Signs of rational thinking from South Africa
If you don't have symptoms, you won't have to isolate at all after testing positive. Those who both test positive and show symptoms will only be required to isolate for seven days, not ten.
Test positive positive but no symptoms —> no isolation
Test positive and symptoms —> 7 day isolation
Remember the pandemic is only driven by those who are symptomatic just like Fauci said (sometimes he does tell the truth).
We are moving in the right direction in a least one country:
Just wanted to share a distant relative's 1852 article against quarantine:
(scroll to first page)
/var/folders/mq/z319bqsx5tg_h09yvm1vslkh0000gn/T/ Bell obit.pdf
The best country... From which Canada would not trust PCR tests in December. No, not Canada, rather the private office of the usurpator named Justin (truck) Trudeau.