart AND, ALL who have CONTRIBUTED to the CAUSE. I see that all who have contributed already have covered anything that I could think of: KUDOS TO ALL OF YOU! LET'S PUT AN END TO THIS MADNESS.

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CDC was warned: COVID confirms that The Silent Global Pandemic of Vitamin D Deficiency (VDD) persists even after the CDC was warned in 2009 by Swine Flu researchers to test for VDD and treat VDD. Pure CDC Medical Neglect!

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You have written and spoken extensively about the under-reporting in the VAERS program. How about a sentence or two about that issue with some numbers to show just how bad it is. Also, you might write a sentence or two about the criminal activity of firing doctors, nurses and other staff in hospitals and clinics because they exercised their right to refuse to take experimental drugs into their bodies and that these were people who successfully weathered two years of the pandemic doing their work and state that those people must be hired back (with back pay and benefits and protection from harassment on the job because of their stance) because of the critical condition it has created in places like the Mayo Clinic who foolishly fired 700 people. And you might cite 18 U.S. Code section 2331 sub-section 802 which defines domestic terrorism in such a way as to implicate the CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAD, POTUS, and other high ranking officials. Also cite U.S. Code 50.24 and 50.24 which define the only times informed consent is not required when engaging in experimental drug trials such as we are involved in right now with the vaccines used in the Covid pandemic.

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Excellent - can you share this with our Canadian politicians?! What about adding: educate the public on taking back their health - this is my mission.

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