Just wanted to share a distant relative's 1852 article against quarantine:

(scroll to first page)

/var/folders/mq/z319bqsx5tg_h09yvm1vslkh0000gn/T/com.apple.iChat/Messages/Transfers/Agrippa Bell obit.pdf

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The best country... From which Canada would not trust PCR tests in December. No, not Canada, rather the private office of the usurpator named Justin (truck) Trudeau.

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Steve, it’s a step up but I don’t think that any discussion about Covid testing is rational. The tests don’t work and they are being used to manipulate the public and this whole scamdemic.

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I hope that you are right and that there will be some rational thinking. We will see on 15th Feb whether they will disband the Disaster Management altogether and in so doing, do away with the lockdown in its entirety. For now we are still on level 1 lockdown and they are still contemplating whether or not to institute vaccine mandates!

But to instill mandates and vaccine passports for an experimental injection, that carries with it a risk, whilst not stopping the spread of the virus, nor preventing the vaccinated from catching covid, is way beyond comprehension. It then becomes absolutely ludicrous to see business (and universities) demanding vaccine mandates in order to create a "safe" working environment.

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just look at the info coming out on the American military and the vaccine side effects, serious disease up 10 times versus year before the vaccines were mandated. DO NOT TAKE THE POISON CALLED COVID VACCINE.

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I'm curious why I should trust ANY of the tests since they pushed the bogus PCR test for so long? Why should I believe that the antibody tests are any better? Or more accurate?

Why was the PCR test ever used to begin with, if some other test method was available? Or if it wasn't available, how does the new tests differ from the PCR test?

Let me be clear: I don't trust anything they say anymore.

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The PCR test can be calibrated to discover any thing you want. .thats what the inventor of PCR, the great Kary Mullis said ages ago... Mullis also warned everyone that FRAUDCI was an utter fraud just from the HIV AIDS fiasco alone.

This has been known from the beginning

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Yes. I understand that the PCR test is bogus, as I stated. What is the difference between it and the antibody test? Why would I trust another bogus test?

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It doesn't feel like good news when it's basically a common cold that can be treated easily. The tests should be removed from the equation altogether. It's a racket.

"Racketeering: Originally and often still specifically, racketeering may refer to an organized criminal act in which the perpetrators offer a service that will not be put into effect, offer a service to solve a nonexistent problem, or offer a service that solves a problem that would not exist without the racket."

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I have given this a lot of thought over the years and one of the things I came up with was the question of education. Every place I have lived l notice utterly brainless and illiterate people producing kids they cannot hope to give a decent life. Having been born into this environment it would be the first thing l would concentrate on.

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As far as I can tell, literacy is next to worthless for avoiding these moral panics and hysterias. Many people who are literate lack wisdom. Their ability to read only gives them the ability to consume sophism in written form.

Conversely many people who are "uneducated" are wise and understand the timeless wisdom of the ages.

This is why you see truckers in Canada standing up for freedom while lawyers, MDs, Ph.D's, and all the rest of our papered and worthless ruling class believe that boys will be girls and girls will be boys. It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world.

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Hey that could be a really catchie song title! l think you have been standing on too many hills watching the grandeur of a setting sun. A literary sophist would be interesting. Aren't these the people who talk very loudly to themselves since they know they are the only ones listening?

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Ok, new chant...gtfo, Fauci!

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my son had a flu test

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You cannot be serious! This is getting more and more ridiculous.

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Oh come now Steve. Surely you have read Bossche and Montagnier.

Letting er Rip is only going to ensure that more of the injected CovIDIOTS get infected with the latest version of Covid and encourage more dangerous mutations.

Notice how everyone is opening up - NZ just announced similar.

This is the beginning of the End. The deadly mutant virus is imminent

And you are celebrating. Perhaps this was your role from the beginning?

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If you don't have symptoms, why are you testing?

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Didn't a South African doctor not say that all of the hysteria was a "tempest in a teacup"? You'd have thought that, by the lunacy exhibited in the West, that Death himself was "knock knock knocking" on your door.

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When you get to my age the bastard doesn't knock, he tries to kick it in!

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We seem to have some slight progress in the penal colony called Australia - I'm currently isolating at home with Covid (basically a bit of a sore throat) and we now don't have to get a negative test and are "released" after 7 days, unless we self report as having symptoms.(which I wont be doing even if I have a sore throat) We are so short of workers, the prison keepers have to do this.

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But does "we" include the dirty, dirty unvaccinated, or only the saintly and clean ones with sufficient injections?

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I don't know the thread in this but being saintly and quadruple injected is surely a gold standard. Unfortunately I'm unconscionably not "vaccinated" with this brave new wonder drug since l wonder what's in it.

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You should not be posting anything until the experts say you are well. You could be spreading the disease over the ether. Covid is an airborne disease after all!

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Oh, I forgot to mention - in some industries, if you test postive and have no sysmptoms, you can work- so sort of close to Sth Africa rules.

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Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron: When someone has symptomatic disease, he must be brought to the priest. The priest then must examine the symptoms to declare it an infectious disease. Then the priest is to quarantine the person 7 days. The priest must examine it on the 7th day, if the infection has stayed the same and has not spread, then the priest is to quarantine the person for another 7 days. The priest must then examine it again on the 7th day, and if the infection has faded and has not spread, then the priest is to pronounce the person clean. He must wash his clothes and be clean. (Leviticus 13),

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It is noteworthy that this belated rationalism is not from: USA; Britain; EU; Canada; or, Australia.

This is an indictment of the dire state of Western Civilization.

We are on a precipice. Just a few steps in the wrong direction will be our last.

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This is because the narrative is driven by the five eyes intelligence agencies plus their European counterparts. That's why the rise of Nazism is most pronounced in English speaking nations.

Today in Canada a man I met on the street openly discussed his disgust at rising Nazism. He used that word and applied it to Justin Trudeau.

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its the communists that have seized power

END the UN

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So encouraging to find others are recognizing these NeoNazis for what they are.

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The political liberal / left.

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Signs of total worldwide corruption from Canada:

Canadian Immunization Research Network, Which Evaluates Vaccines, Is Funded By Big Pharma


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