Sara Cody won't lift her useless mask mandate
Santa Clara County Health Officer Sara Cody's latest press conference. She proved to everyone she is incompetent to give advice even before she started talking!
I live in Santa Clara County and this is happening in my county. It’s likely happening in your County as well.
Consider the following 14 minute (with questions) press conference where our universally despised public healthy official Sara Cody effectively announces (effectively), “we don’t care what the state is doing, I’m in charge here and we’ll only drop my completely useless mask mandate when I say so, regardless of what the science says about masks.”
Key points:
She’s wearing a mask outdoors. Are you kidding me?!?! This is completely nuts. Everyone and their brother knows that there is zero transmission outdoors (unless a person with symptoms is standing an inch away from you and even then it is sketchy). She is showing the world she is clueless as to the science and how respiratory viruses work. Sara, make my day: show me a single case where there is COVID transmission outdoors like at your press conference. Do you not understand anything about respiratory viruses? You are showing the entire world you are incompetent to make health decisions and you didn’t have to utter a single word to show us that.
She says she’ll drop the mask mandate when certain completely arbitrary metrics are met, like vaccination percentage, hospitalization rates, and infection rates. These are all red herrings as everyone knows from the only two randomized trials (Denmark and Bangladesh) that cloth and surgical masks do not work, and from real-world data that N95 masks don’t work either. See the mask section of Incriminating Evidence for details.
She said, “Ultimately, our job is to follow the science to keep our community as safe as possible.” But the randomized trials are the highest scientific proof and they clearly show that masks don’t work. What science is she following? Surely not the latest flawed non-randomized CDC study that UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad ripped to shreds in his Substack and his YouTube channel? Is that the “science” you follow Sara? Instead, what she is doing is deliberately misleading the public into a false sense of security by recommending interventions which do not work. To compound this error, she requires first responders to be vaccinated even though the FOIA data in Santa Clara County shows clearly vaccination makes no sense and the newest data (from Denmark, UK, and Scotland) shows it increase risk of being infected (see this article for details on that). So she’s forcing out the safest people and leaving in the people who are more likely (according to science) to get COVID. She’s putting people at more risk to getting COVID while also reducing the number of first responders.
She says “at least a surgical mask” meets her mandate, yet the WHO says surgical masks don’t work. They’ve been saying that for at least 18 years. But the two recent randomized studies done with surgical and cloth masks in Bangladesh done by Stanford and Yale show zero effect. See the mask section of Incriminating Evidence for details.
She then makes up science! She says if you wear a surgical mask, you can wear a cloth mask over it for better protection. Seriously?!?! Where is the randomized trial on that one? Since when is 0 + 0 > 0 ? Show us the data please!
My favorite comment on this article
From my Telegram channel:
This woman studied biology at Stanford and went to Yale medical school, and yet she doesn’t have the ability to do critical thinking. I’ve heard interviews with truckers that probably didn’t go to college, and they are able to think critically.
For more info
For more on Sara Cody, see my earlier article on the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors meeting and the questions they didn’t ask.
Sara Cody should be fired.
The public should start a petition to demand she be fired for putting us at risk.
You're missing the point here Steve. You keep looking at this like it's about the virus. This has absolutely zero to do with the virus. It's about compliance, plain and simple. That's why none of this makes any sense. It's about teaching people to do what they are told. Unfortunately Sara Cody, like our Justin Trudeau, have bought into this so hard that they have turned into absolute tyrants. Nevertheless, their day will come.
Sorry 'bout this, BUT, I'm an 80+ year old farmer. Just stop and read what everyone is writing/saying. I say- - If you don't like being treated like a sheep, get up off of your knees and walk like a human. Something about that in the Constitution, or the Bible I think.